NFL News, Rumors and Musings

On an optimist's note, thru out the twitter sewer yesterday there was a large amounts of comments specifically asking leftist clowns what about Whites. And these weren't certified "Bad Think" people these were your everyday normies enjoying the hell out of being on the Moral Level of the debate instead of the usual defensiveness of trying to explain some detail that no one will remember in a day or two.

Personally I would not waste my time going on Chuba's twitter and doing the usual conservative wail and whine about blacks never facing this or that whatever instead I would ask him if he was a racial bigot and if has noted any racial bigotry against whites in the locker room or CFB for that matter. Thanks to Anti-White fervor here we are asking them to explain themselves, and I love it.
I wish I had some football news from the Packers but of all the "news" only one story dealt with a player, the rest were the usual pandering and a few about "virtual practice" or something. Tis a lean time, fixin to get leaner IMO.
Jim Kiick died yesterday, he with Larry Csonka probably was the last all star level all White backfield in NFL history and of course was a member of the undefeated juggernaut team in 72'.

I remember the NFL film doc on the 3 headed backfield with Morris and Kiick seemed lucid but maybe that was the last roundup for the 3 teammates as the lined obituary stated he was living in a assisted care facility for years.....
That reporter must think South Dakota is a city. No mention of restaurant, hospital, or city name. Not sure how this qualifies as journalism.

It was at the Zoo Bar in Aberdeen. Might have been a drunken donnybrook late at night. 99% of the time this sounds like a gangbanger trying to make a name for himself but this one is in SD so doubt it.
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“Brett Favre says Colin Kaepernick's willingness to leave his NFL career to fight for social justice reminds him of Pat Tillman's ultimate sacrifice ... and now, he's telling TMZ Sports he thinks both will be remembered as heroes.”
Wow. Never like Butt Favre as a civilian. Will never buy his bitch ass jeans or that snake oil copper support bands he hawks.
Wow. Never like Butt Favre as a civilian. Will never buy his bitch ass jeans or that snake oil copper support bands he hawks.

Because there's just so many White athletes standing up against BLM and Antifa, politicians too, so many Republican conservatives taking a hard line against it. It's hard to keep track of them all. But let's keep singling out White athletes to hate on.
Sadly Krapernick already is a hero to many SJWs and militant blacks. As for Brett, it's null at this point. No one has stood up to BLM, don't expect him to either. Comparing Kap to Tillman is extremely disrespectful though.. No where near the same.
Eagles TE Goeterz sucker punched. Out cold in a bar in South Dakota. There is a video. I can not tell if the suspect is white or light-skinned back. Whatever totally cowardly act. The police say they have the suspect in custody.
Eagles TE Goeterz sucker punched. Out cold in a bar in South Dakota. There is a video. I can not tell if the suspect is white or light-skinned back. Whatever totally cowardly act. The police say they have the suspect in custody.
On line, ppl are saying that Goeterz said he would kneel during the Anthem. I don't know if that is true. But the punch was unprovoked. Hopefully, they will charge the suspect with ADW.
The f*cker who sucker-punched Geoterz was arrested. He looks white. Probably a BLM or Antifa sympathizer.
Given that, as far as I know, the Official Plan is still to require all players and coaches to kneel for the national anthem*, getting angry at individual White players is pointless and counterproductive. Since no player will be allowed to speak out if his opinion differs from the BLM/Antifa worship stance, there's no accurate way to gauge what they're really thinking.

*And has anyone in the sports media commented on what a pathetic farce this is, playing the anthem solely for the purpose of kneeling during it? It's literally nothing but creating a straw villain for the sole purpose of having something to hate. Things have reached this sad, pathetic point because the NFL has basically turned itself into Antifa's slave, letting them call the shots for a multi-billion dollar organization that is revered by millions of DWFs, and naturally those Antifa freaks are utterly drunk with power right now, like a natural born sociopathic elementary school kid given the chance to take revenge on all the teachers who gave him timeouts.

I do believe that those Antifa freaks will get their comeuppance eventually, once the "regular" blacks from the ghetto who legitimately want to get out realize that their rich white liberal "allies" are just exploiting them for cheap political cred.

“Brett Favre says Colin Kaepernick's willingness to leave his NFL career to fight for social justice reminds him of Pat Tillman's ultimate sacrifice ... and now, he's telling TMZ Sports he thinks both will be remembered as heroes.”

When I heard about this I was as disappointed as anyone but I did hear the actual audio and it didn’t sound as bad. Favre makes the point that Krapernicks going to be considered a hero, which is true. I don’t think he was pushing that line of thinking, just ruminating on it.
About Favre, if I read some untrusted source about what a guy says I discount it heavily. Second with proper context Brett could have won "Dope of the Day", file it away for further reference.

I personally wouldn't fall into the usual conservative outrage trap, these days it's nothing more that entertainment for the leftist scum. I think it's better the lefties get lured into the rage trap, so I would just express some skepticism of Brett's charge and let it be.
I personally wouldn't fall into the usual conservative outrage trap, these days it's nothing more that entertainment for the leftist scum. I think it's better the lefties get lured into the rage trap, so I would just express some skepticism of Brett's charge and let it be.

This bears repeating. "Conservatives" these days spend too much time running around in circles being outraged over things the left says. They let their enemies set the tone of the discourse, and it shows in the results.

Favre will always have a core fanbase, but he's already tainted his own legacy by his repeated retirements and un-retirements and his history of drama queen behavior. These latest comments are nothing to get excited about.
If you'll notice blacks say far fewer positive things about whites than whites say about blacks. Some blacks won't say anything at all positive about any white.

I think we should reciprocate.
Favre was an iron man, I side with him against management as I often do with players both white and non-white. When they drafted Rogers, he saw how it was to end and wanted to go somewhere else and that happened to be the Vikes. If I were the GM I would have made it happen for draft picks galore, because they are the Vikes. The Vikes would have gotten a good season or two out of him or maybe not since maybe Peterson would not have been in the picture. But football management is just another clown show at the American circus, and Favre cashed a twenty million dollar check for his last year where he suffered a concussion versus the Bears in a meaningless game played on a concrete like surface. Ask him in ten years if he can still talk if that last year was worth it.

As for politics (BOO) America is feminine and today's politics are just sh*t tests and conservatives having all brains and no sense fail these tests, they gots no frame. As for what Extra Point said, I think we should ask them, nicely at that if they want it one way, I can walk, life is a negotiation.
Jake Ryan cut by the Ravens after about a week. The Packers are a kiss of death for overachievers (Brett Swain, Jeff Janis, Max McCaffrey, Aaron Ripkowski, etc) atleast Taysom Hill found a place. Truthfully post Jordy era that organization has once again become insidious imo.
Cam Newton to the Patriots to put a cherry on top of their transition to the duke blue devils of the NFL

One year deal, the positive I'm taking from this is that maybe it "allows" atleast as a sort of cover for them to use Gunner O at CB/FS and Vitale as the number 1 runner/receiver like CMAC who Newton had on field rapport with. Most likely not but now I guess I will be hoping the Bucs win atleast 10 games
Well at least there is some actual NFL news albeit not the best lol.
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