Movie Reviews

Jaxvid said:
Nice write up Thrasen. Thanks for taking the time to do it. I will definitely go see this movie due to your positive feedback.

No problem, man, I hope you like the film. For me, it was the most pleasant experience I’ve had at a movie theater since “The Fountain” back in 2006.

Jaxvid said:
When you consider the filth and perversion that is present in every other aspect of entertainment today it has to be some kind of relief to the old jews that are still making movies to be able to relate to the movie itself. For example how many 50-60 year old jews are living a lifestyle of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gun violence that is a staple of each and every movie today? How many of them are living amongst super intelligent black men or karate skilled man-killing women?

Well-articulated acumen…as always.

Highlander said:
I read that Kate Middleton cried at the premiere in England the other evening. Since she was born in early 1982, she was too young to experience or have any memories of the rapidly waning years of a traditionally Occidental country filled with prideful countrymen. Instead, she grew up alongside its cultural and political degeneration into the stewing cesspool it is now, never experiencing what it used to be.

I'm hoping her tears are from the shock and loss of what once was the makeup of a great country and people and of what's been lost on the road to "Progressivism", "tolerance", and "multiculturalism". I'm also hoping that some pride and appreciation has been restored to its rightful place in her heart and mind. I'm hoping this happens to others in their country that see the film as well so that they can see what has been deliberately stolen from them and perhaps restore a sense of pride and purpose. Maybe she'll also realize that she's 30 now and has no more important duty than to ensure posterity.

“War Horse” didn’t provide her, or any other white British woman, with a vessel to become cognizant of any of those issues. She was crying over a horse, over a young man who loved a horse, and nothing more.

As you know, modern white women have absolutely no reason to “yearn” for an Anglospheric cultural “relapse” into the days of old. And why would they? Their present-day lives are already those of digital princesses. They’re free to utilize white men as human-doormats, as walking-paychecks, as respiring fashion-accessories, as disposable fornication-machines, as slave laborers, or as sperm-donors (assuming they actually want the “intense burden” and the “annoying responsibility” of bearing his children).

They’re funneled into the finest educational institutions, they receive high-paying jobs exclusively due to the shape of their genitals, they have government-backed “special civil rights,” they’re given custody of a man’s children no matter what their particular “mental ailment,” they are the only possible victims of spousal abuse or rape, and they’re never, ever mocked, belittled, or degraded in any form of media. They are strictly portrayed as beautiful, sexually superior, powerful, angelic, intelligent, wise, funny, strong, tough, witty, sinless beings that men should feel “fortunate” to even associate with. That’s precisely how the world media treats awesomely-average-looking white women like Kate Middleton. Their Utero-Supremacist barbs ever pierce the male flesh…“How did that ugly, pale, bald Prince William get such a stunning babe?” Please.

When white women cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, when they abort his children without his consent, when their “relationship games” transform his life into a living hell, when they rob him of his life savings, when they hold his children hostage, when they betray their fathers by daying non-whites, it is always because “he deserved it.” And the true victim of their Female Chauvinism, the white man she happily destroyed and ruthlessly discarded, should not dare look to his fellow males for comfort or encouragement. Nay, for his “White Knighting,” penis-sporting peers will be drawing their swords, mounting their noble steeds, applying their chain mail, and clanking their medieval armor suits so they may be the next contestant in her womanly “sport.”

No, modern white women are nothing but abortion queens, dolled-up in prostitute make-up and garb, drunk from club-liquor and shopping mall bargains, high on Xanax and nail polish fumes, soulless, merciless, selfish, material-driven fiends.

But I digress, haha. Anyway, enjoy the movie, man!
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As you know, modern white women have absolutely no reason to “yearn” for an Anglospheric cultural “relapse” into the days of old. And why would they? Their present-day lives are already those of digital princesses. They’re free to utilize white men as human-doormats, as walking-paychecks, as respiring fashion-accessories, as disposable fornication-machines, as slave laborers, or as sperm-donors (assuming they actually want the “intense burden” and the “annoying responsibility” of bearing his children).

They’re funneled into the finest educational institutions, they receive high-paying jobs exclusively due to the shape of their genitals, they have government-backed “special civil rights,” they’re given custody of a man’s children no matter what their particular “mental ailment,” they are the only possible victims of spousal abuse or rape, and they’re never, ever mocked, belittled, or degraded in any form of media. They are strictly portrayed as beautiful, sexually superior, powerful, angelic, intelligent, wise, funny, strong, tough, witty, sinless beings that men should feel “fortunate” to even associate with. That’s precisely how the world media treats awesomely-average-looking white women like Kate Middleton. Their Utero-Supremacist barbs ever pierce the male flesh…“How did that ugly, pale, bald Prince William get such a stunning babe?” Please.

When white women cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, when they abort his children without his consent, when their “relationship games” transform his life into a living hell, when they rob him of his life savings, when they hold his children hostage, when they betray their fathers by daying non-whites, it is always because “he deserved it.” And the true victim of their Female Chauvinism, the white man she happily destroyed and ruthlessly discarded, should not dare look to his fellow males for comfort or encouragement. Nay, for his “White Knighting,” penis-sporting peers will be drawing their swords, mounting their noble steeds, applying their chain mail, and clanking their medieval armor suits so they may be the next contestant in her womanly “sport.”

No, modern white women are nothing but abortion queens, dolled-up in prostitute make-up and garb, drunk from club-liquor and shopping mall bargains, high on Xanax and nail polish fumes, soulless, merciless, selfish, material-driven fiends.
Pure Gold, Thrashen.

There's nothing you said here about contemporary "White" "women" that I could add to make it more precise nor a single word I would take away as it wouldn't make it a 100% complete and accurate portrayal. But, anymore, to save myself from complete and utter exhaustion in trying to find as many words, phrases, adjectives, anecdotal stories, etc., that are truly needed to accurately describe them, I just use the word "wretched" because that pretty much sums them all up. Thanks for having the courage to tell it like it is.

And, yes, I've actually heard that personally from a woman about Prince William and his 30-year old, childless, Princess. "She is sooo beautiful. But look at him (snicker, snicker). He's going bald and is not cute anymore like he was when he was younger." Apparently, not even a Prince (and a seemingly decent human being as well) is good enough today for the "Princesses" of the West.

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, and, I agree, "The Fountain" was a great experience when I saw it in the theaters a few years ago. The only other couple in the audience was a nice old couple that had very positive things to say about it. Apparently, the American "Princesses" weren't interested in a film like that because they wouldn't be able to relate to the decency, intimacy, and emotion of it nor would they be able to relate to the main female lead in it because they would have nothing in common with her. I think they were too busy watching "Scary Movie 4", "Talladega Nights", or "The Break-Up", anyway. Much more appropo, I think.
Pure Gold, Thrashen.

There's nothing you said here about contemporary "White" "women" that I could add to make it more precise nor a single word I would take away as it wouldn't make it a 100% complete and accurate portrayal. But, anymore, to save myself from complete and utter exhaustion in trying to find as many words, phrases, adjectives, anecdotal stories, etc., that are truly needed to accurately describe them, I just use the word "wretched" because that pretty much sums them all up. Thanks for having the courage to tell it like it is.

And, yes, I've actually heard that personally from a woman about Prince William and his 30-year old, childless, Princess. "She is sooo beautiful. But look at him (snicker, snicker). He's going bald and is not cute anymore like he was when he was younger." Apparently, not even a Prince (and a seemingly decent human being as well) is good enough today for the "Princesses" of the West.

A fine response, thank you.

On the weekends, I work a “side job” removing fallen trees with my cousin. We get paid for the work and we get to keep the firewood. The physical nature of the work is a welcome change to my desk-bound, computerized, number-crunching occupation at an engineering firm. A few months ago, we were working at the home of a (approximately) 35-year old white man who was married with 3 kids. A giant tree had fallen in his yard, and my cousin and I were sawing it up as he watched. My chainsaw had a stuck throttle (it’s highly problematic), so I was taking it apart in his yard. The man asked me something about the saw, and I said: “Yeah, this saw acts like a N-gger sometimes, ha-ha.” The guy laughed nervously, looked back towards the house, and said: “Hey, will you do me a favor? Please don’t talk like that when my wife’s around. She’d go completely ballistic if she heard that kind of racist stuff.” I said “Ok” and got back to work on the chore that any real white man would be doing for himself. God, I felt so sorry for him…as he was obviously living a life rank with the fishmarket-stench of (so-called) “femininity.”

Unfortunately, procuring the services of white women (especially ones that are considered tangibly “beautiful”) has become the “social acme” of the Western white man’s existence. Because of this quest, many modern white “men” have utterly embraced the lethal qualities of the very beasts that they allege to “hunt,” with both wallet and penis in-tow. They’ve become emotional, weak-minded, gullible, materialistic, flashy, self-centered, anti-white, anti-family, etc. Yes, white men are pilfering the personality traits of the New-Age white women that already pollutes their lives…well, accept for her power-complexes, her Chauvinistic-neurosis, and her new-found “leadership abilities.”

Highlander said:
I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, and, I agree, "The Fountain" was a great experience when I saw it in the theaters a few years ago. The only other couple in the audience was a nice old couple that had very positive things to say about it. Apparently, the American "Princesses" weren't interested in a film like that because they wouldn't be able to relate to the decency, intimacy, and emotion of it nor would they be able to relate to the main female lead in it because they would have nothing in common with her. I think they were too busy watching "Scary Movie 4", "Talladega Nights", or "The Break-Up", anyway. Much more appropo, I think.

Yes, modern comedies are truly rancid stuff. It’s hard to believe that white moviegoers actually pay for the right to endure such hackneyed, boring, lazy, unfunny, perverted, anti-white “filmography.” But who could resist the comedic phenomenon of dazzling “funnymen” such as: Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Seth Rogen, Martin Lawrence, Ben Stiller, Johan Hill, Chris Rock, Kevin James, Jack Black, Jim Carey, Andy Samberg, or Eddie Murphy? Their filth is the utter antithesis of films such as “The Fountain”…








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My wife and I saw "War Horse" yesterday. We were very pleased with it. No malarkey. no blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, or any other various, assorted idiocy. Just a good story. What movies are supposed to be.

Tom Iron
We saw "the Grey." Good movie for the most part. Of course, they tried to disparage God in it, but they loused it up. At one point, the hero asks God for a sign if he's really there and looks up in the sky. But what the producers/directors, etc. didn't understand was God had given the "sign" (my opinion) in the beginning of the movie when just in the nick of time, the hero is stopped from committing suicide.

Tom Iron...
Roland Green told me that he likes the movie, Warhorse. I will make a point to see it now.
That looks good. "Storm of Steel" would make for an excellent film if directed by an objective non-*******.

Storm of Steel was made into a movie in 1931, I believe. It was shown twice on Turner Classic and it is fantastic.
Storm of Steel was made into a movie!? Cool! I have to look it up. They are planning to remake All quient on the Western Front with Harry Potter.
"21 Jump Street" - bad

And from the coming attractions, there're plenty more like it coming around very soon.

Tom Iron...
21 jump street had its moments. It wasn't as bad as most movies that have come out recently. It made the fat jew boy look like a nerdy/unathletic loser. It made the Irish looking dude tough, very athletic, dumb in the beginning but once he applied himself he turned out to be real smart. It made fun of how weird society is these days, like it being cool to be gay or feminine, which the Irish looking guy is like "wtf is wrong with things". The previews were terrible though.
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Hunger Games=Crap

I had heard all the rage and good reviews for this waste of time. It was awful. 15 minutes in I was struggling to stay awake. The dialoge was not interesting or at least funny. I felt that I could have produced a better movie. I felt like all the scenes were retreads of a collection of other movies.

Of course a token black guy saves the herone briefly then thankfully smoked shortly thereafter.LOL

Overall a horrible movie experience. On a scale of one to five stars, 5 stars being a classic. This abortion deserves .5 star. Steer clear of this hype job on all fronts.
21 jump street had its moments. It wasn't as bad as most movies that have come out recently. It made the fat jew boy look like a nerdy/unathletic loser. It made the Irish looking dude tough, very athletic, dumb in the beginning but once he applied himself he turned out to be real smart. It made fun of how weird society is these days, like it being cool to be gay or feminine, which the Irish looking guy is like "wtf is wrong with things". The previews were terrible though.

The Tatum Channing chararcter punching the gay black guy in the face and KOing him because he smarted off to him is the most un-PC moment in modern cinema and maybe the funniest.
I read a review of "Prometheus" that makes me turn from being 75% interested in seeing it to 100% uninterested. It seems Ridley Scott has assembled a rainbow cast, complete with a blonde mudshark who screws the black captain.

Don't waste a cent on "Prometheus." I won't even watch it next year when it's on the Sci Fi channel.
I can't stand the garbage that comes out of Hollywood these days. I stopped willfully watching their movies several years ago. However, I still manage to catch about one new film per year by association.

Here is my very short summary of the plot of Underworld: Awakening.

White females, with the help of friendly male negro and symbolically gay white male ally, battle and defeat their evil white male oppressors, who wish to enslave the entire planet for all eternity. Side story: Asian female who was tricked into working with evil white males is killed by them when she begins to doubt their intentions.
I read a review of "Prometheus" that makes me turn from being 75% interested in seeing it to 100% uninterested. It seems Ridley Scott has assembled a rainbow cast, complete with a blonde mudshark who screws the black captain.

Don't waste a cent on "Prometheus." I won't even watch it next year when it's on the Sci Fi channel.

Count me among those who was at first very interested in seeing this movie, and will not bother once I read this review from uber-liberal movie critic Roger Ebert:

"The alien race in "Prometheus" shares a body characteristic that reminds me of "Alien" and countless films since: Elements can detach from them and enter into other bodies as hostile parasites. This leads to an astonishing sequence in which Elizabeth, alone on the ship, discovers she is pregnant with an alien Something and somehow finds the will to control a robot surgery device that removes it. Her later showdown with a waning oxygen supply shows equal resourcefulness; Noomi Rapace ("The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," 2009) continues here the tradition of awesome feminine strength begun by Sigourney Weaver in "Alien."

Another strong woman is on board, Meredith Vickers (Charlize Theron), a representative of the corporation that privately financed the Prometheus. She treats the others like her employees, which they are, and believes she always speaks for the company's wishes.
The ship's captain, Janek (Idris Elba), makes no pretensions of scientific expertise like the others but is a no-nonsense working pilot. Janek has the most interesting evolution, from the irreverent hipster in his first scenes into a man with the ability to intuit the truth about what he's seeing."

So, according to Ebert, the three most interesting characters in the movie are the two strong women, one of whom is the disgraceful negrophile Charlize Theron, and the third one is the black pilot of the ship, who Ebert deems the most interesting of all.

Empowered women and a negro, is there a homosexual in the cast to complete the trifecta?
I'm sad that Ridley Scott has to create such politically damaging movies because he is a very talented and intelligent director, one of the few that actually produces well crafted and thoughtful science fiction films. Alien is one of my very favorite movies, so I will still probably see Prometheus.

Charlize Theron, though... what a stupid bitch.


It's one thing that she refuses to propagate her own genetics but why must she adopt such a hideous little creature? All the actually suffering Afrikaner children, her kind, and she adopts that ugly thing. It's like all the dumbass Hollywood cretins are in a competition to adopt the ugliest African *******.
I'm sad that Ridley Scott has to create such politically damaging movies because he is a very talented and intelligent director, one of the few that actually produces well crafted and thoughtful science fiction films. Alien is one of my very favorite movies, so I will still probably see Prometheus.

Charlize Theron, though... what a stupid bitch.


It's one thing that she refuses to propagate her own genetics but why must she adopt such a hideous little creature? All the actually suffering Afrikaner children, her kind, and she adopts that ugly thing. It's like all the dumbass Hollywood cretins are in a competition to adopt the ugliest African *******.

After seeing this picture, I can say with all honesty that I wish nothing but the worst for Charlize Theron.

As for the movie, I agree with you Anak, one of the main reasons I wanted to see Prometheus is because I've been a big fan of the Alien franchise. But I will have to make an exception in this case; I just cannot do it based strictly on principle.
I was contemplating viewing this film. But thanks to you guys, I will put that 13.00 toward a 18 pack of Miller Lite and have enjoyment for the next 3 days and remain in a good dispostion. Rather than sit in the movie theater and motherf**K the film as Ms Theron gets cozy with some supa pilot make believe negro. Then leave the theater in a bad mood. Instead I will be getting my "drank" on.

It seems that the actress formerly known as Mrs Tom Cruise adopted the 1st little negress or negro. Then, Jolie, followed by Ms Bullock and now this traitor. WTF is it with this hollyweird crowd??? If ever run into any of these traitor I will point blank ask, " Why not some abused or abandoned White Child, Why some Haiti runt?"
Thanks for the warning with concern to “Promethius,” guys. I also considered paying for the right to view this film. As for Theron, here is a post I made last week (which featured the same damning photo and commentary as Anak’s fine post) from another thread. It also contains a Movie Review of "The Road"...

Theron’s role in the testicle-shattering film, “Monster,” proved how effortlessly the vast majority of Hollywood’s “gorgeous leading ladies” could be transformed into plain-Janes (or in Theron’s case, thoroughly repugnant) without the magic of airbrushed photos or a sleepless army of human-cake-decorators…




Yes, she was wearing fake teeth, brown contacts, and had gained weight for the role…but seriously, she doesn’t look much better when simply failing to wear makeup…


Quite naturally, being a white South African, she eagerly adopted a member of the very race which has relentlessly raped, tortured, terrorized, molested, and murdered (in the most viscous, ruthless, perverted, monsterous, and disturbing manner in human history) the members of her tribe, the great Boer people, with a feral zeal...


CAPTION: Boer Bitch Bundles Black Brat

However, her role as the wife in the fantastic film, “The Road” (a movie based on a brilliant novel of the same name), was well done. For those who haven’t seen the 2009 film, or read the 2006 novel, I’d highly recommend both.

The general premise consists of a man and his son (both of whom remain nameless throughout the novel and film) struggling to survive in the years following some unknown, worldwide disaster that essentially destroyed every basic function of humankind. For humanity’s few survivors, the aftermath consists of massive starvation, perpetual-scavenging, cannibalism, and extreme violence. Every plant and animal species on planet earth was sent into extinction, every seed unable to germinate, and all soil rendered permanently-infertile. The man and his boy decide that they cannot survive another winter season in their present location (presumably in a northeastern state such as NY, PA, or somewhere in New England) and have taken to “The Road,” travelling ever-southward toward everlasting warmth…

The Road movie poster.jpg

CAPTION: “The Road” Movie Poster


CAPTION: Viggo Mortensen as “The Father”

Anyway, in the novel (which I read several years back), the man has many disturbing “flashbacks” of his former life, most of which are the ponderings of his odious former wife, who was pregnant with his son at the time of the disaster. The fact that the boy never knew the world as it once was makes for even more fascinating plot. Though the wife's sickeningly-abusive dialog in the novel has been slightly toned-down in the film, Theron perfectly embodied this “modern wife,” who callously commits suicide (abandoning her husband and son) alone in the woods, despite her husband’s frantic pleas to reconsider…

charlize theron in The Road.jpg

CAPTION: Theron in “The Road”

Dialog from the novel…

Woman: “I don’t care. It's meaningless. You can think of me as a faithless slut if you like. I've taken a new lover. He can give me what you cannot.”

Man: “Death is not a lover.”

Woman: “Oh yes he is.”

Man: “Please don’t do this.”

Woman: “I'm sorry.”

Man: “I can’t do it alone.”

Woman: “Then don’t. I can’t help you. They say that women dream of danger to those in their care and men of danger to themselves. But I don’t dream at all. You say you can’t? Then don’t do it. That's all. Because I am done with my own whorish heart and I have been for a long time. You talk about taking a stand but there is no stand to take. My heart was ripped out of me the night he was born so don’t ask for sorrow now. There is none. Maybe you'll be good at this. I doubt it, but who knows. The one thing I can tell you is that you won’t survive for yourself. I know because I would never have come this far. A person who had no one would be well advised to cobble together some passable ghost. Breathe it into being and coax it along with words of love. Offer it each phantom crumb and shield it from harm with your body. As for me my only hope is for eternal nothingness and I hope it with all my heart. You have no argument because there is none.”

Man: “Will you tell him goodbye?”

Woman: “No. I will not.”

Man: “Just wait till morning. Please.”

Woman: “I have to go.”

She had already stood up.

Man: “For the love of God, woman. What am I to tell him?”

Woman: “I can’t help you.”

Man: “Where are you going to go? You can’t even see.”

Woman: “I don’t have to.”

He stood up.

Man: “I'm begging you.”

Woman: “No. I will not. I cannot.”

She was gone and the coldness of it was her final gift. She would do it with a flake of obsidian. He'd taught her himself. Sharper than steel. The edge an atom thick. And she was right. There was no argument. The hundred nights they'd sat up arguing the pros and cons of self-destruction with the earnestness of philosophers chained to a madhouse wall. In the morning the boy said nothing at all and when they were packed and ready to set out upon the road he turned and looked back at their campsite and he said: “She's gone isn't she?” And he said: “Yes, she is.”

In one flashback scene, Theron’s character is giving birth to the man’s son, which was some of her best acting.

But my personal interpretation of the “The Road” has little to do with Hollywood's agenda, nor Charlize Theron, nor the diseased perversion generally masquerading as “womanhood” and “motherhood” among modern white “females.” No, it is the love and devotion that real white men have for their children…

I'm a fan of Ridley Scott's work, but knew just from a picture of the upcoming Prometheus film (Type-A Personality blonde White "woman" appearing to be in command with a black co-pilot next to her), I said to myself, "I think I'll skip this one". Sounds like a horrific film in ways they never intended.

Ditto, Thrashen, on "The Road". I saw that in the theaters when it came out a few years back already (hard to believe.)

Also, I believe Sandra Bullock adopted a second negro baby recently, if I'm not mistaken; and Meg Ryan a Chinese girl from China.
I'm a fan of Ridley Scott's work, but knew just from a picture of the upcoming Prometheus film (Type-A Personality blonde White "woman" appearing to be in command with a black co-pilot next to her), I said to myself, "I think I'll skip this one". Sounds like a horrific film in ways they never intended.

Ditto, Thrashen, on "The Road". I saw that in the theaters when it came out a few years back already (hard to believe.)

Also, I believe Sandra Bullock adopted a second negro baby recently, if I'm not mistaken; and Meg Ryan a Chinese girl from China.

Add over-exposed dyke Jillian Michaels to the list of female race traitors adopting an ugly, little, cultmarx trophy pet.

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