Movie Reviews

A few weeks ago, I was bestowed the great displeasure of viewing a TV-based movie preview for a film entitled: “That’s My Boy,” the latest Hollywood crib-o-lewdness starring the undeservedly-celebrated (un)funny-man, Adam Sandler, along with hook-nosed-Hebrew newcomer, Andy Samberg. During said 30-second preview, even the most casual observer could piece together the film’s absurdly-implausible and highly-childish “premise” (and I’m employing that term the most outrageously-liberal of manners). From the mind-disintegrating, breathtaking banality I perceived on TV (along with the brief research I performed to make this post more accurate), the plot seemed to begin with Sander’s character, Donny, some 30 years in the past, seated in an elementary school classroom…


CAPTION: Repulsive Little Jewlet, Donny

Young Donny, ugly, buck-toothed, effeminate, and ultra-Jewish as he may appear, inexplicably “scores” with his “hot,” red-headed, gentile teacher, Miss McGarricle (a name carefully selected to emphasize the Irish heritage of the character)…


CAPTION: White Temptress School Teacher


CAPTION: Donny Seduced by White Succubus

They have sexual intercourse in her classroom, resulting in her pregnancy (planting the seed of an ancient malice) and eventual arrest for statutory rape of a minor…


CAPTION: Jüdische Kreaturen

Above, Donny and his (stereotypically Jewish-looking) classmates are seen in the courtroom slapping “high five” when he, a 12-year old boy, is awarded custody of the unborn baby.

Har har, isn’t it all so delightfully-comical?! That white woman not only had to fornicate with a 12-year old, light-skinned sand Negro, but she also lost her job, had to birth his hideous love-child, was sent to prison for decades, and was labeled a pervert for the rest of her life! [Sniffs] What’s that? I think I smell an Academy Award!

As in most all of Sandler’s hyper-ignorant and lame attempts at humor, “Old Donny,” now played by Sandler himself (utilizing that tremendously-annoying, high-pitched voice of his), has grown up to become a broke, lazy, unemployed, surly, gargantuan man-boy, always boozing, ingesting illegal drugs, causing trouble, partying with white hookers, and attending strip clubs…


CAPTION: Donny w/ White Whores

Donny’s son, “Todd” (played by the equally-untalented and never, ever funny Andy Samberg), is now 30 years old, rich, successful, and engaged to be married to (you guessed it) yet another “hot” white chick named “Jamie”…


CAPTION: Shylock w/ White Prostitute Fiancé

Donny, loser that he is, finds out that that he owes the IRS tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes and faces imprisonment. During the course of several “get rich quick” schemes, Donny finds out that his son’s future wife is actually cheating on him. Instead of telling his son the truth, Donny takes “hush money” from his son’s sluttly bride-to-be, essentially saving him from imprisonment. This situation, as always, leaving Donny with the oh-so clichéd “decision” to either keep the money or tell his son the truth. In predictable Hollywood fashion, Donny shreds the check and spills the beans with concern to her cheating. Then, in another hyper-passé “Hollywood ending,” Donny is saved from prison anyway. After breaking up with his cheating fiancé, Todd becomes romantically involved with black stripper, Brei…


CAPTION: Show Interracial Couple, Cue Credits

Oh, and I nearly omitted the best part…somewhere during the film, a black preist presiding over the wedding ceremony, frazzled by the “zany” behavior of Sandler and Samberg, yells out: “WHITE PEOPLE ARE F-CKING CRAZY!"

[The DWF’s clap their unwashed, seal-like hands together, rejoice in the miracle of laughter, then swallow the last morsels of popcorn and racial dignity, and then exit to their left, eagerly awaiting Sandler's subsequent adventure in hilarity].

An enraging movie trailer, if you can stomach it…

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Donny, loser that he is, finds out that that he owes the IRS tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes and faces imprisonment.

Thrash, great post. I believe the fat lawyer that informs Sandler's character that he owes the IRS a lot of money is none other than the morbidly obese head coach of the New York Jets, who is portrayed as a rabid Tom Brady/Patriots fan in this lame movie. I have not seen the flick (nor will I ever), but I've seen clips of Sandler and the fat wigger on various shows (ESPN, ect.), which show Sandler throwing a chair (at a Tom Brady's poster?) right after he finds out he owes money.

Sandler is horrible. Basically every role he plays is the guy that "never grows up". He did this in his 30's....He's doing still doing it in his 40's. He even played the role of an irresponsible, thuggish 40-something when he made a token appearance on a final episode of The King of Queens several years ago. He was terrible...My guess is he'll figure out a way to portray himself an immature, childlike fool if he's still acting in his 60's and 70's.
My dislike of Adam Sandler goes way back, (although I liked Happy Gilmore), but some satisfaction should be gleaned in the fact that the movie was a bomb as well as panned by the marxyculty critics that usually love to shovel this poison to the white goyim.

Sandler somehow morphed into a "leading man" figure for a while in a manner similar to Dustin Hoffman somehow becoming a leading man despite the fact that he is an ugly, small, nebbish jew, just like Sandler. It's all part of the jew control of hollywierd so it's not really a surprising thing, and thankfully both attempts at remaking of unattractive jew men basically failed.

Hoffman was at least able to act, Sandler cannot.

The first thing I thought when I saw the plot for this atrocious movie was-- how is child molestation supposed to funny? If the sexes were reversed would there be any humor in an adult male engaging in sex with a waaay underage girl. Not a chance. And while I personally think there are differences between the sexes that make the situation more acceptable for older woman-younger man, we are acutely aware that the MSM does NOT share that feeling and feels that any sexual coupling between people separated by specially picked ages in verboten. However I'm sure the pedo's that run hollywierd consider it a slight edging forward of their favorite perversion.
It's amazing to me how someone (especially White) could actually pay to go see a movie like this where they will be insulted; yet they will, in droves, and laugh hysterically, on cue, at each of the worn-out, trite, banal, and insulting scenes that, together, amalgamate into yet another fetid turd spawned from the bowels of (Hell)ywood and served up as good entertainment by their Luciferian minions. Replace all that is pure with perversion.

It's probably safe to say that DWF's, particularly of the NY Jets variety, will descend upon the theaters this weekend in droves to see this, dressed in appropriate DWF-regalia and imbibing as much popcorn, soda, and candy as Mayor Bloomberg allows, providing a good warm-up for when "their" team takes the field in a couple of months where they can switch the popcorn out for a hotdog and the soda for their favorite Corporate lite beer.

There's another seemingly horrific movie coming out this week called "Ted" about some grown-up guy's (won't call him a "man") ("starring" Mark Wahlberg) stuffed Teddy bear that becomes part of his life again as an adult, except for real. There's a scene in it about "White Trash names" that goes like this:

Ted: I met a girl; she's a cashier.
John: No way! That's awesome! We should f*ckin' double date or something, you, me and Lori and w-what's her name?
Ted: White trash name. Guess.
John: Mandy.
Ted: Nope.
John: Marilyn.
Ted: Nope.
John: Brittany?
Ted: Nope.
John: Tiffany.
Ted: Nope.
John: Candace.
Ted: Nope.
John: Don't f*ck with me on this! I know this sh*t!
Ted: Do you see me f*ckin' with you? I'm completely serious.
John: Alright, speed round. I'm gonna rattle off some names, and when I hit it, you f*ckin' buzz it, okay? You got me?
Ted: You do it. I will tell you. Yeah.
John: Alright: Brandy, Heather, Channing, Brianna, Amber, Serena, Melody, Dakota, Sierra, Bambi, Crystal, Samantha, Autumn, Ruby, Taylor, Tara, Tammy, Lauren, Charlene, Chantelle, Courtney, Misty, Jenny, Krista, Mindy, Noel, Shelby, Trina, Reba, Cassandra, Nikki, Kelsey, Shawna, Jolene, Urleen, Claudia, Savannah, Casey, Dolly, Kendra, Kylie, Chloe, Devon, Emmalou, f*ckin' *Becky*?
Ted: No.
John: Wait; was it any of those names with a "Lynn" after it?
Ted: *Yes*.
John: Oh, I got you, motherf*cker! I got you!
[Ted laughs]
John: Okay. Brandi-Lynn, Heather-Lynn...
Ted: Tami-Lynn.
John: [Exasperated] f*ck!

Here's another "gem" of "dialogue" from the movie:

Lori: I don't - I don't understand. I really don't. You're 35 years old and you're still scared of a little thunder?
John: I am not!
[Ted comes running into the bed]
Ted: Thunder buddies for life, right, Johnny?
John: f*cking right.
Ted: Alright, come on, let's sing the thunder song.
John: Alright.
John, Ted: [singing] When you hear the sound of thunder, / Don't you get too scared. / Just grab your thunder buddy / And say these magic words: / "f*ck you, thunder! / You can suck my dick! / You can't get me thunder / 'Cause you're just God's farts!"

or this exchange:

Ted: Lori, hey, you're home early.
Lori: This place is a wreck! Who are these girls?
Ted: Y'know, they're hookers. So it's fine.
Lori: What the hell is this?
Ted: Oh, where are my manners? Lori, this is Angelique, Heavenly, Charene, and Sauvignon Blanc. I love you girls. Y'know, somewhere out there are four terrible fathers I wish I could thank for this great night!

The reckoning can't happen soon enough.
Many thanks for the intelligent responses, guys. Reading the plot and watching extended trailers of this deeply-inane, brain-maiming movie was a highly excruciating experience. My inspiration to review this film (without actually seeing it) actually stemmed from the 30-second TV preview I saw, which featured a black priest yelling out: “White people!” This, of course, was highly ironic because Sandler and Samberg aren’t white, but they are unquestionably viewed as such by the eternally-oinking, never-thinking white rabble. I couldn’t find a video of that portion of the film, but having read the script, the priest actually says: “White people are f-cking crazy!” It must have been edited for TV purposes.

Truthteller said:
I believe the fat lawyer that informs Sandler's character that he owes the IRS a lot of money is none other than the morbidly obese head coach of the New York Jets, who is portrayed as a rabid Tom Brady/Patriots fan in this lame movie. I have not seen the flick (nor will I ever), but I've seen clips of Sandler and the fat wigger on various shows (ESPN, ect.), which show Sandler throwing a chair (at a Tom Brady's poster?) right after he finds out he owes money.

Haha, yes, it’s Ryan alright. As you said, much has been made of his Patriots-doting character in this infantile film on ESPN. I remember “ESPN 360” showing clips from Ryan’s cameo several months back, none of which were remotely humorous. Ryan is a more natural acting talent than Adam Sand(negro)ler, but who isn’t?


CAPTION: Wigger Coach Turned Jewish “Thespian”

Jaxvid said:
My dislike of Adam Sandler goes way back, (although I liked Happy Gilmore), but some satisfaction should be gleaned in the fact that the movie was a bomb as well as panned by the marxyculty critics that usually love to shovel this poison to the white goyim.

I’ve always reviled Sandler as well, even during his days as a “baby-Jew” on SNL, in which he was least talented member of the cast…


CAPTION: Leading Lady, Adam Sandler

Jaxvid said:
Sandler somehow morphed into a "leading man" figure for a while in a manner similar to Dustin Hoffman somehow becoming a leading man despite the fact that he is an ugly, small, nebbish jew, just like Sandler. It's all part of the jew control of hollywierd so it's not really a surprising thing, and thankfully both attempts at remaking of unattractive jew men basically failed.

Hoffman was at least able to act, Sandler cannot.

Look for Andy Samberg to become the “next” Adam Sandler. God, some of these small-bodied, unkempt, wimpy, unathletic, “nerdy white guys” with colossal noses, curly black hair, jet-black eyes, and little white caps atop their fuzzy heads sure are unsightly creatures…


CAPTION: Samberg Needs 5 Minutes Alone w/ a Real Man

Jaxvid said:
The first thing I thought when I saw the plot for this atrocious movie was-- how is child molestation supposed to funny? If the sexes were reversed would there be any humor in an adult male engaging in sex with a waaay underage girl. Not a chance. And while I personally think there are differences between the sexes that make the situation more acceptable for older woman-younger man, we are acutely aware that the MSM does NOT share that feeling and feels that any sexual coupling between people separated by specially picked ages in verboten. However I'm sure the pedo's that run hollywierd consider it a slight edging forward of their favorite perversion.

Yeah, I wonder how the “Jewish Community” would react to a “comedic” film in which a handsome, muscular, twenty-something white male teacher lusted after, had sex with, and impregnated a 12-year old Jewish schoolgirl?

Highlander said:
It's amazing to me how someone (especially White) could actually pay to go see a movie like this where they will be insulted; yet they will, in droves, and laugh hysterically, on cue, at each of the worn-out, trite, banal, and insulting scenes that, together, amalgamate into yet another fetid turd spawned from the bowels of (Hell)ywood and served up as good entertainment by their Luciferian minions. Replace all that is pure with perversion.

It's probably safe to say that DWF's, particularly of the NY Jets variety, will descend upon the theaters this weekend in droves to see this, dressed in appropriate DWF-regalia and imbibing as much popcorn, soda, and candy as Mayor Bloomberg allows, providing a good warm-up for when "their" team takes the field in a couple of months where they can switch the popcorn out for a hotdog and the soda for their favorite Corporate lite beer.

Great post, man, I've always pondered the same. I suppose the key phrase in your post is where they will be insulted,” which isn’t an accurate statement, as “white” “people” (yes, I’m using both terms with the utmost indiscretion) are rarely insulted by anything concerning race. No, instead they'll meerly laugh all the way to Satan's bonfire-o-flesh...

Audience Laughing-3.jpg

CAPTION: Laughing Hyenas

An acquaintance of mine at work (also in his mid-twenties) informed me that he took his girlfriend to see this movie last weekend. Quite naturally, this fellow and his “warm hole,” DWF-pupil were, as he put it: “On the floor laughing hysterically!” Sometimes I wonder why I defend “white” people so staunchly, as most are far more carcinogenic than the in-bred brown maggots that seek to replace them.
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Das juden von "Hollyweird" continue churning out the putrid, vile filth passed off as "entertainment". Of course, this mindless fluff is pumped out of the satanic studio sewer(s) to keep the castrated lemmings fully zombified and under the thumb of the PTB and their cultmarx allies. :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:
similar to Dustin Hoffman somehow becoming a leading man despite the fact that he is an ugly, small, nebbish jew,

I remember the final scene of The Graduate which I saw when I was a teenager. The man you described above steals the bride at a Presbyterian wedding then uses a cross as a wedge between the church doors to prevent the square, establishment WASPs from getting out to chase them. I wasn't "awake" at that time, especially to the Jewish Question, nor was I interested in religion, yet even then I felt uneasy, even slightly insulted, about that scene. I even wondered at the time why I didn't like the scene. I guess it was something visceral. It baffles me how so many of our people, including conservative adults, can watch this stuff and not feel insulted. They even get a laugh out of it.

BTW last night I watched a great film noir on TCM called "Woman In Hiding". Just observing in those old movies how people behaved, particularly the sexes towards each other, and how they dressed back then makes me realise how much we have lost. I'd rather watch old films noirs, Westerns, and foreign language films (Ingmar Bergman etc) than any of the juvenile toilet humour and cultural Marxist claptrap we are served up by Hollywitz today.
I remember the final scene of The Graduate which I saw when I was a teenager. The man you described above steals the bride at a Presbyterian wedding then uses a cross as a wedge between the church doors to prevent the square, establishment WASPs from getting out to chase them. I wasn't "awake" at that time, especially to the Jewish Question, nor was I interested in religion, yet even then I felt uneasy, even slightly insulted, about that scene. I even wondered at the time why I didn't like the scene. I guess it was something visceral. It baffles me how so many of our people, including conservative adults, can watch this stuff and not feel insulted. They even get a laugh out of it.

BTW last night I watched a great film noir on TCM called "Woman In Hiding". Just observing in those old movies how people behaved, particularly the sexes towards each other, and how they dressed back then makes me realise how much we have lost. I'd rather watch old films noirs, Westerns, and foreign language films (Ingmar Bergman etc) than any of the juvenile toilet humour and cultural Marxist claptrap we are served up by Hollywitz today.

That "classic" movie The Graduate was a big step in the move forward of the cultural marxist agenda, like many movies of the era it sought to normalize what up to that time was considered deviant behavior. The point was to teach americans that infidelity, irresponsibility and doing whatever feels good was the new morality.

It is humorous looking back on the movie and trying to believe an attractive woman like the character played by Anne Bancroft would choose as her cheating partner an ugly jew gnome like Hoffman as a lover. Or that the pretty Katherine Ross character would throw her marriage away to be with him. The movie was pure brainwashing, not possible in the real world (at the time) but has helped make that kind of behavior almost the norm today.
BTW last night I watched a great film noir on TCM called "Woman In Hiding". Just observing in those old movies how people behaved, particularly the sexes towards each other, and how they dressed back then makes me realise how much we have lost. I'd rather watch old films noirs, Westerns, and foreign language films (Ingmar Bergman etc) than any of the juvenile toilet humour and cultural Marxist claptrap we are served up by Hollywitz today.
Absolutely. I've stated this a few times here now about how watching older movies/films, TV shows, etc. provides us with a window into the past where you can compare how things used to be to how they are now, and the contrast has become quite stark.

For most of those that are younger than 30, this perspective isn't inherent to they were born into the belly of the beast. Watching some of the older movies and TV shows, ones prior to 1984, can help provide them with this perspective and contrast.

That's also why they are trying to "remake" so many of the older replace the traditional themes with Cultural Marxist ones and to flush the older ones down the Orwellian memory hole.
One can learn a lot by watching the extras in older TV shows and movies, as well as crowd shots at sporting events. I watched a snippet the other day of the 1962 NFL championship game, and a good many of the men in the crowd still were wearing suits and the women dresses. It used to be unthinkable to go to church not wearing a suit. Now just about everyone dresses like a slob for any occasion.

And of course the shocking demographic changes in the U.S. over the past 45 years are easily seen by watching older shows and movies.
just to say that i liked the expandables 2, very funny and spectacular


It looked pretty good on the trailers I've watched. Growing up, I was a big fan of Sly, Arnie & JCVD flicks (& still like Chuck). Also, I only see 2 or 3 "AA stars" in the previews as well. Glad to see a modern action picture with White men potrayed as good guys who are strong & kick @rse. ;-)
The Movie Idiocracy tells the tale of a society that by the dumb people breeding and the smart ones not where society had dumbed itself to the point of "Idiocracy." Though, revert to the mean where dumb have children smarter than themselves and smart people have less intelligent children until the racial mean intelligence is reached would likely prevent this from coming about and the fact that society would collapse long before " Idiocracy" is reach, but back to the movie. Into this society two people from the past with 100 IQs, having been put into suspended animation. come.

If you want to order it you can get it via the Northern Voice Bookstore at Amazon. com but be warned that the female lead "love interest" is a black/Jewish mix.

Spoilers below.

After a series of misadventures both end up in prison, which the man promptly escapes using his superior intellect, but not before taking an IQ test, which shows he is the smartest man in the world. After his recapture, the President, a black man, puts him in the charge of solving the food problem--crops aren't growing. He tells them they need water not the color drink that they put on them, a disagreement follows but after telling the President that the plant told him they want water, the President agrees. When water is turned on, the company that makes the drink, that is put in the water pipes everywhere, computer lays off everyone sending the country into depression, the smart man is sentenced to death by monster truck but then the President see pictures of growing crops and a happy ending follows.
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This movie looks basically like Inglourious Basterds just that this time it’s not with Jews but with Blacks killing whites. What a huge surprise that really is:
Quentin Tarantino said:
"I don't know if I want to be black. I have an affinity for black culture; it has nothing to do with my pigmentation. I just grew up around a lot of black guys, and there were black influences inside my household. My mother used to date black men."
This movie looks basically like Inglourious Basterds just that this time it’s not with Jews but with Blacks killing whites. What a huge surprise that really is:

I despise Tarantino. He's a ****in tool and I'm sorry his mother was a whore mudshark, that explains a lot!!
I’ve been seeing a vile commercial for an upcoming ultra-crude, hyper-dastardly “comedic” film entitled: “Movie 43.”

During the 30-second long, “TV friendly” commercial, I noticed a scene in which Negro actor, Terrance Howard (playing the role of a high school basketball coach) is attempting to “fire up” his all-black squad, who are about to play an all-white team and are “intimidated” (quite a humorous scenario, huh?). In the TV-based clip, Howard yells the following at his players in the locker room...

Black Coach said:
“You’re black! They’re white! This ain’t hockey!”


CAPTION: Negro Coach Gives Anti-White Pep-Talk

Naturally, I was intrigued by this line and thought that such a relatively benign remark couldn’t possibly be the most derogatory “punch line” the HollyHeebs could muster in such a “zany” situation. After watching the “unrated trailer” on YouTube, Howard’s character actually finishes his “pre-game speech” by screaming out the following...

Black Coach said:
“How many f-cking times do I have to tell you!? You’re black, they’re white! The lord did his part already…he made you black! He gave you a foot-and-a-half long d-ck! Dribble with that motherf-cker!”


Boy, was that “shocking” stuff or what? I wonder how many young white couples will venture out into the night to see this extravaganza-o-evil and shriek with Yid-inspired jollity during this nauseating “basketball” scene, among others. White men of the past would’ve crushed such an absolutely false, highly emasculating notion (along with the pencil-necked Jew peddling it), as opposed to embracing it and [temporarily gags] actually finding humor in it. Oh, how I’d enjoy five minutes alone…

For whatever reason, this evil film features dozens of obnoxious “big name” directors, actors and actresses, many whom are seasoned anti-white Marxists. The star of the film, Hugh Jackman, adopted mulatto children instead of impregnating his own wife, is a global warming fanatic, donates millions to fight “poverty” in Africa, and starred in the vehemently anti-white film, “Australia.”
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I’ve been seeing a vile commercial for an upcoming ultra-crude, hyper-dastardly “comedic” film entitled: “Movie 43.”

During the 30-second long, “TV friendly” commercial, I noticed a scene in which Negro actor, Terrance Howard (playing the role of a high school basketball coach) is attempting to “fire up” his all-black squad, who are about to play an all-white team and are “intimidated” (quite a humorous scenario, huh?). In the TV-based clip, Howard yells the following at his players in the locker room...


CAPTION: Negro Coach Gives Anti-White Pep-Talk

Naturally, I was intrigued by this line and thought that such a relatively benign remark couldn’t possibly be the most derogatory “punch line” the HollyHeebs could muster in such a “zany” situation. After watching the “unrated trailer” on YouTube, Howard’s character actually finishes his “pre-game speech” by screaming out the following...


Boy, was that “shocking” stuff or what? I wonder how many young white couples will venture out into the night to see this extravaganza-o-evil and shriek with Yid-inspired jollity during this nauseating “basketball” scene, among others. White men of the past would’ve crushed such an absolutely false, highly emasculating notion (along with the pencil-necked Jew peddling it), as opposed to embracing it and [temporarily gags] actually finding humor in it. Oh, how I’d enjoy five minutes alone…

For whatever reason, this evil film features dozens of obnoxious “big name” directors, actors and actresses, many whom are seasoned anti-white Marxists. The star of the film, Hugh Jackman, adopted mulatto children instead of impregnating his own wife, is a global warming fanatic, donates millions to fight “poverty” in Africa, and starred in the vehemently anti-white film, “Australia.”

Sorry for this being my first post, but I can't help but point out the extreme irony of Terrance Howard bragging about black male genitalia in this role. Anyways, it is very well known in "da community" that Terrance Howard has a micro penis, as can be evidenced by a shower scene in 50 Cent's debut film "Get Rich or Die Trying". Lol, I'm not posting screen caps or providing any links, for I greatly respect and appreciate the guidelines and rules set forth for this site. However, with a quick google search you will have all the evidence you need to piss off a typical white male, that see African American males as supreme sexual beings of the universe.

Crap like this in movies and all throughout the media is what truly woke me up. If their agenda is to affect white breeding, we're still the most loyal race in this country by a landslide, and 99 percent of "Sexiest Man Alive" poles heavily favor white males worldwide.

I've been lurking this site for over a year now, initially stumbled upon it during Tebowmania, and it is an honor to have my first post be in response to Thrashen. A truly honest, well-spoken and well-aware white male. Also entertaining as all hell, might I add. Hoping to contribute as best I can gents and good day:thumbup:
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Colorado - That really stinks.

Fellas, I recommend "Ride with the Devil." Good movie dealing with Civil War Missouri and what went on there.

Tom Iron...
Sorry for this being my first post, but I can't help but point out the extreme irony of Terrance Howard bragging about black male genitalia in this role. Anyways, it is very well known in "da community" that Terrance Howard has a micro penis, as can be evidenced by a shower scene in 50 Cent's debut film "Get Rich or Die Trying". Lol, I'm not posting screen caps or providing any links, for I greatly respect and appreciate the guidelines and rules set forth for this site. However, with a quick google search you will have all the evidence you need to piss off a typical white male, that see African American males as supreme sexual beings of the universe.

Crap like this in movies and all throughout the media is what truly woke me up. If their agenda is to affect white breeding, we're still the most loyal race in this country by a landslide, and 99 percent of "Sexiest Man Alive" poles heavily favor white males worldwide.

I've been lurking this site for over a year now, initially stumbled upon it during Tebowmania, and it is an honor to have my first post be in response to Thrashen. A truly honest, well-spoken and well-aware white male. Also entertaining as all hell, might I add. Hoping to contribute as best I can gents and good day:thumbup:

So, to be clear, you’ve “laid in wait” for over a year, only to finally emerge when the opportunity arose to discuss an absurd film (which, for some reason, you subjected yourself to, despite the fact that you are “pro-white”) starring an inane black rapper and allegedly featuring a shower scene in which Terrance Howard purportedly appears in the nude in an unflattering manner. Boy, you seem like a normal guy with a bright future here indeed!

With so many “new” posters suddenly joining the site in the past few weeks (all sporting nebulous personalities and generic opinions), it’s difficult to determine who is legitimate. If, by some chance, you are actually a new poster who hasn’t been shown the door in the past, then I apologize.
So, to be clear, you’ve “laid in wait†for over a year, only to finally emerge when the opportunity arose to discuss an absurd film (which, for some reason, you subjected yourself to, despite the fact that you are “pro-whiteâ€) starring an inane black rapper and allegedly featuring a shower scene in which Terrance Howard purportedly appears in the nude in an unflattering manner. Boy, you seem like a normal guy with a bright future here indeed!

With so many “new†posters suddenly joining the site in the past few weeks (all sporting nebulous personalities and generic opinions), it’s difficult to determine who is legitimate. If, by some chance, you are actually a new poster who hasn’t been shown the door in the past, then I apologize.

Lol, I'm not some sick bastard that willingly watches blaxploitation movies or movies with absurd amounts of mudshark BS: YUK! That was one of few movies I have been subjected to with some wigger friends I've regrettably had in the past. I'm not a troll and I'm genuinely pro-white.

Having lurked for so long, I can fully understand and appreciate your skepticism. I've been around DA BRUTHAS most of my life in school and at work, like many on this site, and have unfortunately retained vital information regarding their "muh dikking" behavior. Not much else to say other than that. I'm not a flame war type of poster and I apologize if my post was weird and disgusting, as that was not my intention.
Recently viewed Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America. It’s a sort of homemade production written and directed by Tony Stone. The most important lesson from the movie is who needs Hollywood, one professional MiniDV camera can create an effective cinema like experience.

The story is based on two Vikings who are left behind after their expedition onto a shore of North America (1007 AD) was attacked by the Natives. Their struggles to return to their party are at the center of the tale. There are twists along the way that keep the story moving along. The negative is the portrayal of the two Norsemen does nothing to enhance the reputation of Vikings. This is puzzling because Stone has stated he became captivated at an early age with the Vikings and praises some aspects of their ways. To his credit he says the movie is not based on any reality and people go to movies to see crazy stuff (paraphrasing). Also here is a warning if you view the video: turn your head away during the defecation scene. This is an unnecessary addition to the movie and you wonder why a scene like this is even considered (maybe some cultural marxist producer’s idea).

There is not a whole lot of dialogue in the movie but the black metal soundtrack is appealing. This is not a perfect endeavor by any means. I did find the quirkiness of the MiniDV camera kept the thing working for me. Can’t explain why.
I've seen a couple of movies lately and here's my feedback. I guess it's a little late though you'd have to watch them at home now as they are out of the theater. Spoiler alert.

Broken City is a 2013 American crime film starring Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe. The film was directed by Allen Hughes and written by Brian Tucker. Wahlberg stars as a police officer turned private investigator, and Crowe stars as the mayor of New York City who hires the investigator to investigate his wife.

I cannot stress enough that this is a movie to miss. I went originally because I've liked Russell Crowe movies and the teaser mentioned a plot "twist" which I hoped would mean some departure from the same tired cultural marxist formula rehashed over and over in this genre.

Boy was I wrong. Film can be summed up as follows. White guys bad, black, gays, women, good. The movie was so formulaic in following the iron rule of hollywierd treatment of White men that I was really expecting that the twist at the end would be something otherwise. But it never happened. How they could claim that there was a twist in the plot when every indication pointed to the White guy as the villain and that's how it ended up?

Here's some of the plot lines. Powerful White politician (Crowe)--evil, gets destroyed at the end. Hero White (Wahlberg) guy romantically linked with hispanic woman-whom he mistreats. At the end he gives up his freedom to see the White guy taken from power in cahoots with the magical negro of the movie.

Magical negro-perfect in everything, despite being a conniving backstaber, he is the real "hero" because since he is black everything he does is the right thing. In the end he adds the coup-DE-grace to the guilty White politician--he has been sleeping with his wife!!! Take that White man!!!

Gay character: goodness personified. He should have been portrayed with a halo over his head he was so good. His gayness is not obvious until the end because yeah gay people never actually act gay.

Bitch wife character. Works overtime dedicating her life to destroy her powerful White husband who has given her everything in the world. Apparently for making her rich and famous, the husband deserves to be cheated on in every way possible and his political career--which is the source of her place in life--must be destroyed.

Also various poor hispanic people are portrayed as noble law abiding people who are constantly wronged by greedy White people.

The story is set in a backdrop of a mayoral election for New York City. Oddly no jews are portrayed in anyway negatively in the movie.

It's also a pretty bad movie although Russell Crowe's Irish ethnic mayor of Jew York City is entertaining. Despite the plot trying to paint him as a "super" evil devil because he wanted to profit by investing in a gentrification program planned for some hispanic slums, he comes off as the kind of pol you would want representing you as his pragmatic approach to government is a breath of fresh air when you compare it to--for example the current mayor of NYC--attempts to regulate and control people.

If you ever come across this movie on DVD smash it to pieces.

The other movie I saw was:
Jack Reacher (previously titled One Shot) is a 2012 American thriller film.It is an adaptation of Lee Child's 2005 novel One Shot. Written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie, the film stars Tom Cruise as the title character. The film entered production in October 2011, and concluded in January 2012. It was filmed entirely on location in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

This may be the best movie I have seen in the theater in years. I am beginning to think Tom Cruise may be one of the best actors around now. He's aged well. This movie is a great thriller with plenty of good action. The objectionable aspects are almost nil. The one magical negro turns out to be not so magical when matched up against the White protagonist (Cruise).

There was some criticism of Cruise for the role as Jack Reacher because the character from the book is a big tall guy (Cruise isn't). I haven't read the book and it didn't make a bit of difference to me. Cruise was great in the role. He plays a White hero with no apologies. The feminine powerful White woman super lawyer is humbled by the Cruise chararcter and ends up falling for him. The ending is great and the suspense and action along the way is very entertaining. I would give this 5 CF stars as it was very entertaining with almost no objectionable (to us) content.

It also features Robert Duvall in one of his supporting roles that he does so well. There is a lot of fighting and especially at the end-- shooting. Nothing particularly graphic but be forewarned. Movie takes place in Pittsburgh which is an interesting change.