Movie Reviews

ironfist said:
When you go the movies you put money into the pockets of the enemy. Boycott Hollywood leftist scum

Amen! The same also goes when we shop a major retailers (like Walmart aka "RedChinaMart") and buy into this gross "consumerism/materialism" being constantly pushed by the Globalist Elite. Fyi, here's an outstanding book that lays out the intentionally deceptive marketing practices of the Elite and their "Sheepletainment" industry!
I probably won't be watching Mel Gibson's new movie Hannibal The Conqueror now that he has Vin Diesel playing Hannibal. Maybe that is the way he looked I don't know, but after watching the Chronicle of Riddick and Triple XXX, I can't bare to watch another one of his movies.

Attention,Blackie: Hannibal WAS NOT BLACK!!!! He may not have been 100% Aryan,but just because he was from North Africa does not mean he looked like Sidney Poitier,Denzel,Ice Cube,any of the Wayans',Jamie Foxx,etc,etc,nor does that mean he was mulatto.It means he was more Arab.

Hard to believe the last post on this thread was in 2007.

As it's usually too hard for me to stomach watching the extreme AA policies and deliberate and inherent prejudice of the NFL, in action, on well as seeing the culturally indoctrinated and conditioned DWFs cheering on "their" team in the addition to hearing the usual Caste-trated announcers calling the game...I reserve football Sundays to take in a movie if I feel there is one that is worthy to be seen, which isn't as often as I would like.

So, this afternoon I went and saw "Driver", starring Ryan Gosling, as from the trailers it appeared to be relatively low on the CM scale and had a style, pace, and characters reminiscent of a 70's film noir flick, my favorite era for movies/film. Gosling is getting comparisons to Steve McQueen by some.

Overall, a very good flick and worth seeing from a Caste perspective, although it won't be out much longer because it isn't replete with glib dialogue and associated CGI effects or guilt-ridden CM propaganda like that of "The Help" (both types of which seem to be staples of contemporary American movie-going audiences.)

He's a car mechanic and stunt car driver by day and driver-for-hire at night, usually in the role of a get-away driver from some criminal act that just took place. Due to his superb driving skills his agent/employer makes a deal with a couple of local mob bosses to finance the building of a race car for him to drive so they can get a big cut of the "sure thing" wins.

Gosling's character falls for a woman who lives in the same apartment complex as he does, a blonde woman with a mixed male child (half Latino, although the child doesn't appear to have received any of the genes from his mother as the child looks just like his father.) He is in prison. She met her criminal husband at a party and one year later out pops little junior, "Benicio", or so the story went in the movie according to the husband. How charming and romantic, but not unexpected these days from so many women that fit her precise profile. I wouldn't have given her a second glance or a single chance considering her life decisions, but Gosling's character is a complex one and he ends up establishing a relationship with her and her child while her husband is in prison. Although he exhibits some "White Knight" traits with this woman, he isn't afraid to use a hard back-hand on others (to the shock of the woman sitting a couple of seats over from me who's obviously not used to seeing that kind of behavior from men in contemporary feminist-approved mainstream flicks), if necessary. I'm glad this one was from an independent studio, so it could be shown, because it was deserved.

Once her husband is out of prison, his protectors in prison want much more payback $ than what they told him it would cost him when a deal was made in prison. Long review short, and without giving away too much of the story, the husband tries a heist on property owned by the mob bosses to pay the debt and Gosling's character ends up with $1Million of their cash and a dead body. The mob bosses then start coming after him, his agent/employer, and his blonde girlfriend, but Gosling's character starts going after them, too.

What violence there is is graphic, realistic, and shocking. A twelve-gauge shotgun at close range to someone's head really does take it off, in a pumpkin-smashing-like manner. Stomping on someone's head repeatedly with cowboy boots will eventually cave-in the skeletal structure resulting in an exploded face, etc. In conclusion, although not perfect, it is far above the mainstream, taken-for-granted CM fare that runs through 90+% of contemporary movies today. Gosling's character is quiet, skilled, tough, and smart, so unlike the buffoonish, clown-like idiots that dot the CM landscape of movies for most White characters.

My overall rating, 8/10.
My CM-meter rating, 2/10.

It's rated R.

Here's a good trailer:
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Your right it is odd the last post on this thread was in 2007. I was contemplating viewing this view film and will do so based on your review. I was surprised that the epic Afflect film "The Town" did not get reviewed here. That was a great film and resurrected Ben Afflect as a great actor and director/producer. I have viewed it at least 7 times on HBO.
Highlander, Thanks for your review. I will get to see Drive. Have you seen or heard anything about Money Ball?

Tom Iron...
Your right it is odd the last post on this thread was in 2007. I was contemplating viewing this view film and will do so based on your review. I was surprised that the epic Afflect film "The Town" did not get reviewed here. That was a great film and resurrected Ben Afflect as a great actor and director/producer. I have viewed it at least 7 times on HBO.
Yeah, "The Town" was a great flick too with a very low CM-meter rating. Someone here wrote about it and recommended it in some thread, but I couldn't find that thread so I searched for "Movie Reviews" and this thread came up.

Affleck has done some great work, especially as a director. His "Gone Baby Gone" of a few years ago was stunningly good. He seems to have taken a page out of Clint Eastwood's book on directing, which is a good thing. I thought his brother Casey was superb as the lead in that film.

It's a shame Casey doesn't get more quality acting roles. He was also great in "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" (another great film) playing the role of Robert Ford. He should've won an Oscar for his performance in that movie.

I know Ben had a fall from grace several years ago due to some bad choices, overexposure, ego, etc. Given the same trappings, we could all easily fall into that. I hope he continues to make more movies like these.

"Mystic River" and "Good Will Hunting" are a couple of other films that take place in the same gritty Boston atmosphere with similar tough, hard-nose characters, providing a stark and realistic contrast to the waves of plastic metrosexual and buffoonish White characters that flood most movies these days.
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Highlander, Thanks for your review. I will get to see Drive. Have you seen or heard anything about Money Ball?

Tom Iron...
No problem, Tom. I've read some great things about "Moneyball". It's getting some great reviews. Some are saying it has a style similar to "The Social Network" for which Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar for "Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay". I say this because he wrote the screenplay for this film as well. So, it should be well-written with decent dialogue, at least. I'll probably check it out this coming weekend.
I alway found the 1994 film " Higher Learning " to be interesting as the 2 lead skinheads in the movie aer played by Jewish actors, Cole Hauser and Michael Rappaport.
Okay, here's the scoop on "Moneyball." Good movie. Brad Pitt did a good job playing Beane. There was very little propaganda and no sex scenes. Entertaining.

One other thing. Billy Beane never even went to college and they're doing a movie about him. Seems he did okay without the sheepskin. This college malarkey being a pet peeve of mine. Had to put that in.

Tom Iron...
Okay, here's the scoop on "Moneyball." Good movie. Brad Pitt did a good job playing Beane. There was very little propaganda and no sex scenes. Entertaining.

One other thing. Billy Beane never even went to college and they're doing a movie about him. Seems he did okay without the sheepskin. This college malarkey being a pet peeve of mine. Had to put that in.

Tom Iron...

Not to hijack the thread but I agree with you Tom regarding college. I am 29 but can still remember college being pushed on everyone my junior/senior year in college. I remember having the impression that if you did not go to college you were a failure. High schools just seem set up to make college an impressionable teenagers only option. Not once did I remember a trade school/apprenticeship type opportunity being praised. I did go to college, took it seriously when I was younger but as I got a little older I switched majors and just decided to study something I enjoy. I took what I wanted out of it but looking back do not value it as making me smarter or more valuable. It is basically an industry and money making scheme IMO. Not everyone needs to go to college.
College is more and more becoming a female thing, mostly by design. It prepares girls for government jobs, not to mention gives them four more years of feminist brainwashing. If a young man doesn't aim to be a doctor, accountant or engineer, he's better off learning a traditional trade because there will remain a demand for those kinds of services for a long time yet. Even a law degree more and more translates to unemployment and living at home.
You are spot on in describing the scam that a college education has become. Just like all the other bubbles, this one is also going to pop in the near future. The great majority of college students major in useless degress such as English, psychology, Latin American studies, or [fill in the blank here] and that's not going to get it done in the outside world anymore. The structural changes in the economy now dictate that these grads will be competing with a much larger pool of job-seekers all looking for the same thing. A lot of industries such as publishing, advertising, print journalism, and other fields requiring those soft degrees are in permanent decline or have mostly vanished already.

Everytime I see the feminist propaganda that more women are now attending college and earning degrees than men, I get a good laugh out of it. They at best get those low-paying government and other menial jobs, while being burdened by huge amounts of student loan debt. As a man, your best if you plan on attending college is to focus on those few specialized degrees in math, science, and engineering, where very few women will pursue them despite the cultural marxist push to get more women and minorities in these fields at the expense of White men. Even though IT outsourcing to third-world hellholes like India is still an issue, some companies have realized that the cost/benefit is simply not there, so your chances of getting a job in tech or sciences will be greatly increased than the holders of those soft degrees.

Otherwise, yes, go to a vocational or technical school and earn a certificate/degree in a more traditional field and you'll be ready to enter the workforce with most of the necessary skills.

Sorry for the thread hijack, now back to movie reviews... :smiley:
College is more and more becoming a female thing, mostly by design. It prepares girls for government jobs, not to mention gives them four more years of feminist brainwashing. If a young man doesn't aim to be a doctor, accountant or engineer, he's better off learning a traditional trade because there will remain a demand for those kinds of services for a long time yet. Even a law degree more and more translates to unemployment and living at home.

Well stated sir. Most all professional career tracks and companies fully embrace cultural marxism & handing out positions and promotions to women solely for the basis of "diversity". It's totally sickening to see how many (much more qualified) White men are shafted due to some skirt getting a free boost up the career (femi)ladder. :icon_rolleyes:
I thought we might start a thread to review movies we've seen, to spare fellow CF members the ignominy of sitting through an entire 2-hour bomb and to recommend those worthy of viewing.

Did anyone here see the latest Conan remake? It only came out about a month or so ago, and I'm guessing it bombed because it completely disappeared from theaters in my area.

Is it worth catching on DVD?
Did anyone here see the latest Conan remake? It only came out about a month or so ago, and I'm guessing it bombed because it completely disappeared from theaters in my area.

Is it worth catching on DVD?
I didn't bother to see the new Conan, and won't on DVD either. No way I want to watch "Conan the Polynesian". It would simply be too insulting to watch this tan everyman replacing the Nordic legend.
I'm sure no matter what I say I am going to get flack but the original Conan is one of the best movies ever made. By far the music is the best scorred movie of all time. I used to bounce at a bar only to find out I wasnt a geek because I loved the music by Basil Palidouris. Apparently the 6 other bouncers there all listened to the music when they lifted weights. I am not a weight lifter but how can you not get pumped up when Conan is in the orgy scene? Remember when the ex football player from the 70sgoes " Yooouuu" after they crucified him and yet came back to life? Right before that Conan lifts the stone kettle which takes 6 people to carry and dumps it on Thulsa Doom's henchmen.
What kills me there is a deleted scene when Conan and Subotie are preparing for the final battle and he talks about being a boy picking blueberries with his dad in the woods and how the revenge would be great. Awesome scene. It makes Conan more human but I have no idea why they cut it.
Has anybody seen that movie Warrior, it was about two brothers that are involved in MMA. I haven't yet seen it, but it has gotten good reviews from internet movie database and seems to have a pro-white agenda.
My wife and I had “date night” of sorts this past weekend. We left our beloved baby with her parents and went out to dinner and then saw a movie (don’t get too excited, the movie was over at 3:00 pm). We both love animals, so we decided to see the new film entitled: “War Horse.” I’m a merciless faultfinder of modern films, so I/we might only see two new movies per year in the theaters. Such as it is, I was happy to have seen this one…

CAPTION: Movie Poster

The story begins with a foal being born in the English countryside (circa 1913, I imagine) only months before the outbreak of World War I. Some weeks later, an old farmer named Ted Narracott becomes enamored with the expensive thoroughbred at a horse auction he attended in order to bid on a new “plow horse.” During the auction, Ted bids against his rich land lord, Mr. Lyons, and wins the bidding. Ted realizes not only that his new horse isn’t a proper “work horse,” but that because of the cost of the new foal, he’ll be unable to pay his rent in the coming months (to his landlord, the aforementioned Mr. Lyons). Ted returns home with his new animal, which excites his teenage son, Albert…


CAPTION: Albert Narracott

The purchase, however, enrages Ted’s mother, Rose, who gives her husband a tongue-lashing at the possibility of the family “losing the farm” over such an expensive animal. Rose’s insulting words toward her husband are brief, but represent the only injection of “modern cinema” within the entire film…


CAPTION: Ted's Wife, Rose, in "Rad-Fem Mode"

Ted’s son, Albert, adores the horse and promises to teach the thoroughbred to plow a rocky field. After naming his horse “Joey,” Albert begins training him (to be ridden, to take a plow collar, and to come when Albert whistles), which provides a lovely, realistic sequence depicting the love, kindness, and respect that rural whites have for their animals…


CAPTION: Albert & Joey


CAPTION: Albert Riding Joey

As predicted, Albert’s alcoholic father, Ted, has indeed fallen short of his rent payment to the greedy, heartless Mr. Lyons. Albert begins plowing the rocky field so that his father is able to sew his turnip crop. Neighbors gather around the perimeter of the field, laughing and jeering as Joey violently drags the metal plow, along with young Albert, across the rocky hillside field…


CAPTION: Ted is Heckled by Mr. Lyons As Joey Fails to Plow

After a rainstorm, the spectators leave Albert to his misery. But suddenly, the softening ground gives way to the plow, and Joey begins to pull the blade through the stone-ridden terrain. Albert’s father, Ted, is now able to sew the turnip crop, which should provide the family with enough money to pay their debts and save their farm. Weeks prior to the harvest, a violent thunderstorm erodes the soil, uprooting the crops as well as Ted’s chances at financial redemption. Days later, it is announced that England is “at war” with Germany, and thus, Ted sells Albert’s beloved horse, Joey, to high-ranking military captain, Jim Nicholls, in order to save his farm from ruin. Heartbroken, young Albert bids farewell to Joey, tying his father’s military regimental pennant (which Ted earned during the “Second Boer War” in South Africa) to Joey’s bridle for luck…


CAPTION: Joey Sold to Cpt. Nichols


CAPTION: Nicholls Rides Joey to his Death

Captain Nichols is slain in battle several weeks after purchasing Joey, who manages to survive. Albert receives a letter from the military concerning Nichols' death in battle, which he believes has also claimed Joey's life. Joey is captured and begins pulling ambulance cars for the German military. Two young German brothers, both of whom love Joey, desert the war effort and take refuge inside a windmill at a farm in France. The two are found, and executed for their desertion. A young French girl named “Emilie” (who lives with her grandfather) finds Joey, and grows to love him…


CAPTION: Emilie Hides Joey from French Military Farm Raid

I won’t describe the plot any further, as the story does become more exciting from here and I wouldn’t want to ruin the ending. Following this scene, the violent “trench war” of WWI is shown in fantastic detail, with marvelous fighting sequences, realistic explosions, an honest interpretation of horse’s “roles” during WWI, and one of the most brilliant portrayals of “No Man’s Land” I’ve ever seen. I especially enjoyed this “war film” because it did not contain any anti-German propaganda (the words “Germany” and “Keiser” are only mentioned 2-3 times throughout) or “choosing sides.” The film sort of depicted WWI as it should be…a futile battle between white brothers that never should have occurred. Here are some random images...


CAPTION: Joey Excapes, Runs Through the Trenches


CAPTION: No Man's Land


CAPTION: WWI Trench Warfare


CAPTION: Joey Sprints Through Barbed-Wire in "No Man's Land"

For once, Steven Spielberg should be quite proud of his work. It was emotive, inspirational, exciting, realistic (aside from the improbable events surrounding the ending), intelligent, sweet, and even comical at times. There was no political correctness, no anti-white racism, no Jewish agitprop (so common in “war” films), no affirmative action characters, no modernized “dialog,” and only fleeting moments of Female Supremacy (described above).

I highly recommend the film to all my friends at CF.
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That looks good. "Storm of Steel" would make for an excellent film if directed by an objective non-*******.
Nice write up Thrasen. Thanks for taking the time to do it. I will definitely go see this movie due to your positive feedback.

I have noticed that films that deal with the world before about 1940 tend to be more white friendly. The cultural marxism was virtually non-existent then so apart from some revisionist history the depiction of life is much more honest.

You have to imagine the aging jews that make movies have to be looking back to a time when decency was the norm and kinda sorta remembering it fondly.

When you consider the filth and perversion that is present in every other aspect of entertainment today it has to be some kind of relief to the old jews that are still making movies to be able to relate to the movie itself. For example how many 50-60 year old jews are living a lifestyle of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gun violence that is a staple of each and every movie today?

How many of them are living amongst super intelligent black men or karate skilled man-killing women?

Speilberg has always been a storyteller instead of a gore infatuated pervert anyway. Kind of a nerd/geek.

I recently saw the Sherlock Holmes movie and there were few minorities in it and most of the women were relegated to traditional moral roles of the time. The action and violence was pure 21st century of course but it wouldn't have been make any other way.

I really like these period movies, the depth and richness of the attempt to recreate the sounds and sights of previous eras of white civilization. I like that they are using their big budgets to build sets that recreate a time when life was simpler and more human.
Good review, Thrashen. I've debated on whether to see it or I will. I read that Kate Middleton cried at the premiere in England the other evening. Since she was born in early 1982, she was too young to experience or have any memories of the rapidly waning years of a traditionally Occidental country filled with prideful countrymen. Instead, she grew up alongside its cultural and political degeneration into the stewing cesspool it is now, never experiencing what it used to be.

I'm hoping her tears are from the shock and loss of what once was the makeup of a great country and people and of what's been lost on the road to "Progressivism", "tolerance", and "multiculturalism". I'm also hoping that some pride and appreciation has been restored to its rightful place in her heart and mind. I'm hoping this happens to others in their country that see the film as well so that they can see what has been deliberately stolen from them and perhaps restore a sense of pride and purpose. Maybe she'll also realize that she's 30 now and has no more important duty than to ensure posterity.

One can only hope, I guess.

Anyway, it seems like there's a trend amongst some directors to make more movies based on the past or in the past, whether it's relevant to the plot or not. I'm thinking they are doing this to avoid the requirement by contemporary diversity departments in organizations to enforce feminist and/or multicultural elements or thoughts into the characters or storyline.

Another good example and one I highly recommend is "Hugo" from Martin Scorsese, set in 1920's or 1930's Paris, I believe. It probably won't be out much longer if it is even still in the theaters.
My daughter loves horses and takes riding lessons. I took her to see "War Horse" the first night it opened!

She loved it and I was pleasantly surprised.

Thanks Thrashen!
Thanks for the review, Thrashen! I've been wondering about that film. I might have to take Mrs. Reb out to see that one night soon.
War Horse WAS an excellent movie. Good review Thrashen? The Darkest Hour, to me, was also a pretty good flick if you're into sci fi.
Thanks for the review of "Warhouse"! My wife is a former equestrian competitive rider, & we have 2 horses. She wants to see that movie too.