Matt Jones Released

Don Wassall said:
sport historian said:
Haven't their been white free agents in the past who insisted on signing with teams that were unlikely to use them?

They seem as oblivious to the league's racial realities as so many high school kids are when it comes to colleges that won't use them fairly.  Drew Bennett went from being a starter with the Titans, albeit on a terrible passing team, to taking over Kevin Curtis' perpetual backup role on the Rams. Now, he'll be lucky to see any significant playing time again in the NFL even though he's only 30 years old.

Don, thanks for the reply. I seem to remember this point being raised on the Forum a few years ago. Bennett seemed oblivious to the idea of trying to sign where he would have the best playing opportunity. He probably looked only at the immediate dollar sign without considering that even more money was to be made if he played were he could catch the most passes.
I think if there's anything a white WR should have learned it's stay away from Lovie Smith and Chicago (probably New Orleans too, with all their white WR pre-season cuts recently).
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I think if there's anything a white WR should have learned it's stay away from Lovie Smith and Chicago (probably New Orleans too, with all their white WR pre-season cuts recently).

Don't forget to add Seattle to that short list. Hope Hass fares better than other white receivers that have gone through there.
Why would any team be interested in signing a freakishly fast, white receiver? He would only make the darker hued corners look bad and we can't have that. No, Matt Jones got his shot and now will be relegated to practice squad/Canadian football(maybe) status.

Otherwise, he would have been signed by now.
There currently appears to be no interest in Jones. Cleveland intends to sign the immortal David Patten, and the Giants are looking for a replacement for Burress, and every other team in the league would have a large instant upgrade by signing the "troubled" one.("Troubled" now seems to be hisnew unofficial first name.) I imagine someone will signJones sooner or later, but he may have to begin his "racial apprenticeship" all over again even after his breakthrough season last year.

I found this semi-supportive lament about Jones by a fan, linked below, who rightfully points out the absurdity of the Jags cutting him because he drank on a golf outing. But note how he refers to Jones as a "slobbering coke addict." Just about everything I'veread about Jones refers to him as an "addict" or even a coke "fiend." Yet all we know is that he was caught, one time, with some friends in a vehicle that had coke in it. It's possible that Jones did not intend to partake himself, that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with friends who liked to use coke. It's even more likely that he isn't and never was an "addict."

These same DWFs are always ready to give the benefit of the doubt to blacks when they are accused of something. Read threads in forums about Donte Stallworth, and just about all of them begin with sympathetic DWFs who were ready to believe anything other than what is coming out over time, that Stallworth -- an underachieving, constantly injured pansy -- plowed over a man while driving his Bentley at 7 in the morning after a night of partying. m-the-jaguars-fans-to-matt-jones Edited by: Don Wassall
I thought 2005 would finally be our year. i thought people would finally realize the talent of white atheletes. I mean we had a white wide reciever drafted in the first round and a white cornerback drafted in the third round.
Don Wassall said:
There currently appears to be no interest in Jones.  Cleveland intends to sign the immortal David Patten, and the Giants are looking for a replacement for Burress, and every other team in the league would have a large instant upgrade by signing the "troubled" one. ("Troubled" now seems to be his new unofficial first name.)  I imagine someone will sign Jones sooner or later, but he may have to begin his "racial apprenticeship" all over again even after his breakthrough season last year.

I found this semi-supportive lament about Jones by a fan, linked below, who rightfully points out the absurdity of the Jags cutting him because he drank on a golf outing.  But note how he refers to Jones as a "slobbering coke addict."  Just about everything I've read about Jones refers to him as an "addict" or even a coke "fiend."  Yet all we know is that he was caught, one time, with some friends in a vehicle that had coke in it.  It's possible that Jones did not intend to partake himself, that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with friends who liked to use coke.  It's even more likely that he isn't and never was an "addict." 

These same DWFs are always ready to give the benefit of the doubt to blacks when they are accused of something.  Read threads in forums about Donte Stallworth, and just about all of them begin with sympathetic DWFs who were ready to believe anything other than what is coming out over time, that Stallworth -- an underachieving, constantly injured pansy -- plowed over a man while driving his Bentley at 7 in the morning after a night of partying. m-the-jaguars-fans-to-matt-jones

According to the reports I saw, Stallworth pulled up to a traffic light that was on Red with at least one car stopped in front of him. Rather than wait for the light to turn Green, Stallworth pulled around the stopped car and ran the Red light. The pedestrian naturally thought it was safe to cross the street on a Red light, only to have Stallworth run over him. What would be the reaction of the DWF's if Jones (or any white WR) did this?
He was one of the better receivers last year with 65 catches. Yet no team wants him. I can't wait for the teams to start drooling over Vick. Then you can see what white athletes have to go through.
If there isn't a team that will sign Matt Jones, then it is almost hopeless. His upside is amazing if he can start for a team with a stud qb. He also needs a coach that belives in him. With the Jags, if he dropped one ball, it was back to the bench. It was totally unfair. I really think he will sign some where but I hope it's sooner rather than later. I want him to break 1000 yards receiving this year.
P-NutLane said:
The Vikings should let him be QB. He MUST be an upgrade from Tavarus!

Very good point. I always thought that Del Rio ruined Matt Jones on purpose by making him a receiver, rather than allowing him the next level at quarterback.

Matt can throw the ball and we all know how he can run. I fear the powers that be will give him the Eric Croutch treatment and keep this double threat off the field as a QB/receiver at this point.
Why wasn't Jones allowed to play quarterback? Is it because fast whites are never allowed to play quarterback? He obviously has the size and arm strength.
I know I was pretty hard on Matt Jones in the past (after his cocaine arrest), but this is getting pretty rediculous...even for the caste NFL.

What Jones did was literally a victimless crime (accept tohis own body). If Chris Henry and Brandon Marshall,two WR's with not even half of the upside and athleticism as Matt Jones, can get 15 chances after their numerous violent crimes....oh wait, I think we all know what's "different" about them.

Jones will definately catch on, but as Don said, he may have to start his racial apprenticeship all over again with some other loser,that beerchanged his life forever!
whiteathlete33 said:
Why wasn't Jones allowed to play quarterback? Is it because fast whites are never allowed to play quarterback? He obviously has the size and arm strength.

Check the Youtube footage of Steve Young vs the whole Vikings defense and you'll have the answer. Can't have that happen again.
whiteathlete33 said:
Why wasn't Jones allowed to play quarterback? Is it because fast whites are never allowed to play quarterback? He obviously has the size and arm strength.

Check the Youtube footage of Steve Young vs the whole Vikings defense and you'll have the answer. Can't have that happen again.

The worst part of all this is Eric Crouch and Scott Frost not playing quarterback in the NFL. They would be like Vick but with accuracy. Crouch had the athletic ability to play tailback. Imagine him as a rushing quarterback.
Crouch had to play WR while Vick was the #1 overall draft pick the same year as a QB. Thereasoning offeredwas that though both were great running QBs in college, Vick had a "cannon arm" while Crouch allegedly had a weak arm. The DWFs of course bought it without reservation. Crouch was even widely disliked.

A lot of good Vick's scattershot "cannon arm"combined with apea-sized brain did him in the NFL.

I think Crouch wanted to speak out but chose instead to withdrawinto a shell and not talk to the media or anyone else.
Vick's arm reminds me of someone trying to hit a milk jug at 50 yards with an open chokeshotgun and #8 shot. You'll hit the target a few times, but most of the pellets will miss it completely. Thats pretty much the story of Vick's completion percentage.

I wish Matt Jones the best. He's one of my favorite athletes and has an amazing skill set, if only a team/coach will let him use it.
Sometimes I wonder if the best approach is to let things get so out of hand that white people grow a spine and get some pride. Seeing a wide receiver as good as Jones just dissapear because he had the audacity to drink a beer with his friends would open some eyes. I would just feel so saddened to see him go. I wish him the best of luck, whether at quarterback (unlikely) or wide receiver. Hopefully people will see the caste system before it has to get to that point.

The worst approach would be to boycott watching the nfl, as it reduces our credibility and knowledge of the caste system. But maybe white athletes boycotting professional sports could work...
whiteathlete33 said:
Why wasn't Jones allowed to play quarterback? Is it because fast whites are never allowed to play quarterback? He obviously has the size and arm strength.

Jones had shoulder issues. while at Arkansas, he was rarely able to throw the ball in practice because of them, which in turn caused him to not be able to fine tune his throwing motion. despite this, however, he put up pretty impressive passing numbers. especially for a run-first quarterback in a primarily run-oriented offense.

the question was never about his arm strength, to my understanding. it was about his inability to throw without further aggravating his condition. hope that helps.

i simply CAN NOT BELIEVE that people are so blind as to not be jumping up and down at the chance to sign Jones, though. i mean, seriously. what other receiver out there, anywhere in the NFL, has the package of athleticism and size that Jones offers?!? he's a freak, and if he were black he could literally get away with murder and still get a chance to play.
Or starting a new league where only white athletes are allowed. The black athletes wouldn't know how to train without their white personal trainers.

My dream though is that to represent a country you must be at least half of a majority nationality that makes it up. For America there would still be diversity unfortunately, but every country in Europe would have all white olympic teams, and every country in Africa would have to figure out how to train on their own without steroids and ignorant whites making them believe they are more athletic than they really are.
Jones ran a 4.37 forty, is 6'6", and is a great athlete. If he were black he already would have been signed, and already be doing commercials for his home team. The city of Atlanta is obsessed with Mike Vick, and blacks would throw a riot just to have him back. Apparentlydrinking beer is just to much trouble for a team to handle in the locker room. How can any team function with someone notorious for drinking a beer.

It's funny though. I've brought Jones up and public and they all think he broke his probation for snorting coke. Nobody knows that he did it by drinking a beer for a golfing outing! And I've heard people say he is too slow too!
Welcome to Caste Football StarWars.

Remember, Matt Jones is white, so it is automattically harder for him to sign with a team. No matter how fast whites run, they are always deemed slow and unathletic.
StarWars said:
Or starting a new league where only white athletes are allowed. The black athletes wouldn't know how to train without their white personal trainers.

My dream though is that to represent a country you must be at least half of a majority nationality that makes it up. For America there would still be diversity unfortunately, but every country in Europe would have all white olympic teams, and every country in Africa would have to figure out how to train on their own without steroids and ignorant whites making them believe they are more athletic than they really are.
Countries like Italy still probably have all white teams. I still don't know why they let all these 3rd world people move into their country. A country is like a private club; you don't let just anyone in.
I agree. With the exception of legal immigration in America you should not let anyone in except for special circumstances of ancestry. I'm an Irish American who may move back to Ireland. All countries should try and form a nation of their own to be proud of, and stop trying to be a part of the ones that whites created.