Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

I lurked for over a year before getting fed up with BLM(all lives matter) and this taking a knee crap was the straw that broke this camel's back.
When I saw America's team, and Jones take a knee...said to myself...WTF?
Good for you, you made the leap. Welcome aboard.
I'm still getting used to the site..in time I plan to post a lot of interesting experiences I've had in my 4 decade life so far..
I'll do my best to color within the lines, but it might be tough..

I ask everyone to bare with me as I find my sea legs.
Marshawn Lynch sporting "Everybody vs Trump" T-Shirt:

Marshawn Lynch sporting "Everybody vs Trump" T-Shirt...

The mindlessness of these overpaid idiots is amazing.

Also, am I wrong, or is that overpaid millionaire thug wearing his pants ghetto/prison style hanging down past his behind, even with a belt?!! Good grief!!
Marshawn Lynch sporting "Everybody vs Trump" T-Shirt...

The mindlessness of these overpaid idiots is amazing.

Also, am I wrong, or is that overpaid millionaire thug wearing his pants ghetto/prison style hanging down past his behind, even with a belt?!! Good grief!!
You are not wrong. Despicable.
It looks like the standing and locking arms is going to replace the kneeling so the league can say no0ne is disrespecting the flag. I think the NFL will weather this storm, there is not enough momentum against them if they can stop the kneeling. The ESPN website is declaring victory on the issue with the story "Six Days in September, NFL Players seized control as League scrambled". It's an interesting story if only to get a peak behind the clueless mindset of the media, owners, players, and league. Sample:

but some felt that even if the league did lose a small percentage of fans due to the protests, it also could gain a new audience. There was a general, if fanciful, consensus that even a short-term financial hit could benefit the league in the long term, especially if the league and the union could join in solidarity behind a single plan.

Look who else believes in the daisy chain bull.


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It looks like the standing and locking arms is going to replace the kneeling so the league can say no0ne is disrespecting the flag. I think the NFL will weather this storm, there is not enough momentum against them if they can stop the kneeling. The ESPN website is declaring victory on the issue with the story "Six Days in September, NFL Players seized control as League scrambled". It's an interesting story if only to get a peak behind the clueless mindset of the media, owners, players, and league. Sample:

but some felt that even if the league did lose a small percentage of fans due to the protests, it also could gain a new audience. There was a general, if fanciful, consensus that even a short-term financial hit could benefit the league in the long term, especially if the league and the union could join in solidarity behind a single plan.


I would bet the farm that the players doing these things could care less about any future "fans" that could possibly be gained. They are just taking the opportunity to express their hatred for Whitey and do it in their characteristically petulant and myopic ways.

It seems the bottom line is that the (((owners and string pullers))) not only allowed this garbage, but were the enablers and encouragers of the whole thing once they saw how it would further the "big picture agenda" even if that means further down the road. I would further bet Black players' agents and handlers advised them "yes" or "no" on what to do as far as how far to take this and what not to say. These idiot players have little insight and forethought of their own in all likelihood.

We've seen this societally-wrecking crap time and time and time again. Things that make no sense and truly turn off the average White American are shoved down our throats. It's all part of the web of evil spun by the snakes, the brood of vipers that will not stop until their most feeble and ultimate plan is to be their downfall:

The kings of the Earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed saying, "Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us."
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision."
(Psalm 2:2-4)
Marshawn Lynch sporting "Everybody vs Trump" T-Shirt:


It is worse than I could have ever imagined. I feel like Chareton Heston in the "planet of the apes" no racial slur intended..
The movie starts with his space ship crash landing on a planet capable of sustaining life, as Heston and crew explore they come across a group of primarily white hunter gatherers. Suddenly gorillas on horse back show up... We know the rest..

Once Heston outsmarts the simians, he's free on horseback with a beautiful woman. He's on a beach, waves gently crashing on the beach, when he notices the Statue of Liberty half buried in the sand..He yells something "oh God, no good"

I feel like Heston, just trying my best, not looking for a handout...too proud for that..my dad raised me better than that...
White priveldege exists for black, brown, red and green Americans.. You just gotta work harder and smarter..leave Allah or whatever Momkey/elephant Gods you believe in at the gate.. Some of those so called religions are death cults.
I wish our libtard end Marxist politicians would let illetrate immigrants stay with them, and baby sit their children..

I'm probably gonna get banned soon, but I'm tired of keeping it in.
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I watch the NFL in order to deconstruct the Caste System and try to wake up brainwashed White fans, but for the average DWF watching the NFL is throwing away precious time that could be spent on improving oneself:



Christian Huff

Christian abandoned everything society had conditioned him to believe in late 2015 and opted for the red pill, and although the red pill truth of things can be a harsh reality for some, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He now focuses more on self-improvement of the body and mind.

The football team or teams you’re seeing on the television or at the stadium aren’t “your” team. Truth is you personally don’t know any of them. “Your” team is actually owned by millionaire businessmen who are in the business of making money, your money. These people don’t actually have your best interests in mind when they do anything or make any decisions. It’s not there priority to cater to you or even necessarily entertain you unless it makes them money.

That Steelers hat you bought to show support for “your” team had the profit gained from it distributed across all 32 teams in the league. It feeds the whole machine, the one of complete strangers that don’t know or care about you. You’re a stupid mouth-breathing wallet to them. Truth is, the whole thing is a big money and time waste for you and your family.


Every time you go to a game, tune into a game, or even click on news articles related to the game, you are directly or indirectly feeding the machine and making more revenue for the fat cats. Unplug from it. Ask yourself the following questions. What difference does it make what these people are doing? How is this directly affecting me? Chances are the answers are it doesn’t make a difference and it’s not affecting me at all.


Drink more of these crappy beer

The subliminal message
Ever wonder why when you think of football it’s almost synonymous with drinking beer and eating food that is terrible for your health? Every commercial break is filled with fast food and beer advertisements. Me and the guys watching the big game drinking beer after beer and feeding our face with hot wings and pizza. This is what real men do?


No, my friends, that’s what guys like this do. I have absolutely nothing in common with men like that. It happened before in the Roman Empire the elites would put on events and give away free bread in the hopes of keeping the people entertained and oblivious of the corruptions of their leaders. Take a look at what’s going on in modern times. Its looks eerily similar, doesn’t it? And why not also sprinkle in feminism into an all-male sport and watch you accept it.



The NFL is a colossal waste of time
Seems like the older I get, the faster time goes by. Material possessions, jobs, and money come and go. Almost everything is replaceable. The one thing that is not replaceable is time. You only here for a moment and then you’re gone, your children are only little for a short while and then they’re grown. Time is precious, so be careful how you spend yours.


The NFL, NBA, NCAA, etc. are huge distractions to keep you weak and dumb. It affects some way more than others. I challenge you to do this: turn off your TV and electronics. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a few large breaths, in and out. Now look around. Breathe and relax. This is your life. This is where you’re at in your life. Every circumstance and decision has led you to where you’re at this moment. This is your existence and it’s ending one second at a time. While you’re bitching about who sat for the anthem or how the officials blew that call, millionaire politicians and business men are getting richer and more importantly keeping you distracted from what’s really going on behind the scenes.


Forget about who sat for what while hoping that “your” team improves this year or off-season and improve yourself. Pick up and learn a new hobby, practice martial arts, lift weights, start that diet you have been talking about doing for years. You will be surprised how much you can accomplish and improve without bothersome distractions in you’re life like televised sports.


No better time to jump off the NFL for good
No matter what your stance is, the point of kneeling during the national anthem is meant to get a rise out of people and care about the NFL. That is exactly what it’s doing. I compare the recent events in the NFL to an unruly woman **** testing her man, with the NFL being the woman and the fans being the man. How much can I get by with and him still support me? How much can we get by with and people still fork over their money and time?

The best solution is if it bothers you disconnect from it. Hit them where it hurts the most, their wallets. I unplugged from the distraction two years ago and I haven’t looked back. Now I have more time with family and focusing on self-improvement. I urge everyone who reads this to do the same.

I watch the NFL in order to deconstruct the Caste System and try to wake up brainwashed White fans, but for the average DWF watching the NFL is throwing away precious time that could be spent on improving oneself:



Christian Huff

Christian abandoned everything society had conditioned him to believe in late 2015 and opted for the red pill, and although the red pill truth of things can be a harsh reality for some, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He now focuses more on self-improvement of the body and mind.

The football team or teams you’re seeing on the television or at the stadium aren’t “your” team. Truth is you personally don’t know any of them. “Your” team is actually owned by millionaire businessmen who are in the business of making money, your money. These people don’t actually have your best interests in mind when they do anything or make any decisions. It’s not there priority to cater to you or even necessarily entertain you unless it makes them money.

That Steelers hat you bought to show support for “your” team had the profit gained from it distributed across all 32 teams in the league. It feeds the whole machine, the one of complete strangers that don’t know or care about you. You’re a stupid mouth-breathing wallet to them. Truth is, the whole thing is a big money and time waste for you and your family.


Every time you go to a game, tune into a game, or even click on news articles related to the game, you are directly or indirectly feeding the machine and making more revenue for the fat cats. Unplug from it. Ask yourself the following questions. What difference does it make what these people are doing? How is this directly affecting me? Chances are the answers are it doesn’t make a difference and it’s not affecting me at all.


Drink more of these crappy beer

The subliminal message
Ever wonder why when you think of football it’s almost synonymous with drinking beer and eating food that is terrible for your health? Every commercial break is filled with fast food and beer advertisements. Me and the guys watching the big game drinking beer after beer and feeding our face with hot wings and pizza. This is what real men do?


No, my friends, that’s what guys like this do. I have absolutely nothing in common with men like that. It happened before in the Roman Empire the elites would put on events and give away free bread in the hopes of keeping the people entertained and oblivious of the corruptions of their leaders. Take a look at what’s going on in modern times. Its looks eerily similar, doesn’t it? And why not also sprinkle in feminism into an all-male sport and watch you accept it.



The NFL is a colossal waste of time
Seems like the older I get, the faster time goes by. Material possessions, jobs, and money come and go. Almost everything is replaceable. The one thing that is not replaceable is time. You only here for a moment and then you’re gone, your children are only little for a short while and then they’re grown. Time is precious, so be careful how you spend yours.


The NFL, NBA, NCAA, etc. are huge distractions to keep you weak and dumb. It affects some way more than others. I challenge you to do this: turn off your TV and electronics. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a few large breaths, in and out. Now look around. Breathe and relax. This is your life. This is where you’re at in your life. Every circumstance and decision has led you to where you’re at this moment. This is your existence and it’s ending one second at a time. While you’re bitching about who sat for the anthem or how the officials blew that call, millionaire politicians and business men are getting richer and more importantly keeping you distracted from what’s really going on behind the scenes.


Forget about who sat for what while hoping that “your” team improves this year or off-season and improve yourself. Pick up and learn a new hobby, practice martial arts, lift weights, start that diet you have been talking about doing for years. You will be surprised how much you can accomplish and improve without bothersome distractions in you’re life like televised sports.


No better time to jump off the NFL for good
No matter what your stance is, the point of kneeling during the national anthem is meant to get a rise out of people and care about the NFL. That is exactly what it’s doing. I compare the recent events in the NFL to an unruly woman **** testing her man, with the NFL being the woman and the fans being the man. How much can I get by with and him still support me? How much can we get by with and people still fork over their money and time?

The best solution is if it bothers you disconnect from it. Hit them where it hurts the most, their wallets. I unplugged from the distraction two years ago and I haven’t looked back. Now I have more time with family and focusing on self-improvement. I urge everyone who reads this to do the same.


Some great comments following that outstanding article. Some of those men sound like CF members....calling out cuckhold jock sniffers & their beer swilling worship of other “men” (running around in tights, toting a ball like a kid). :rolleyes:
And what happened with the Cleveland Browns, who had 9 players doing the Black Panther Salute during the Anthem on Sunday? I thought that dear man, that dear angel of a man, that dear man of virtue, Jim Brown, had whipped his guys into behaving and emphatically telling them that they "will not disrespect our flag" or something like that.

Pffft. That really was worthwhile wasn't it? This League is a pathetic joke.
Guys I havent watched any NFL for years now. I sometimes look at the stats but thats it. I actually haven't watched anything besides fight sports for years(outside of a few occasions). And even then it's usually on my phone during downtime at work. I've always felt sports are important in a society because they encourage competition. The average person should play a sport they enjoy and get the most out of competing. But pro sports are a completely different animal and seem to be more of a detriment than anything else. I dont have a "team" and even if I could meet players I woukdnt even want to.
I don't have Sunday's daytime TV ratings but Thursday, Sunday and Monday Night Football TV ratings were down see below. And a few large local advertisers have pulled the plug see above post but no national advertiser to my knowledge has gone that far.In general most companies try their best not to alienate any group and keeping a low political profile is par for the course. And understandable. They want to make as much money as possible and stay out of the "controversial" limelight.
The owners want to close their eyes and hope the Anthem stuff goes away. They are already getting nervous about their pockets and team harmony.
But everything depends on the TV ratings and the advertising trends. IF the NFL continues to suffer a downward spiral then I would expect added pressure from the owners and ultimately the players might have the final say. If you are a black special teams player and 7th DB on the team who knows his career has a 3-7 year window at best do they really want to get in with this Anthem protest stuff? I suspect more than half of the players on each team are uneasy about all this crap in the first place and another 25-30 % have a take it or leave it attitude. If the players begin to think this whole ordeal is going to COST them money then the thug patrol that is currently pushing their weight around might find themselves on the short end of the stick when it comes to their teammates. I suspect the tide has already started to turn in these locker rooms based on the " heated debates" we are hearing about. But again a lot of this is contingent on falling revenue figures. If the TV ratings stabilize the thug patrol could still pull the strings but I sense a lot of white players and some black players are not all in on this BS protest movement so if their livelihood looks threatened this Anthem crap should start to melt away. At least that is my take.
I guess that being an NFL fan is becoming an embarrassment to more and more people. TNB and black power salute is one thing, but I watched the Packers, Bears blowout and when they focused on the crowd during the delay I was shocked all manboobs and jerseys. If Nascar played the song from Deliverance before each race it could not be worse.
I don't have Sunday's daytime TV ratings but Thursday, Sunday and Monday Night Football TV ratings were down see below. And a few large local advertisers have pulled the plug see above post but no national advertiser to my knowledge has gone that far.In general most companies try their best not to alienate any group and keeping a low political profile is par for the course. And understandable. They want to make as much money as possible and stay out of the "controversial" limelight.
The owners want to close their eyes and hope the Anthem stuff goes away. They are already getting nervous about their pockets and team harmony.
But everything depends on the TV ratings and the advertising trends. IF the NFL continues to suffer a downward spiral then I would expect added pressure from the owners and ultimately the players might have the final say. If you are a black special teams player and 7th DB on the team who knows his career has a 3-7 year window at best do they really want to get in with this Anthem protest stuff? I suspect more than half of the players on each team are uneasy about all this crap in the first place and another 25-30 % have a take it or leave it attitude. If the players begin to think this whole ordeal is going to COST them money then the thug patrol that is currently pushing their weight around might find themselves on the short end of the stick when it comes to their teammates. I suspect the tide has already started to turn in these locker rooms based on the " heated debates" we are hearing about. But again a lot of this is contingent on falling revenue figures. If the TV ratings stabilize the thug patrol could still pull the strings but I sense a lot of white players and some black players are not all in on this BS protest movement so if their livelihood looks threatened this Anthem crap should start to melt away. At least that is my take.

Interesting. Fools get paid for being fools..now I kinda understand why NFL fools laugh at fans all the way to the bank.
I like one thing I read somewhere. The NFL shot itself in the foot and is still pulling the trigger.
American Freedom News