Kaepernick refuses to stand during National Anthem

Anyone feel like they woke up in 1950's America with all of the outrage specifically directed at Trump's use of the term"son of a bitch"? These people have no shame with their blatant hypocrisy.
And that means alot when bringing in Based (((Mark freaking Levin))). Ive been lurking here since the days of the best white man in basketball Jason Kidd conversations were popular. Or Montana is going to beat Tennessee because of more whites. Every freaking weak there was talk of these upsets simply because of whiteness. All the while no one ever called out the BS trying to bring this place down.

What you really need is a spotlight on questionable behavior. Its only been the past couple of years that its been acceptable to mention who really controls sports. That slow development was due in part to massive shilling.

I've been a lurker for a while too, and the idea that Caste Football used to be some sort of neocon cuck site where Jewish influence in sports was not allowed to be mentioned until "shilling" by some group of mysterious underground heroes changed it is ridiculous. We've always been allowed to talk about Jews here, but there's been a basic rule that the sports forums should concentrate on sports and political talk is more of a thing for the Happy Hour/Media Stereotyping forums.

What Caste Football doesn't need are silly litmus tests, on either side, measuring whether posters are "too mainstream" or "not mainstream enough." The only litmus test we need is the one about being pro-White. Anyone who is pro-White has always been welcome here, provided they follow the rules. We're free to like Mark Levin, dislike Mark Levin, or not care about Mark Levin. Or, we could even recognize that Mark Levin's incorrect views on other subjects don't somehow put cooties on his accurate criticism of LeBrown James and Cuck Popovich.
Anyone feel like they woke up in 1950's America with all of the outrage specifically directed at Trump's use of the term"son of a bitch"? These people have no shame with their blatant hypocrisy.

It reminds me of a joke that third wave feminism makes the Puritans being tolerant to sex.

It is the same thing here after how much profanity is used these days.
I think a lot of the players' anger was due to the fact that many of them wrongly believed (thanks to the FAKE NEWS media) that Trump had called all of them "sons of bitches" when in reality he was only talking about the sons of bitches who refused to respect the anthem. Most of the people actually in the league, whether players, coaches, GMs, or owners, seem to be cooling down. It's only the SJW swine who don't even care about sports who are trying to stir things up and keep them hot.
I've been a lurker for a while too, and the idea that Caste Football used to be some sort of neocon cuck site where Jewish influence in sports was not allowed to be mentioned until "shilling" by some group of mysterious underground heroes changed it is ridiculous. We've always been allowed to talk about Jews here, but there's been a basic rule that the sports forums should concentrate on sports and political talk is more of a thing for the Happy Hour/Media Stereotyping forums.

What Caste Football doesn't need are silly litmus tests, on either side, measuring whether posters are "too mainstream" or "not mainstream enough." The only litmus test we need is the one about being pro-White. Anyone who is pro-White has always been welcome here, provided they follow the rules. We're free to like Mark Levin, dislike Mark Levin, or not care about Mark Levin. Or, we could even recognize that Mark Levin's incorrect views on other subjects don't somehow put cooties on his accurate criticism of LeBrown James and Cuck Popovich.
Cheers!!. Eloquently put. Nice to know Beyond and La France have my back after getting slapped around a bit.
Then we should make a list of the fools who are causing problems like Delanie Walker who told the fans against the disrespect of the anthem to get out and bye.
In the most unlikeliest of scenarios in which you are not a shill, Levin is a fake conservative Screechy Zionist. If you need the help of a tiny screaching rat face man to stand for your beliefs, then please start eating better and exercising.

I can't let this fly by without a fight. I won't deny I can be a big mouth, unconventional, a cocky bastard and at times blather on for too long. But you would be hard pressed to find anyone on the planet who roots as hard and as long as I have for white players like Jordy Nelson as a great example. But to be called a shill, which as it relates to me I don't even know what the hell you mean, is a blatant personal insult. A passing thought was that's it for Shadowlight and his career at CF, being knocked off by a "Troll on a Bridge.' But even if that day does arrive it won't stop me from the core reason I joined this group in the first place which is too root like a crazy man for white athletes and I would scour the earth to try and find another outlet to blow off steam in that vein. Nothing could knock me off the course.
As for Mark Levin, your version of the epitome of "evil" I decided to post him up because I figured he had some salient points. I can't say I am over familiar with him but I did know who he was because I have seen him on "Hannity" and he comes across as a conservative.
What eventually landed me to his comments is simple. The Greg Popovich comments were some of the most blood curling disturbing anti white things I have ever heard and I was very curious about a backlash. Oddly but not surprisingly I had difficulty finding any blow back on such a disgusting diatribe. Then I got a cue from a member here at caste who mentioned Levin was laying into Popovich big time. So I looked around the internet but couldn't find anything until I ran into a site that posted his radio comments. I listened to it and thought right on so I posted it. Levin went after Lebron James and the NFL protestors with zeal but it was the Popovich part that prompted me to post it. Levin laid into Popovich like a hammer and after hearing a silent media it was a welcome relief to see someone go after that *******. Meanwhile during Levin's broadcast he touched on a pro caste topic you rarely if ever hear from the media. He postulated the idea that what if most all the owners were black and most of the players were white followed by "what do you think of that." My reading on that dare was he knows blacks would prefer to be the players.
And perhaps you might want me excommunicated on this but one of my favorite baseball players from roughly 1995-2005 was 5 tool star Shawn Green who just happened to be Jewish. Sure there are plenty of scoundrel Jewish sports writers out there but nailing my ass because I posted a guy who sounded caste friendly who happens to be Jewish in my mind was a misfire.
So Upside/Down you can take those shill comments you hurled at me and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.
This story has been swirling around since last night if I remember. That the black offensive players of Jokeland threw the game to teach Carr a lesson for properly giving respect to the anthem.


Do I believe this could happen? Absolutely 100%. Reminds me of when Lomas Brown was bragging that he missed a block to let Scott Mitchell get injured. He only apologized after the outrage from everyone on the planet towards him.

I hope that Raiders story is true and perhaps it will start bringing the conversation as to why their are so many black players in the league in first place into focus.

It's becoming obvious to everyone that this is a racial issue. It's not about equality but about blacks wanting to flaunt their supposed moral superiority - it's a black supremacist movement and has nothing to do with equality or police violence.
Jesse Owens went to the olympics, won 4 medals and spoke with Hitler and even said he was gracious, these buffoons make good money at least and think they are oppressed. Like I said, black antics, just cannot get too wrapped up in black antics.
So Upside/Down you can take those shill comments you hurled at me and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.[/QUOTE]

You quoted a Zionist fake conservative Jew in a positive light. These guys are over represented and the number one reason this site is needed in the first place. They are master infiltrators and left unchecked will destroy everything from within. I regret nothing
Obviously, this could also be posted in the "Non-Whites in White Roles" thread...

The cast of the new Star Trek Discovery TV Series, "took a knee" to support Kraperneck and the players boycotting the NFL Anthem:

From what I've read, and also watched on YouTube via anti-SJW channels, the new Star Trek series is hardcore SJW. Asian female captain, "gender fluid" black female with a name of "Michael" (Michelle Obama?) and the only White male alpha character was killed off in the first episode while commanding a smaller craft named "Europa" (nice little psy-op there).
Guess his poor adoptive parents couldn't instill a love of our great Nation.
If he didn't excel at football....??? Crack salesman or failed rapper on welfare.
I watched one of BSPN's 30 for 30 shows a few weeks ago about the players' strike of 1987. It focused on the Redskins, whose players were the most hard line team in favor of the strike. As the NFL owners began to field teams of replacement players and the league went ahead with its regular season games without the union players, the veteran players started to trickle back in, slowly at first and then in a torrent. Except for Washington, where no NFLPA players walked across the union picket line.

The Cowboys executives put a lot of pressure on their players to break ranks, and by the third week of replacement games almost half the Cowboys had returned. The players union then buckled completely and ended their strike, a humiliating defeat for the union and the union head Gene Upshaw. The final week of replacement games featured the Redskins with their team of scabs facing the Cowboys, with most of their key players back, on a nationally televised Monday night game. The Redskins were big underdogs but won and went on to win their division thanks in large part to the 3-0 record of their replacement players, and by that time the Redskins fans supported them completely and didn't want the regular players back. So yeah, the players in the NFL, a good chunk of whom are there thanks to extremist affirmative action policies in college recruiting and opportunity followed by more favoritism by the NFL, are easily replaceable by players who are just as good if not better.
Was there a notable difference in the demographics of the replacement players and the players on strike?
Was there a notable difference in the demographics of the replacement players and the players on strike?

It seemed pretty close. They mainly focused on a half dozen of them, with one being a White safety who is now an IT executive in Connecticut. Another one was a black QB who was released from prison specifically to play for the Redskins. He was the backup until the White replacement QB was injured in the final Monday night game against Dallas and then he went in and made a few notable plays but seemed very erratic, just as they are now.

As far as the league in general, the defenses were less black then but still black dominated, the o-line was still White dominated and there were fewer black quarterbacks, about the same number of White WRs, still a few White RBs left before they were completely extinguished, and tight end was a bit blacker then. I think Scott Case was the only starting White CB.
As if the Leftists behind the whole anti-White/disrespect the Flag/screw the USA stuff wasn't enough, the Cultural Marxist bunch wants to go full bore on Nov 4. These blood-thirsty malcontents can't do anything except ruin, destroy, cause trouble and make anarchy commonplace:
Just hoping the Law Enforecment agencies follow the law and beat the f*ck out of those anti-fa scum.
Just hoping the Law Enforecment agencies follow the law and beat the f*ck out of those anti-fa scum.
It's certainly just what they deserve. It's likely they'll pull their crap in Democratic-run cities, where the Mayor's have the Police stand down, via a puppet Chief.

This ALL comes from high places. Even the Anthem protesting is because of string-pullers enabling the dumb "kneelers" to do their bidding for a more sinister agenda, a bigger picture.
What pisses me off the most, is the amount of influence these so called liberated free thinkers posses, that is being wasted pulling at our country's already frayed sense of nation.
It seemed pretty close. They mainly focused on a half dozen of them, with one being a White safety who is now an IT executive in Connecticut. Another one was a black QB who was released from prison specifically to play for the Redskins. He was the backup until the White replacement QB was injured in the final Monday night game against Dallas and then he went in and made a few notable plays but seemed very erratic, just as they are now.

As far as the league in general, the defenses were less black then but still black dominated, the o-line was still White dominated and there were fewer black quarterbacks, about the same number of White WRs, still a few White RBs left before they were completely extinguished, and tight end was a bit blacker then. I think Scott Case was the only starting White CB.

The black QB you mention was Tony Robinson who played at Tennessee. I saw him play at Neyland Stadium several times. He was doing well (or the team was) in 1985 but suffered a serious knee injury at mid-season. Robinson was replaced by athletic director Doug Dickey's son and Tennessee was undefeated the rest of the way and humiliated Jimmy Johnson's Miami team in the Sugar Bowl. I don't think the 1987 replacement players were "whiter."

Speaking of the strike, the Cowboys are supposedly now going to stand for the anthem and I think the NFL believes they can whether the storm as they did strikes in the past.
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