This is the exact argument the far left uses, namely that because those in institutional positions of power are mostly older "White" men, it means that all White men have "privilege" and even that this country is still White supremacist when the opposite is true. Booth, a racially aware White man in his 70s has a "voice" at the highest levels of power simply because of his age??? He is totally and utterly without a voice or any kind of representation, as are all non-leftist Whites, especially racially aware ones. This is either one of the dumbest posts I've ever read here, even for you, or you outed yourself as a leftist.
To dismiss and belittle Booth simply because of his age shows what an a-hole you are. I don't know Booth personally but from he's written he's spent a good deal of his life fighting for the White race, putting everything on the line while doing so. I would be very surprised if you've ever done anything other than write unfunny snark. You're either a leftist a-hole, or just an a-hole. An a-hole who disrespects someone older and wiser than you, someone who has walked the walk while you've done nothing. You have a lot of chutzpah.
Even on Caste Football, Booth towers over you. He regularly contributes links to all kinds of interesting articles in a variety of sports. You on the other hand contribute little of value. I've always had serious doubts about you since you began posting as you didn't show even a beginner's grasp of the Caste System. So now you've made it easy to do what should have been done a while back.