Joe Biden's America

I am posting this because this is how I and and the friends and siblings I have left feel. We are in our 70s and don't have a voice in anything anymore. We are just considered as people whose time has passed. I will say this, they will never shut me up. I will be a pain in the ass until they carry me away.

You’re in your 70s and don’t have a voice?????

Ok boomer
EST. Didn’t Adams give PDiddler the key to NYC a few months back? Lol that didn’t age well.
Thank you, sport historian. I had no clue what he meant.

You're welcome.

Contrary to the implication, the so-called "Boomers" varied considerably in their beliefs. I've no doubt there are a huge number of "Boomer" race realists, some were liberal when young but that is common for all generations.
You're welcome.

Contrary to the implication, the so-called "Boomers" varied considerably in their beliefs. I've no doubt there are a huge number of "Boomer" race realists, some were liberal when young but that is common for all generations.
Ok to spell it out a little more clearly…

What I meant was if you are in your 70s age wise, you are a baby boomer.

And given that nearly all of the powerful people in congress, media, corporate America etc are also baby boomers I found the comment about not having a voice to be a bit of the typical whiny behavior common to the baby boomer generation. Saying OK Boomer is a slight.

Is it all of them? Of course not, But is it a lot of them? Absolutely. It’s the wealthiest most self centered group of people in American history.

Don’t have a voice???? The irony is incredible.
Ok to spell it out a little more clearly…

What I meant was if you are in your 70s age wise, you are a baby boomer.

And given that nearly all of the powerful people in congress, media, corporate America etc are also baby boomers I found the comment about not having a voice to be a bit of the typical whiny behavior common to the baby boomer generation. Saying OK Boomer is a slight.

Is it all of them? Of course not, But is it a lot of them? Absolutely. It’s the wealthiest most self centered group of people in American history.

Don’t have a voice???? The irony is incredible.
This is the exact argument the far left uses, namely that because those in institutional positions of power are mostly older "White" men, it means that all White men have "privilege" and even that this country is still White supremacist when the opposite is true. Booth, a racially aware White man in his 70s has a "voice" at the highest levels of power simply because of his age??? He is totally and utterly without a voice or any kind of representation, as are all non-leftist Whites, especially racially aware ones. This is either one of the dumbest posts I've ever read here, even for you, or you outed yourself as a leftist.

To dismiss and belittle Booth simply because of his age shows what an a-hole you are. I don't know Booth personally but from what he's written he's spent a good deal of his life fighting for the White race, putting everything on the line while doing so. I would be very surprised if you've ever done anything other than write unfunny snark. You're either a leftist a-hole, or just an a-hole. An a-hole who disrespects someone older and wiser than you, someone who has walked the walk while you've done nothing. You have a lot of chutzpah.

Even on Caste Football, Booth towers over you. He regularly contributes links to all kinds of interesting articles in a variety of sports. You on the other hand contribute little of value. I've always had serious doubts about you since you began posting as you didn't show even a beginner's grasp of the Caste System. So now you've made it easy to do what should have been done a while back.
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This is the exact argument the far left uses, namely that because those in institutional positions of power are mostly older "White" men, it means that all White men have "privilege" and even that this country is still White supremacist when the opposite is true. Booth, a racially aware White man in his 70s has a "voice" at the highest levels of power simply because of his age??? He is totally and utterly without a voice or any kind of representation, as are all non-leftist Whites, especially racially aware ones. This is either one of the dumbest posts I've ever read here, even for you, or you outed yourself as a leftist.

To dismiss and belittle Booth simply because of his age shows what an a-hole you are. I don't know Booth personally but from he's written he's spent a good deal of his life fighting for the White race, putting everything on the line while doing so. I would be very surprised if you've ever done anything other than write unfunny snark. You're either a leftist a-hole, or just an a-hole. An a-hole who disrespects someone older and wiser than you, someone who has walked the walk while you've done nothing. You have a lot of chutzpah.

Even on Caste Football, Booth towers over you. He regularly contributes links to all kinds of interesting articles in a variety of sports. You on the other hand contribute little of value. I've always had serious doubts about you since you began posting as you didn't show even a beginner's grasp of the Caste System. So now you've made it easy to do what should have been done a while back.
Thanks, Don, I appreciate the kind words. I love this site because it gives me a place to have a voice. I would never post anything on Caste Football to hurt it. White people need to wake up and band together or we will be gone as a race, sooner than later. I once posted that I had marched and protested over 150 times in 17 states, I should have said we protested because it was more than me marching. It looks like it was all for nothing right now, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if it would turn things around. Thanks again.
This is the exact argument the far left uses, namely that because those in institutional positions of power are mostly older "White" men, it means that all White men have "privilege" and even that this country is still White supremacist when the opposite is true. Booth, a racially aware White man in his 70s has a "voice" at the highest levels of power simply because of his age??? He is totally and utterly without a voice or any kind of representation, as are all non-leftist Whites, especially racially aware ones. This is either one of the dumbest posts I've ever read here, even for you, or you outed yourself as a leftist.

To dismiss and belittle Booth simply because of his age shows what an a-hole you are. I don't know Booth personally but from he's written he's spent a good deal of his life fighting for the White race, putting everything on the line while doing so. I would be very surprised if you've ever done anything other than write unfunny snark. You're either a leftist a-hole, or just an a-hole. An a-hole who disrespects someone older and wiser than you, someone who has walked the walk while you've done nothing. You have a lot of chutzpah.

Even on Caste Football, Booth towers over you. He regularly contributes links to all kinds of interesting articles in a variety of sports. You on the other hand contribute little of value. I've always had serious doubts about you since you began posting as you didn't show even a beginner's grasp of the Caste System. So now you've made it easy to do what should have been done a while back.

Well said. What I called "a stupid, nonsensical phrase of the moment" is a trope used by left-wing types.
Yes, that's crazy painting everyone with a broad brush stroke like that. A "slight" that was totally uncalled for. A lot of people are in that so-called "boomer" group but the vast majority aren't making those hellish decisions. It's a stereotype that just doesn't fit most.
Uncalled for post by that Sneaky. My temper flared and I started to respond but then I thought it best to let a cooler head have the first shot. Don Wassall really put this guy in his place. Told him what he was and how it was.

Of all the people Sneaky singles out Booth who reminds me of Tom Iron. Both are the real deal you can see that in their posts.

Sneaky is just like a lot of young guys walking around nowadays. Full of themselves and never had their asses properly kicked.
Can we all agree we hate the MLK worshipping boomers though? Lol
I'm a Gen Xer and if someone disrespected my father with the "ok boomer" line, I'd be pissed. After all he's been through in his life. I can tell you that he never had any kind of privilege, white or otherwise. And he was never a liberal, not even when he was young. Neither was my mother.
It's just more of the same Bolshevik divide and conquer tactic using generations. If you convince millenials or whatever that Boomers are responsible for their ennui, well then they are the enemy! Disheartening to see that on a site such as this where most of us can see the score.
I'm a Gen Xer and if someone disrespected my father with the "ok boomer" line, I'd be pissed. After all he's been through in his life. I can tell you that he never had any kind of privilege, white or otherwise. And he was never a liberal, not even when he was young. Neither was my mother.

As I wrote previously this epithet is a left-wing trope that assumes so-called "Boomers" are a conservative group.
As I wrote previously this epithet is a left-wing trope that assumes so-called "Boomers" are a conservative group.
Not necessarily "conservative", but assumes that ALL baby boomers are privileged, in-power and responsible for all of the ills of the younger generations.
I know people don't have 2 hrs just to sit and watch a video, but if you can watch just 30 minutes of this Tucker Carlson podcast, I think you will agree we are screwed as a country.

If the Democrats were an NFL team, they'd go 17-0, but win all of their games by one point. They would always score a last-second touchdown or kick a last-second field goal, or stop the other team "One Yard Short" like the Rams and Titans in the Super Bowl. Bigunrealitis would become true.

I've tuned out the endless "news" about the daily "poll changes" of the presidential horse race that are designed to keep members of the public, on both sides, excited and, most of all, angry. As the meme goes, "it's all so tiresome." (((They))) stole the election last time and got away with it, why wouldn't they do it again? No point in getting worked up about a "result" that will in all likelihood be predetermined.

As Stalin said, "He who casts the vote decides nothing, he who counts the vote decides everything."
American Freedom News