Jesse Lumsden signs

Ta Waki Mumba, to be serious, a white RB getting shafted while trying to get a roster spot in the NFL is no big surprise. I mean, its been happening for 30+ years

Don, I wish I have been asking myself the same question about some of these Christian coaches. They sure are easy to throw whites in the trash heap of history.
It makes me as a Christian very angry. I am sure some of them don't understand the implications of what they are doing, but I bet most do.
Surprised? No I'm not surprised. I don't think anyone is really surprised. The whole timing thing is what really gets my goat. Jesse Lumsden sacrificed a very good chance being a CFL starter this year for a snowball's chance in hell of being a NFL special teamer or practice roster tackling dummy and I can't help but feel he knew exactly what he was doing.

/Yes I realise I make a lot of jokes on this forum(usually bad or inapproprate ones) this is just my way of trying to deal some of the anger I get from thinking about some of the subjects that keep coming up here.
We need a group of players to sue the NFL.That is the only way that there will be progress.Guys like Staley,Kretschmer,Forsey,Hartigan,and Lumsden will always be cut with little or no chance at all.Nick Hartigan didn't even get a single carry at running back after leading the nation in rushing last season.This has just gotten to the point where it is almost unbearable to watch any nfl game anymore.That is why I prefer high school and college football.At least there you will see more kids get a chance.In the nfl,there is no chance and it has been that way for decades.
Lumsden and Hartigan were both in ideal situations because of injury problems to at least be given the rock during preseason games. The fact that neitherwas allowedthat much of an opportunity shows that we are are very far from having even one single backup white tailback in the NFL much less a starter.

TheNFL's racial purity policiesare so outrageous and extreme as to defy belief, yet they are implemented without a word of objection from anyone in the media, and with the approval of 99 percent of white sports fans, who have been indoctrinated to believe that generations can go by without a single white man being as capable of running the ball as the worst black running back. Such mass, unquestioningacceptance of their own perceived inferiority is one of the clearest pieces of evidenceto explain howwhites are so willingly accepting their own demographic displacement andeventual extinction in the U.S.
You're right, White Lightning, the way this preseason is going, white players are going to have to start speaking out strongly, and legal action -- which should be aimed at the NCAA as much as if not more than the NFL -- is appropriate. Whether the time is right for it to succeed yet is debatable, but it may take repeated lawsuits and football players and their families repeatedly speaking out to begin to change the Nazi-like racial purity policies of the NFL and high-level college programs.
I had a discussion with coworkers about this today. If I had not already agreed to play FF in a couple of leagues I would not watch the NFL anymore. Right now I would have to say this will be my last.

My coworkers of course think I am making much ado about nothing. One tells me that even so, I can still watch and enjoy the games, even if the politics of the Gumbels and Tagliabues and the caste system grate on my nerves to no end. My response is: "Why should I bother wasting my time watching a sport that doesn't treat the athletes I want to watch fairly, is mainly comprised of over-paid crybabies who whine that they aren't paid $10 mil instead of $7, who use every excuse in the book to lounge around, take plays off during the game, and do as little as possible yet expect all manner of lavish praise and kudos for even the smallest of effort?"

These guys consider themselves sports fans but have never heard of guys like Mike Haas, Nick Hartigan, or Jesse Lumsden are, and hell they didn't even know who Matt Jones was til I started talking about him. But they know who all the black rookies are and what was happening at the combine and all about Young's six on the Wonderlic!

I already do not watch the NBA, and only watch boxing now when there is a white fighter involved. I know this is a puny and ineffective gesture on my part, but right now what else do I have but to spend my time else where?
It is incredible that most people don't see what is going on, even if they aren't racially aware. It seems there are enough white football junkees that would realize what has been happening to white skill players. It seems if they paid attention, they would have to ask why and come up with a better answer than, "because some black dude is surely better than the white guy." It really bugs me!
Most people truly are "the sheeple" because they cant think or ask the right questions. Ugh!
What will it take for average white fans to wake up and finally realize what is occurring? What will they think when they tune into a NFL game 5 years from now and see only 4-5 starting white QB's left in the league, and the majority of linemen are black. Will they question it or will they roll over and accept that we are "inferior"? I try to lead people to this website and get them to accept the facts at face value. The most common responses are that this is run by conspiracy theorists or KKK clansman propaganda. Is that how brainwashed our race has become?
I think the QB will be one of the last stands before they wakeup.When guys start taking their girlfriends,fiances,and wifes to the games and they all start having crushes on the new breed of qb.Their kids will say,"what is wrong with you Dad,why aren't you out there?" That day is coming.We are being made out to be the laughingstock of every other race.You never hear people say,asians,or hispanics can't run,jump or even dance.The funny thing is that we are the minority worldwide.Soon it will happen here.When will whites stick together to protect our heritage & customs?You can only escape the ghetto for so long.If there is one thing to learn from them is to stick together and be proud of your race.Edited by: white lightning
I'm about as pessimistic as possible about this situation. In fact, I think the vast majority of whites are so beaten down, dumbed down and so smitten with Negrophoria (my invented term for the irrational worship of all black people) that they wouldn't utter a wimper of protest if the NFL simply banned all white players from the league. I've had lots of conversations about this subject with co-workers, friends and family members, and almost all of them think I'm a crazy racist. They simply don't care, and don't even seem to notice that all the players they are cheering for are black. Even when you try to mention the discrimination that their children will face (or are facing) in the sports world, they still don't care about it. Decades of "To Kill A Mockingbird," "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner," "All In The Family," T.V. After School Specials, "Roots," Martin Luther King holidays and countless other propaganda products of our diseased and alien culture have made it nearly impossible to reason with almost all white people.
In some ways all this pessimism is correct and that most of the sports addled idiots I have met fall into the what the castemasters want a negrophilia cult like trance. On the other hand these same idiots in all their mindlessnes will show a complete revulsion for blacks outside of the run, jump and smacktalk entertainment industry. A conversation will go on and on about the ubermencsh black athlete and then a "******" will be dropped like a n-bomb out of the blue. This fad will reach its apogee and then we can tip it over, but we cannot achieve success when we have the attitude of "woe is me." It is nothing but a fad for morons fueled by the homos of the sports reporting clique not a decree from the gods.
The Colts just lost one of their running backs for the season.Maybe they can pick up Nick Hartigan or even Lumsden when he gets cut.I doubt the Redskins are going to keep him.If they are going to cut Jesse,they need to do it soon so he can at least have a chance to sign with another team.This pisses me off so bad.
wile said:
In some ways all this pessimism is correct and that most of the sports addled idiots I have met fall into the what the castemasters want a negrophilia cult like trance. On the other hand these same idiots in all their mindlessnes will show a complete revulsion for blacks outside of the run, jump and smacktalk entertainment industry. A conversation will go on and on about the ubermencsh black athlete and then a "******" will be dropped like a n-bomb out of the blue. This fad will reach its apogee and then we can tip it over, but we cannot achieve success when we have the attitude of "woe is me." It is nothing but a fad for morons fueled by the homos of the sports reporting clique not a decree from the gods.

Nice post, Wile. Wish you were around more often. Whether to watch football or not is a personal choice, but I hope that none of us here give up in despair. I think it's important for as many of us as possible to document the Caste System, of which football is its linchpin, for white athletes and their families. I've been aware of the Caste System for a long time now, and as rightfully ticked off as we are about white players getting royally screwed, it happens each and every training camp and then again during the regular season. The NFL continues to get incrementallyblacker (just as each year there are more black assistant coaches, broadcasters, etc.), but the basic template was put into placemany yearsago.

There's a tremendous disconnect among white Americans between what they profess to believe and how they behave in their personal lives. They appear to be superbly programmed to think and state all the proper PC attitudes and to be horrified by all types of racism except anti-white racism, and yet if given a choice, most would prefer to live in all-white communities (with maybe a few "Crosby" families thrown in), send their children to white schools, marry white, and work with whites. By their life choices and desires, most whites are still "racist" as defined by the system, and a minority still are overtly in their attitudes, so all is not lost. I think we feel in our bones that the accumulated affects of a lot of negative policies being followed for too long means that we are close to entering very bad times, which may finally snap a lot of folks out of their media-induced stupors and silly delusions.Edited by: Don Wassall
Don, I think you are right, I just hope it happens before it takes an all out war to make it happen. Maybe everyone will realize the mistakes of the past and adopt more of a racially seperated mindset. It would be better for us all if we didn't try to mix everything up for "diversity's" sake. Maybe the upcoming Survivor series will help open some people's eyes to this, but I won't hold my breath because the media could do anything with that show that they want to.
Thanks Don for hosting this site. I'm a big Packer fan have been since 1972 Ray N's last season. The NFL has big problems and they stem mostly from its white management and the white girly men of the press that covers them. If I were a talented white player in one of the caste positions I think I would rather play for one of the black coaches then the usual slimy lying white caste masters such as Holmgren or Gibbs. Those two are in a holy rollin' trance of "progressiveness" meaning they are beyond hope for moral redemption. I think we should realize though that the slogan "It only takes one" works for us as well, and if the right white player spoke out and refused his place in line and called out the shiftless white dirtbags of the caste system it would crumble faster than an oreo in milk.
The problem the white player has is if he speaks out is he not only will be cut , he probably won't get a job in Corporate America or Education(includes coaching)

He really has total system stacked against him.Edited by: voice
i agree... all odds are against us... but the way the things are, it's driving me beyond mad... so many people don't realize what's going on...

it's always "he probably ain't good enough", "no coach would bench a good player", "there's plenty of white players in the league, what are you on about" or "well, whites lack speed/agility/acceleration/good hands(!) to play ... position"...

so it's hard to even get people to understand you let alone support you. out of 10 people i talk to about this, 2 might agree, but then they wouldn't say anything aloud, because it might be considered racism...
In the past, I've been against white players speaking out because it could jeopardize their careers. Of course, many don't have much of a career to protect. Someone like Brian Urlacher or Tom Brady should be careful about what they say because they have a lot to lose. But perhaps someone one the fringe, like Lumsden, could very gently bring up the topic in a way that wouldn't hurt his career (or lack thereof.) What if he said something like, "We all know that there's a stereotype that white athletes are slow. Sometimes I wonder if people assume that I'm slow because I'm white." That's not so extreme. He would just be saying what everyone else knows but won't talk about.

So if a white athlete could very gently bring up the topic, maybe it would inspire a few discussions in the media... or maybe it would be totally ignored.
White athletes have brought it up and some media people. But it dies a quick death. Unlike the reverse the 80's black qb issue or blacks in baseball that is snowballing out of control.......
Lumsden looks like your classic bubble boy. He looks to be the 4th tailback if I figure out the way they used him again. Washington still has 7 tailbacks on the roster and he was the 4th to see action. Man the Paul Simon song about the bubble boy applies to him.....
Even if he is kept as the fourth tailback, with Clinton Portis, T. J. Duckett and Ladell Betts ahead of him he'll be nothing more than a special teams body. And probably not even that as the Skins also have Rock Cartwright, so Lumsden is likely the number five tailback at best, which would mean off to the waiver wire for sure.
First time I saw Lumsden last night vs. the shellacking of the Patriots. Actually, got some decent press time, they brought up a stat with his dad. Also, had the offensive play of the evening for the Skins,which isn't saying much. But put a Patriots DB out for a while ona screen pass for 16 yards. Riggins, though, didn't really seem to give a crap about him. Don't understand Riggins to save my life.

He and Mike patrick are so far up the butt of Jason Campbell, I would swear they're gay for him. I was literally getting sick listening to these two guys have orgasm after orgasm over Jason Campbell. RIggins even said that Gibbs should be a little more "democratic and less republican" and start Campbell, HE IS THAT ATHLETIC!"
Campbell is not very athletic at all, he doesn't have great escapability either.
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