Something else that boggles my mind, doesn't the coach at Oregon Statehave an in with some of these guys in the pros? Is it still that ass Erickson coaching there? He coached in the pros, why can't he say to one of his buds up there, that they need to give Hass or whoever the hell it will be next time, a decent chance, that he will be a factor in helping your team win and thus you keeping your job.
Don't these white coaches know they are next! They're being hunted too, and thus doesn't it make sense, if you are doomed anyway to preserve your space by picking up quality talent that the other guys are too scared to take? GAWD! If Mike Hass is blowing by guys and you can get him for pennies on the dollar why would you not freakin' do it??? When you lose with your Mike WIlliams, Todd Pinkstons rejects, noone in the media is going to give you credit because you had a minority dominated team. There going to say you couldn't relate and that you need to walk the plank while anohter minority takes over the ship.
This is insane. I can't believe in America, not one white guy gets even a chance to bea corner or that the best receivers from the colleges can't hardly make a freakin' practice squad. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Thanks for letting me rant. I was reading this stuff at work and screaming at teh monitor. Finally, I got to come home and post.