Israel - Hamas conflict

I suppose you could kill all of his children and his bedridden mother for good measure. This would also have to presuppose that you live on land that once belonged to your neighbor 75 years ago and he’s not too happy your ancestors took it. I think then it’s an apt comparison.

But seriously I get that in human history land changes hands by force and might often makes right. However, this gay jewish weasel way of doing so while also crying out as the victim makes me sick. Also as Bucky stated, jews will always kvetch how immoral the actions that they are in fact taking, but only when other groups do it (or far less). And lastly as Bucky also said, they have to use our money, military equipment and personnel (blood) to fight their wars and then flood our countries with the Muslim refugees afterward. F that!
The part in bold is the most important part. The history of humanity is mostly one of conquest and war, winners and losers. Every race had it done to them at some time or another, and every race either did it at some point or would have done it if they had been strong enough to do so. Every "stolen land" argument I've ever seen has made use of selective outrage, based on who the arguer likes and doesn't like. Non-white invaders like Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan invaded white land and killed the white natives. Brown Muslims invaded white Spain and would have overrun Europe if Charles Martel hadn't stopped them. But we white people are the only race banned from using the "we were invaded/colonized/had our land stolen" argument, even though we've been victims of it just as much as any other race.

I don't think Indians have any right to rise up and kill white Americans because "we took their land." Nor do the Maori have any right to kill white New Zealanders, nor do the Abos have any right to kill white Australians. Therefore, I can't support the Palestinian "kill for stolen land" argument either. The Jews stole the Muslims' land, yes, but the Muslims stole it from white Christians in the 7th century when they invaded the Byzantine Empire, who were the custodians of Jerusalem at the time. At least the Indians, Maori, Abos were all in their respective lands first, Palestinians can't even claim that.

I agree that the Jews love talking about this stuff in a "gay weasel" way (great choice of words) and it makes them look really obnoxious in the eyes of anyone who hasn't been blinded by "the chosen people are always victims" propaganda. I just get tired of all this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Muslims are our brothers" crap that I see too often on the far right. (Not blaming you at all, I appreciate the anti-Muslim "refugee" sentiment). None of those anti-white J's or M's belong in our countries.

Ironically, if a certain WWII leader hadn't made the mistake of stopping at Dunkirk, the entire British Expeditionary Force would have been surrounded and captured, Britain would have been forced to sue for peace, and with the Royal Navy out of the equation the certain leader's original plan, to send the Jews to Madagascar, would have been possible. The Jews could have had a peaceful state in Madagascar instead of one with endless war in the Holy Land. The Muslims could have had their own state in Palestine. Seems like a win-win for everyone.

But the "good guys" won WWII, as we always hear. (wink)
Gator Dad, you knocked it out of the park with your first post and then came back and hit a grand slam with your next! I fully agree with your sentiments brother.

The only thing I will say is that while neither is my “friend”, and both definitely do not belong in White homelands, I do side against the jews in this conflict. Jewish power is real and is one of the main anti-White forces in the world. With their control of media, banking, academia, pornography, big tech, etc they are easily the biggest treat to our future as a race. I’ll happily cheer if these Palestinians can do whatever they can to weaken jewish power and also expose jews as the “oppressor” and not the “victim”. I know that is a leftist narrative but it is the main tool that jews have used over the last 2 centuries to gain their power and influence in The West. I think the destruction of their “victimhood status” is the most important development in the world right now. If you heard the audio leaks from the ADL’s top villain, you understand how concerned they are with this shift in narrative.

Also, I’ve grown up and lived in and around NYC all my life. Jews are the most dishonest, dishonorable and plainly nasty people I’ve ever dealt with. The Hasidic ones are especially vile and hopefully you never have the misfortune of dealing with them. If you want to learn more about them, research Kiryas Joel in Orange County NY to see how they are using all their usual tricks (bribery, blackmail, tax evasion, welfare fraud, cries of antisemitism, etc) to steal land in real time from the native White population and turn the beautiful countryside into a densely packed urban ghetto. The non religious jews I know, and have known, are mostly narcissistic, power hungry sociopaths who will do whatever they see fit to get ahead.

Hopefully that further explains where I’m coming from and why I have a sometimes strong bias. Cheers.
Gator Dad, you knocked it out of the park with your first post and then came back and hit a grand slam with your next! I fully agree with your sentiments brother.

The only thing I will say is that while neither is my “friend”, and both definitely do not belong in White homelands, I do side against the jews in this conflict. Jewish power is real and is one of the main anti-White forces in the world. With their control of media, banking, academia, pornography, big tech, etc they are easily the biggest treat to our future as a race. I’ll happily cheer if these Palestinians can do whatever they can to weaken jewish power and also expose jews as the “oppressor” and not the “victim”. I know that is a leftist narrative but it is the main tool that jews have used over the last 2 centuries to gain their power and influence in The West. I think the destruction of their “victimhood status” is the most important development in the world right now. If you heard the audio leaks from the ADL’s top villain, you understand how concerned they are with this shift in narrative.

Also, I’ve grown up and lived in and around NYC all my life. Jews are the most dishonest, dishonorable and plainly nasty people I’ve ever dealt with. The Hasidic ones are especially vile and hopefully you never have the misfortune of dealing with them. If you want to learn more about them, research Kiryas Joel in Orange County NY to see how they are using all their usual tricks (bribery, blackmail, tax evasion, welfare fraud, cries of antisemitism, etc) to steal land in real time from the native White population and turn the beautiful countryside into a densely packed urban ghetto. The non religious jews I know, and have known, are mostly narcissistic, power hungry sociopaths who will do whatever they see fit to get ahead.

Hopefully that further explains where I’m coming from and why I have a sometimes strong bias. Cheers.
I appreciate your comments, Freethinker. I just don't think that Hamas's actions are weakening Jewish power, they may even be doing the opposite. Before this whole sh*tshow erupted Netanyahu was in a lot of trouble politically, half his own country hated his guts, and now people have "rallied 'round the flag" and anointed him Dear Leader and Protector. He definitely knew about the attack beforehand (no way an obsessive surveillance state like Israel didn't see this coming from a million miles away) and deliberately allowed it to happen because he knew it would boost his ratings. Same as FDR letting the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, or the CIA knowing about 9/11 and deliberately letting it happen. Always the same goals from those types throughout history, exploit spilled blood to inflame the populace and get their foreign wars, bigger budgets, and vastly expanded powers.

This "stand for Palestine" stuff is nothing new, it's been going on for decades, it's always been popular on college campuses. What I'm seeing from the narrative isn't new either - the "Jew Can Indeed Oppress Brown" has also been popular at universities and other leftist strongholds. What we need to see is "Jew Can Indeed Oppress White," and I just haven't seen that in the mainstream, only on dissident sites like ours.

The Palestinians have zero interest in removing Jews from power in the US, Canada, Britain, or any other white country. They have no problem with Jewish control of Hollywood, Western banks, or any other (formerly) white institution. They just want the Israeli monkey off their backs. Which is perfectly understandable, they're looking out for their own self-interest just like anyone else and it's not the brown man's job to care about the white man's issues (or vice versa), but it's for that reason that they're not useful allies for us whiteys. We have our interests and they have theirs.

I understand where you're coming from with the NYC thing. I have a funny and relatable story - I've got a buddy that I hang out with a lot, we occasionally talk politics. He wasn't "red pilled" on Jews but he tolerated my thoughts on (((them))). Last summer, he and his wife took a cruise to the Greek islands - but the ship was homeported in Haifa, Israel. 95% of the passengers were Israeli Jews. When he came back he told me they were the worst fellow passengers he'd ever met - always cutting in line, pushing and shoving in the hallways, verbally abusing the crew, making lewd comments about his wife when she was alone (she almost kicked one in the nuts), and treating the non-Jewish passengers as inferiors - basically saying "know your place, goyim." He looked at me and said, "I finally understand where you're coming from about (((them)))."

I guess you and I see the Israeli/Palestinian conflict slightly differently. But I appreciate that we can have these intellectual discussions and debates. It'd be boring if everyone had to agree with each other all the time, then we'd be just like the woke Left.

Cheers, brother.
I appreciate your comments, Freethinker. I just don't think that Hamas's actions are weakening Jewish power, they may even be doing the opposite. Before this whole sh*tshow erupted Netanyahu was in a lot of trouble politically, half his own country hated his guts, and now people have "rallied 'round the flag" and anointed him Dear Leader and Protector. He definitely knew about the attack beforehand (no way an obsessive surveillance state like Israel didn't see this coming from a million miles away) and deliberately allowed it to happen because he knew it would boost his ratings. Same as FDR letting the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, or the CIA knowing about 9/11 and deliberately letting it happen. Always the same goals from those types throughout history, exploit spilled blood to inflame the populace and get their foreign wars, bigger budgets, and vastly expanded powers.

This "stand for Palestine" stuff is nothing new, it's been going on for decades, it's always been popular on college campuses. What I'm seeing from the narrative isn't new either - the "Jew Can Indeed Oppress Brown" has also been popular at universities and other leftist strongholds. What we need to see is "Jew Can Indeed Oppress White," and I just haven't seen that in the mainstream, only on dissident sites like ours.

The Palestinians have zero interest in removing Jews from power in the US, Canada, Britain, or any other white country. They have no problem with Jewish control of Hollywood, Western banks, or any other (formerly) white institution. They just want the Israeli monkey off their backs. Which is perfectly understandable, they're looking out for their own self-interest just like anyone else and it's not the brown man's job to care about the white man's issues (or vice versa), but it's for that reason that they're not useful allies for us whiteys. We have our interests and they have theirs.

I understand where you're coming from with the NYC thing. I have a funny and relatable story - I've got a buddy that I hang out with a lot, we occasionally talk politics. He wasn't "red pilled" on Jews but he tolerated my thoughts on (((them))). Last summer, he and his wife took a cruise to the Greek islands - but the ship was homeported in Haifa, Israel. 95% of the passengers were Israeli Jews. When he came back he told me they were the worst fellow passengers he'd ever met - always cutting in line, pushing and shoving in the hallways, verbally abusing the crew, making lewd comments about his wife when she was alone (she almost kicked one in the nuts), and treating the non-Jewish passengers as inferiors - basically saying "know your place, goyim." He looked at me and said, "I finally understand where you're coming from about (((them)))."

I guess you and I see the Israeli/Palestinian conflict slightly differently. But I appreciate that we can have these intellectual discussions and debates. It'd be boring if everyone had to agree with each other all the time, then we'd be just like the woke Left.

Cheers, brother.
Yes, I certainly respect your point of view. I think our only divergence is you think this conflict could strengthen jewish power and I think it will weaken it. I fully admit I could be wrong but I guess we will see how things shake out in the coming years.
I never thought I would see that in my lifetime. That's why the present and future are still undecided no matter how entrenched the current regime presents itself as.
Sometimes it is difficult to remain hopeful in current day, but a salient point about how the future is not fully decided. Wrenches can, and do, get thrown into plans.
Only shared so we can collectively bully nerds like Ian Miller. This could have gone in clown world thread. Conservacucks think themselves the hero in this situation lol, because far left is "anti Israel."

Another case of their golem attacking them instead.

Jews are totally losing the narrative after decades of pushing the “oppressor propaganda” to agitate the dark hoards against Whites.
This isn't going to sway Joe 6 pack...

Campus protests have sprung up everywhere but violence has been limited to UCLA which was full out fist fights to vandalism in Columbia in NYC. In Los Angeles fist fights weren't broken up for a few hours because the campus police department was overwhelmed and the dean didn't call for help for outside police departments until this mayhem happened.
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most of it is Hasbara, best thing for America is anything that prevents a war with Iran and stopping the genocide of Palestinians
The best thing for America would be to not feed Israel billions of dollars and to stay the eff out of the Middle East
It looks like PED using, whore mongering, narcotics abusing and fraud artist was red pilled on the truth of this conflict and isn't afraid of any ramifications of saying so.

I think he's safe from a honey pot black mail attempt by Mossad agents, if Bilzerien swung both ways that story would have come out years ago with the whore mongering he has done for a decade and half.....
It looks like PED using, whore mongering, narcotics abusing and fraud artist was red pilled on the truth of this conflict and isn't afraid of any ramifications of saying so.

I think he's safe from a honey pot black mail attempt by Mossad agents, if Bilzerien swung both ways that story would have come out years ago with the whore mongering he has done for a decade and half.....
Spoken like a true Gentleman! You can’t unlearn the truth .
As a Boomer true hard corps conservative I know two things, Israel is the home of the Jewish people that must be defended at all costs and two the USA is an economic zone for the whole world to come to and do economic stuff. And if you gents have time allow me to lecture you on my conservative principles and virtues, thanks.
It looks like PED using, whore mongering, narcotics abusing and fraud artist was red pilled on the truth of this conflict and isn't afraid of any ramifications of saying so.

I think he's safe from a honey pot black mail attempt by Mossad agents, if Bilzerien swung both ways that story would have come out years ago with the whore mongering he has done for a decade and half.....
I heard he was speaking out against Israel and Jews but I hadn’t read his tweets til now. Articulate and stinging in their accuracy. Good on em as he has a huge reach with people who aren’t usually politically aware or active. Dan B is super based!!!
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