Hillary Clinton

Beck is pure scum, hopefully his career decline continues to the point where he no longer has any influence at all after this move.

Never thought I'd say it, but Hannity has become must watch TV. He and Newt Gingrich are right -- the continuing Wikileaks dumps confirm that this election has turned into an all-out war between the corporate "mainstream" media and social media. Fox News is about the only large "mainstream" media outlet not openly coordinating with the Clinton campaign. Trump has to use his large base of supporters, Fox News and social media along with the support of alternative media to try to win the election against parts of the GOP establishment and a media openly dedicated to destroying him at all costs. This election gets more astounding -- and important -- every day. Trump is fighting mad now, buckle up!
I concur. I think the reason Beck is so anti-Trump is because he's most likely a media propagandist on the payroll of the US Government. If Trumps gets in, he fears he will find out about it and expose it to the world. I can't see any other reason why he'd risk his media empire and personal fortune.

Also, it looks like Rush Limbaugh has finally had a full awakening about the GOP. I added it below, as well. Well worth the read...very well articulated with some great insight. Better late than never I suppose, although it probably is too late (to change or "save" the GOP...and they don't really care about being "saved" anyway as there's a much larger agenda here (which all of us here at CF are already aware of)). I admire him for not going to the dark side like Beck has. It shows he has a lot of integrity, even though he was pretty naive in the past to be such an ardent supporter of George W. Bu$h, the rest of the neo-cons, et al.

Rush Limbaugh, the voice of conservative America, is issuing a scathing indictment of the Republican Party, saying the GOP has no interest in winning this election or defeating Democrats.

“The Republican Party is not interested in winning. It clearly is not interested in winning,” Limbaugh said Tuesday on his national broadcast. “And if you want to be even more specific than that, it is paramountly obvious that they’re not even interested in defeating the Democrats.”

“It’s just mind-boggling,” he added. “All of these years I’ve been doing this program I was under the impression the Republican Party wanted to beat Democrats. And as the years have gone by, it’s become obvious to me that that’s not their No. 1 objective.”

Limbaugh said Republicans in power who wish to defeat Democrats are a minority, as well as Republicans who seek to win the presidency this year.

“Stop and think of that! It’s mind-boggling when you look at it just that way,” Limbaugh exclaimed.

“And now we have Republicans – to one degree or another – working as hard as the Democrats are to defeat Donald Trump. Look, I know the drill. They say he’s not a Republican. They say he’s a Trojan horse or he’s unacceptable or he’s uncouth or whatever they say.

“But the American people – Republican voters especially – are fed up with the status quo. We can’t stand any more! We don’t want any more of what we’ve had to put up with for eight years and many years prior. The country we know and love is being torn apart and rebuilt in ways that we don’t want, and the Republican Party doesn’t even seem to care about that. The Republican Party seems just as eager as the Democrats to pronounce their voters as extreme kooks.”

The radio host said there is a serious disconnect between party officials and American voters, explaining:

“They’re ignoring their own voters. Trump is winning not ’cause of talk radio, not because of this or that. Trump is winning because people that vote Republican have been let down and disappointed one too many times, and their instinct is being borne out here. …

“Republican voters are fed up with Democrats and Democrat policy. Republican voters and people all over this country are fed up with what Democrat leftist policies are doing to this country, and they want it stopped, and the only agency that can stop it has been the Republican Party, and they have refused to!”

Limbaugh says the GOP has steadfastly sided with donors and lobbyists, creating its current problem.

“It made its own bed, and now they don’t want to lay in it. Now they want to run from the bed that they made,” he said.

“It’s a problem that need not exist, but it illustrates what we’re all really up against here, and that is what has been called the establishment or the elites and whatever. But it’s comprised of both Republicans and Democrats and their membership in this club known as the establishment. Party affiliation is second or third in terms of your qualifications to be in the club.”

Limbaugh lamented that while the GOP is at war with itself, “It’s abundantly clear the Democrats want to eliminate us [Republicans].”

“They don’t even want us around. I think the Democrat attitude is, ‘You know, we’ve toyed with you people for all these years, and we’ve been faking you out. We’ve been making it look like we want you in our club, but we really don’t. … You’re nothing but a bunch of foils, and we don’t need you anymore, and we’re just gonna wipe you out. When this election is over, you’re done, you’re finished. There is no more GOP. Don’t care what you GOP leaders are thinking, you’re not welcome. We don’t want you in our club, and you’re not gonna get in.’ They are unified under the premise of total political annihilation. We can’t unify around a single premise! …

They have total contempt for us. Every person of any rank in the left, from voter on up to cabinet member to elected official in the Democrat Party, has contempt. We are the No. 1 enemy. And they will put aside whatever differences they have.”
Beck's star fell a long time ago. His media company the blaze is in financial decline. Isn't he a Mormon as well? He's a low life piece of ****. Another soft pudgy overweight crying pussy.
I was actually listening to that broadcast live yesterday. I hardly ever, and I mean ever listen to him. But he was on and it was the very beginning of the broadcast. I was pretty floored at how he told it like it was, no punches pulled towards the establishment GOP. I actually thought, Rush is to the point he doesn't care even if it costs him his career. Good for him to show guts no matter what.

I have never thought so much about the consequences of an election as this one. The most powerful nation on the planet either surviving or self-destructing by the deceit of enemies within, and people of "intelligence" willing to vote for their own demise and those around them, not to mention our children and their children to come. If this happens in a "Constitutional Republic" as the greatest nation that's ever been, what will future generations all around the world think except that we were insane?
I was actually listening to that broadcast live yesterday. I hardly ever, and I mean ever listen to him. But he was on and it was the very beginning of the broadcast. I was pretty floored at how he told it like it was, no punches pulled towards the establishment GOP. I actually thought, Rush is to the point he doesn't care even if it costs him his career. Good for him to show guts no matter what.

I have never thought so much about the consequences of an election as this one. The most powerful nation on the planet either surviving or self-destructing by the deceit of enemies within, and people of "intelligence" willing to vote for their own demise and those around them, not to mention our children and their children to come. If this happens in a "Constitutional Republic" as the greatest nation that's ever been, what will future generations all around the world think except that we were insane?

I think most of the half or slightly less than half of the electorate that will vote for Clinton is stupid and intellectually lazy and have been brainwashed, not necessarily insane. Most people I think realize what's going on.
I think most of the half or slightly less than half of the electorate that will vote for Clinton is stupid and intellectually lazy and have been brainwashed, not necessarily insane. Most people I think realize what's going on.

Amen, good analysis.
According to Bill Clinton, Trump's "base" is comprised entirely of "standard rednecks." The crowd of tolerant, loving, compassionate liberals laughs hysterically at his racial slur...

Replace Bill with Donald, the word "redneck" with "n-gger," and the liberal crowd with Trump supporters and something tells me this wouldn't be considered humorous.
BREAKING : Chelsea Clinton just threw Hillary under the bus

So her own daughter was conducting her own secret investigation of her mother and (not really) father, Slick Willy the Rapist. Ya think the ziomedia will pick up on this story...or will they just keep going on about how Donald Trump said naughty words eleven years ago? (#2 is the correct answer)
she is laughing hysterically after saying she has debated The Donald 3 times and spent 4.5 hours with him. I would say she is laughing hysterically because she had her ass handed to her on a platter 3 times on Worldwide Television by The Donald , this is panic laughing....

The hag is constantly smiling and laughing hysterically and inappropriately, often accompanied by bizarre body movements, like head bobbing, and sometimes she even collapses unconscious . Put her in the psych ward in the federal pen.
Tim Kaine Addresses Crack Heads And Transients

Bwahaha! The hag draws similar crowds. Then they r going to put some talking head on the ziovision election eve telling us that the Hag-Kaine ticket won by a landslide.
American Freedom News