Hillary Clinton

Guys, if you believe in God, pray very hard tonight for a Trump victory tomorrow.


And to Wotan and our gods! We must defeat their demon hag and be free from the stranglehold of the VAMPIRE!!!
Re: Did Hillary Just Have Another Incident Tonight, Election Eve?
She seems to have difficulty walking here after exiting the plane. She doesn't seem to be able to walk unaided. Apparently no video of her descending the off-ramp stairs.

The Parkinson's symptoms have NOT disappeared. One of the most relevant aspects of Parkinson's is not only the inability to walk and the need for constant rest, but the loss of mental acuity. Parkinson's degenerates a person's ability to think clearly and coherently. Note the special disability steps into her van shown in this video.

She is physically and mentally unfit to hold the office of president and to have her finger on America's nuclear button.

This is where she was heading... One of her last rallys. Large crowd showed up for Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi, not her... :)



Why couldn't that hag have keeled over and died by now? Or maybe it did on 911. They have whole stable of doppelgangers. They all wear a demonic joker smile on their faces, just like Barak Hussein.
The 911 picture above: It's a good dopelganger. I don't know what it is. But there are mistakes. See the bump on their foreheads? The dopelganger's hair part is higher above it than the hag's. I can't see the same ears but from what I can see the hag's ear is much bigger and lower than the d's. Of course the d looks 30 years younger and when you see the full body she looks way slimmer than the big bottomed hag.
the Clinton Crime Family will play extra nice with the Trump Administration now. What will he do.? Charge them.? We shall see. My thoughts, he will let them off the hook with 250 millio.
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the Clinton Crime Family will play extra nice with the Trump Administration now. What will he do.? Charge them.? We shall see. My thoughts, he will leave them off the hook with 250 millio.

Yes, he may not want to waste his first two years, while having a Rep. congress, on the prosecution of Hilary as a major distraction to his major work of re-constructing the nation.
This is a compilation of Norm McDonald bits skewering Bill and Hillary in the '90s on SNL. Brings back memories of some of the scandals going on back then. I almost never watch SNL, but doubt any such biting "politically incorrect" jokes are allowed on it these days.

Great stuff Don. Norm MacDonald was always a favorite of mine. He was (maybe still is, I'm not sure) great at delivering such scalding jokes in his deadpan style. This reminded me of the time he hosted the ESPY awards. His monologue was hilarious but the PC crowd, who was clearly getting their footing already in 1998, were very upset by some of his jokes. He was never invited back despite many outside of the professional complainer class admitting he had the best monologue in the award shows history.

Dead thread I'm reviving because of her dead brother, Tony Rodham dying a few days ago. Is anyone curious about the cause of death? The media sure doesn't seem to be. Cause of death "not devulged" and "privacy reasons". He was younger than her by a few years so what's the deal? Hush, hush.
Dead thread I'm reviving because of her dead brother, Tony Rodham dying a few days ago. Is anyone curious about the cause of death? The media sure doesn't seem to be. Cause of death "not devulged" and "privacy reasons". He was younger than her by a few years so what's the deal? Hush, hush.
You are right about this being kept quite. I’d not even heard the news til now.
Dead thread I'm reviving because of her dead brother, Tony Rodham dying a few days ago. Is anyone curious about the cause of death? The media sure doesn't seem to be. Cause of death "not devulged" and "privacy reasons". He was younger than her by a few years so what's the deal? Hush, hush.
While I agree that it sounds fishy, the less said about anything to do with the clinton's the better. At this point, I just wish the two of them would just disappear.
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