Hillary Clinton

Truth is stranger than fiction?

If that is the same Hillary, I wonder if the dramatic weight loss is just another indication of a terminal illness that is rapidly accelerating.
Truth is stranger than fiction?

If that is the same Hillary, I wonder if the dramatic weight loss is just another indication of a terminal illness that is rapidly accelerating.

It wouldn't shock me. Many people in position of power throughout history were said to have doubles.
I was watching NBC's nightly anti-Trump hatefest, and the focus was far more on Trump's health rather than Hillary's!!! As one of our venerable threads is aptly titled, we're living in a cartoon.
This YouTuber, going by the handle of "Barry Soetoro", has some really good content. Humorous delivery as well.

This particular one is about the speech "The Hildabeast" (as he calls her), gave in Reno, NV a couple/few of weeks ago. It's not a critique of her speech but that a chunk of the audience was "green-screened" in. The live feed was carried by ABC "News". It has over a half-million views with around a 90% rating.


If that is the same Hillary, I wonder if the dramatic weight loss is just another indication of a terminal illness that is rapidly accelerating.

Some disease made the old hag lose her wide load rear end and look twenty years younger and dance in the street, as well as shaking her secret service entourage, an hour after either fainting or dying at "ground zero" and getting tossed into the van "like a slab of beef", according to a NYPD witness? What disease would that be? I think it is the dreaded dopelganger disease and I think they are messing with our heads!


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I was watching NBC's nightly anti-Trump hatefest, and the focus was far more on Trump's health rather than Hillary's!!! As one of our venerable threads is aptly titled, we're living in a cartoon.
YouTuber David Seaman put out the following video today (already nearing 50K views and 95+% rating) regarding the latest dump of #DNCLeaks and is wondering why no one is reporting on it, so he reports on it. In the video he says he's a former writer for The Huffington Post and is very concerned about the level of outright "propaganda" being spewed out now.

At @4:45 mark he mentions how they flip the "pay-for-play" scandal on to Trump (instead of Hillary) and at @7:26 mark he mentions how they are flipping the health issue on to Trump.

Good stuff. Very few honest so-called "Liberals" left. I don't think he considers himself a Liberal but he did say he sides with some of their positions.

CNN (Clinton News Network) going into hyper save the hag mode. Last night they were harping on birther movement BS. And how Trump as a private citizen made obama prove it to the country he was born in Hawaii. Rather than policy speeches Trump has put forward the last 3 weeks to save the country. God, I hope he wins. F'ing MSM. 1/3 of the axis of liberalism along with academia and hollywood. Media, Academia and Hollywood==>Axis of liberalism==>fail.

There's a video from InfoWars where they called the news station. The station claims it was a mistake.
These guys read from teleprompters. I am guessing they had something written up just in case as they are expecting the hag to croak sometime soon.
There's a video from InfoWars where they called the news station. The station claims it was a mistake.
These guys read from teleprompters. I am guessing they had something written up just in case as they are expecting the hag to croak sometime soon.

I think that the hag might have croaked on 911.


Also check out the hag's formerly ****-stained wide load butt which is now slender.
CNN (Clinton News Network) going into hyper save the hag mode. Last night they were harping on birther movement BS. And how Trump as a private citizen made obama prove it to the country he was born in Hawaii. Rather than policy speeches Trump has put forward the last 3 weeks to save the country. God, I hope he wins. F'ing MSM. 1/3 of the axis of liberalism along with academia and hollywood. Media, Academia and Hollywood==>Axis of liberalism==>fail.

Obama, known as Barry Soetoro, a well known male prostitute, when he lived in Hawaii, didn't prove ****.

I think that the hag might have croaked on 911.


Also check out the hag's formerly ****-stained wide load butt which is now slender.

Either that or she is really ill\bed ridden and her doppleganger is going around masquerading as her.
Either that or she is really ill\bed ridden and her doppleganger is going around masquerading as her.

Yes, one or the other. Trump should bring this out. This is getting freaking surreal. They must be building up to something big, like a new and improved 911 false flag terror attack so that they can declare martial law and cancel the election.
Yes, one or the other. Trump should bring this out. This is getting freaking surreal. They must be building up to something big, like a new and improved 911 false flag terror attack so that they can declare martial law and cancel the election.

Well rumors have been circulating for a long time that Obama and his masters are unwilling to yield the White House over to either Clinton\Trump although Clinton and him have the same masters, but she is ill so.... He wants to call for Martial Law to cancel the elections etc. And if that were true, I would hope the military refuses and throws his bum out on the front lawn in a coup. Without the military on his side he has no power.
Well rumors have been circulating for a long time that Obama and his masters are unwilling to yield the White House over to either Clinton\Trump although Clinton and him have the same masters, but she is ill so.... He wants to call for Martial Law to cancel the elections etc. And if that were true, I would hope the military refuses and throws his bum out on the front lawn in a coup. Without the military on his side he has no power.

Every four years there are those who claim that this will be the last election if so and so is or isn't elected, or that the incumbent intends to have the election canceled so he can remain in power. I've been politically active since the 1984 election, and it happened then and has like clockwork every four years since. And long before too -- FDR was widely feared as a dictator who would never surrender the White House.

The president is merely a puppet or frontman for the Deep State. The forces backing Hillary don't care if she is in robust health or is a (barely) walking zombie, as long as she wins. What does Obama do but play golf and occasionally read some words from a teleprompter? George W. Bush took 879 days of vacation during his eight years as president. Apparently "running the world" really isn't so tough, or it's run much differently than how the ever-gullible American public is led to believe it is. Trump on the other hand has been a paradigm-buster to this point, and hopefully will be his own man if elected, which we haven't had in the White House since, I don't know, Andrew Jackson maybe.
Every four years there are those who claim that this will be the last election if so and so is or isn't elected, or that the incumbent intends to have the election canceled so he can remain in power. I've been politically active since the 1984 election, and it happened then and has like clockwork every four years since. And long before too -- FDR was widely feared as a dictator who would never surrender the White House.

The president is merely a puppet or frontman for the Deep State. The forces backing Hillary don't care if she is in robust health or is a (barely) walking zombie, as long as she wins. What does Obama do but play golf and occasionally read some words from a teleprompter? George W. Bush took 879 days of vacation during his eight years as president. Apparently "running the world" really isn't so tough, or it's run much differently than how the ever-gullible American public is led to believe it is. Trump on the other hand has been a paradigm-buster to this point, and hopefully will be his own man if elected, which we haven't had in the White House since, I don't know, Andrew Jackson maybe.
I think JFK would follow AJ. Tho. The Dems in the 60 were 180 degrees from now. Yes, they had a history of racism. But I believe JFK wanted to shun that history and go in a different direction. He must be rolling in his grave to see what the current Dems are today.
Every four years there are those who claim that this will be the last election if so and so is or isn't elected, or that the incumbent intends to have the election canceled...

Weird as their other elephant and donkey shows were, especially the last two when they trotted out their gay n'r from outer space, or parts unknown, as they used to say in wrestling (there was actually a movie called gay n's from outer space. google it if u don't believe me) this one is exponentially weirder. Have u seen the New Hillary (replicant?) in action? Unlike the old worn out Hillary this one handles stairs with ease. Check out rense.com for more on that, including what purports to be the medical report on the now discarded original Hillary who is reportedly close to death.
I think JFK would follow AJ. Tho. The Dems in the 60 were 180 degrees from now. Yes, they had a history of racism. But I believe JFK wanted to shun that history and go in a different direction. He must be rolling in his grave to see what the current Dems are today.
Today, JFK would probably be considered a "right-wing tea party 'wack job'". If he were in a coma for the past 50+ years instead of being dead, and just woke up out of it, he'd be shocked to see what this country had become.

He was far from perfect, but having the Treasury Department minting and circulating silver coins to the chagrin of the Central Bankers, opposing Israel's development of nuclear power and weaponry, and not wanting to get us into foreign entanglements...those three things alone would be enough to make him unelectable today and a pariah to the entire establishment.
Today, JFK would probably be considered a "right-wing tea party 'wack job'". If he were in a coma for the past 50+ years instead of being dead, and just woke up out of it, he'd be shocked to see what this country had become.

He was far from perfect, but having the Treasury Department minting and circulating silver coins to the chagrin of the Central Bankers, opposing Israel's development of nuclear power and weaponry, and not wanting to get us into foreign entanglements...those three things alone would be enough to make him unelectable today and a pariah to the entire establishment.
Exactly. Listen, I do not condone his philandering but as long he had intelligent policy and banged premium ass unlike the sex addict Bill Clinton who settled for fat Jewess broads. I can look past it as long as America's interest were foremost and furthered.
Today, JFK would probably be considered a "right-wing tea party 'wack job'". If he were in a coma for the past 50+ years instead of being dead, and just woke up out of it, he'd be shocked to see what this country had become.

He was far from perfect, but having the Treasury Department minting and circulating silver coins to the chagrin of the Central Bankers, opposing Israel's development of nuclear power and weaponry, and not wanting to get us into foreign entanglements...those three things alone would be enough to make him unelectable today and a pariah to the entire establishment.

And those three things were enough to get him whacked.
I think JFK would follow AJ. Tho. The Dems in the 60 were 180 degrees from now. Yes, they had a history of racism. But I believe JFK wanted to shun that history and go in a different direction. He must be rolling in his grave to see what the current Dems are today.

I agree with that. JFK at the time was feared by the right as a hard-core liberal, but as time went on it was better appreciated that he wanted to rein in the even-then out-of-control CIA and the rest of the "intelligence community," and he also wanted a return to an honest money system. He denounced secret societies and deep state influence shortly before he was offed. JFK's father was also widely mistrusted by the establishment for having pro-German sympathies during the 1930s, or more accurately America First sympathies rather than supporting the (((internationalist warhawks))) of that era.
Exactly. Listen, I do not condone his philandering but as long he had intelligent policy and banged premium ass unlike the sex addict Bill Clinton who settled for fat Jewess broads. I can look past it as long as America's interest were foremost and furthered.
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