Hillary Clinton

Have you seen the latest video of the hag, where she's mumbling stuff about the latest black moslem bombing in NYC? She looks like she's more than half dead again. And how come none of her entourage on that plane are wearing any protective face masks? They told us she had pneumonia.

So the hag went from collapsing and either dying or almost dying on 911 to being super perky and 20 years younger and 30 pounds lighter an hour later...to being old and sick and fat assed and half dead again today. How does that work?

Hillary 9/17 and 9/15/2016

Can you say "body double", kids?
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It's the same godless tramp. But the need to get rid of her politically is still a priority.
It's the same godless tramp...

Do you think so? How can u explain her suddenly looking so young and so slim and so radiantly healthy and bubbling with happiness and suddenly without the standard entourage all around her and hugging a little girl, obviously an actor, running out from stage left, regardless of her alleged pneumonia which is highly contageous, just an hour after she collapsed in a heap on 911?

Debates are supposed to start Monday. That should be interesting. Will the real witch show up and if so how will they prop her up? Will the big negro handler be by her side? Or will the happy replicant show up going on like, "I feel so great! Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Vote for me! That's all folks!"
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Some disease made the old hag lose her wide load rear end and look twenty years younger and dance in the street, as well as shaking her secret service entourage, an hour after either fainting or dying at "ground zero" and getting tossed into the van "like a slab of beef", according to a NYPD witness? What disease would that be? I think it is the dreaded dopelganger disease and I think they are messing with our heads!



They are using a body double. Look at the difference in the hips and thighs in those two photos. Unless these pictures are photo-shopped, there is no way in hell that is the same person.
I'm a little worried about the debate tomorrow. Her bar is so low to do good. All she has to do is survive for 90 minutes, they probably have filled her full of enough drugs to get her through it, and it's a win for her. The media will be all in against Trump and he really is not a good debater. I hope I'm pleasantly surprised but it has the makings of being bad for Trump.
What time does this thing start [add: 7PM EST] and where can I see it online? Probably the zionews stations will carry it. Will the witch be able to stay upright for the duration, or will they trot out the happy Hillary replicant instead? The New York Times just officially endorsed the witch. I guess now I'll have to vote for her too. But seriously does anyone look to see what a newspaper owner endorses for voting guidance?

How the liberal press will game the Trump-Hillary debate
Sep25by Jon Rappoport



Unconscious Hillary's Leg & Foot Dragged Across Pavement & Into The Van

Hillary Collapse NEW, Color Adjusted Video! Best View Of Clinton 9/11 Fall!

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What are the booky odds on this fight? I'm going to put a bet on Trump by first round KO. The hag will freeze up and fall down maybe without a punch being landed. Where is that phony VADA drug testing outfit now that it's really needed? Who knows what they're pumping her up with.
There shouldn't be a single White person that should vote for her seeing and hearing from her own mouth who her model leader is...

There are tho, if u can call them white. On occasion I am driving along and I will see a car in front of me with Hillary 2016 stickers on it, and then I have to restrain myself from going into ramming mode, and I know in advance what I will see when I look inside - a lone white woman with close cropped hair who looks like an aging and angry dyke, probably a retired school teacher.
This is from the SF forum.

WhiteRights;13726502 said:
When Hillary had that head-bobbing seizure, it was in front of several reporters, one of whom looked like Monica.



Shorter reporter looks like Monica.


Monica Lewinsky
Beck is pure scum, hopefully his career decline continues to the point where he no longer has any influence at all after this move.

Never thought I'd say it, but Hannity has become must watch TV. He and Newt Gingrich are right -- the continuing Wikileaks dumps confirm that this election has turned into an all-out war between the corporate "mainstream" media and social media. Fox News is about the only large "mainstream" media outlet not openly coordinating with the Clinton campaign. Trump has to use his large base of supporters, Fox News and social media along with the support of alternative media to try to win the election against parts of the GOP establishment and a media openly dedicated to destroying him at all costs. This election gets more astounding -- and important -- every day. Trump is fighting mad now, buckle up!
Bill O'Reilly also has been a big supporter.
Don Wassall said:
Never thought I'd say it, but Hannity has become must watch TV.

Sean is, without question, Trump's most stringent and unapologetic supporter in the entire mainstream media...and it's not even close. He's been fantastic every single night for months and months, literally devoting all of his efforts into convincing viewers that The Donald is right about everything he says and does (which he is). He plays clips from Trump's rallies daily, sometimes even broadcasting the entire rally speech instead of providing any commentary whatsoever. He's constantly interviewing Donald in the fairest possible manner. When he's not promoting Trump, he's brutally eviscerating the Clintons and Obama or speaking ill of BLM and supporting police.

Sure, he still throws in a few of his pro-Zionist opinions when discussing Muslims, but he's surely the only watchable member of the establishment media. He's essentially evolved into the antithesis of Glenn Beck...

Interesting that former establishment shill Sean Hannity has morphed into the media's biggest Trump cheerleader. Although Rush Limbaugh has also pressed his considerable weight for Trump. Beck has self destructed, Levin has done poorly, Loesch is useless, Savage and Ingraham have been very good. What will be the end game for these guys?

I'm sure the calculation was to be in a good spot after the election. If Trump was to win the the pro-Trump faction will be in good shape, if he loses they still have an angry army of Trumpists to sell their content to. The anti-Trumpers seem to have made a poor choice. There is no future in conservative punditry if the only support you have is a few rabid anti-Trumpers and the GOPe. "I told you so" if Trump loses does not seem to be a winning formula.

Concerning Hannity, the rumor is after Trump loses he starts his own news service/channel/empire in opposition to everyone else out there. (which may be better then him winning the Presidency). Hannity would be in a good spot for a top slot at the new Trump News Network.
American Freedom News