Hillary Clinton

Yeah, WA, they are pretty much dumbed down and fattened up and ready for the slaughter house. My main fear, tho, like so many others, is that, like their phony lying polls, they will rig the election count. If Trump wins by a landslide they'll just have their talking heads on the tv announce that the witch won by a landslide.

Well when it came out that Barry basically believed in the teachings of the Nation of Islam I felt for sure he would lose. I mean, how could any white moron vote for someone who is racist against them because of their skin color. Boy, was I completely wrong. The blacks vote democrat almost exclusively anyway, but this year they are especially angry and calling Trump a racist. I personally heard a few of the "magical race" at work say they are moving to Canada if he wins. I would of course love that but it would never happen.
Well when it came out that Barry basically believed in the teachings of the Nation of Islam I felt for sure he would lose. I mean, how could any white moron vote for someone who is racist against them because of their skin color. Boy, was I completely wrong. The blacks vote democrat almost exclusively anyway, but this year they are especially angry and calling Trump a racist. I personally heard a few of the "magical race" at work say they are moving to Canada if he wins. I would of course love that but it would never happen.

Exactly. The tragedy is Americans by and large are so dumbed-down and stupid they don't even know what is good for them. Who wouldn't want what Trump proposes other than fellow politicians and elitist bankers? EVERY American should want a safer and better America. People here are so lost they want to destroy themselves...White people are proving themselves the dumbest. It's crazy to say the least.

Here's a fifth:

@wikileaks Inquest rules that death of Julian Assange's lawyer, John Jones QC, was NOT 'suicide', opening door to law suits https://archive.is/OKVbu

Why Would Julian Assange’s Lawyer Commit Suicide?

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And that's just within the past month. Over the course of the Clintons' political career there have been at least 50 such murders. That is what you'd expect from the Mafia or drug cartels, not a "respectable" political family. And the MSM of course won't report one word about these deaths. Andrew Breitbart was murdered in similar fashion. These are the cold blooded psychopaths that run this country and the West, and who Trump is running against.
That person third from the left is not Victor Thorn. It is also agreed among Thorn's family he did indeed commit suicide, unfortunately.
I think the problem with pointing out the Clinton's long history of corruption is that unfortunately it falls on disinterested ears. The Democrats' distributional coalition doesn't generally care how corrupt their leaders are, as long as free stuff keeps coming. Republican'ts can continue to righteously point out Clinton corruption, but I don't think it'll pull many votes for 'em. The Republicans need a spokesman who can convince the government dependents, that their dependence hurts themselves, it's a tough sell..

Dinesh D'Souza tells a great parable about how the modern Liberals are on top of building lowering a rope down to government dependents, and it feels good for those on the bottom to hang onto the rope & get casually pulled up.. but the reality is those on the rope are at the mercy of the rope handlers, at any moment the handlers can drop the rope, or the rope can morph into a strangle hold.. Conservatism theoretically constructs a rope ladder for the motivated to climb up..

Republicans are doing well in state & local elections, bcuz the distributional coalition (thankfully) doesn't seem to be aware of how important local politics are to their gravy train.
Ninety-nine times out of a hundred these kind of bold proclamations fizzle. Let's hope this time is different.

Assange: I Will Bring Hillary Down Before The Debate Stage On September 26th

In a previous time in the nation formerly known as America, it would be a slam dunk for the prosecution to nail her with charges so thick she's be in prison til she died. Way worse than Watergate scandal crimes and she's walking around waiting to be elected to the highest office in the land by the dumbest voting populace in the history of the world. I'm all for a total overthrow by any means necessary if Leftism has its' way in November. The globalists are licking their demonic chops at the thought of total control and persecution of people like me. I might as well go down fighting.
The Clinton Murder Inc. crime family takes money from wherever it comes. They expect the dumbed down canon fodders to have 90 second MTV attention spans so now they don't even remember Slick Willy's last day in office which he used to issue 140 pardons and commutations to many international drug lords and other criminals. He even pardoned his drug addict half brother, Roger Clinton, who said, referring to cocaine, Slick Willy "has a nose like a vacuum cleaner"...

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In a previous time in the nation formerly known as America, it would be a slam dunk for the prosecution to nail her with charges so thick she's be in prison til she died. Way worse than Watergate scandal crimes and she's walking around waiting to be elected to the highest office in the land by the dumbest voting populace in the history of the world. I'm all for a total overthrow by any means necessary if Leftism has its' way in November. The globalists are licking their demonic chops at the thought of total control and persecution of people like me. I might as well go down fighting.

Like I said before my last hope are military coups here and in western Europe. Too many white people have been fattened up and dumbed down, and those of us who haven't are unorganized. The decrepit hag will bomb Iran, Iranian missiles will sink the fleet in the Persian Gulf, and then the military middle level - Dr Alan Sabrosky said that the military knows who really did 911 - because the top level are political appointees and the bottom level don't know anything, will get really pissed that the corrupt ******* in Washington, with their phony elections and all, have destroyed the military and the whole country...a military coup like the one in Turkey except hopefully they'll plan it a little better. Presidents Bill and Hillary will look good doing the air dance.
Military brass are surveilled far more closely than the general population. They're also thoroughly vetted all along their career paths to make sure they'll go along with the civilian PTB. Any general who started talking about a military coup would be in a brig in a New York second. A military takeover will never happen in Amerika. Trump is likely the last chance we have for change before the "long march through the institutions" by the left becomes irreversible. And even if he loses, I hope he hangs in there and continues to build his movement rather than going back to being strictly a real estate tycoon.
Military brass are surveilled far more closely than the general population. They're also thoroughly vetted all along their career paths to make sure they'll go along with the civilian PTB. Any general who started talking about a military coup would be in a brig in a New York second. A military takeover will never happen in Amerika. Trump is likely the last chance we have for change before the "long march through the institutions" by the left becomes irreversible. And even if he loses, I hope he hangs in there and continues to build his movement rather than going back to being strictly a real estate tycoon.

That's why I said the middle level military - especially the Navy I think - because they are probably going to get badly messed up if the hag starts wars with Iran and Russia and China. There must be people in the Navy that know that Admiral Boorda didn't really commit suicide. There might even be some rogue admirals and generals after a catastrophe...
Military brass are surveilled far more closely than the general population. They're also thoroughly vetted all along their career paths to make sure they'll go along with the civilian PTB. Any general who started talking about a military coup would be in a brig in a New York second. A military takeover will never happen in Amerika. Trump is likely the last chance we have for change before the "long march through the institutions" by the left becomes irreversible. And even if he loses, I hope he hangs in there and continues to build his movement rather than going back to being strictly a real estate tycoon.

Our current military is made up of the types that Stalin wouldn't purge.
That's why I said the middle level military - especially the Navy I think - because they are probably going to get badly messed up if the hag starts wars with Iran and Russia and China. There must be people in the Navy that know that Admiral Boorda didn't really commit suicide. There might even be some rogue admirals and generals after a catastrophe...

In an Orwellian society, unhappy middle-rank military men -- and I agree they undoubtedly exist, possibly in decent sized numbers -- must feel like Winston Smith in 1984. Who do you talk to? Who do you confide in? Talk to the wrong person and your career is instantly over. Look at the little militia groups in the countryside that get rounded up because there is always at least one fed among them, usually trying to instigate violence. I would be shocked if the military isn't far more rigorously monitored for "dissidents."
People are talking about it, even in the controlled ziomedia:

After Turkey, an American coup?

For starters, we know that the Secret Service hates the hag's guts. I guess they have real .357 sig bullets in the their guns.

" Who do you talk to? Who do you confide in? Talk to the wrong person and your career is instantly over. "

True, it wouldn't be safe or easy, but there have been a lot of military coups in the world.


My imagined scenario is only after a catastrophe, say many ships including aircraft carriers blown up by missiles after the hag bombs Iran, US military bases in the middle east hit by missiles, Israel in flames, Moslem invaders in Europe and the USA making terrible terror attacks, negroes rioting in cities, maybe nukes going off in giant cities like Teheran, Russia and China breaking off diplomatic relations, tens of thousands of US military deaths. Those would be very chaotic times, much less controlled and structured than now.

Breaking news! Hillary Clinton had another bad accident. She crashed into a tree!

These photos are what Bill Clinton wished the hag would do with his penis when first married. Now the world is replused by her and those pics.:godsdrink0nw: LOL
The decrepit old hag may well be about to keel over. Some fear that the Obama government may use the occasion to cancel or postpone the elections, perhaps in combination with another one of their false flag terror attacks. It's getting harder and harder for them to sell a hag victory in their preprogrammed election machines despite their lying polls and cheerleading mass media, what with about forty people showing up at her hacking and coughing rallies, more than half of them being her entourage.

By the way the origin of the humpty dumpty rhyme is controversial, as are many old nursery rhymes, the most popular being that the original humpty dumpty was a cannon that fell off a church wall in England in 1648.
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