Hillary Clinton

At long last, Hillary finally holds a press conference (that is, a public speaking engagement fielding questions - sans teleprompter) at the "Black and Latino Journalist Convention." No whites allowed...


Clinton’s reform plan starts with a Democratic takeover in November that will “send a clear message to our Republican friends that it’s time for them to quit standing in the way of immigration reform.”...

In other words, open borders to the max and the genocide of Whites in America. How dare any Republican bigot xenophobe stand up to that.

We're looking at the end folks, if she gets in. The Leftists like her are shameless and bold now. There is nothing hidden in their prideful arrogance and determination to destroy us.
Clinton’s reform plan starts with a Democratic takeover in November that will “send a clear message to our Republican friends that it’s time for them to quit standing in the way of immigration reform.”...

In other words, open borders to the max and the genocide of Whites in America. How dare any Republican bigot xenophobe stand up to that.

We're looking at the end folks, if she gets in. The Leftists like her are shameless and bold now. There is nothing hidden in their prideful arrogance and determination to destroy us.

"How dare any Republican bigot xenophobe stand up to that"

Bigoted racist white male xenophobe. You left off racist. With that one single word that they invented - the Judeo-Marxist Franz Boas crowd to be exact, which included the famous fraud Margaret Mead - they are destroying the white race and western civilization - with one word! Websters Collegiate says the first known usage of the word "racist/racism" was 1933, tho there was an earlier word "racialist" first known usage 1915.

Thrashen: " No whites allowed."

No problema. It's racist to notice that.
Judge Jeanine on the lying Hag - and the lying FBI Director. Judge Jeanine is great - and I just found out that a good friend of mine is personal friends with her.

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The media, as stated before is all-in for the "Don't cross me or you're dead" Killary in this obvious bias and unified shutting up of anyone who dares criticizing her in any way:

The media bias is absolutely disgusting - Buchanan wrote in one of his articles that the press replaced the Church as the 4th estate in western civilization and much like the church the median influence is finally eroding. People are sick of the biased and manipulative media and alternative media outlets are out there actually providing the truth rather than the media version of it.

I think a part of Trumps popularity is how he deals with the media and how it connects with the average American who is sick and tired of this mouthpiece of the left and its attack on America.

Drudge and wiki leaks have been two of the best things to happen to combat
the leftist media bias by exposing the truth and providing an alternative source of information. I really do think the traditional media is dying out - liberal rags are already on there way out and it's only a matter of time before the news networks start hurting financially in the same way.
If one believes the polls right now, looks like a slam dunk for the hag. I am wishing for two things, that she meltdown in the debates and Wiki leaks leaks those top secret e-mails that passed threw her illegal server she was given a pass for by corrupted FBI Director Comey. Man, the fedgov is a cess pool and criminal enterprise for the elites to get rich.
The two things that are evident to me right now are the fact that the country is almost totally polarized on the candidates and that in the debates the "undecided" will have to pay attention to make a difference because of the aforementioned polarization. The idiots on the Left will vote wholeheartedly for the Crook because they are hopelessly brainwashed. Sad thing is, who in the heck by now is "undecided"? Do they live in a cave or what? How can you not be in favor of saving what's left of the nation?
The other evident thing to me is that Killary has zero conscience and zero morals. That transfers into her public speaking where she lies in rapid fire succession with no change in emotion or demeanor, really. She just spews and it is second nature to her now. It seems it might indeed make her somewhat "immune" to accusations and confrontations in the debates. Her feathers may not be ruffled at all and it may come across as her "winning" the debates. I don't know for sure but it seems to be the case...
The two things that are evident to me right now are the fact that the country is almost totally polarized on the candidates and that in the debates the "undecided" will have to pay attention to make a difference because of the aforementioned polarization. The idiots on the Left will vote wholeheartedly for the Crook because they are hopelessly brainwashed. Sad thing is, who in the heck by now is "undecided"? Do they live in a cave or what? How can you not be in favor of saving what's left of the nation?
The other evident thing to me is that Killary has zero conscience and zero morals. That transfers into her public speaking where she lies in rapid fire succession with no change in emotion or demeanor, really. She just spews and it is second nature to her now. It seems it might indeed make her somewhat "immune" to accusations and confrontations in the debates. Her feathers may not be ruffled at all and it may come across as her "winning" the debates. I don't know for sure but it seems to be the case...

You've pretty much defined psychopathy and there is no doubt whatsoever that Hillary is a psychopath (as is Bubba). Unfortunately the vast majority of other high-level politicians are as well. Many astute observers believe the world is run by psychopaths and until that is realized by the public and acted upon things will never improve.

On the other hand, Trump is not a psychopath. He's a megalomaniac and that is not a pejorative when he's motivated by patriotism. He believes he is the one man who can clean up the mess and he's determined to try. Truth is, he may be the last man who can clean up the mess, and the odds are still against him even if he wins the election. But he's admirable as hell for trying.
You've pretty much defined psychopathy and there is no doubt whatsoever that Hillary is a psychopath (as is Bubba). Unfortunately the vast majority of other high-level politicians are as well. Many astute observers believe the world is run by psychopaths and until that is realized by the public and acted upon things will never improve.

On the other hand, Trump is not a psychopath. He's a megalomaniac and that is not a pejorative when he's motivated by patriotism. He believes he is the one man who can clean up the mess and he's determined to try. Truth is, he may be the last man who can clean up the mess, and the odds are still against him even if he wins the election. But he's admirable as hell for trying.

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Ireland, in his book *Coningsby*
Yet every single media article, from the Democratic owned media(CNN, Washington Post, Huffington Post) is so anti-Trump it's sickening. I think I should just stop reading Yahoo as every article is extremely liberal. Trump certainly has some great ideas and the only reason he made it this far is he has the money and power to fight the left. How are all these supposed Republicans turning against him? Are they too cowardly to admit illegal immigration is a huge problem?
Yet every single media article, from the Democratic owned media(CNN, Washington Post, Huffington Post) is so anti-Trump it's sickening. I think I should just stop reading Yahoo as every article is extremely liberal. Trump certainly has some great ideas and the only reason he made it this far is he has the money and power to fight the left. How are all these supposed Republicans turning against him? Are they too cowardly to admit illegal immigration is a huge problem?

You speak of them as if they were human. They are politicians, lower than insects.
What if only American citizen working people were allowed to vote - no college students or welfare recipients?
Then I am sure Barry would have some of his "buddies" playing security guards at the polls!

What I'm worried about most is Barry's buddies counting the votes, and other concomitant vote fraud - and then the talking heads on the tv channels showing numbers on the screen and telling you the hag won before you even got to the voting station.
But then again theres the theory that we - the white race - if we are to have any chance to survive - it is better that things got real bad in a hurry rather than gradually as they are now - like the frog in the water - and woke people up - so if u look at it that way President Hag will be better than President Trump - because what will Trump - one single mortal man - be able to change anyway?

How many fools will still be waving flags and chanting USA USA! with a hellish hag regime and no chance to ever elect another pro civilization candidate again because of demographics and the democracy game where only numbers count?
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The hag held a rally at a West Philadelphia high school

Werewolf, my fear is the drunk white liberals. For petes sake, they voted Barry in for two terms. Trump has been called a "racist" by the democrats and that usually spells doom for any white person. Now they are blaming the Muslim shooting in NYC the other day on Trumps rhetoric. Sickening how brainwashed and stupid the white race has become.
Yeah, WA, they are pretty much dumbed down and fattened up and ready for the slaughter house. My main fear, tho, like so many others, is that, like their phony lying polls, they will rig the election count. If Trump wins by a landslide they'll just have their talking heads on the tv announce that the witch won by a landslide.
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