Hillary Clinton

If this is what she says about us publicly, can you imagine what she says about us privately?...

Here's how the witch talks privately"

"F**k off! It's enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut."
(From the book "American Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good morning."

More quotes from the witch in private - when she's not wearing the **** eating grin she wears for photo ops:

The wicked old witch is about to keel over for good. Is this their plan? Are they going to try to cancel the election then?

How may more of these can they hide from the 33% of the population who walk about zombie remote controlled by the mediators mainstream feeds?

She's a nervous wreck. Just the thought of Trump makes her sick. She said so herself. Hope she has a collo-apse during the first debate for the whole wide world of dummies to finally see for themselves.
She is NOT well...
How long is her "in the bag" Leftist Commie press going to cover for her? Forever, I suppose.
Some people on our side believe today was the death of the Clinton campaign. After around 2 weeks of talking about Hillary's health, and the establishment Marxists trying to pass it all off as conspiratorial fantasy, this extremely public fainting incident cannot be denied. It instead confirms what Trump and everyone on the Alt Right has been saying all along.

Hopefully the wicked witch is politically dead.
They are now saying it was just a touch of pneumonia. She'll be fine in a few days. Nothing to worry about.
I never heard of "a touch of pneumonia" How do you get "a touch of pneumonia"? What the old witch has is the touch of the Devil on her shoulder because he's ready to collect her soul that she sold to him long ago!
This probably does finish her off. How can she recover from fainting at a 911 memorial? I know the people are dumbed down but having a leader that can faint away like that is too scary for just about anyone. No matter how they spin it the image of her wobbling and being dragged into a van will be there forever. You can bet the DNC is preparing a replacement which I think may be a problem for DJT. This whole health thing with her has been ridiculous. She's coughing and hacking, she hardly every appears in public, doesn't do any press conferences, and yet the denials are kept up.

On the conspiracy side I think there is credible evidence that they are using a body double for her. The video of her appearing outside her daughters apartment after the fainting is very suspicious. The Hillary in that video looks younger and much healthier, how does anyone faint, have pneumonia, and then appear fine a little while later. Plus there is no security around her which is unthinkable considering she is just standing in the street, and a little while ago was fainting.

I think what happened is that they originally thought they could get away with the "overheated" excuse so they ran the body double out far away from the camera's to show she was now okay. But than they realized she was still ill and needed a bigger excuse to hide her away so they came up with pneumonia. That falls apart though when you think, why would a 68 year old woman do an appearance like that with pneumonia? Plus they had a kid come up and hug her--what about the germs? What about her infant grandkid in the apartment she was in? Why send an old woman to an apartment after fainting? Especially with pneumonia, she should have been hospitalized and given fluids and treatment.

Hillary at the 911 event, and after outside of Chelsea's apartment. Same person?
They're both clearly Hillary. Celebrities and other public figures rarely have to worry about a bad picture making it to the "mainstream" media. Hillary is very old looking, as a few pictures show, Drudge being an outlet that shows them. What's great is that her health issues now have to be acknowledged by the presstitutes aka the court jesters of the system's corporate media. Trump is 70 but has exuded health and super-alpha vigor ever since he began his campaign. There hasn't been a presidential candidate of the perpetual two party monopoly with such obvious health issues since. . . William Henry Harrison, who died a month after taking office. FDR was a cripple but was mentally alert for most of his dictatorship.
Jaxvid you are right. The pic on the left looks like she is hours from death. the pic on the right looks like she is at Springsteen concert having a swell time. A dramatic make over. But I am sure its the same beast. Those 90 minutes in her daughter's apartment did wonders for her appearance, no doubt applied by professionals with supreme skill. Some say it takes weeks to recover from pneumonia. At the first debate it is doubtful she will be 100%. Which is good. Trump will have to play this smart. Wish that she gets well but no excuse or slack for the "deplorable' remark on Friday.
Here's how the witch talks privately"

"F**k off! It's enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut."
(From the book "American Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good morning."

More quotes from the witch in private - when she's not wearing the **** eating grin she wears for photo ops:

Hey I talk like this when people piss me off. Ha ha. Its mostly aimed at the MSM though and miscreants I encounter in person. Not people who are there for my protection. What a cunt she is. Hopefully the end to her is near. At least politically
What Flint said.

According to a NYPD observer they threw her carcass into the black van after her 911 day collapse "As if it were a slab of beef"...but an hour later here she comes cake walking out of Chelsea's humble 90 million dollar multi story flat wearing a dazzling **** eating grin and twenty pounds lighter and twenty years younger besides! What, no more secret service protection?


Check out the comments.

Hillary Clinton "FEELING GREAT" after 9/11
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I just hope that she can make it all the way to the election. Her numbers, both fake and real, have been plummeting. If she withdraws, the Dems can hold a special committee meeting of two delegates per state to nominate a new candidate, most likely Biden. With a very short lead-up, he would be tough to beat.
If she has pneumonia, what in the hell is she doing outside? She should be in bed. If she doesn't have pneumonia why did she cancel her trip to California?
What occurred to me is if the two Hillary's are the same person then what would account for that? How about she was nearly passed out drunk? That would explain her wobbling before getting into the van and passing out. Then after a few hours of getting sobered up she is looking much better.
What occurred to me is if the two Hillary's are the same person then what would account for that? How about she was nearly passed out drunk? That would explain her wobbling before getting into the van and passing out. Then after a few hours of getting sobered up she is looking much better.

I don't understand what your point is. She obviously has a serious medical condition or conditions that the "mainstream" media can no longer pretend don't exist. Are you saying her various symptoms are instead a result of drunkenness?
A short, viciously anti-white cartoon created by Michael Moore and featured in his horrendous (so-called) documentary "Bowling for Columbine," an anti-gun propaganda film for the ages that used the Columbine school shooting (which, unlike Sandy Hoax, was actually real) to further his gun-grabbing, white-bashing agenda...

In Hollywood, this well-fed lummox is in the upper echelon of despicable, white-loathing Marxist bottom-feeders.

I don't believe Fatty has any Jewish ancestry. Nobody needs to get mugged by a pack of feral negroes more than this Lard Lad.
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Despicable trash. I'd like to show him a thing or two about being "afraid".
I don't understand what your point is. She obviously has a serious medical condition or conditions that the "mainstream" media can no longer pretend don't exist. Are you saying her various symptoms are instead a result of drunkenness?

I'm sure she is sick and unhealthy but couldn't this incident be explained by being **** faced drunk? I've seen people so drunk that they wobbled and then crashed like her. A little while later after sobering up they were better. That doesn't explain her other problems but maybe this one. Still disqualifies her for the office as a chronic alcoholic has no place in the White House.
Don't know what this is. Fake news? Real news that quickly got cut off the air? There is a lot of online speculation that the wicked old witch is dead.

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