Harvey Weinstein

Louis Szekely is a complete Jew. So, they whitewash his Wikipedia page and call him a Mexican-American is freaking hilarious. If you watch his show, he plays himself as a NYC Jew comedian. What's next? Andrew "Dice" Silverstein is actually a Korean-American?
Anti-Trump "comedian" Louis C.K. is accused of masturbating in front of multiple women. Previously-scheduled appearances on propaganda talk shows like Colbert and others have been cancelled.

I once watched about 5 minutes of a (((Louise C. K.))) “comedy” routine a few years back and it was sodden with mean-spirited comments about how white people are fat, lazy, permanently-complaining, and pampered and that Third Worlders are noble, hard-working, and beyond reproach.

His comments about Trump before the election were fairly predictable (Hitler, Nazi, racist, white supremacist, etc) SJW cuckholdry...

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Louis C.K. could hit some funny spots. His bit about pigging out on plate of cookies at a function by eating a couple, walking away then returning to re-discover them was hysterical.

He had a TV show for a while. It was supposed to be a sitcom I think but in the five minutes I could stand to watch it was more foul than funny.

A police chief down the road just resigned to deal with accusations from 2008.
He had some talent and was funny at times. But now the degeneracy has caught up with him and no doubt the bad karma of being anti-white. F him. LOL
The actor that played "Goose" on the movie "Top Gun" from 1986 comes forward with child abuse "molestation" allegations that happened to him "for years" by another Hollywood producer.
I am enjoying the fall of immoral Hollywood but one has to wonder when this is going to become a modern day Witch hunt and innocent men are going to be accused by radical and unchecked "feminists".

It's true that just about every accusation is being publicized with no way of knowing which ones are fabricated. Still, I'm enjoying seeing all these anti-White leftist men receive a tiny sliver of the damage they've caused over the years to this country and its heritage. I hope Hollywood is destroyed but I doubt it will happen as there's nothing pro-American waiting in the wings to replace it due to the monopoly of money and power this utterly rotten system of control still has. But who knows, I never thought the system would start to self-implode and devour its own the way it has since the rise of Trump has caused so many anti-Whites to become literally insane. So far it's been the best show Hollywood has produced since Birth of a Nation.
These tribesmen just can’t help but engage in this extreme degeneracy. It’s in their DNA. It’s rampant whether you’re talking about these liberal Hollywood types or the “conservative” Orthodox or Hasidic ones.

Here in Brooklyn where I am, it’s a well known “secret” that within these “conservative” communities there are tons of rape and molestation of young girls and boys. Often times it is the rabbis or other elders who are doing this sick stuff. However, these communities are so insular that no one talks to the police or reports these horrible crimes. They “deal with it” within the community which means they cover it up and allow these things to continue.

I have buddies within the NYPD who have confirmed all this to me. Occasionally, these kosher crimes are so blatant and outrageous that a story leaks out to the local press and a few arrests are made. However, that’s where it ends at the very tip of the iceberg.

So these “revelations” aren’t shocking at all if you actually live near or amongst these people. Their pathologies become very obvious.
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Anti-Trumper zealot, Richard Dreyfuss, is accused of exposing himself to writer.

I had no idea that one of the boys molested by Kevin Spacey was Dreyfuss' son. I guess that came out a few days ago and I missed it.

Hollywood is utterly vile. Remember that just a year or so ago, they gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski at some award show (I think it was the Academy awards) who's been in hiding in France for decades for sodomizing a 13-year old girl (I believe that was her age) against her will (not that that matters), back in the late 70's.
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These tribesmen just can’t help but engage in this extreme degeneracy. It’s in their DNA. It’s rampant whether you’re talking about these liberal Hollywood types or the “conservative” Orthodox or Hasidic ones.

Here in Brooklyn where I am, it’s a well known “secret” that within these “conservative” communities there are tons of rape and molestation of young girls and boys. Often times it is the rabbis or other elders who are doing this sick stuff. However, these communities are so insular that no one talks to the police or reports these horrible crimes. They “deal with it” within the community which means they cover it up and allow these things to continue.

I have buddies within the NYPD who have confirmed all this to me. Occasionally, these kosher crimes are so blatant and outrageous that a story leaks out to the local press and a few arrests are made. However, that’s where it ends at the very tip of the iceberg.

So these “revelations” aren’t shocking at all if you actually live near or amongst these people. Their pathologies become very obvious.
Very true, if you go back to biblical times the story of David and Bathsheba seems to be a recurring theme of wealthy corrupted Jewish males.

Yes in many religious communities spousal abuse is quite common because nobody talks to outsiders unless they are compelled to by law.
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Hey even Stuart Smalley has sexually assaulted a female, I always though Al Franken was a puffter.......http://variety.com/2017/politics/news/al-franken-accused-groping-radio-host-1202616459/
But "Swamp Rat" establishment Republicuck, Mitch McConnell, does not believe he should be removed from the Senate, only disciplined, unlike his stance on Roy Moore, whom he is conspiring against (along with the MSM, Democrats and other establishment Republicucks) to prevent him from even entering the Senate.

There's actually hard evidence against Franken (his statement in the Harvard student newspaper about being happy that a "homosexual" (his word) was "killed" and the photo of him grabbing that passed-out women's breasts), but there's no hard evidence against Moore.
Yo Adrian I'm a rapist too(allegedly)!

A quick backstory I have known about Sly Stallone's love of prostitutes and groupies for at least 25 years but I didn't know he was willing to commit (alleged) statutory rape too.

A bit of a back story but I remember seeing an old Geraldo Rivera episode on Hollywood's dark secrets and he and one of the few honest whore mongers in Hollywood Mickey Rourke were outed as bad mongers. In fact one of the funniest lines I have heard in years from a celebrity was Mickey Rourke stating why he wasn't attending the Mayweather vs McGregor fight in Las Vegas was to the affect that he no longer bedded down with whores and stopped drinking and doing narcotics and hated gambling.......http://people.com/movies/sylvester-...s-old-report-sexual-assault-against-teenager/
I’m getting a little sick of hearing all these damned skirts claiming they were raped, harassed, etc. I call BS on most of these accusations. I’d venture 75% of these claims are exaggerations or outright BS! If a gal was truly “raped”, why would she wait 30-40 years to bring charges?! I think most of these harridans were passed over for some kind of advancement/promotion/role, & are manufacturing these claims to “get even”....0r they’re being paid to lobby these charges. IF a man truly raped a woman, he needs public flogging (at minimum) & hanging (at worst). “Harassment” is very subjective & the ‘punishment’ should vary accordingly (...from absolutely nothing to being lashed in public for the most severe cases).

That being said...Any intelligent, real man knows full well that women were created for 2 things...making babies & making dinner. Enough with this bogus, artificial “equality” hogwash...that’s never has been true & never will be!! All these charges need to be fully investigated, & for all (proven) false accusers...they need jail time. :mad:
I’m getting a little sick of hearing all these damned skirts claiming they were raped, harassed, etc. I call BS on most of these accusations. I’d venture 75% of these claims are exaggerations or outright BS! If a gal was truly “raped”, why would she wait 30-40 years to bring charges?! I think most of these harridans were passed over for some kind of advancement/promotion/role, & are manufacturing these claims to “get even”....0r they’re being paid to lobby these charges. IF a man truly raped a woman, he needs public flogging (at minimum) & hanging (at worst). “Harassment” is very subjective & the ‘punishment’ should vary accordingly (...from absolutely nothing to being lashed in public for the most severe cases).

That being said...Any intelligent, real man knows full well that women were created for 2 things...making babies & making dinner. Enough with this bogus, artificial “equality” hogwash...that’s never has been true & never will be!! All these charges need to be fully investigated, & for all (proven) false accusers...they need jail time. :mad:

The ultra-hypocritical Jewish males who enabled and promoted feminism are now responsible for the full-blown surge in misandry taking place:

The Pathologization Of Male Sexuality

I’m getting a little sick of hearing all these damned skirts claiming they were raped, harassed, etc. I call BS on most of these accusations. I’d venture 75% of these claims are exaggerations or outright BS! If a gal was truly “raped”, why would she wait 30-40 years to bring charges?! I think most of these harridans were passed over for some kind of advancement/promotion/role, & are manufacturing these claims to “get even”....0r they’re being paid to lobby these charges. IF a man truly raped a woman, he needs public flogging (at minimum) & hanging (at worst). “Harassment” is very subjective & the ‘punishment’ should vary accordingly (...from absolutely nothing to being lashed in public for the most severe cases).

That being said...Any intelligent, real man knows full well that women were created for 2 things...making babies & making dinner. Enough with this bogus, artificial “equality” hogwash...that’s never has been true & never will be!! All these charges need to be fully investigated, & for all (proven) false accusers...they need jail time. :mad:

Here's Rush Limbaugh's statement on this from Friday:

RUSH: But it has genuinely been accepted human behavior over the course of millennia that men chase women. Correct? Nothing wrong with that. Men face a lot of rejection. Women have to get good at doing it.

Woody Allen said, “The only difference I’ve noticed about success is being rejected by a higher class of woman. That’s all success has meant to me.” Yes, there are women who pursue men. I know this. But the general rule of thumb has been that it’s men who propose, men who ask women out on dates. The question is this: If the politicization of male-female relationships continues on its present path, and if men become afraid of even that behavior, if simply asking for a date is considered stalking or is considered harassment — and don’t think it can’t get there.

We’re on that path now. Then what happens? What do men do? Rather than run the risk of being accused of being a stalker or harasser? Because, look, sometimes you have to ask a woman out four times before she’ll say “yes.” In the old days — right, Snerdley? — sometimes it took more effort than that. What if the second time is considered stalking? What if the third time is considered harassment? So what are men gonna do if they decide, “Okay, screw it! I don’t even want to run the risk, and so they stop the pursuit?” The healthy pursuit, I mean.

What happens? Do women pick up the slack? Does it become acceptable for women to then become the, shall we say, aggressors, the person of action in a couple scenario like this? I don’t know. I have no answers to this. I could guess. But men are amazingly adaptive. Men want to be around women and will do whatever it takes to succeed. They will fake being pro-choice, for example, like in Hollywood. They’ll totally lie about it. They will say, “Oh, yeah, man! I would love to go to the museum and look at elephant tusks.” They’ll do anything, if they really want to be with a woman.

So what’s the adaptation gonna be if even the slightest approach or bit of attention runs the risk of a stalking charge or an harassment charge? Back off! Don’t do it. Find some other way. "Hello, Playboy magazine?" I don’t know. And maybe nothing. I mean, I could be, you know, exaggerating this to the point none of this is gonna happen.

I tell you what’s gonna happen. If asking a woman out on a date becomes sexual harassment or stalking, I tell you what’s gonna replace that: Sex robots. There are already stories of sex robots that are out there and being tested and supposedly enjoyed. Don’t laugh, folks. People are very creative and resourceful when it comes to sex.
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Filthy, vile, Millenial female role model and hypocrite, Lena Dunham, defends 'Girls' producer accused of raping 17-year old girl.
Well we have our first sighting of a Black(alleged) rapist and he's hip mogul Russell Simmons with his gimp Bret Ratner acting as a perverted(alleged) Peeping Tom. I remember years ago when the porn industry had an aids scare the industry was under threat of being closed down from the state government because of an unsafe work environment. Maybe Hollyweird should going on haitus for a good year or two.....https://noisey.vice.com/en_us/artic...der-russell-simmons-accused-of-sexual-assault
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Charlie Rose the latest to be subjugated to the sexual assault allegation machine and has been suspended by CBS And PBS indefinitely (maybe a renaming of this thread is in order?)

On the one hand I’m loving seeing all of the creepy leftists that there have been rumblings about for ages get called out and put their career in turmoil, but I’m not liking where this is headed with the “girl who cried rape” allegations being the final word and new rule of law. Certainly many innocent guys will be swept up by this craze and human emotions may soon become slowly eradicated if guys fear a simple hug or shoulder rub will be “sexual harassment” as the bar for what hat actually constitutes becomes lower and lower
Charlie Rose is a high level gatekeeper of the NWO/Deep State. It couldn't have happened to a "nicer" Swamp Rat. Now he gets to live out the rest of his days in disgrace. I'm loving it.

It may be a good time to invest in the manufacturers of fembots. That market was already growing rapidly before all of these allegations, now there's going to be even greater demand and the growth will become exponential. In a few years, you may see some men bringing them out in public for a "night on the town". Things are heading that way, mark my words...and just wait until functioning wombs become available in 5-10 years...
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