Harvey Weinstein

The Golden Globes were essentially her coming out party and our “unbiased and objective” free press gushed over it and essentially said we have your back 100% if you decide to run.

This tweet would even make Soviet era Pravda blush


It's a very scary thought. She's very wealthy and would probably be able to get $2 Billion or more easily for a Presidential run.
In a semi-sane society, Orca Whalefry isn’t qualified to “govern” a broom closet...much less a nation. The sobering fact is this nation (& world) is insane & largely deceived by Satan’s leftist minions (by the millions).
I found this interesting, twerpy South Asian American comedian Aziz Ansari has been outed as a cad, but the columnist stated halfway through the piece that the Me Too movement main aim was to take down college educated White men and Ansari was taken down by the tsunami of pent up frustration of the bra burner crowd.....https://www.msn.com/en-ca/entertain...ansari/ar-AAuJSKF?li=AAggNb9&ocid=mailsignout

All these Jews, blacks, Pakis, and raging liberals are being taken down by this feminist (bowel) movement that was meant to destroy conservative White men. It's a liberal civil war and I'm loving it. :cheer:
Here's a shirt for y'all to go pick up on the ladies with:

The godfather of this thread was finally indicted on rape and forcible confinement. Seeing his ugly mug in the courtroom sketch, he looks like the embodiment of evil. IMO it's a coin flip on who is more dastardly between Weinstein and Cosby, but to borrow a phrase about Simpson, they deserve to be not only in jail but under the jail.....http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ear-special-handcuffs-fit-waist.html?ITO=1490
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Hollywood is full of sexual perverts.

UCLA professor dies in 'mummification' ritual at Hollywood executive's home


A California university professor died during a bondage session at the home of a Hollywood executive that went horribly wrong.

Doran George, 48, was found dead inside the home of Skip Chasey, an executive for Hollywood’s William Morris Endeavor agency and known in the BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission) community as “Master Skip” on Nov. 19, 2017.

George, who was born Duncan Gilbert and did not use gendered pronouns, had been wrapped “head to toe in plastic wrap and gaffer’s tape, with small breathing holes at the nose and mouth,” according to an autopsy report obtained late last week by Variety.

“The decedent’s partner observed that the decedent was not reacting properly,” the report states. “The partner checked the decedent closer and realized that the decedent was not breathing. The partner called 911 and began cutting off the plastic and tape.”

George, who had a 16-year relationship with a man named Barry Shils that allowed for sexual activity outside their partnership, had become a regular playmate of Chasey's over the course of seven months preceding his death.
Hollywood is full of sexual perverts.

UCLA professor dies in 'mummification' ritual at Hollywood executive's home


A California university professor died during a bondage session at the home of a Hollywood executive that went horribly wrong.

Doran George, 48, was found dead inside the home of Skip Chasey, an executive for Hollywood’s William Morris Endeavor agency and known in the BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission) community as “Master Skip” on Nov. 19, 2017.

George, who was born Duncan Gilbert and did not use gendered pronouns, had been wrapped “head to toe in plastic wrap and gaffer’s tape, with small breathing holes at the nose and mouth,” according to an autopsy report obtained late last week by Variety.

“The decedent’s partner observed that the decedent was not reacting properly,” the report states. “The partner checked the decedent closer and realized that the decedent was not breathing. The partner called 911 and began cutting off the plastic and tape.”

George, who had a 16-year relationship with a man named Barry Shils that allowed for sexual activity outside their partnership, had become a regular playmate of Chasey's over the course of seven months preceding his death.

Hellyweird is the Devil’s primary avenue for pushing libertine filth in fufilment of his servant’s “protocols”. Their mission of warping White minds has been oh so ‘successful’. It’s indeed rife with wicked, evil deviants. Boycott Hellyweird...boycott their trashy movies.