Harvey Weinstein

There is a certain phony element to the Me2 movement as R. Kelly has been a known degenerate for at least 10 years, but because light has been shined on the hole that he crawls out from, other celebrities have scurried like cockroaches to avoid the media glare.

Lady Gaga should be called to the carpet for her phony disassociation with her collaborations with the pedophile.....https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/music/ct-ent-r-kelly-case-reaction-1116-story.html
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There is a certain phony element to the Me2 movement as R. Kelly has been a known degenerate for at least 10 years, but because light as been shined on the hole that he crawls out from, other celebrities have scurried like cockroaches to avoid the media glare.

Lady Gaga should be called to the carpet for her phony disassociation with her collaborations with the pedophile.....https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/music/ct-ent-r-kelly-case-reaction-1116-story.html

“Lady Cahcah” & that perverse puke Kelly should be “called to the gallows” for their unabashed wickedness (such as serving as foils to poison young, White minds). They’re both overhyped, overexposed “useful idiots” for fufillment of the ‘protocols’.

Using that walker for a prop just revealed what a psychopathic con artist Weinstein is.

They should tack on five more years for fraudulent use of medical equipment.
One disgusting piece of human vermin. I doubt he'll serve a year in prison but maybe the taxpayers will get lucky and he gets "Epsteined" out of existence.
One disgusting piece of human vermin. I doubt he'll serve a year in prison but maybe the taxpayers will get lucky and he gets "Epsteined" out of existence.

Hopefully he can get a nice, friendly cell mate. Someone like this gentleman would do.

Sex pervert Ron Jeremy, he of the hairy body and feed bag gut has been charged with rape and sexual battery a bunch of times, supposedly https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/worl...women/ar-BB15Slfr?li=AAggNb9&ocid=mailsignout
he has been retired and doing straight B movies but his blood lust has got the better of him it seems...

I hope they nail this scumbag. Who knows how many white women he's raped in his life.

He's admired by counterculture types. Maybe this will change their opinion of him, but probably not.
American Freedom News