Harvey Weinstein

Sheeiiit! John Conyers apparently fired a woman for declining his sexual advances and got it covered up with a congressional slush fund in 2015
Sheeiiit! John Conyers apparently fired a woman for declining his sexual advances and got it covered up with a congressional slush fund in 2015

Mike Cernovich


Congressman John Conyers is a sexual predator, and Paul Ryan covered it all up. https://www.pscp.tv/w/bOI7MTE0MDc0NTN8MU93R1dNdnBiWWV4Ub2WwLtm7evsHUmNZZfw_y6d0sKU010MjRR0YynnHo9K …

7:53 PM - Nov 20, 2017

It makes me wonder how much of this is Trump's doing. Outside of the manufactured allegations against Roy Moore, almost all of them have been enemies of Trump that have been accused of wrongdoing or improprieties. Is this what Trump meant by "the calm before the storm" several weeks ago when he was surround by high level military officers?

Something that went kind of under-the-radar several months ago was that the NSA was placed under military command instead of civilian control. Well, since Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of the military, wouldn't he have full access to the information contained within with less Constitutional and/or Congressional oversight? There's a been a buzz the past couple of weeks about some 4chan poster called "Q" that is implying that "White Hat" military intelligence and NSA operators are behind this at the behest of Trump.
Another one from today:

Anti-Trump NYT Reporter Glenn Thrush Suspended Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Another day, another enemy of Donald Trump is hoisted by their own petard.

A top White House reporter for the New York Times and vocal critic of President Trump, Glenn Thrush, has been suspended from duty amid claims of sexual misconduct.

Is the "fake news media" getting the point, yet? It appears to me that Trump is serving a dish best served cold...revenge.
Here's a good post from a poster on ZeroHedge regarding the NYT Glenn Thrush story (of which he's already admitted he's guilty as "charged"), which kind of affirms my suspicions a couple of posts above (if true)...love the 1982 "Conan the Barbarian" quote...one of my all-time movie favorites.

As explained to President Putin by King Salman bin Abdulaziz last month during their historic meeting, this report explains, the NSA was given a secret warrant 3 months ago by President Trump authorizing them to search for and find potential criminal sexual offences committed against women and/or children by political persons, Hollywood celebrities and media elites—and when such criminal sexual crimes were discovered, the NSA was to then contact the victims to notify them that the information could become public knowledge in any future prosecutions.



President Trump what are the best things in life?
Crush Your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of the women.

Now who the F*ck is next!!!!
Charlie Rose is a high level gatekeeper of the NWO/Deep State. It couldn't have happened to a "nicer" Swamp Rat. Now he gets to live out the rest of his days in disgrace. I'm loving it.

It may be a good time to invest in the manufacturers of fembots. That market was already growing rapidly before all of these allegations, now there's going to be even greater demand and the growth will become exponential. In a few years, you may see some men bringing them out in public for a "night on the town". Things are heading that way, mark my words...and just wait until functioning wombs become available in 5-10 years...
Charlie Rose the latest to be subjugated to the sexual assault allegation machine and has been suspended by CBS And PBS indefinitely (maybe a renaming of this thread is in order?)

On the one hand I’m loving seeing all of the creepy leftists that there have been rumblings about for ages get called out and put their career in turmoil, but I’m not liking where this is headed with the “girl who cried rape” allegations being the final word and new rule of law. Certainly many innocent guys will be swept up by this craze and human emotions may soon become slowly eradicated if guys fear a simple hug or shoulder rub will be “sexual harassment” as the bar for what hat actually constitutes becomes lower and lower
Rose to me always had this air of over importance. A tobacco road version of George Plimpton.

On a more humorous note it seemed Rose had his "angels lined up" like ducks in a pond but he had a batting average lower than the Mendoza line. You would think after striking out for the X time he would give up this quixotic quest...
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Invest you might be right. Buy? That would be a NO. Fembot sounds like a technologically advanced variation of the rubber doll to me.
Then again men may go back to an older ancient version of satisfaction called WHORES. Money is exchanged the lady "performs" and everyone accepts the outcome. No women coming out of the wood work a century later. For the record I have never been with a prostitute. I have seen them but I have never been able to make the leap. That doesn't make me a symbol of virtue but sex with strangers is too creepy for my taste. To each his own though. Men in general NEED women and without them they would dry up and die off.
The big new Orwellian word is “survivor” ( heavily used in Charlie Rose articles)

Instead of solely being used for the most heinous of sex crimes, say getting gang raped by a pack of negroes, it’s now entered the lexicon for the most tame cases of sexual “abuse”

Apparently having a guy touch your ass, send you a dick photo , or crack a lewd joke is worthy of granting yourself a “survivor” and all the mental health excuses and litigious benefits that go along with being in this brave sororal order
The big new Orwellian word is “survivor” ( heavily used in Charlie Rose articles)

Instead of solely being used for the most heinous of sex crimes, say getting gang raped by a pack of negroes, it’s now entered the lexicon for the most tame cases of sexual “abuse”

Apparently having a guy touch your ass, send you a dick photo , or crack a lewd joke is worthy of granting yourself a “survivor” and all the mental health excuses and litigious benefits that go along with being in this brave sororal order

Newspeak was rolled out on college campuses in the 1990s. "Assault" became defined as any unwanted touching (without consent) and a "survivor" became defined as anyone who was touched anywhere and claimed it was unwanted. The college students who adopted this new style of thinking (Doublethink) are now in their 40s and make up a significant percentage of influential positions throughout the country. Their plan is now coming to fruition.

With these new terms 1/3 of the population can be classified as either survivors or assaulters, which allows for a high amount of political gamesmanship to occur. It's a lot like flopping to draw a foul in soccer or basketball. Soccer players flop because it works - they can draw red cards on their opponents and/or be awarded set pieces.
The big new Orwellian word is “survivor” ( heavily used in Charlie Rose articles)

Instead of solely being used for the most heinous of sex crimes, say getting gang raped by a pack of negroes, it’s now entered the lexicon for the most tame cases of sexual “abuse”

Apparently having a guy touch your ass, send you a dick photo , or crack a lewd joke is worthy of granting yourself a “survivor” and all the mental health excuses and litigious benefits that go along with being in this brave sororal order
Aside from one instance of alleged disrobing of an intoxicated assistant his transgressions are very minor and seem to be more poor taste than out and out sexual assault. From what I can tell about the fine line between flirting and harassment is if the female feels you are handsome then it's flirting if you are ugly as frog ie Harvey Weinstein, then it's harassment.
Avoid American feminists at all costs! They are worse than a petri dish of nuclear waste, meth, antifreeze, and HIV

Sheeiiit! John Conyers apparently fired a woman for declining his sexual advances and got it covered up with a congressional slush fund in 2015
I looked up Conyers and he's as old as dirt and looks feeble too. Since he's from Michigan and he's Black/Mulatto, I'm guess he's representing Detroit or Flint. Another fine representative for the ever shrinking tax payers of these areas.....
Avoid American feminists at all costs! They are worse than a petri dish of nuclear waste, meth, antifreeze, and HIV


Never heard of that two bit skank, but here’s some reality for that AA enabled harpy...women shouldn’t be in ANY ‘workforce’ except the “homemaker” one. She’s full of utter BS claiming very few of these harlot’s claims are false. The fact is that probably 75% are exaggerations or outright lies!
DACA-Amnesty-supporting Republicuck, (R) Joe Barton, of Texas, busted for Internet sexual liaison.

I won't post the link here (it's out there, though), but Alex Jones briefly published "an exclusive, breaking news" graphic video of him lying on his back, fully naked, in an incline position, and, ummmm...furiously "performing a solo" on web cam to his Internet "lover" (at least it's a real she, I'll give him credit for that). Jones had the genitals blocked out on his computer screen with sticky notes and an "Infowars.com" sticker (ha!).

“I had a three-year undercover relationship with you over the Internet that was heavily sexual and that I had met you twice while married and had sex with you on two different occasions and that I exchanged inappropriate photographs and videos with you that I wouldn’t like to be seen made public, that you still apparently had all of those and were in position to use them in a way that would negatively affect my career.”

Although I'm a strong advocate of privacy rights, this happening to a "conservative" DACA-Amnesty-supporting Republicuck doesn't sweat me one bit.
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Sometime things are what they appear to be. It’s implausible that what is shown in the following video is just mere storytelling using children. I’ve thought about it, any adult directing this exploitation knows exactly what is occurring or he is the most naive individual to have walked the planet. I’ll be glad when the Hollywood cult implodes and is gone forever. Disgusted!

Pedogate Hollywood

Time to add (((Milquetoast Matt Lauer))) to the list... NBC just canned him
Awesome, another media propagandist hypocrite cuck gone. He can now join Charlie Rose from CBS and they can share their stories. Maybe the former NYT White House Reporter, Glenn Thrush, can join them too.

Trump all over it this morning with a couple of tweets, ha!:
  1. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 20m20 minutes ago
    So now that Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of Phil Griffin? And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the “unsolved mystery” that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!

  2. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
    Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News. Check out Andy Lack’s past!
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Time to add (((Milquetoast Matt Lauer))) to the list... NBC just canned him

I assume there's more women that'll be coming forward with regard to (((Lauer))), as NBC stated that "we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident." In other words, he was likely a Weinstein-esqe abuser of women, but none of them outed him for a litany of reasons. Back in a 2012 interview, Katie Couric mentioned that Lauer would "pinch her on the ass a lot"...

Couric isn't exactly in her prime, so I assume that he molested/harassed/groped the younger and better looking co-workers far more fervidly.

Another rich, powerful, influential Jewish Media Leftist who espoused the foul dogmas of "feminism," but whose personal conduct was the exact inverse.
"Progressive" NPR cuck and host of "A Home Prairie Companion", Garrison Keillor, canned, over "alleged improper behavior".

Trump calls for "investigation" of dead intern found in Joe Scarborough's Congressional office several years ago.
"Progressive" NPR cuck and host of "A Home Prairie Companion", Garrison Keillor, canned, over "alleged improper behavior".

The liberal hypocrites are falling like bowling pins.

I'm glad to see that jerk fired. I used to listen to The Prairie Home Companion on the radio while I was working. Keillor was a good storyteller and the show talked about life in the Midwest.

Unfortunately Keillor was an egomaniac who insisted on singing all the time on his show. He was terrible. By his own account people wrote in to tell him how terrible he was and to ask him to stop. But he didn't. He would sing along with musical acts he had on the show and wreck that too.

I stopped listening because I didn't want to hear him sing anymore. If he wasn't on a public station his show would probably have been cancelled and he wouldn't have been able to indulge his ego.

During the first Obama election Keillor wrote an article saying that people should vote for Obama so America could be "cool." White men, apparently, are not cool in Keillor's mind. He also defended Al Franken.

Good riddance.
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Here's an article Garrison Keillor wrote for the Washington Post. Reading it tells you how despicable Keillor really is.

Here's a lie he told in the article. "On the flight home, in a spirit of low comedy, Al ogled Miss Tweeden and pretended to grab her and a picture was taken."

He didn't "pretend." The picture proves it. Liberals lie all the time.

Al Franken should resign? That's absurd. - The Washington Post
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While it’s wonderful to see these pinko libtards get “taken out”, I’m sick of these broads’ stories being taken as “the gospel”. As I said above, I firmly believe the (overwhelming) majority of these accusations are overhyped or total hogwash. If these lefties did what they’re accused of...then they are (no doubt) perverse scumbags. However, these accusations need to be thoroughly investigated before penalizing these men.
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I assume there's more women that'll be coming forward with regard to (((Lauer))), as NBC stated that "we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident." In other words, he was likely a Weinstein-esqe abuser of women, but none of them outed him for a litany of reasons. Back in a 2012 interview, Katie Couric mentioned that Lauer would "pinch her on the ass a lot"...

Couric isn't exactly in her prime, so I assume that he molested/harassed/groped the younger and better looking co-workers far more fervidly.

Another rich, powerful, influential Jewish Media Leftist who espoused the foul dogmas of "feminism," but whose personal conduct was the exact inverse.

His father was a Romanian Jew and his mother a goy. Man, what a sense of entitlement. He summons a female scrub employee to his office. Once she is inside he activates a remote lock, preventing interruptions, drops his trou and exposes his c*ck! LOL The woman refuses to bl*w him and he berates her. LOL Can't make this up. Fudge.
American Freedom News