Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton

Gary has a good point about the lighter weight classes as very few people are naturally that small. Plus with the North American diet people here are thicker because of the higher meat and fat ratios in the diet.
Tartan Pride said:
You've said this three times now, but what the hell does this have to do with anything whatsover.

I guess it's too hard for you to understand. It's not hypothetical. It's not amateurs versus pros. It's not men versus women.

It's two professional men in the same sport who are about the same size who could have a match any time they wanted. It's very real. It's as realistic as boxing gets. A 5 pound jump is absolutely common for weight class boxers. Joe Calzaghe is about to make this very jump.

Rick had the guts to jump 5 pounds. Does Floyd? Of course not. That's the bottom line, and any of your objections make no sense at all. Floyd Mayweather can get his ass kicked by guys who are about the same size as him any time he wants.

All of your "they could never meet in the ring" nonsense is just that. Nonsense. Mayweather avoids bigger guys but is happy to take matches against smaller guys. Get it?
nevada said:
Tartan Pride said:
You've said this three times now, but what the hell does this have to do with anything whatsover.

I guess it's too hard for you to understand. It's not hypothetical. It's not amateurs versus pros. It's not men versus women.

It's two professional men in the same sport who are about the same size who could have a match any time they wanted. It's very real. It's as realistic as boxing gets. A 5 pound jump is absolutely common for weight class boxers. Joe Calzaghe is about to make this very jump.

Rick had the guts to jump 5 pounds. Does Floyd? Of course not. That's the bottom line, and any of your objections make no sense at all. Floyd Mayweather can get his ass kicked by guys who are about the same size as him any time he wants.

All of your "they could never meet in the ring" nonsense is just that. Nonsense. Mayweather avoids bigger guys but is happy to take matches against smaller guys. Get it?

nevada, I know you are aware that I generally disagree with the acerbic tone of your posts, but that doesn't mean I won't recognize it when you have a valid argument. You've convinced me. I will use your argument in the future when I debate someone about Pretty Boy Floyd.
OK, here I am, about to get dinged for being a 'wigger' for 'rooting' for
Floyd Mayweather. But I devote my life to the truth, reality and nothing
else so come with it (all 5-6 of you)

Floyd Mayweather started his career at 131 lbs. in 1996.


Ricky Hatton started his career at 140lbs. in 1997.


Mayweather fought around this weight for three years, winning the SUPER
FEATHERWEIGHT title (130) in 1998. He defended the title at that weight
8 times before fighting JL Castillo for the lightweight (135) title in 2001.
He finally moved up to Ricky Hattons fighting weight Light-Welterweight
(140) in 2001 EIGHT YEARS after turning professional. He moved up to
147 a few fights later to fight Zab Judah and then to 154 to fight ODLH
for a sham junior-middleweight (154)title.

The point to all this is that Floyd Mayweather has been fighting
NATURALLY BIGGER guys all along, he has moved up simply because
there was no one left to fight at 130, then 135, then 140 and finally 147.
Now, he should (at 5'8) move up to 160 to fight a legitimate super
middleweight (Pavlik 168) who diets down to get to 160 on his SIX FOOT
TWO frame. The sport is called boxing not suicide.

He has said in the past that he could get back down to 135 to fight Manny
Paquiao. Nothing has come of this because it would be a complete
mismatch as Manny actually started his career at 106!!!

Besides, (get your flame-throwers ready) What would the best fighter in
the world have to prove by moving up two weight divisions to fight a guy
who's won exactly ONE title fight?

Do I think Mayweather has ducked Margarito? Possibly. His management
however has offered Cotto a few chances at a fight and Miguel's
management turned it down, same with Mosley, and when he turned
down the Margarito fight for 8 million dollars, he signed to fight DLH for
TWENTY. OOOOh, what a chicken.

Guys, I was as disappointed as anyone when Hatton lost, but in this case,
a good fighter lost to a great one, period. Hatton was not in the ring with
Lee Harvey Oswald and no one shot him from behind a grassy knoll.

Let's get over it, start banging the drum for Pavlik, Marco Huck and
whoever again and move forward. Ricky did his best, he is still extremely
rich and still gets more P- than any of us...well maybe any of you; I do
pretty well.
You know, there are only about 1 or 2 people on this site who have vehemently stated that Hatton was robbed in this fight. Most everyone else seems to have taken a moderate view of his loss - win some, lose some, Mayweather is a bigger fighter, it isn't the end of the world, etc. So I'm not sure why there are a few of you who insist on beating Mayweather's drum or arguing with everyone on the board when you should be addressing your posts to those few who insist the fight was fixed or whatever.

Has anybody here said that Mayweather isn't a good fighter? Sure, there are people who will argue he isn't P4P and that's natural, it happens on boxing forums all over the web. It shouldn't be so surprising or eventful that a few guys on Caste Football don't think Floyd is the P4P champ, either.

Hypothetical match ups are a staple of boxing discussions everywhere. It seems to me that you just don't like everyone wishing someone would take Floyd out. News flash: lots of people besides Caste Footballers do not like Mayweather.

Good luck with the P. Everyone should have goals.

That "Hatton didn't Lose" thread is some of the funniest sh- I've ever
read! You guys made JohnnyBoy, White Shogun, Trooper Thorn,
Werewolf, you made me spit my coffee all over my keyboard at work this
morning. I read it three more times, classic comedy. When I get fired for
an AA I'm coming to find you!

and whoever it was that said the had Hatton winning 97-93, you're
suppose to train your seeing eye dog to bark when BOTH fighters land
punches not just one.
Tartan Pride:

What part of english do you not understand? Shogun basically told you what you should know intuitively by exploring this site and posting on it.
As Castefootballers, the real ones, we do not care to praise Mayweather for anything. We only acknowledge. This site ONLY supports white athletes. The boxing forum is used to discuss, and praise, WHITE boxers.
WE ARE NOT NEUTRAL NOR DO WE PRETEND TO BE. If you want to discuss and praise other fighters go down to the river and wash your feet. MOST American boxing sites and their forums are dedicated to black and latino boxers. We are not.
Maple Leaf:

With all possible respect, I think I've been on this site long enough to
know the answer but I'll ask anyway:

Does a white man who watched that fight on Saturday and believes that
the ref cost Hatton the win, have any honest ground in criticizing a black
man who believes the submarine was invented in Nigeria?

Quite honestly, a lot of this jew-spiracy stuff is silly, not that it's
completely wrong, but hey, I hold us to a higher standard than I hold
Jamal. We are supposed to be better, smarter, more educated, more
rational and more-logical. How the hell is this website going to grow
when your average white person comes here and reads that

Wes Welker is better than Randy Moss
Ricky Hatton was denied victory over Mayweather by the referee
Barry Bonds is the only guy who did steroids.
80-90% of NFL cornerbacks would be white if the caste system didn't

The average white person is going to think the posters here are
completely insane. Tell me how that helps build a movement in which
white people are going to see that there are legitimate concerns in the
direction of white athletes in sport, and more importantly, the direction of
American culture at large!

There is a very good reason, the Nation of Islam always wear suits, so that
other blacks will look up to them and want to join.

For the record I don't hate blacks, there are some I like and some I don't, I
just LOVE whites and white culture. It's that simple.
Tartan Pride:

If you know the answers to your rhetorical questions what is the point in asking them?

You have made several broad and sweeping statements about what posters here believe. There are many opinions -opinions vary. Most of this should be common sense: the forums are open to all members to express themselves within the confines of the herein subscribed guidelines. The gentlemen that post here are welcome to say what they want to provided that their posts do not break the rules. Opinions, including your own, are not censured unless the rules have been broken, or, when the intention of the post is to defeat and run completely contrary to the essential aim of this site. Do not be misguided, this is a private domaine and we are all guests and members. Be mindfull of the fact that you are figuratively under another man's roof.
There could be no forums at all if opinions had to conform only to the main page.

Doubt not the growth of this site, for wherever there is a man searching the web for reasons as to why his race is derided in sports he shall find this site and speak amongst his brethren.
What's wrong with implying that a boxing referee can affect the outcome of a match? In a slugger vs. boxer match-up they can completely affect the outcome. It's common knowledge to all learned boxing fans. Just watch Duran vs. Leonard one and two - big difference.

Tartan Pride, you are not the topic police and you don't get to decide what aspects of a sport we get to discuss. Actually it sounds to me like you don't know a whole lot about sports anyway.

"Wes Welker is better than Randy Moss
Ricky Hatton was denied victory over Mayweather by the referee
Barry Bonds is the only guy who did steroids.
80-90% of NFL cornerbacks would be white if the caste system didn't

I don't remember anybody saying any of these things. Sounds like you're a Moss, Bonds, and black cornerback fan though. Go to blackathlete.com. You'll be happy.
This is the kind of crap that I hate, the "don't you dare compliment a Black" attitude that so many posters here have. Mayweather won the fight, Hatton lost, end of story. There will be many chances for White boxers to shine in the future.

Just so you know, I will compliment anyone I want to, White or Black, and if any of you have a problem with it, too bad. Not trying to start a fight, I'm just telling it like it is.
Tartan Pride said:
With all possible respect, I think I've been on this site long enough

Less than a month??

gsm1988 said:
This is the kind of crap that I hate, the "don't you dare compliment a Black" attitude that so many posters here have. Mayweather won the fight, Hatton lost, end of story. There will be many chances for White boxers to shine in the future.

Just so you know, I will compliment anyone I want to, White or Black, and if any of you have a problem with it, too bad. Not trying to start a fight, I'm just telling it like it is.

You're either a troll who delights in stirring up trouble or else you are going to be real frustrated hanging around this site.

You guys have become experts at setting up straw men and waging war on them. You're splattering the board with praise for Mayweather, repeatedly pointing out that he won as though no one else here understands that (we know, we watched the fight), you're denying the obvious with your assertions that referees have no effect on the way boxing matches are fought, and insinuating we're stupid for rooting for white athletes.

The only reason to do stuff like that is to be obstinate.

For the record, please link to a post where a non-troll poster said that:

Welker is better than Moss;
Bonds is the only athlete on steroids;
or 80-90% of cornerbacks would be white without the caste system.

Mayweather is a punk. Lots of people dislike him. Showing love for him on this site is obscene. It is a flaming example of why white people have so much trouble showing any racial solidarity or trying to be "pro-white". To have supposedly pro-white people come on the site to show their love for that piece of garbage is sickening. And they WON'T leve it alone.

Message to Tartan Pride: we get it, you love the guy. But the very idea makes the rest of us sick and your insistance on pushing the issue makes us all curious about your real feelings.

There has only been one person who made a big deal of the ref effecting the fight. Nearly everyone else agreed to move on. In fact the only people that don't want to move on are you!

There is no reason at all to give Mayweather anything more then passing credit for his win on this site. Plenty of other places you can verbally blow him, go there. Lets stick to the point of this site--white athletes and the issues surrounding them.
Kaptain Poop said:
What's wrong with implying that a boxing referee can affect the outcome of a match? I

Nothing if there is a shred of evidence that said ref did.
Any rational person watching saturday's fight can see that wasn't the case. Please let this go. You are doing yourself and the site no favors.

And the Leonard/Duran comparison isn't a very good one given that Duran was a 100 times better inside fighter who threw crisp non stop combinations on the inside while Hatton, as he did in his last five or so fights, simply fell into his opponent looking to clinch and smothering his own work.
jaxvid said:
Mayweather is a punk. Lots of people dislike him. Showing love for him on this site is obscene. It is a flaming example of why white people have so much trouble showing any racial solidarity or trying to be "pro-white". To have supposedly pro-white people come on the site to show their love for that piece of garbage is sickening. And they WON'T leve it alone.

Mayweather is one of the most annoying and classless boxers in recent times.
In his zeal to play a cocky bad guy character he alienated a lot of fans. Years ago the guy couldn't sell out a phone booth and only rose to the level he is at now riding the coattails of names like Gatti, Judah and De La Hoya.

However admitting that Hatton was totally outclassed by Floyd is not "showing love" its simply facing reality. Much better than bleating on with crazy conspiracy theories about how Hatton would have taken him if the evil ref hadn't have took it away from him.
Kaptain Poop said:
I don't remember anybody saying any of these things. Sounds like you're
a Moss, Bonds, and black cornerback fan though. Go to blackathlete.com.
You'll be happy.

Thanks, I always have an open mind and I'm willing to except criticism so
I did just what you said and went to blackathlete.com (I'd never heard of it
before). I wanted to find a good example of a white man pummeling and
humiliating a black man and see how they wrote it up. So here is the
"blackaffffffffflete.com brutal, biased, one-sided, racist, simpleminded,
negative interpretation of the the black man being persecuted in the
Pavlik-Taylor fight:


Thanks Kaptain Poop for setting me straight. reading that racist drivel
almost made me want to burn a cross!
Why must this b*llsh*t bickering continue? I agree with Nevada, in that we have bigger fish to fry.

Klitschko and Ibragimov are about to unify the HW belts for the first time in 7 years, and we're stuck arguing about two guys who weigh as much as the average american 10th grade girl. Even if Ricky had won by 1st round KO, I still wouldnt brag about it to my blind, caste-loving friends, family, co-workers, etc. I would have been happy, but I still woudlnt call Ricky the best P4P fighter anyway because I just dont care about those stupid "titles" given by loser boxing magazines like Ring, etc.

All you trolls need to realize that the Russian and white american champs are going away anytime soon. Do you guys realize how amazing it is to be a boxing fans nowadays? We're in the golden ara of white boxing for god's sake! Boxing hasnt looked this way in the past 90 years!! These small let-downs are nothing....cherish the many champs and countless contenders that we DO have!
Hockaday said:
I see the same thing. I don't know why this fight was given so much more hype and build-up than, say, Pavlik-Taylor.

I do.
I agree that there's media bias, but it is undeniable that Mayweather is the "P4P best" and was recently involved in one of the biggest fights in boxing history (financially at least.) And Hatton has one of the most passionate fan followings in the sport. Taylor is no Mayweather and Pavlik is no Hatton, popularity-wise (or "notoriety-wise" in the case of Mayweather, lol.) So I don't think it's a mystery why one fight got more attention than the other.

This fight managed to go against the trend, but the old caste system is still in trouble.

Agreed. Edited by: JD074
Tartan Pride said:
Besides, (get your flame-throwers ready) What would the best fighter in
the world have to prove by moving up two weight divisions to fight a guy
who's won exactly ONE title fight?

Well, two more belts in yet another division would look awfully impressive on his resume. But I'd like to see him fight Corey Spinks instead. Fighting against a bigger, but still very quick, opponent would be a better test of his skills and athleticism than fighting a smaller fighter like Hatton, or a slower fighter like DLH.And he's already fought at 154, so there's no excuse there. It'll never happen, of course. Far too much risk without enough gain. Edited by: JD074
Well, it took a few days, but the sting from this loss has left me. It would be nice to own the lighter weight divisions, but in time, we may well have them too, just as we have the heavier divisions now. I think the unifying the Heavyweight title is of great importance and will cement our guys as being "real" champs in the eyes of the drive by media. You let that happen to 2 or 3 of the heavy divisions, and the world will begin to take notice.
White Shogun said:


Thanks white shogun, a picture is worth a thousand words, my riding
crop is going back into my saddle
This has been one entertaining thread. A picture is worth a thousand words.
I find some of your attitudes toward Hatton disturbing, considering
the theme of your site that whites should support and celebrate
white athletes.

Okay, Hatton lost. One loss. To a bigger, stronger, more experienced
fighter doing battle at his natural weight. It would have been
surprising if Hatton didn't lose.

The way some of you write him off after his loss is terrible.

Had he won I'm sure many of you that now denounce him altogether
or pooh-pooh his importance would be calling him a legit "P4P"

I think Hatton will come back from this fight like all talented young
fighters do -- more experienced, and out to learn from his mistakes.

If you guys really believed in the white athlete you would support a
good white athlete when he loses just as you would support a good
white athlete when he wins. And NOT say "well he wasn't important
to begin with because we own the HW division."

That's weak.

Hatton has nothing to prove. He stood in front of Mayweather and
never backed down. He fought a battle that most of us would never
even countenance.

He didn't run. He waded in and came back for more. He looked in
the eyes of another man and knew he probably wouldn't win but
walked into the cannon anyway for himself, his family, his country,
his world. I respect that.

Do you?
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