Floyd Mayweather vs. Ricky Hatton

Colonel_Reb said:
Wow, that "Hatton didn't lose" thread was really something. I finally took the time to read it all. Yes, the trolls are out, no doubt. Things have been increasingly smelly around here for a couple of months. Some have questioned whether trolls should be banned, and I say yes they should be banned. If they try to disguise themselves with intelligent posts and arguements, that is one thing, but the flamers and baiters have got to go.

"Wow, that "Hatton didn't lose" thread was really something."

The moderator here locked it, same as the moderator on the PC Boxrec forum locked my thread there.

As for trolls, I would like to see anti's who are honest and rational - as opposed to the far more common cursing and mocking subspecies - allowed to post here so that I and others can debate with them without fear of our posts getting deleted and threads locked down and getting banned - but the way things look here too, it's probably me who will get banned.

werewolf said:
As for trolls, I would like to see anti's who are honest and rational - as opposed to the far more common cursing and mocking subspecies - allowed to post here so that I and others can debate with them without fear of our posts getting deleted and threads locked down and getting banned - but the way things look here too, it's probably me who will get banned.

You are definitely in the minority here, with that view. I can't stand trolls. I am a member of Caste Football specifically so I can have conversations about sports without having to put up with the idiots that grace the rest of the sport's worlds message boards, websites, magazines, and TV shows.

I'm no moderator, but I doubt you'll be banned if you'll just skip the name calling.
I think CF should be a haven for us, as we fight constant bans on other boards that won't even allow race to be mentioned unless during the denigration of whites. The mind-numbed robots of the world can't allow for the chance that someone might expose their lies as such. They have told hold up the myth at all costs. Truth takes a back seat to political correctness and anti-white bias, except here. It is nice to have a troll free environment here. It gives us a place to learn so we can go out into the world and make our case to those who would listen. I am grateful for CF and the comfortable atmosphere that is almost always here.
werewolf said:
Colonel_Reb said:
Wow, that "Hatton didn't lose" thread was really something. I finally took the time to read it all. Yes, the trolls are out, no doubt. Things have been increasingly smelly around here for a couple of months. Some have questioned whether trolls should be banned, and I say yes they should be banned. If they try to disguise themselves with intelligent posts and arguements, that is one thing, but the flamers and baiters have got to go.

"Wow, that "Hatton didn't lose" thread was really something."

The moderator here locked it, same as the moderator on the PC Boxrec forum locked my thread there.

As for trolls, I would like to see anti's who are honest and rational - as opposed to the far more common cursing and mocking subspecies - allowed to post here so that I and others can debate with them without fear of our posts getting deleted and threads locked down and getting banned - but the way things look here too, it's probably me who will get banned.

I locked that thread because it was degenerating into name calling (flaming). As mentioned in the thread about trolls what they do is lure genuine posters like yourself into flame wars that disrupt the board. You shouldn't take their bait so easily although I suspect you enjoy the namecalling.

I don't see any reason that you would be banned, you're clearly a supporter of white athletes and knowledgeable about boxing, just avoid the flaming.
I like to show the trolls up for what they are, namely hypocritical low-IQ human cockroaches mindlessly parroting the Party Line, whatever that may be at any point in time. I think they move the threads along, that is if you let in just a few carefully selected specimens, and don't let them reproduce and overrun the joint (keep the DDT handy!). Also, I like to treat them with all the respect that they deserve, namely none, in most cases. Forums tend to get boring when you're just preaching to the choir, I think.

I think the main reason the trolls are running rampant is due to the fact that there has been very little for them to be happy about as of late. With Ricky losing it gives them the good ole days (until Pavlik tears through Taylor again)

I was rooting for Hatton. Everyone who came to my place to watch the fight was rooting for Hatton. (no n*thuggers allowed in my house)That being said I thought he lost for the most part fair and square. I rooted for Hatton because he is white like me. When you cheer on your people it does not matter if they win all the time. At the end of the day, they are still your people. Win, lose, or draw I believe it is important for us to always support our blood.

To support those who we share common ancestors with I believe is one of the most natural things a man can do. I personally always support the human athlete whenever their is a cross species competition underway.

I Just watched a boxing match a week ago between a refugee negro and a (real) asian out here in Sydney. The refugee negro kept true to form. Headbutting, and rabbit punching his way to a disqualification. Then his corner tries to start a fight with the Asian fighters corner. You gotta love these negro refugees. Their true classless colors come out once the whiteman pumps a few meals into their bellies.

Note: On many web sites (not this one) I hear how the blacks from Africa are much more hard working, and intelligent than Afro Americans. That is B.S. I have dealt with both. It is easy to see how Africa has never developed beyond the stone age. The vast majority of blacks from Africa I have come into contact with out here have the mind of a 10 year old. Atleast your Africans in the states have a bit of masta blood in em to give them a little reasoning power.
Kukulcan said:
Speaking of Jews in the media, I would like to correct the record of some past posts who stated/thought Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp. and now Wall Street Stock Exchange was a jew. HE IS NOT! He just gained ownership of Wall Street Stock Exchange. He is from Australia and is a Christian and one of the most successful and wealthy businessmen in the world.


Other media companies: Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation owns Fox Television Network, Fox News, the FX Channel, 20th Century Fox Films, Fox 2000, and publisher Harper Collins. News Corp. is the fifth largest megamedia corporation in the nation, with 2003 revenues of approximately $19.2 billion. It is the only other media company which comes close to the top four.

It's Fox News Channel has been a key outlet pushing the Jewish neoconservative agenda that lies behind the Iraq War and which animates both the administration of George W. Bush and the "new conservatism" that embraces aggressive Zionism and multiracialism.

Murdoch is nominally a Gentile, but there is some uncertainty about his ancestry and he has vigorously supported Zionism and other Jewish causes throughout his life. (Historian David Irving has published information from a claimed high-level media source who says that Murdoch's mother, Elisabeth Joy Greene, was Jewish, but we have not been able to confirm this.) Murdoch's number two executive is Peter Chernin, who is president and chief operating officerâ€â€￾and a Jew.

Under Chernin, Jews hold key positions in the company: Gail Berman runs Fox Entertainment Group; Mitchell Stern heads satellite television division DirecTV; Jane Friedman is chairman and CEO of Harper Collins; and Thomas Rothman is chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment. News Corporation also owns the New York Post and TV Guide, and both are published under Chernin's supervision. The primary printed neoconservative journal, The Weekly Standard, is also published by News Corporation and edited by William Kristol, a leading Jewish neocon spokesman and "intellectual."
Aussieaussie31 outstanding post. Negros here for the most part are lazy and always fall back of history of thier slavery as a 'reasons' for their lack of progress in everything except sports. They pull the race card everytime they are in a jam. There are always exceptions, however, for the most part they are nothing but entitlement grabbers. This is a primary reason why I could never be an enabling Democrat. This party lives for giving entitlements to these bums, to maintain a voting block.

Remember Katrina. The hordes of blacks wondering aimlessly looking for help then later handouts. I distinctly remember all of the 230 lbs black women and obese children. These people are not poor, just lazy, how does one become that fat by being poor? Answer, you don't, its called welfare for all of these babies mommas and the loser fathers who claim 'disabilities'. In essence, we, responsible Americans finance their dysfunctional behavior. The few black men who have ambition turn to drug sales. Once they accumalate some money, spend the rest of thier days chasing dumb white women. The reason for this is that they can't stand themselves nor have the courage to bring their race up to par. They lack the skill in creating a stable family

This part of the reason I wanted Hatton to beat PBF. To demonstrate to the world and negros who don't have PBF talent that this behavior will lead to failure. Now I look to Pavlik to beat a good black fighter and person in Jermain Taylor. Taylor is an exception to most black males, but he is few and far between.
Werewolf is a strong supporter of white boxers, and I commend him for that. However I also support white boxers, yet I still maintain a membership at several other sites that he has been banned from.

It's important is to stay within the acceptable boundaries of each forum. I post my thoughts more openly here than at other sites, because I know the boundaries are different. However, I wish to maintain memberships at other sites, because I feel I can do more for white fighters than if I were to be banned! So I tone it down somewhat at BoxRec (and even more so at ESB, where one can be banned for the slightest reason). However, in a subtle, indirect way, I post some of the same ideas there as here.

My advice to Werewolf is to be more cautious over the words you choose, and you will convince more people! And try not to react too angrily to trolls here (like 'Tartan Pride', or racist blacks and black-loving wiggers at the other forums. Always remember at those other sites there are also many who agree with some of what you post, but will not openly acknowlege it because they don't want to be labelled a racist or banned.
nevada said:
I still don't see how this match has any effect on anybody with an IQ over 110.

Floyd Mayweather is small and weak, and can't even beat other small guys like Pavlik or Calzaghe. So to prove how great he is, he took a match against a boxer that was...even smaller than him.

Let's see the "greatest boxer in the world" win a match against just one opponent who is bigger. Not even a huge size difference. Just 15 pounds bigger. Should be easy, right? I mean, he's the greatest boxer in the whole world. The WORLD. He can beat any boxer. ANY boxer.

Good post, Nevada. Welterweights never used to be considered important - but the media is ignoring the heavyweight division these days for some reason.

Not only would Mayweather not defeat a bigger fighter like Calzaghe or Pavlik, he would have trouble with a prime age world-class fighter his own size, like Cotto, Margarito, or Cintron. Hatton's arms are 6" shorter - that's quite a reach advantage Mayweather had!Edited by: JD1986
Ameren.com. I appreciate your extensive research. I, however, will support a party that is most logical, ie: The Republican Party. Sure we have our problems like uncontrolled spending, lack of securtiy at the borders and lack of fair trading with other countries(China). However, that last time I checked we weren't attacked by Jews flying airplanes into our buildings. Sure alot of Jews are calculating and look out for their own. Whites should be more of the same.

There is no way in hell I could support the Democratic Party as it stands today. Jews are talented and hard working. Whites should take some cues from them. Look at Oscar De lay Hoya, he took total control over his career and dumped Bob Arum, who was undoubtly unfairly profiting from his fights. Last time I checked its the fighters who risks thier health when stepping into the ring. Oscar now has one of the most successful promoting firms for fighter. PBF has seen the light and is doing the same. These are all conservative values, making your own way and taking risks. These intelligent fighters are controlling their own fates and not letting Jews dictate their lives, bravo!

So what if Murdock has a bunch of Jews working for him. Is this a reason to embrace Democrats and their nonsense as well understand the Muslims misguided anger towards the West. No way.
JD186, what do you mean that welterweight division was never considered important! The fights between Hearns, Sugar Ray Leanord and Duran were at this weight.

Alot of members forget the PBF started out at 130 lbs. He as done well, lets be honest. He has been smart in selecting the fighters he has beat. He will never take on Margarito or possibly Cotto.

We should stop looking or excuses for Hatton. PBF was the better fighter period. Hatton lost his cool and didn't conserve his energy for the last two rounds. His corner let him down. He got reckless and got caught.

The only fighter who started out at 130/135 lbs and won the middleweight title was the great Roberto Duran in 1989. I am sure PBF is well aware he could never compete nor have a chance in hell of beating Pavlik or any other competent middleweight.
When Duran won the title he beat one of the more beatable champions in middleweight history. I will always have a soft spot for a fighter like Duran, but Iran Barkley was a club fighter who landed a bomb out of nowhere against Hearns. It's too tough for a natural lightweight to take on a middleweight in a physical style and win. They need to out fox the naturally larger and stronger man.
Kukulcan said:
JD186, what do you mean that welterweight division was never considered important! The fights between Hearns, Sugar Ray Leanord and Duran were at this weight.

Alot of members forget the PBF started out at 130 lbs. He as done well, lets be honest. He has been smart in selecting the fighters he has beat. He will never take on Margarito or possibly Cotto.

We should stop looking or excuses for Hatton. PBF was the better fighter period. Hatton lost his cool and didn't conserve his energy for the last two rounds. His corner let him down. He got reckless and got caught.

The only fighter who started out at 130/135 lbs and won the middleweight title was the great Roberto Duran in 1989. I am sure PBF is well aware he could never compete nor have a chance in hell of beating Pavlik or any other competent middleweight.

Mayweather simply filled out physically as he matured during his twenties like a lot of people do, and naturally, gradually moved up to higher weights. Mayweather has a frame that can easily hold 160 lb without his being overweight! Duran had the same reach disadvantage as Hatton went he moved from lightweight, but Mayweather had an exceptionally big frame for a 130 or 135 lb fighter. Mayweather has a longer reach than heavyweight David Tua!

I agree Mayweather has been smart in choosing his opponents, and wise in demanding the fight with Hatton was in his hometown, has an American referee and judges, and was at 147. He will never fight another prime age top welterweight like himself - his opponents are carefully chosen! Baldomir was old and had 10 losses, Gatti was a shot fighter and had the same reach disadvantage as Hatton, N'Dou was limited, etc. He would have difficulty with Cotto or Williams but he will never fight them.

In the past, the most important division was heavyweight - most of the media coverage had always been focused on that division until a few years ago. It wasn't until the 80's that the lighter weights started getting more mainstream media attention, yet even in the late 80's and 90's the average person didn't know who Tommy Hearnes, Roy Jones, James Toney, or Iran Barkley were, but everyone had heard of Holyfield, Tyson, and Lewis.

Now, the heavyweight division is ignored - everyone knows who Mayweather is, but most people have never heard of Ibragimov, Maskaev, and Chagaev and it is surprising how many have never heard of Wladimir Klitschko. Wladimir should be getting more attention to Mayweather, but he's not BECAUSE HE"S WHITE!
I agree with JD1986

The welterweight division always had some importance to it. However for the casual fan the Heavyweight division was by far the more well known, and the more popular weight class.
In fact, I'll go as far to say that most weight classes that have dominant white champions are considered weak by casual fans and the media. I just read a article on East Side boxing where the author said (not an exact quote, but very close) "160 and up is dead. However if you look at the talent from 154 down it is stellar. There are no white fighters in the top ten in the welterweight division and it is universally recognized as the strongest weight class in boxing. Thge heavyweight division is the whitest and it is considered the weakest. You see a pattern here? I certainly do!
Kukulcan said:
A lot of Jews are calculating and look out for their own. Whites should be more of the same.

Oscar now has one of the most successful promoting firms for fighter. PBF has seen the light and is doing the same. These are all conservative values, making your own way and taking risks. These intelligent fighters are controlling their own fates and not letting Jews dictate their lives, bravo!
Although I don't agree with much of what you've posted, you make some excellent points:

The way for whites to deal with the control the Jews have over the US, Britain, Canada, etc. is to LEARN FROM THEM and use their methods. We can beat them at their own game. They work together - we fight among ourselves. We need to free our minds from their subtle influence through the media and entertainment industries, and learn to think independently. And we should look out for OUR interests just as zealously as they do theirs!

Boxers such as PBF who are promoting themselves have the right idea. Let's face it: Jewish promoters cheated and exploited many black boxers (i.e. Joe Louis). Often the white guys like Marciano were smart enough to not let them get away with it. Someone suggested that the Jewish promoter Arum likes Pavlik - no, he just hates losing so much money because white fans are turning to UFC, so he thinks Pavlik may help turn the tide, by giving white kids a boxer they can identify with and root for!
Kukulcan said:
Ameren.com. I appreciate your extensive research. I, however, will support a party that is most logical, ie: The Republican Party.

If you're going to vote Republican, vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

Sure we have our problems like uncontrolled spending, lack of securtiy at the borders and lack of fair trading with other countries(China). However, that last time I checked we weren't attacked by Jews flying airplanes into our buildings. Sure alot of Jews are calculating and look out for their own. Whites should be more of the same.

Jews were probably behind 9/11. Go do some research. They were definitely behind the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 where they attacked one of our ships in the hopes we would blame it on the Arabs and go to war with them. They were also behind the 1965 Immigration Act which is directly responsible for turning America into a Third World country.

You need to do some research friend. Start here.


There is no way in hell I could support the Democratic Party as it stands today.

I wouldn't support them either. However, neither major party represents the interests of white people.

Jews are talented and hard working. Whites should take some cues from them.

Fine. Jews are highly ethnocentric (racist if you're a white person). Let's emulate them.

Look at Oscar De lay Hoya, he took total control over his career and dumped Bob Arum, who was undoubtly unfairly profiting from his fights. Last time I checked its the fighters who risks thier health when stepping into the ring. Oscar now has one of the most successful promoting firms for fighter. PBF has seen the light and is doing the same. These are all conservative values, making your own way and taking risks. These intelligent fighters are controlling their own fates and not letting Jews dictate their lives, bravo!

Okay, good for them.

So what if Murdock has a bunch of Jews working for him. Is this a reason to embrace Democrats and their nonsense as well understand the Muslims misguided anger towards the West. No way.

I hate the democrats and hope a republican wins in 2008 only because of court appointments and not just Supreme Court appointments. Other than that, the republicans are pretty useless.

As for "Muslim anger", the main reason they hate us is because we prop up hated governments in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and support the Israelis blindly.
Kukulcan said:
Ameren.com. I appreciate your extensive research. I, however, will support a party that is most logical, ie: The Republican Party. Sure we have our problems like uncontrolled spending, lack of securtiy at the borders and lack of fair trading with other countries(China). However, that last time I checked we weren't attacked by Jews flying airplanes into our buildings. Sure alot of Jews are calculating and look out for their own. Whites should be more of the same.

There is no way in hell I could support the Democratic Party as it stands today. Jews are talented and hard working. Whites should take some cues from them. Look at Oscar De lay Hoya, he took total control over his career and dumped Bob Arum, who was undoubtly unfairly profiting from his fights. Last time I checked its the fighters who risks thier health when stepping into the ring. Oscar now has one of the most successful promoting firms for fighter. PBF has seen the light and is doing the same. These are all conservative values, making your own way and taking risks. These intelligent fighters are controlling their own fates and not letting Jews dictate their lives, bravo!

So what if Murdock has a bunch of Jews working for him. Is this a reason to embrace Democrats and their nonsense as well understand the Muslims misguided anger towards the West. No way.

That is one of the best posts I have read on here in a long time. I agree with much of what you said. Bravo!

You're 100% correct in your above post. I thank God not everybody has been brainwashed by the Zionists. Becoming fully aware of what they've been doing to us the last 50 years is a truly shocking experience!

Here's another example of how they look out for their own interests, with no regard to the "goyim": The book by Michael Piper "Final Judgement", all about the JFK assassination, explaining why he was killed.

But would be better to further discuss that in a different forum...Edited by: JD1986
No one wants to "embrace" Muslims. Personally, I want to embrace the ONLY effective solution to Islamic terrorism, the one that the NeoCons/NWO ignores...NOT letting Muslims live in America or Europe. Simple no? Hard for a bunch of Saudi nationals to hijack the plane if you don't let them on the thing in the first place. But of course, this has nothing to do with invading Middle Eastern countries and otherwise doing Israels bidding, and would in fact strengthen White civilization, so of course it is not done.
JD1986 said:
Werewolf is a strong supporter of white boxers, and I commend him for that. However I also support white boxers, yet I still maintain a membership at several other sites that he has been banned from.

It's important is to stay within the acceptable boundaries of each forum. I post my thoughts more openly here than at other sites, because I know the boundaries are different. However, I wish to maintain memberships at other sites, because I feel I can do more for white fighters than if I were to be banned! So I tone it down somewhat at BoxRec (and even more so at ESB, where one can be banned for the slightest reason). However, in a subtle, indirect way, I post some of the same ideas there as here.

My advice to Werewolf is to be more cautious over the words you choose, and you will convince more people! And try not to react too angrily to trolls here (like 'Tartan Pride', or racist blacks and black-loving wiggers at the other forums. Always remember at those other sites there are also many who agree with some of what you post, but will not openly acknowlege it because they don't want to be labelled a racist or banned.

There's a lot of wisdom in your post. As the old saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
JD1986 said:

You're 100% correct in your above post. I thank God not everybody has been brainwashed by the Zionists.

I was a former brainwashed white lemming until a few years ago. I might still be one if not for the internet.

Becoming fully aware of what they've been doing to us the last 50 years is a truly shocking experience!

Behind almost every anti-white movement you will find Jews. Not just in America either. There is a clear pattern if you look for it.

Here's another example of how they look out for their own interests, with no regard to the "goyim": The book by Michael Piper "Final Judgement", all about the JFK assassination, explaining why he was killed.

He was probably killed for tinkering with the Federal Reserve which is run and owned by Jews.

Edited by: Amren.com
White_Savage said:
No one wants to "embrace" Muslims. Personally, I want to embrace the ONLY effective solution to Islamic terrorism, the one that the NeoCons/NWO ignores...NOT letting Muslims live in America or Europe. Simple no? Hard for a bunch of Saudi nationals to hijack the plane if you don't let them on the thing in the first place. But of course, this has nothing to do with invading Middle Eastern countries and otherwise doing Israels bidding, and would in fact strengthen White civilization, so of course it is not done.

The only solution to the muslim problem other than killing them all is to stop letting them in and kicking them all out.
At the day of mayweather vs Hatton there was also K-1 final elimination.4 of the 8 fighters white.Every white won against a non white.The winner in the final was this 300 lbs 6-11 fighter of my country.watch his higlights here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX7MWbAv_fY

I have the feeling that whites are on average stronger than blacks(at the gym i see that whites lift at average like 20% more weight).Or maybe it has to do that whites in my country are on averaGE 6-1 1/2.But I have to admit that blacks look more musculair because of lower bodyfat on average.That has to do with that blacks came from africa which is very hot and there was no need for more than like 5% bodyfat but in Europe is was a lot colder and for the protection of the body the europeids need a bit bodyfat for protection against the cold.A lot of people confuse being strong with low bodyfat and see I see typicall black and say look at that strong black LOL
Thanks for the highlight vid, waterbed. Schilt is a big dude, isn't he?
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