Kukulcan said:
Ameren.com. I appreciate your extensive research. I, however, will support a party that is most logical, ie: The Republican Party.
If you're going to vote Republican, vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.
Sure we have our problems like uncontrolled spending, lack of securtiy at the borders and lack of fair trading with other countries(China). However, that last time I checked we weren't attacked by Jews flying airplanes into our buildings. Sure alot of Jews are calculating and look out for their own. Whites should be more of the same.
Jews were probably behind 9/11. Go do some research. They were definitely behind the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 where they attacked one of our ships in the hopes we would blame it on the Arabs and go to war with them. They were also behind the 1965 Immigration Act which is directly responsible for turning America into a Third World country.
You need to do some research friend. Start here.
There is no way in hell I could support the Democratic Party as it stands today.
I wouldn't support them either. However, neither major party represents the interests of white people.
Jews are talented and hard working. Whites should take some cues from them.
Fine. Jews are highly ethnocentric (racist if you're a white person). Let's emulate them.
Look at Oscar De lay Hoya, he took total control over his career and dumped Bob Arum, who was undoubtly unfairly profiting from his fights. Last time I checked its the fighters who risks thier health when stepping into the ring. Oscar now has one of the most successful promoting firms for fighter. PBF has seen the light and is doing the same. These are all conservative values, making your own way and taking risks. These intelligent fighters are controlling their own fates and not letting Jews dictate their lives, bravo!
Okay, good for them.
So what if Murdock has a bunch of Jews working for him. Is this a reason to embrace Democrats and their nonsense as well understand the Muslims misguided anger towards the West. No way.
I hate the democrats and hope a republican wins in 2008 only because of court appointments and not just Supreme Court appointments. Other than that, the republicans are pretty useless.
As for "Muslim anger", the main reason they hate us is because we prop up hated governments in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and support the Israelis blindly.