Fedor to Face Rogers

Westside said:
The best thing about Fedor's excellent and devastating performance was that it was broadcasted on CBS during primetime. That means millions of DWFs, negros and misguided/wimpy whites saw what a white man could do to a supposed super affelet.

This weekend has been great. Toby Gerhart kicked major ass and Fedor literally kicked a afrolete's ass and scrambled his brains for a minute.

Absolutely correct. I hope CBS will continue to show Fedor and Mousasi's fights on live TV. Both of those guys had such a calm and stoic look as they were fighting and little to no celebration afterwards. Bring on some more caste matchups.
Right after the KO by Fedor, did you all see the really sad negro in the crowd that pounded his arm down like DAMNNNN! I think he also had a disgusted reaction on his face.

Thank you Fedor. We can never repay you no matter how hard we try.
The lack of respect that Rogers showed after the fight for Fedor was disgusting.  When he was interviewed he acted like he should have won or something.  Instead of just stating Fedor is a great fighter and saying he needs to train harder he tried to sound like he should have won.  
1st let me thank Parody for the vid. Just finished watching it. Wow, I am not an expert on MMA but that was great. Fedor was so relaxed during battle. Roger is a big strong guy, but Fedor just timed his shots. I believed he won the first round as well.

The announcers were not castophiles, they were just excited or inexperienced in calling a fight. I don't they were disparging Fedor by saying "wild" swings because he was white. Maybe they should get some real MMA fighters to call fights. Not some deeb college graduates in radio/tv/film taking an on-line course.
Armenian and Persains both considered themselves white or caucasion. They are not Arab or mongaloid or some baltic mixed mutt.

Some Armenian/Persain women are the most exotic/gorgeous females you will ever lay eyes on.
What was funny is Accesscrimea was posting on how he was looking forward to Fedor beating affelet ass, and at the same time(almost) members were posting that Fedor had beaten affelet ass. And he was like WTF, I missed the fight. Accesscrimea, just kidding.

The great thing is that we are in a tribe that is spreading and reveling in the truth. Its good to be white right now, this moment. Thanks Don for creating this site. I feel great.
What does TNB mean? I am lost...!
Deadlift said:
Thank you Fedor. We can never repay you no matter how hard we try.

HAHAHA> I love it! Fedor is a man whose fight videos I will show my children to one day. What a class act.
Watching Fedor's fights over the years, I have come to the conclusion that in order to beat him you have to be willing to literally face your own death and embrace it. I have never once in any of his fights seen him show even the slightest hint that he was willing to give in or quit. That is why I make jokes about him being a cyborg, or leaking hydraulic fluid. He is just inhuman, or rather superhuman in the the ring with his desire to win and seeming ability to analyze his opponents weaknesses like a computer. We all know he is not a machine, just a man of flesh and blood and that just makes him even more impressive. Fedor is a living, breathing testament to the true potential of the white warrior spirit that exists, waiting to be tapped in all of us. It doesn't matter how much TNB Rogers or those like him exhibit. They can talk about all the tough Cabrini Green's they want. They can growl, snarl, cuss, scream or beat their chests all they desire to pump themselves up as bad asses. It means nothing to Fedor. Edited by: Bear Backer
Please, please let there be a rematch, so this time, Fedor can end the fight in the first sound. This time, there won't be a lucky jab that catches his nose to momentarily disrupt things. An even quicker KO/Submission should shut Roger's mouth for good.Edited by: foobar75
No reason for Fedor to give Rogers a rematch.  Rogers acted like he was all big and bad after he was knocked down.  There are other top fights for Fedor.
Fedor has given rematches to Mark Coleman, Antonio Noguirea, and Mirko Crocop in the past. Rogers was very disrespectful after the loss, acting as if the hard-wired, media-contrived notion of unquestioned black supremacy prevented him from admitting that he was easily TKFO by an older, shorter, lighter, white man. It was funny to watch him trying to maintain his artificial "angry black man"Â￾ mannerisms. Not even the drunken white fans in attendance bought the act, and booed him after his less than humble remarks.

I hope the vicious anti-white mainstream media and water-girl drunken white fans feel a little less certain of their previously indisputable racial attitudes as a result of this fight. The achievements of the Klitschko brothers, and the myriad of other white boxers are easily ignored"¦but this fight was seen by millions upon millions on network TV.

Rogers is a pretty good fighter"¦.but like all the others, he faced the greatest fighter modern man has ever known. Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
Fedor has given rematches to Mark Coleman, Antonio Noguirea, and Mirko Crocop in the past. Rogers was very disrespectful after the loss, acting as if the hard-wired, media-contrived notion of unquestioned black supremacy prevented him from admitting that he was easily TKFO by an older, shorter, lighter, white man. It was funny to watch him trying to maintain his artificial "angry black man"Â￾ mannerisms. Not even the drunken white fans in attendance bought the act, and booed him after his less than humble remarks.

I hope the vicious anti-white mainstream media and water-girl drunken white fans feel a little less certain of their previously indisputable racial attitudes as a result of this fight. The achievements of the Klitschko brothers, and the myriad of other white boxers are easily ignored"¦but this fight was seen by millions upon millions on network TV.

Rogers is a pretty good fighter"¦.but like all the others, he faced the greatest fighter modern man has ever known.

Yeah it is HILARIOUS. Watching a black guy get all ghetto tough after getting his ass beat is always a special treat. What is even better is that the majority of the crowd didn't seem to buy it like you said. Everything is almost always a facade with these so-called street toughs. They are really just overgrown playground bullies. The bully got his bell rung, so he had to try to save face to his homies who he grew up with in Cabrini Green, so they wont think he is a BUSTA!

The only rotten part was having to listen to the obligatory U-S-A chants from some of the DWF's in attendance. As if Rogers actually represented America other than Caste/Cultural Marxism. It is always funny how some of them will get behind U-S-A no matter who or what it represents. Blacks and other minorities wont though. Only when it presents them with a reason to do so, as in it benefits or promotes them. That is why Whites need to learn a healthy appreciation for their own.Edited by: Bear Backer
If am Fedor the Great, I f**k him, less of course the money is there and he get the way bigger cut, and I am talking just a bit over 3/4s.
I have just watched the Youtube video of the fight.There's no need for me to add to the comments pertaining to the bout itself - the white fighter defeated the posturingsimian.No surprise there. Here are a couple of observations regarding the presentation of what occured.
Some of the posters have referred to the fact that the fight was transmitted to an enormous audience which, for obvious reasons,is a positive thing.Throughout the fight I could hear the usual tendentious pro-black commentary, for example, Rogers is the boy from the projects, he's taking it to the Russian, etc, etc - but, given that the commentary is American, this is to be expected.

Now, when Emilianenkopunches the "sooperiah affleete" to thegroundand clobbers him untilsambo literally curls up, worm-like, into the foetal position, the camera instantly veers off into the crowd and doesn't return to the groggy, disorientedRogers for quite some time. The broadcasters simply don't wish to show a defeated black sprawled out as a result of the handiwork of a white fighter. Odds on if Rogers had won (the Yids' ultimate dream - Emilianenko's first defeat... by a "big black guy"), the cameras would doubtless have show a mouthy ****** beating his chest over the fallen white man, with the concomitant mantra of "well, this just proves that the achievements of whites, as usual,mean nothing, because once blacks arrive in a sport they instantly dominate...".

Anyway, I'm glad that Emilianenko disposed of that over-hyped mohawked black imbecile. I just wish that the referee had allowed him to bust the "sooperiah afflete" up a bit more - just to avert the usual excuses of "they stopped the fight too early". After all, the semi-conscious ape was about to effortlesslyspring up and assert his natural racial superiority...
Well, I see a bunch of reasons to see that rematch. That whole disrespect thing, plus potential questions by certain people about the stop being questionable, etc. For me, it would be quite a treat to see Rogers get destroyed a 2nd time, perhaps with an even bigger audience watching. I agree with an earlier post that we can never thank Fedor enough for what he did last night. Anytime there's an opportunity to erase the myths about black athletic supremacy, I'll take it. Fedor and the Klitschko brothers have been superb ambassadors in that regard.

Now, where are the American whites, who can get some inspiration from all of this, and go out there and kick butt? This is what I like about Russians and other Eastern Europeans. They have not been brainwashed unlike the sheeple in the West, so they are absolutely not intimated by anyone, least of all thugs from the ghetto.
I like this Rebajlo fellow! Welcome indeed and we look forward to your active participation on the boards.
After the fight Fedor dons a simple wooden cross and thanks the many people who prayed for him. He came across as both humble and intelligent. Hopefully this will help dispel the lingering notion Russia is a 'bunch of godless commies'.
celticdb15 said:
Maybe the chain link fence throws them off

Perhaps MMA should use bars to make them feel more at home.

Fedor's knockout was great in that it was pure power. No technical groundfighting, no slick choke holds or armlocks, just brute force from a powerful, yet humble, white man which put the lights out on the media's hulking superior afrofraud.

The only problem is that the media somehow seperates Russians from white men here in America. I have seen countless shows on TV and movies where the American white is scared of the black man but the Russian man is not. In fact, the black man will almost always be portrayed as being scared of the Russian guy, who is usually a mobster, but not the white American guy, who is usually a cop. This is a pattern I have noticed from Hollywood.
Rebajlo said:
<div>Now, when Emilianenko punches the "sooperiah affleete" to the ground and clobbers him until sambo literally curls up, worm-like, into the foetal position, the camera instantly veers off into the crowd and doesn't return to the groggy, disoriented Rogers for quite some time. The broadcasters simply don't wish to show a defeated black sprawled out as a result of the handiwork of a white fighter. Odds on if Rogers had won (the Yids' ultimate dream - Emilianenko's first defeat... by a "big black guy"), the cameras would doubtless have show a mouthy ****** beating his chest over the fallen white man...</div>

The biggest downside I can see to this Fedor-Rogers fight was that Rogers and that Michellobamaesque wife of his used the money he "earned" from this fight to buy a house in a (heretofore) nice Minnesota suburb. There goes the neighborhood!
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