Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

I have not heard anyone talking about lawsuits from these guys. I think Duke and the county could be liable for some big money in a civil suit.
C Darwin said:

The article you are looking for has been deleted or moved. What was the gist of it, Darwin?

p.s. love the Clerks II reference!
Edited by: White Shogun
There is a very good article by Nicholas Stix about the Duke Hoax today at the vdare.com home page. The article is long and very detailed. It looks like the families of the Duke players are going to sue everybody in sight. It is the only way to prevent these hoaxes.

Note that SI's "legal expert," Lester Munson (a 60-something white man) has been one of the most eager supporters of the hoax.
60 Minutes is ripping Nifong and the Duke case. They've pointed out how Nifong knew before he indicted the players that the accuser had the DNA of at least four men on her body and her panties, none of which belonged to any of the lacrosse players.

They interviewed the lab tech who failed to disclose on his official report that the DNA had been found. They pinned him down with enough questions to indict Nifong for prosecutorial misconduct, if you ask me.

They interviewed a Duke University law professor, a black guy, who they report has been outspoken against Nifong since the beginning of the case. The guy said that Nifong purposely concealed evidence, and later tried to keep it secret so as to avoid embarrassment and possible legal sanction.

We know that the accuser has changed her story numerous times, but I did not know til watching 60 Minutes that she has said that she didn't have any sexual encounter with the lacrosse players at all.

Good summary of the events so far, and very favorable towards the players. Edited by: White Shogun
I hope these Duke kids "clean-up" in the lawsuits. It is going to be nice watching this unfold. If a lawsuit transpires against Duke, this could be a "shot across the bow" with college political correctness run amuk.

A couple of things came to mind as I watched this 60 minute special. Is Duke going into CYA mode with this black faculty member sticking up for the Duke guys? I don't recall hearing about him before. While listening to the Duke mothers talk about the case, I felt bad for them, however I wondered if they support or ever had supported the "feminist cause" which married itself with the "minority cause" particularly on college campus.Edited by: KJV1
Man, you gotta love what 60 Minutes has been doing on this "rape" case over the past few months. I think the big fear all of us had was all the attention the case was getting at the start & when it was exposed to be a hoax (as we all knew it would be), it'd be posted on page 6B of the local paper as a sidenote or something.Certainly not the case. Nifong is going down in a blaze of glory & the media is piling on. Which I love. I'm certainly liking the press this is getting lately.

And, while I am very anti-lawsuit personally, on this one I think all the families should come out with guns blazing. Why? Cuz they have a helluva case!!!
I just watch the 60 minutes Duke story. What I can't believe was, it seemed like there was much more anger and hate directed at Nifong than the crazy black slut who actually made the accusations to begin with. I'll have to refer to her as "crazy black slut" because unlike the accused, she doesn't have to have her name released and dragged thru the mudso the only things we know about her up till now is that she is crazy, she is black, and she is a slut.

Anyway, one mother referred to her as a poor disturbed girl who had a history of being abused by men. And that Nifong was using her. HELLO? And not nearly enough focus on the death threats and harrassment they all received by the black lynch mobs in NC.
I mean, they practically made it look like Nifong made up the story and told her to spew it. Somebody at the part pissed her off, and she tried to take those damn rich white boys down. Period. Nifong was just the accomplice.Edited by: cutty
Good points, cutty. I overlooked that but you're right, they're saying very little about the girl. If anything, she should be listed as a party to any lawsuit brought by the players. She should also be prosecuted but I doubt that is going to happen.

Nifong was wrong, but they seem to have forgotten who brought him his prize case in the first place.
I think the main focus should be on Nifong, regardless of the black slut. He
is the one who pursued the charges even when he knew they were bogus,
and it was his office that leaned on the police to corroborate her story
(stories). She can make all the accusations she wants, but if he kicks her out
onto the street, there is no controversy.
Don't get me wrong, Nifong is a total sell out. He needs to be hung upside down with a fork up his ass, granted.
PitBull said:
I think the main focus should be on Nifong,
regardless of the black slut. He
is the one who pursued the charges even when he knew they were
and it was his office that leaned on the police to corroborate her
(stories). She can make all the accusations she wants, but if he kicks
her out
onto the street, there is no controversy.
I would like more coverage of Nifong's political supporters, both
black and white. Nifong is just a tool for the harassment of white
Not enough is being said about "the new black panthers"being on scene in military like regalia,they made subliminal threats against Duke subjects.Were they armed?,would a White group be allowed to assemble in that manner?
The accuser's name is Crystal Gail Mangum. Stange for a black girl to be named after a Country Music Diva. Just a thought. The other dancer had been an acountant until she was arreested for embezzlement. Could this have possibly been a scam concotted by Kim Richards ( the other dancer ) assuming the boys or more precisely their parents would offer a large sum of money to get Mangum to drop the charges or Richards to give testimony clearing the boys asnd tyhen the whole thing got more attention than they theought possible and got out of control? After all Mangum did make a drunken statement in another "gentlemns' club she worked that she was going to get a lot of money from some rich white boys.
WS, I am going to save my optimism until his disbarrment actually happens. If it does happen, I feel like going to Duke University with a sign that says, "Nifong=human garbage, the garbage has just been dumped."
I will not hold my breathe until Nifong gets disbarred Prosecutorial and even Judicial misconduct is rampant in North Carolina. There was man ( white ) just recently who was released from death row because the Prosecutor and Judge at his trial had conspired to keep some crucial evidence from the jury. He had an Iron Clad alibi. he was serving time in the states Maximum Security prison at the time the crime was commited approx. 150 miles away.
This thread was at K.C. Johnson's site on the Duke hoax a few days ago. The thread's theme was that several black athletes and USC's freshman QB Mark Sanchez, have been accused of rape, but the charges were dismissed. The point being that the Duke LAX players weren't being treated softly because they were white.

Johnson doesn't come out with the obvious conclusion. The Duke players were being railroaded precisely because they were white. Here is the thread:

http://durhamwonderland.blogspot.com/2007/01/facile-assumpti ons.html

If this thread doesn't work, go to durhamwonderland.blogspot.com and find the "facile assumptions" thread.
Report says that remaining charges will be dropped!

It should be remembered that both SI and ESPN were among the most aggressive "news organizations" in denouncung the Duke LAX players. I wonder why media sources dedicated to covering sports were most eager to believe college athletes were guilty of a crime on very flimsy, if not nonexistent evidence?
I'm glad the charges are being dropped. Talk about a witch hunt. Now, several men's lives have been at least partially ruined by this whole mess. I can't wait to get my Duke Lacrosse T Shirt in.
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