Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

My sunday-school teacher who I otherwise respect on almost every issue we discuss said he had "no sympathy the other day for the Duke kids because they shouldn't have been seeing a stripper in the first place". Sadly alot of people are putting that kind of spin on it.. I disagreed with him and told him why. One of the things I pointed out to him was lot of college kids do those type of things but they don't go through what these Duke students went through. Threatened each with spending thirty years in prison for a crime they didn't committ, having their reputations forever smeared, each of the kids families spent well over a million dollars in this case to finally get a little justice and they all got their lives threatened by other blacks in the city as well as get their season canceled, coach fired and school faculty turn on them. I don't think just renting out a low rent stripper for the evening justified all the things I just listed. Most white people don't even see it as a black/white issue, just some kids messing around. It's so frustrating.
I kinda see their point. You are the company you keep, and there is no good that can come from soliciting a stripper, and a black one at that.

Having said that, what happened to these boys because of that is a travesty of justice, through and through. As for all those college students who do such things but do not receive the same treatment, I say: Just lucky I guess. There are plenty of things that happen to college kids everywhere, every day, we just don't read about them in the papers or see them in the spotlight because they are the victims and not the 'perpetrators.'
Now I'm not an expert on these matters mind you....but my friends tell me that when hiring um, adult entertainment for bachelor parties, the places that set up the dancers advise you of the "girls" that you are going to get. In every case the agency forewarns when a stripper is anything but white. Why you might ask? Because white strippers are about a hundred times more popular then black ones and that includes for black parties too.

For the Duke party to get not one, but TWO black strippers is, to me, a complete rip-off by the agency that sent them. I have to imagine that the Lacrosse team was pissed about that. Probably why Seligman left early, what was there to see? Life is tough for a black stripper. No affirmative action, no equal opportunity and even the brothas are not to happy to see them. Rough.
Hiring a stripper is no different than hiring a model for an art class. Both are
paid to take their clothes off in front of strangers. One dances, the other
sits still for a couple of hours. Tell your oh-so-moral friends that, and then
ask them why someone's life should be ruined or why they deserve to face
years and years in jail because of a false allegation from an art school
"Art is in the eye of the beholder" and in the case of Crystal Mangum that sure was some ugly art for beholding.
I have been wearing my Duke Lacrosse shirt a lot since I got home and it seems to evoke less reactions here. Maybe some people here don't keep up with what is going on that much, or just don't follow lacrosse at all, or maybe they just don't want to comment. I'm not sure, but the difference between Utah and Mississippi on this is striking.
Well, she claimed that they beholding her, but they said they ain't
beholding anybody.
I have agreed with about 99% of everything you've written on this forum, but comparing strippers to art school models is one G-string and a couple pasties too far.

I admit I don't know many art school models, but having been around more than a few strippers in my life, I know that most of them are frequent users of both drugs and men, with the threshold between stripper and prostitute a thin one between how high she is at the time and how much green is being shoved in her panties.

Maybe others have had similar experience with art school models, I don't know? But I've never been to a bachelor party where the guys have phoned down to the local art school to get some girls to come over for 'entertainment', nor seen a model take off her clothes and rub your d*** for a twenty.

Obviously, they erred in selecting this particular club from which to order strippers, as Magnum was both high and had sperm from at least three other men floating around in the various orifices of her body before finding her way down to the frat house for the evening.

One cannot argue the fact that had these young men refrained from pursuing strippers as entertainment, the legal troubles that followed would never have happened.
White Shogun,

While I agree with you that some guys with strippers are pretty wild, most of
the guys just sit back and watch. From what I understand of the Duke
fiasco, not much happened because the guys didn't want black strippers at

I agree with your further point about not calling the strippers in the first
place, but that's hindsight. Most times this stuff goes down and nothing
happens. I guarantee you a lot of black strippers are finding it harder to
make a living from frat parties these days.
I knew you'd see it my way.

Just kidding.

Now we need to argue about this for three more pages, write repetitive, back-to-back posts and quote each other sentence by sentence and line by line til everyone else get's bored and we get banned. Whaddaya say?
Just for snorts and giggles has anyone entertained the idea that the club that sent the stripper was using this a s a set up to shake a bunch of rich white boys dowm. They send two black stripers after being specifically asked for at least one white stripper. One who was formerly an accountant who was fired and charged with embezzlement( more intelligent and conieving than most strippers). So amybe they hoped for a few loud racial slurs which did get reported and hope the boys or their parents would cough up some cash to make the problem go away. And the club owner and the two strippers split the take.Edited by: Tired old White
White Shogun,

I'd love to, but I'm a little behind (pun intended) on my political fiction novel.
Got some catch up work to do! Otherwise, you'd be toast!
I believe the Duke boys were set up. Every stripper that I have ever seen at a party was always accompanied by a driver/protector. These were usually big guys. Their job was to protect the stripper from dangerous guys. No agency can stay in business if their dancers are all being raped.
Since the girls had no driver/protector and not the type the guys asked for, they were expecting an incident in which they could sue the rich white guys. Maybe the agency would get a kickback.
I note the second dancer is not part of this. She must have realized that there was not enough there for a good lawsuit. Maybe she was hoping for better luck next time.
Don Wassall said:
Duke is the number one seeded team in the NCAA tournament and crushed Providence 18-3 in a first round game. Being seeded number one is a remarkable achievement given the obscene persecution the program has been through over the past year-plus.

Let's hope Duke becomes the national champions. What a fitting statement that would be. But more instructive, watch the media coverage of the team, or lack thereof. We know that if the races and situation were reversed, this would be the feel-good media story of the century, the 1966 UTEP basketball team and Jackie Robinson all rolled into one with non-stop coverage replete with narratives, interviews and background music all designed to provoke the strongest emotions of sympathy and solidarity.

But even in a case like this there will be no sympathy for the Duke team. This system is anti-white to the core. Whites do not exist except to be reviled and blamed for everything. It is taboo, strictly verboten,in the media to evoke sympathy for any whites, as whites, under any circumstances. Any whitesin this country stillincapable of rooting for the Duke team after whatthey have been throughare totally, hopelessly lost to self-hatred and degradation. Tragically, the vast majority would seem to fall in this category.

Well, the Duke team has made it to the Final Four, but there is still precious little media coverage. This should be the realAmerica's Team, but in a system animated by poisonous anti-white ideology and raw hate that aint gonna happen. The forces that persecuted the Duke players to begin with, which form a microcosm of the forces that control USA Inc., hate the lacrosse players and what they represent (so-called "white privilege") more than ever now that they've been exonerated.
John Feinstein on the sports reporters scolded the duke LAX team
for attempting to act like martyrs. He brought up their behavior at
the party saying that "everyone has spots" and racial epithets are
never appropriate. What this "sports reporter" failed to acknowledge
is that the verbal altercation between the second stripper and the
team was provoked by the stripper. She told one of the students that
he had a "little white d!ck". Funny how only the stripper has reported
that part of the event. Edited by: C Darwin
screamingeagle said:
I believe the Duke boys were set up. Every stripper that I have ever seen at a party was always accompanied by a driver/protector. These were usually big guys. Their job was to protect the stripper from dangerous guys. No agency can stay in business if their dancers are all being raped.
Since the girls had no driver/protector and not the type the guys asked for, they were expecting an incident in which they could sue the rich white guys. Maybe the agency would get a kickback.
I note the second dancer is not part of this. She must have realized that there was not enough there for a good lawsuit. Maybe she was hoping for better luck next time.

The strippers did have a driver with them. See the April 23, 2007 issue of Newsweek. Here is a quote:

"One of Evans's teammates suggested taking back the money from the accuser. Evans told the teammate he was 'stupid,' and was worried that the man who dropped her off probably had a gun 'and would kill us,' according to his statement to police."

Shortly before 1 o'clock, the two women finally did leave, amid a flurry of taunts. Both groups were insulting each other.
Did the driver come in? Every driver at every stripper party I have ever been at came in.
screamingeagle said:
Did the driver come in? Every driver at every stripper party I have ever been at came in.

The driver apparently stayed in the car. The LAX players knew he was there, according to Evans. The driver's role is a mystery.
This was the first I heard that there was a driver. (MSM, never give you all the facts. You might start thinking for yourself.)

BTW, because of the Duke incident, I will never hire a stripper. Talking to others, they feel the same way. There is a fear that some other con artist will try to do a "Duke Lacrosse ream" on you. I just can't afford the legal expenses. A lot of girls are losing their jobs.
I watched a bit of ESPN's "Around The Horn" today, and see that the viciously anti-white jock-sniffers in the media are just not going to tell the truth about this incident, no matter what. The thoroughly obnoxious Bill Plasche lashed out against the Duke players in defending the original suspension of the lacrosse program, and said that their making the Final Four was "nothing to cheer about." A few other idiot talking heads meekly tried to state that this a "good" thing, but curiously enough, neither of them could even mention the slimy accuser and her criminal actions in lying and attempting to frame innocent young men, or the odious Nifon in his corrupt attempt to prosecute a case he knew was totally bogus. Plasche trotted out the old canard about them "being at the party," as if that matters at all. Yes, you idiot, they were at a party where a pathetic stripper decided to frame them for rape. That's what is relevant. Oh, for an honest billionaire to form a network and air some truthful programming.
What is interesting to me, after these kids were found to be innoncent, the only one of many culprits to receive any blame at all from our friendly media, is the D.A.
The REAL push to prosecute them came from the local "African-American" community (with able assistance from everyone's two favorite "reverends"). Just a minor detail that is not deemed worthy of discussion.
Burts said:
What is interesting to me, after these kids were found to be innoncent, the only one of many culprits to receive any blame at all from our friendly media, is the D.A.
The REAL push to prosecute them came from the local "African-American" community (with able assistance from everyone's two favorite "reverends"). Just a minor detail that is not deemed worthy of discussion.

Not to mention the police officers who colluded with the DA, intimidated witnesses, and attempted to cover up evidence that would have cleared the Duke 3.
I haven't watched a lot of Lacrosse, but I did run across the last twelve minutes of Duke-Cornell. Great game, that saw Duke giving up a tying goal with about thirty or forty seconds left, then hitting the winner with thirteen seconds left.

The announcers mentioned something about the ex-coach watching from home, then alluded to the hoax situation as a "scandal." I'm sure that Hollywood producers are scrambling to get a feel good movie out of this situation, especially if Duke wins the championship. They'll just reverse the races and then they will have a great story about overcoming injustice.
Burts said:
The REAL push to prosecute them came from the
local "African-American" community (with able assistance from
everyone's two favorite "reverends"). Just a minor detail that is not
deemed worthy of discussion.

right on dude!
Duke couldn't pull it out. They lost to JHU 12-11 today at the most attended NCAA Lacrosse match in history (48, 443).

Apparently the JHU keeper did a hell of a job in the final period.

The Blue Devils still had a spectacular season. They are America's team.
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