Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

Well, it came in yesterday and I just debuted it in public at the local Albertsons grocery store. As I was walking in, a guy saw it and smiled really big. Later when I was going around the corner of an aisle, a guy said "I like thatshirt man" then he asked me where I got it. I told him I ordered it from Duke online for $11.95 plus shipping. We talked about the case for a couple of minutes and he said he was from that area and was sick of what had happened. I got lots of other looks where I couldn't really tell what they thought. Anyway, it was an interesting first run.

Man, its like nothing is on TV out here today so you are almost forced to watch the General Conference. I think I'll just turn the TV off instead.
It's official...the charges have been dropped. Having Imus to put on the cross should take some of the sting out of it for the media though. They'll get their pound of flesh anyway they can.
I'm glad they finally dropped them. I brought them up today to a few people who were going on and on about how evil Imus is for what he said. I also mentioned the fine that Adam Morrison got for reacting to racial slurs and what a double standard exists in society regarding race. I guess you could say I was feeling my oats today. I'm wearing my Duke Lacrosse shirt to school Monday.

I must have missed the Adam Morrison fine story completely. Could you give me a synopsis on that story?
bigunreal, here it is:

Morrison was as usual being heckled by a fan. He was constantly heckled in college. Notice the fan called him "white trash" repeatedly. It was probably another one of those loser white fans making fun of his own race. There is a small possibility it could also have been a racist black.

Morrison responded to these attacks with an obscene gesture. I think the league over did the punishment. If a black player responded to racial remarks with a rude gesture he could probably talk his way out of trouble by saying he felt threatened and personally attacked by "racially charged" remarks. There is of course the problem with my argument with the fact that it is almost unheard of for blacks to have disdain for their own race. Any racial remark made by a black about another black is almost definitely either 1) humour 2) A black dissing another black for acting white.

Bobcats' Morrison fined $25,000 for obscene gesture
April 10, 2007

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Charlotte Bobcats forward Adam Morrison was fined $25,000 by the NBA on Tuesday for making an obscene gesture to a fan during a game in Miami.

Morrison made the gesture while sitting on the bench late in overtime during Charlotte's 111-103 win over the Heat on Sunday. Morrison did not play in the game because of a sprained knee, the first game he missed this season.

Morrison said he was being heckled throughout the game.

"I've got to learn to take it, I guess, but I think the guy went over the edge a little bit, calling me 'white trash' over and over again," said Morrison, who also sat out Tuesday's game against Miami. "I reacted naturally and I made a mistake. I hurt the organization and the team. I'm sorry about it and it will never happen again."

Morrison, the No. 3 overall pick in last year's draft, is averaging 11.9 points and is shooting 38 percent from the field this season. Bobcats coach Bernie Bickerstaff said he's still learning how to react to hostile crowds.

"Adam has those sonar ears, like a bat," Bickerstaff said. "That's another thing a rookie has to learn. ... When you move to this level, you've got fans, they're as good at what they as the players on the court."
speedster said:
It's too bad that the nappy-headed ho accuser isn't being charged.
You should be fired speedster!
Colonel_Reb --
Loved your story about your Duke lacrosse T-shirt experience. I had similar fun with it. Everytime I wear it I get compliments but the icing on the cake was going down to San Antonio for the NCAA Regional Finals last month. My first compliment came at 10:00 A.M. when we stepped out for breakfast & my buddy put the over/under on comments about the shirt at 9. I thought that was way to high but I'll be dammed if the ending total wasn't in double-digits. People loved it -- they stopped to talk about the case -- and what an idiot Nifong was. It's a great conversation starter & it's a great way to see just how many people really detest what goes on but whose voices never get heard due to the mainstream press who shuts down these voices!

I am glad that justice was served!!! I'll be waiting for Sharpton & Jackson's apologies for railroading the Duke kids now that they are through with Imus. Of course, we know that will never happen because they are on to the next shake-down. They have no time for apologies.
It is interesting how people will discuss such things when they know a sympathetic person is around. How often we/they keep quiet any other time is what is so tough. We've got to speak up about these things and make people aware of the double standard that exists for "acceptable" behavior from whites vs. blacks. What the Duke players did was stupid in my opinion, but the way they were railroaded for things that they didn't do was totally unacceptable to me. Thats why I got the shirt, so I can bring that up when people ask me why I wear it.

I think I have come up with a new slogan for myself. I am so fed up with things right now. I really need to release some of this pent up emotion, but I guess I'd better wait till I leave Utah, else I'll get in trouble.

"If I seem ticked off,its becauseI am!"
Funny, one of my friends told me he has a Duke lacrosse shirt from EBay that says "I support Duke lacrosse." I was surprised being that I'm from Ontario. He said he wore it out to a bar in Toronto a couple of months ago and had a black guy give him a dirty look!
Here's a popular one on ebay.


Here's the one I got from Duke.

I guess that what it is supposed to be.Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I listened to Keith Olbermann yesterday on Patrick's show . He skewered Imus and said he should have been fired long ago for being homophobic and racist. Okay fine.The subject of the Dukebogusrape case was brought up and I was curious as to what he would say. Did he excoriate the prosecution? No, no, no, no. Did he condemn the lying, manipulative, sleazy, wretched, stripper - dancer - ho? No. He said there was a major screw-up, mistakes were made, bla bla, bla. Yeah, that was about the gist of everything he said. A major screw-up. He is such a pansy a$$.

It was not a mistake, faulty prosecution, screw-up or incompetence. A vicious, deceitful anti-white prosecutor railroaded those boys. His behavior was criminal.The black community along with the white hating media and dipstick faculty of Duke did everything possible to insurejustice was NOT served.Corrupt wusses, the lot of them.

I'm glad you mentioned Olbermann. On many well-intentioned internet sites, this guy is considered brave and noble for his stance against Bush. I have long maintained that this clown is merely a Saturday Night Live-type of Democrat, who will criticize Republicans like Dubya, but won't touch any of the liberal sacred cows. Considering he came from ESPN, probably the capital of black worship in Don King's America, it's hardly surprising that he doesn't feel outraged about the injustice suffered by the Duke players.
Olbermann is a ass-clown. His ratings are terrible. He maybe gets 350,000 viewers on a good night. That's pathetic for a national cable outlet like MSNBC. But then again, except for the recently canceled Imus program, all their shows get similar ratings.
While Olbermann has made a few, rare valid points (the travesty of the Military Commissions Act...it's Constitutional violations, etc.), he is a world-class Marxist lib/lefty. I was no fan of him at ESPN (nor do I care for pro-Caste ESPN), and he's even more of a (vocal) pinko now. Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Don Wassall said:
I'm sure y'all will be thrilled by this news:

Oh boy! Can't wait to hear his brilliant commentary.Did anyone catch him this afternoonon the Big show? I was occupied while listening, but heard enough to make me seriously wonder about his sanity. If I'm wrong on the details,someone please clarify. Seems they were ranking the top five greatest major league baseball players. One list of old-timers and another for the modern era. Going back to the early days, KO threw out some names for consideration. He had Babe Ruth, Josh Gibson, Walter Johnson, Satchel Paige and Buck Ewing. Babe Ruth and Walter Johnson would be on most lists. But Gibson, regardless of his abilities, only played in the beer and pretzels Negro Leagues. Satchel played in the Majors late in his career, but didn't really pitch in many games. How utterly ridiculous.Are we now to consider Major League Baseball as being comprised of the National, American and Negro Leagues? You simply cannot include the Toledo Mud Hens with the New York Yankees and retain credibility!

Keith also had the name of Buck Ewing on his list. I don't know if he was referring to a great white catcher way back in the day, or a Negro Leaguer by the same name. Knowing Keith it is probably the Negro Leaguer who began playing in the 1920's. After hearing his choices, Dan asked him why Ty Cobb wasn't on his list? Ty Cobb is not on the list said KO, because "I consider him to be very overrated." These two clowns are absolutely amazing.Ty Cobb was and is considered by most baseball experts to be one of the all -time greatest if not the greatest player to ever put on a uniform. No, I don't think Keith thinks he is overrated. Keith is too afraid of saying anything positive about Cobb, because it would be politically incorrect! Edited by: Bart
Bart, ol' Ty Cobb aka "The Georgia Peach" is the greatest baseball player in the history of the game...hands down!!!

http://www.cmgww.com/baseball/cobb/Edited by: DixieDestroyer

Durham city official apologizes for mistake that led to player indictments

<DIV ="textTimestamp">
<DIV id=udtD>Updated: 7:05 p.m. CT May 11, 2007
DURHAM, N.C. - Police failed to follow procedures for the photo lineup used to obtain rape indictments against three members of the Duke lacrosse team, a city official said Friday in expressing regret for the mistake.
The lineup was never intended to identify suspects in the case, which finally collapsed last month when state prosecutors declared the three players innocent, city manager Patrick Baker said in a report to the mayor and the City Council.
Instead, Baker said investigators were trying to identify witnesses after the accuser, who had told police she was raped at a lacrosse team party where she was hired to perform as a stripper, had failed to identify her attackers during six previous attempts.Edited by: Bart
Moshe Olbermann is another descendant of Bolshevik slime.There isn't a black ass he won't kiss. Another part of the NWO media cabal. And he's probably light in the loafers...48 year old,Jewish bachelor in Manhattan-connect the dots.
According to Bill Anderson, the accused LAX players were not picked at random. The false accuser had googled the entire Duke LAX team and found out their addresses before the April 4 lineup. Finnerty, Seligmann, and Evans all came from high-income zip codes. Anderson thinks the accuser had a lawyer advising her who to pick.
Duke is the number one seeded team in the NCAA tournament and crushed Providence 18-3 in a first round game. Being seeded number one is a remarkable achievement given the obscene persecution the program has been through over the past year-plus.

Let's hope Duke becomes the national champions. What a fitting statement that would be. But more instructive, watch the media coverage of the team, or lack thereof. We know that if the races and situation were reversed, this would be the feel-good media story of the century, the 1966 UTEP basketball team and Jackie Robinson all rolled into one with non-stop coverage replete with narratives, interviews and background music all designed to provoke the strongest emotions of sympathy and solidarity.

But even in a case like this there will be no sympathy for the Duke team. This system is anti-white to the core. Whites do not exist except to be reviled and blamed for everything. It is taboo, strictly verboten,in the media to evoke sympathy for any whites, as whites, under any circumstances. Any whitesin this country stillincapable of rooting for the Duke team after whatthey have been throughare totally, hopelessly lost to self-hatred and degradation. Tragically, the vast majority would seem to fall in this category.
American Freedom News