Duke's Lacrosse Team Fiasco

William L. Anderson has written a number of superb articles analyzing the Duke non-rape case and the causes behind the persecution of the lacrosse players. These persecuted players represent the hatred of all white heterosexual men that motivates the forces ofintolerance andCultural Marxism that have taken control of society.

Anderson's stories are usually posted in the right hand column of the CF homepage. I'llpost his latest here. It's must reading for those that want to understand some of the ruthless totalitarianideological forces out to destroy white men. Making white men third class citizens in sports pales in comparison to the goals of the overall anti-white societal agenda being enacted.

<H1 align=center>Duke and the Politics of Rape</H1>
by William L. Anderson
by William L. Anderson

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At this writing, the Bad Ship Michael Nifong is taking on water, and the passengers are looking for the lifeboats, yet charges against David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann still stand. The Duke "Non-Rape" Case is now the Duke "Non-Kidnapping and Non-Sexual Assault" Case, but for the time being, Nifong still is trying to use the government court system as a vehicle to commit real kidnapping of three innocent young men.

But while the charges of rape are gone, one must remember that this case came about because of the politics of rape. In my lifetime, rape has changed from a crime against an individual to a crime against a class of people: women. The issue behind this sea change is the ongoing battle of individualism versus collectivism.

I will put it another way: The Duke "Non-Kidnapping and Non-Sexual Assault" Case cannot be separated from the downward evolution of American - and, indeed, Western - society since the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s. The political and intellectual leadership of American society has embraced collectivist ideals for a long time - long before the 1960s - and we are seeing just how that embrace has changed the face of law.

If one reads not only the U.S. Constitution, but about anything that dealt with the founding of the United States, one can see that the intellectual centerpiece of those writings is the primacy and rights of the individual. People have rights, not because the state confers those rights upon people, but rather because people own those rights by their virtue of being individuals.

Yes, individuals gather together to form social institutions, but those institutions are a mechanism for holding a society together. They are not a replacement for individuals and the rights of individuals themselves. Instead, institutions provide a means by which individuals can enter into relationships based upon mutual advantage. That is, they are better off entering into those relationships than they would be if they did not.

Such a view of human society is quite different from the organic view that is part and parcel to collectivism. The collectivist mindset holds that people are to be viewed solely by their identity to a larger group. Thus, the interests of blacks begin and end only with those things that apply exclusively to blacks. Likewise, the same holds for women, and about any other kind of "minority" group that exists.

At the same time, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s urged individuals to give up their "sexual inhibitions" and to enter into sexual relations with each other on a basis of mutual pleasure - and nothing else. Sex was not to be an apparatus by which couples strengthened the whole of their relationship, but rather something that stood on its own.

Now, men did not need to be encouraged to follow such a sexual viewpoint, but the effect upon women was greater. Whatever one might think of calls for feminine modesty and the like, the zeitgeist of the Sexual Revolution was that women should have the same sexual habits as men. That such a way of thinking would run into reality should not surprise anyone, but any person who objected by saying that such a loose standard of sexuality would demean women was accused of...demeaning women.

Such a sea change in thinking, which would have perhaps its greatest impact upon college campuses, meant that men could be more aggressive in seeking consensual sexual relationships, since women were on the prowl, too. The only part of the puzzle to solve would be making sure that the two prowling parties would be able to come together. The sexually aggressive male would meet the equally sexually aggressive female, and consensual sexual relationships would arise, making our society freer and happier.

Whether that has been the case, I will leave to others to judge. As long as all parties were clear on relationships being consensual, then there would be no problems, but as all of us know, things are not always so clear in Sexland. What happens when the aggressive young male with raging hormones meets the female who goes part-way into sexual relationships, but would prefer not to consummate the deal? One consequence is what we call "date rape," and it is a real and persistent problem, especially on the college campus.

(The daughter of a dear friend of mine recently was at a party in which someone slipped something into her drink. When she came to at about three in the morning, she realized that some young men had "taken advantage" of her. Although she clearly was raped, like many young women in that situation, she did not call the police or pursue any legal avenues. Today, this one act has caused much turmoil in that family.)

This reality also collides with the collectivism that many college professors embrace. If a man rapes a woman, under collectivism, he has raped all women. Because a woman has meaning only as part of a collective, to violate one woman is to violate the female collective. However, many of the leftist/Marxist professoriate also strongly embrace the Sexual Revolution, so how to bring these two sometimes-conflicting ideals together can be troublesome.

First, let me point out that many Marxists simply appeal to what Ludwig von Mises called "polylogism" to sort out the logical conflicts. They don't worry about consistency; instead, they make sure that they shout louder than anyone else, and are the first to run to the barricades.

Second, they simply claim that they are changing the rules of sexuality. Sex, in their view, must be seen solely as a political action. Thus, when Gloria Steinem proudly declared that "the personal is political," she opened the door to the modern politics of rape. Not only is rape now a political crime against women, but non-political sex itself is also something to be criminalized.

As Catherine MacKinnon of the University of Michigan Law School has long written, all male-female relationships are manifestations of power (the powerful male dominating the less-powerful female), and so male-female sex also falls under the same scrutiny. Here is how her logic works: (1) male-female relationships are governed by power, (2) rape is a manifestation of male power over females, (3) therefore, all male-female sex is rape.

Within this Marxist paradigm, homosexual relationships - by definition - cannot fall into such categories of dominance, so - again, by definition - homosexual relations are governed by something other than raw power, which makes them legitimate. (Males cannot oppress other males, and females cannot oppress other females - by definition.) However, since most Marxists still are heterosexuals, something must give, and so they have given the poor, beleaguered male a way out of his rapist ways. If a male does engage in sexual relationships with a female, he must do so in a way that qualifies him as being Politically Correct in his actions, his speech, his beliefs, and in the way he approaches sex. Furthermore, he must be part of a group which is not on the outs with the Marxist/PC crowd.

Thus, we come to the members of the Duke University Lacrosse Team. As I pointed out in an earlier piece, these young men clearly did not fit within the PC paradigm as is demanded by the vocal members of the Duke University faculty. Therefore, any actions that they might take of a sexual nature - from consensual relations to having strippers at parties - must always be examined in a political fashion, and those politics declare the LAXers always to be rapists.

The political nature of the charges was seen not only in the demonstrations held on the Duke campus, but also by how the faculty and leftist students treated the evidence. In my afore-mentioned article, an article by Duke Professor Grant Farred that appeared in the Durham Herald-Sun declared:

All of which, of course, begs the crucial question: What is it precisely that that these three players, and the lacrosse team in general, are "innocent" of? Racism? Underage drinking? Hiring sex workers under a false name? Homophobia? The abdication of a collective team - what happened was not a "mistake" but part of an older and widely known pattern of lacrosse behavior - and larger institutional responsibility for declaring public what precisely it is that Duke University represents? </BLOCKQUOTE>

In other words, it did not matter whether Seligmann, Finnerty, and Evans actually raped or even touched the accuser, Crystal Gail Mangum. Other faculty members and students who wrote op-eds for the Herald-Sun also followed with the same theme: Guilty as charged.

Here is how the logical chain has worked: (1) the accused were part of the Duke Lacrosse team, (2) the lacrosse team consisted of Politically-Incorrect people, or at least people whose worldview did not coincide with that of Grant Farred and other Duke Marxists; (3) therefore, Seligmann, Finnerty, and Evans are guilty of rape.

Now, anyone with even elementary training in logic can see the numerous fallacies at work here, but with people like Farred, the use of logic itself is an act of racism/sexism/homophobia/rape. In the real world, it is like trying to reason with a child, although I will add that my children would demonstrate a little more consistent thinking.

Lest one think I am exaggerating, the following "analysis" comes from another Duke Marxist, Karla Holloway, who declares that all justice is collective in nature, and cannot be limited to the examination of whether or not one individual violated the life, property, and liberty of another:

In nearly every social context that emerged following the team's crude conduct, innocence and guilt have been assessed through a metric of race and gender. White innocence means black guilt. Men's innocence means women's guilt.</BLOCKQUOTE>

Again, loosely translated, Holloway's screed (which should be read in its entirety in order to be "fully appreciated") can be translated: "It does not matter of those three young men actually raped the accuser. By their political standing, they are guilty and should go to prison for the rest of their lives."

The "wonderful" thing about reducing rape to a pure political entity is that one can trivialize the word to make it mean what one wishes. Any sexual relationship that does not fall within the "matrix" that people like Holloway proscribe automatically is rape. Furthermore, according to these Marxists, the legal penalties that currently exist for rape should be applied in those cases as well.

Now, it does not matter that the legal penalties for rape, like the legal penalties for theft and murder, were developed in the context of one individual or set of individuals doing real harm to others. By politicizing these actions, or demanding that they be viewed only in a political context, these academics and their supporters are able to turn law upside down. Thus, in their political world, an action is seen as a crime only if its political ramifications are harmful to "the cause."

Likewise, if an accusation benefits "the cause," then the truth of the allegation simply is unimportant, since polylogists believe that truth is a "relative" thing, and that truth can only be commensurate with power. Thus, Mangum's accusations against the three young men are to be taken as true because of the race and sex of the accuser and the accused. In fact, people like Holloway and Farred consider it to be racist that anyone even brings up evidence that demonstrates conclusively that no rape occurred.

Furthermore, not one - one - member of the Duke faculty that was part of the 88 signatories on the infamous advertisement that called the lacrosse players rapists has said anything about the recent revelations that Nifong engaged in what surely is criminal behavior in trying to hide exculpatory evidence, and then lying to a judge about it. That is because in their view, there was nothing wrong with what Nifong did because it was done in order to pursue "correct" political outcomes.

To use Holloway's terminology, we need to view this entire sorry episode through the "matrix" of Marxist thought. The politics of rape being what they are, it is not surprising to me that much of the Duke faculty still is insisting that these young men be found guilty and sent to prison.

However, for the time being, Nifong is being forced to operate in the reality-based world, one in which things like evidence still matter. In that world, prosecutors and attorneys are not supposed to lie to judges or the rest of us. (That they often do so does not negate the fact that it still is considered legally unacceptable.) In that world, prosecutors must actually be able to demonstrate that a real live crime was committed, as opposed to the "virtual crimes" that we see from the bowels of academe.

Unfortunately, whenever Marxists and leftists take hold of a system of justice, injustice follows. From Stalin's Marxist Show Trials to Nifong's attempts to create his own set of show trials, we see how a political standard of justice works. It institutionalizes injustice in the name of justice.
<DIV align=left>
<DIV align=right>December 27, 2006
<?:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>William L. Anderson, Ph.D. [send him mail], teaches economics at Frostburg State University in Maryland, and is an adjunct scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Edited by: Don Wassall
he does a great job of laying out all the inconvenient facts that the Left wants to sweep under the rug, doesn't he?

what might be the saddest part of the story, is that this kind of thinking is embedded in every major university in the U.S. i was ostracized from any social activities with my academic "peers" because of my Right-wing way of life when i was working on my Master's degree as a grad student...

one of the other grads even did a paper on my "status" among the collective. it was pretty funny reading.
The parents of the accused Duke Lacrosse players are affluent and live in large houses in fashionable neighborhoods. They enjoy a country club lifestyle.

Then, their sons are charged of a crime under exceedingly dubious circumstances. The administration of their university believes their accuser and casts them out. Nine months later, the case is obviously a hoax. Despite this, the DA still wants to bring them to a trial after committing numerous iregularities.

I wonder if it has taught them the lesson they should be getting from this. Namely, that they are considerably lower on the totem pole in American life than they thought they were before this incident.
sport historian said:
I wonder if it has taught them the lesson they should be getting from this. Namely, that they are considerably lower on the totem pole in American life than they thought they were before this incident.

The white privilege myth gets a ghetto thumpin.
The North Carolina Bar has filed ethics charges against Nifong.
William Anderson, who has written so many superb articles on this disgusting hoax, and should be regarded as a hero if Nifong is brought to justice for his gross misconduct, also writes on a blog about the hoax. Read the below post of his, especially toward the end when he goes into his experience while on Tennessee's track team in the early to mid '70s. Thanks for drawing this to my attention, Sports Historian.
<DT =comment-poster id=c478293685332602634><A name=c478293685332602634></A>bill anderson said...
<DD =comment->

Michael has brought up an interesting situation, and one that not many people understand. In most instances, the feminists and blacks at best are very uneasy allies and often on the other side of the fence.

The vast majority of inter-racial rape accusations are of that black men being accused of raping white women. Naturally, the black community will side with the black males and the feminists with the white women, and the disputes can get pretty ugly.

The dynamics are even more strange when both the accuser and accused are black. Again, the black community generally will side with the males and the feminists (black and white) with the female. But if it is thought that the accuser is lying in a black/black situation, the attacks upon the accuser are far worse than anything we have seen in the Duke case.

Much of popular black rap music, as we know, is mysogynist and sometimes just outright awful. The "gangsta" lyrics speak about raping and killing "bitches and ho's" and the like. Thus, "protecting sisters" is not as important in the black community as the Durhamites would want us to believe, unless a racial angle can be played.

I think I can say without any reservation that had Crystal accused black males of the rape, and the exculpatory evidence was what we have seen in the Duke case, there is no doubt that almost the entire black community would have supported the men. Furthermore, Crystal would have been verbally assaulted in a way that we have not seen in this particular case -- no matter what Yolanda or "Justice58" might say.

Crystal would have been denounced as a liar, a "ho," and about everything else. Believe me, this case would not have lasted 10 minutes.

However, the racial situation being what it is, the black community felt obligated to back Crystal. This meant the NAACP selling whatever part of its soul was left, and the black ministers promoting lies, but everyone who was on Crystal's side continued to promote the sham because to do otherwise would have been seen as being disloyal to racial solidarity.

As a member of an NCAA-championship track team with both black and white members, I saw the issue of racial solidarity firsthand. We had one situation in which the blacks were demanding an all-black relay even though we had at least one white sprinter who was in our top four. The turmoil over the whole thing almost cost us the national championship.

As a competitive athlete, I could not understand why they did not want the best relay team, as opposed to including a black sprinter who really was not very good (and was a jerk, to boot). But there it was, and the results almost were disastrous. I realized that the whites on the team did not really look at issues like racial solidarity. Most relay teams for which I ran had blacks and whites, and it never would have occurred to me that we needed to have an all-white two-mile relay team or anything like that. So, the cultural and racial gap simply was much bigger than I realized.

Because of the racial dynamics in this case, we saw a fairly rare alliance (in a rape case) between feminists and the blacks. Unfortunately, neither group wishes to admit to being wrong, so the case continues. And so do the lies. It is unfortunate, but there it is.
<DD =comment->
[url]http://durhamwonderland.blogspot.com/2006/12/prosecutor-is-g uilty.html[/url]</DD>
<DD =comment->
(The portion quoted above is well down the page.)</DD>
Just suppose the accuser had said that 3 black members of the Duke basketball team had raped her. Can you picture the following happening?

The Duke basketball season is canceled. Coach K is forced to resign. The scandal becomes the major media story in the country. The Durham DA denounces the accused players as "hooligans." The Duke faculty pronounces the players guilty as charged. When no DNA of the players is found, the DA presses on with the case.

As William Anderson says, the case wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes if she had accused Duke black basketball players.
every white male should boycott from going to Duke university.The university has treated the players like criminals from the beginning.To hell with Duke.hurt them where it hurts the most and thats in their pockets.BOYCOTT DUKE

p.s.the coach who resigned from the lacrosse team is a coward.Instead of defending and standing by his players he jumps ship and doesnt defend their honor.He is a disgrace and I have ZERO respect for him and that sh*tTY university.

Heard on the radio today that two of the players have been reinstated. I didn't catch enough to hear if the charges have been dropped, but only that Duke has fully reinstated two of the players; the other one has already graduated.
http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=triangle&amp;id=49 05060

(01/04/07 -- DURHAM) - A former Duke Lacrosse player has filed a lawsuit against the University saying he was failed by an professor because of his membership on the lacrosse team.

Kyle Dowd filed the lawsuit Thursday against against Duke University and visiting associate professor Kim Curtis. Dowd, who graduated with David Evans in May 2006, was not indicted in the rape case but says that Professor Curtis gave him and another lacrosse player in class a failing grade in class as a form of retaliation after the Duke Lacrosse scandal broke. The two players were apparently receiving passing grades until the scandal, and Duke University revised their grades upward months after graduation.

...Professor Curtis was among the "Group of 88" professors who published an advertisement in the Duke Chronicle calling the rape scandal a "social disaster." The Group of 88, perceived by critics as attacking the Lacrosse team, at one point thanked protesters who posted "wanted" fliers containing photos of all or nearly all of the Lacrosse players. Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=triangle&id=49 05060 Dowd, who graduated with David Evans in May 2006, was not indicted in the rape case but says that Professor Curtis gave him and another lacrosse player in class a failing grade in class as a form of retaliation after the Duke Lacrosse scandal broke.

...Professor Curtis was among the "Group of 88" professors who published an advertisement in the Duke Chronicle calling the rape scandal a "social disaster." The Group of 88, perceived by critics as attacking the Lacrosse team, at one point thanked protesters who posted "wanted" fliers containing photos of all or nearly all of the Lacrosse players.

This is what is wrong with America people. Self-righteous, uber-liberal, idiots have no place teaching in any university, whether it be public or private. This kind of thinking and philosophy is what is killing this country. This professor is probably the same kind of hippie freak that spit on crippled Vietnam veterans back in the 70's. What I want to know is...who are the morons that are hiring these people?

I'm so disgusted by this, I forgot what I was going to say.
The whole friggin' college system is so screwed up now. We should boycott 'em all. Is there ANY college out there that isn't communist? I've heard of Grove City, Hillsdale. I went to George Mason, and some, a few of their departments, aren't commies, but that's it!!!

Can you homeschool your kids throuh college???
Hot off the presses -

Nifong asks state to appoint special prosecutor in the Duke rape case.

I have no other details. Anyone have anything else, please post it.

I'm speculating that Nifong has realized the gig is up and is trying to bail out while still saving face by requesting a special prosecutor. Your thoughts?
Nifong the witch hunter is the one who should be prosecuted for persecuting the Duke lacrosse players. But as Paul Craig Roberts has written so brilliantly about, prosecutorial abuse is common place in the U.S. justice system and it'll be surprising if Nifong ends up paying any penalty at all for his witch hunt.
Not only should Nifong be prosecuted for misconduct but the alleged victim should be prosecuted at the very least for filing a false police report. I don't know what else they can charge her with, but there should be something. Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
Nifong asks state to appoint special prosecutor in the Duke rape case.

Wow, this dufus just won't give up, will he? Its like he'd sacrifice himself just to keep this so-called "case" alive. This man just refuses to throw in the towel. He's like hepatitis...he's here to stay.
I really, really, really like this statement from the mother of one of the persecuted white men:

When asked what they would say to Nifong if he were in the room, Rae Evans, the mother of indicted player David Evans, says, "I would say with a smile on my face, 'Mr. Nifong, you've picked on the wrong families ... and you will pay every day for the rest of your life.'"

I'm sure the usual suspects will scream about "white privilege" and make veiled threats against the innocent Duke boys even after the trial is thrown out. I hope to God the athletes and families nail Nifong's commie ass to the bloody wall for betraying the truth and his own race for coin and power.

Meanwhile, it's just another day in "White racist America"

Man Shot, Burned; Woman Raped
son of Radovan said:
Meanwhile, it's just another day in "White racist America"

Man Shot, Burned; Woman Raped

Where's the national news media in this story?

Think this will qualify as a hate crime?

Think the prosecutor will 'pursue justice' in this case as maniacally as Nifong in the Duke case?

Ground Fighter said:
Just one more reason to get a license to carry a firearm. Unfortunately in New Jersey, I don't think we have this right.

One major reason the left is trying desperately to outlaw firearms and terrorize young Whites into believing that guns are evil and dangerous. And a major reason why, if one cannot purchase firearms, one must learn self-defense as well as how to build a weapon should legal firearms ever be ripped from us by a tyrannical government.

Those bestial pieces of filth murdered a young White man and with the utmost of barbarity raped, tortured and murdered a young White woman. Now they will never have children, their children will never have their own. This is a lesson that at all times we must be armed in some manner, and we must be prepared to defend our families, our brothers and our sisters to the death.
son of Radovan said:
Ground Fighter said:
Just one more reason to get a license to carry a firearm. Unfortunately in New Jersey, I don't think we have this right.

One major reason the left is trying desperately to outlaw firearms and terrorize young Whites into believing that guns are evil and dangerous. And a major reason why, if one cannot purchase firearms, one must learn self-defense as well as how to build a weapon should legal firearms ever be ripped from us by a tyrannical government.

You are correct. But, no matter how hard the powers-that-be try to outlaw guns, they will always exist. Unfortunately where I live in Northern NJ, its the WRONG kind of people who have unlimited access to them. The average black who lives in a housing project doesn't care if guns become illegal, because they'll still be able to get them through a criminal connection or some other means of accessability, like a foreign arms importer such as a Jamaican drug lord. The only people the government would hurt by making guns illegal altogether, would be law-abiding White people. They want to keep us weak and vulnerable at all times.
American Freedom News