Donald Trump for President

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Over at Youqueer, there is a story celebrating some skywriter dissing Trump during the Rose Parade. In the comment section, all the posters are CF like minded "total winners!" LOL, great to know there are millions like us!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Pretty amazing and disturbing article by veteran Christian Zionist Bill Bennett.

What I See Happening In a Trump Presidency By Bill Bennett

They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump.

Don’t be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few.

It’s about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media. They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it’s in all of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all and all for one.

It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened.

Donald Trump can self-fund. No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business, and political elite understand that Trump is no joke. He could actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart.

It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy The Donald. It’s because most of the other politicians are part of the a good old boys club. They talk big, but they won’t change a thing. They are all beholden to big-money donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic environmental organizations, and multinational corporations – like Big Pharmacy or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock, stock, and barrel by foreigners like George Soros owns Obama or foreign governments own Hillary and their Clinton Foundation donations.

These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by big money. But there’s one man who isn’t beholden to anyone. There’s one man who doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros, or the United Auto Workers, or the teacher’s union, or the Service Employees International Union, or the Bar Association to fund his campaign.

rest of article:

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Excellent article. Americans are waking up from their slumber. The powers that be will do anything to defeat Trump. People need to stay behind Donald and also pray for his safety. It's gonna be a huge year in politics. Let's go Trump.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Pretty amazing indeed. I listen to his morning radio program in the mornings on the way to work. During this election cycle he has not been a Trump supporter, but I guess Bennett has finally seen the light. Hopefully Trump gets in and will not disappoint. He will destroy old corrupt socialist Hillary during the debates. If only Amerika can WTF up and seize the moment and vote for him? We will soon find out.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Pretty amazing indeed. I listen to his morning radio program in the mornings on the way to work. During this election cycle he has not been a Trump supporter, but I guess Bennett has finally seen the light. Hopefully Trump gets in and will not disappoint. He will destroy old corrupt socialist Hillary during the debates. If only Amerika can WTF up and seize the moment and vote for him? We will soon find out.

Westside, do you feel Trump has a chance. I see him winning the GOP but all the blacks and Hispanics will vote democrat and plenty of drunk white liberals as well.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Westside, do you feel Trump has a chance. I see him winning the GOP but all the blacks and Hispanics will vote democrat and plenty of drunk white liberals as well.

WA 33 of course he has a chance. Yeah most f*cking white libs and ignorant / stupid blacks and minorities will vote the rancid Democrat party, but its up to smart White ppl and minorities to vote for Trump. That is what it comes down to. If the not, the slow slide into the sh*tter accelerates.
I will watch it all happen before my eyes. Interesting times ahead.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I've come to the realization that Trump might be the best thing that could possibly happen in the political process and it's all due to a weird combination of a very rich celebrity businessman with a huge ego stumbling upon the scene.

I also now realize that there is no way in hell he will be elected. Could he win the most votes? Sure but the level of vote fraud in this country dwarfs what goes on in banana republics. The amount of cheating that goes on in the large cities is tremendous. This amount of vote fraud is written off by the Republican Party as the price of doing business. They monitor what goes on in their own areas where they win.

Unfortunately the whole establishment has completely outed themselves as one party and aligned with each other. The Republicans will do nothing to protect Trump in the election and will of course work against him in any way possible. That means he can not even count on the fairly wimpy protections that the party gives to it's candidates vote totals.

If they can't steal the nomination from him in the primaries, which is certainly possible then they will surely throw the election to the demorats in the general.

Even a third party run as a spoiler does him no good. The R's will be more then happy with Hillary, they have already come out and said it.

There may be some chance that the conservative voters will revolt but neither party cares and it's quite possible to write a good part of the electorate off. So, there isn't going to be any Trump presidency, it's fun to imagine but it will not happen.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I've come to the realization that Trump might be the best thing that could possibly happen in the political process and it's all due to a weird combination of a very rich celebrity businessman with a huge ego stumbling upon the scene.

I also now realize that there is no way in hell he will be elected. Could he win the most votes? Sure but the level of vote fraud in this country dwarfs what goes on in banana republics. The amount of cheating that goes on in the large cities is tremendous. This amount of vote fraud is written off by the Republican Party as the price of doing business. They monitor what goes on in their own areas where they win.

Unfortunately the whole establishment has completely outed themselves as one party and aligned with each other. The Republicans will do nothing to protect Trump in the election and will of course work against him in any way possible. That means he can not even count on the fairly wimpy protections that the party gives to it's candidates vote totals.

If they can't steal the nomination from him in the primaries, which is certainly possible then they will surely throw the election to the demorats in the general.

Even a third party run as a spoiler does him no good. The R's will be more then happy with Hillary, they have already come out and said it.

There may be some chance that the conservative voters will revolt but neither party cares and it's quite possible to write a good part of the electorate off. So, there isn't going to be any Trump presidency, it's fun to imagine but it will not happen.

Sadly, White Americans remain at an infantile level when it comes to understanding politics and how down and dirty and ruthless it is. Not to mention that the main reason the world appears to be headed toward WWIII, which will make WWII look like a picnic as far as the devastation and death it will cause, is because the governments of the U.S. and the "West" are run by psychopaths. White Americans may be disgruntled and alienated, but they still fall hook, line and sinker for the narratives pushed by the system that the U.S. is always the well-meaning good guy and anyone demonized is a "Hitler" who deserves what's coming to him, and to his country.

But Donald Trump is a very, very tough hombre and is well-positioned thanks to his $$$ and the way he has quickly solidified a hard-core White base, whether intentionally or not. This election is shaping up to be the decisive, last chance moment for America, and maybe for the future of mankind. Assuming of course that Trump is motivated by patriotism and love of country (as opposed to love of a most unlovable government).

In line with what jaxvid posted above, this is an instructive article regarding just one of the ways the "conservative" GOP will "legally" go after Trump:

How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination


The paranoia about trump being assassinated or vote fraud is ridiculous. If trump were truly a threat to the establishment he would have been given the Ron Paul treatment by the media. But they haven't done anything remotely similar. The only reason Trump was able to take such a commanding lead in the polls is because of how much media coverage he has received. The media also treats him with kid gloves. Trump is a buffoon and he's clearly unintelligent. There's so much the media could have said about him to tear down his support but they haven't. The reason the sheeple support him isn't because of his policies it's because he's acts like a strong alpha male. The media have the ability and power to act as the top alpha male but they choose to act like beta males and defer to trump instead. Maybe they're waiting for the general election to do so but if they ever took the gloves off then Trump would get knocked out in the first round


Sadly, White Americans remain at an infantile level when it comes to understanding politics and how down and dirty and ruthless it is. Not to mention that the main reason the world appears to be headed toward WWIII, which will make WWII look like a picnic as far as the devastation and death it will cause, is because the governments of the U.S. and the "West" are run by psychopaths. White Americans may be disgruntled and alienated, but they still fall hook, line and sinker for the narratives pushed by the system that the U.S. is always the well-meaning good guy and anyone demonized is a "Hitler" who deserves what's coming to him, and to his country.

But Donald Trump is a very, very tough hombre and is well-positioned thanks to his $$$ and the way he has quickly solidified a hard-core White base, whether intentionally or not. This election is shaping up to be the decisive, last chance moment for America, and maybe for the future of mankind. Assuming of course that Trump is motivated by patriotism and love of country (as opposed to love of a most unlovable government).

In line with what jaxvid posted above, this is an instructive article regarding just one of the ways the "conservative" GOP will "legally" go after Trump:

How many times have I heard that Trump can't be bought and that he's politically successful because of how wealthy he is . Well something that most people aren't aware of is that he's hardly spent any money so far. He's actually spent less money than every other major GOP presidential candidate. And the money he did spend was money from his donors, not his own money. Trump owes his success to all of the media coverage he's received

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
How many times have I heard that Trump can't be bought and that he's politically successful because of how wealthy he is . Well something that most people aren't aware of is that he's hardly spent any money so far. He's actually spent less money than every other major GOP presidential candidate. And the money he did spend was money from his donors, not his own money. Trump owes his success to all of the media coverage he's received

Right, because he's from the system and was a celebrity in addition to being a businessman. Ron Paul was also from the system, being a sitting Congressman.

You can't get any media attention unless you're from the system. What's different about Trump is that he isn't as easily controllable because he's so rich, thus not indebted to big financial contributors like other candidates. In other words he can't be bought because he doesn't need anyone's money.

It remains to be seen if Trump's a true insurgent or not. If you read through this thread, I've made my doubts about him clear. But at the same time, racially conscious Whites, such as you Lew, will do nothing in the way of activism to build a pro-White political alternative in this country, so racially conscious Whites, due to their fear, complacency and laziness, are reduced to hoping that Trump is the real deal. The pro-White movement in the U.S. is quite content to be nothing but a bunch of anonymous internet posters arguing in Talmudic fashion over ideological fine points that have nothing to do with real life.

Odds are Trump will disappoint, because quite frankly racially conscious Whites don't deserve a spokesman to amazingly appear out of nowhere to stand for their interests.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Right, because he's from the system and was a celebrity in addition to being a businessman. Ron Paul was also from the system, being a sitting Congressman.

You can't get any media attention unless you're from the system. What's different about Trump is that he isn't as easily controllable because he's so rich, thus not indebted to big financial contributors like other candidates. In other words he can't be bought because he doesn't need anyone's money.

It remains to be seen if Trump's a true insurgent or not. If you read through this thread, I've made my doubts about him clear. But at the same time, racially conscious Whites, such as you Lew, will do nothing in the way of activism to build a pro-White political alternative in this country, so racially conscious Whites, due to their fear, complacency and laziness, are reduced to hoping that Trump is the real deal. The pro-White movement in the U.S. is quite content to be nothing but a bunch of anonymous internet posters arguing in Talmudic fashion over ideological fine points that have nothing to do with real life.

Odds are Trump will disappoint, because quite frankly racially conscious Whites don't deserve a spokesman to amazingly appear out of nowhere to stand for their interests.

He may disappoint but on the surface he at least looks like the best candidate since Ronald Reagan. I'm happy he has at least called the media out on their lies and has taken a pro-white stance, something everyone else is afraid to do. Trump may actually lose money because of this campaign. Just look at all the drunk white liberals who want to boycott his businesses because of his agenda.

I saw Mike Tyson said he supports him. I wonder how much he paid that racist to say that.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I've come to the realization that Trump might be the best thing that could possibly happen in the political process and it's all due to a weird combination of a very rich celebrity businessman with a huge ego stumbling upon the scene.

I also now realize that there is no way in hell he will be elected. Could he win the most votes? Sure but the level of vote fraud in this country dwarfs what goes on in banana republics. The amount of cheating that goes on in the large cities is tremendous. This amount of vote fraud is written off by the Republican Party as the price of doing business. They monitor what goes on in their own areas where they win.

Unfortunately the whole establishment has completely outed themselves as one party and aligned with each other. The Republicans will do nothing to protect Trump in the election and will of course work against him in any way possible. That means he can not even count on the fairly wimpy protections that the party gives to it's candidates vote totals.

If they can't steal the nomination from him in the primaries, which is certainly possible then they will surely throw the election to the demorats in the general.

Even a third party run as a spoiler does him no good. The R's will be more then happy with Hillary, they have already come out and said it.

There may be some chance that the conservative voters will revolt but neither party cares and it's quite possible to write a good part of the electorate off. So, there isn't going to be any Trump presidency, it's fun to imagine but it will not happen.

I sense a certain debbie downer mist in the air.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I sense a certain debbie downer mist in the air.

Fair enough, I will bet you a $100 donation to Caste football that he will not be elected and a $25 donation he is not nominated.


Oct 6, 2007
Fair enough, I will bet you a $100 donation to Caste football that he will not be elected and a $25 donation he is not nominated.

If he is nominated, there's a good chance the Establishment will try to assassinate him, like they did with JFK, RFK, George Wallace, MLK, Gerald Ford, and Reagan. They can't risk another President, like Reagan, who is not one of their puppets.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Fair enough, I will bet you a $100 donation to Caste football that he will not be elected and a $25 donation he is not nominated.

Jaxvid, no need for the bets. I contribute annually to CF. But I always have hope. If it doesn't pan out oh well, I will just watch the f*ckers who voted against him and watch them suffer with glee. Its really quite simple. I have set up my life well enough. I will have a good time watching it however it plays out.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The paranoia about trump being assassinated or vote fraud is ridiculous. If trump were truly a threat to the establishment he would have been given the Ron Paul treatment by the media. But they haven't done anything remotely similar. The only reason Trump was able to take such a commanding lead in the polls is because of how much media coverage he has received. The media also treats him with kid gloves. Trump is a buffoon and he's clearly unintelligent. There's so much the media could have said about him to tear down his support but they haven't. The reason the sheeple support him isn't because of his policies it's because he's acts like a strong alpha male. The media have the ability and power to act as the top alpha male but they choose to act like beta males and defer to trump instead. Maybe they're waiting for the general election to do so but if they ever took the gloves off then Trump would get knocked out in the first round

I agree. Aside from immigration, Trump holds very similar views to the vast majority of the NeoCon elite. His reluctance to apologize, to capitulate, to surrender, or to comply even in the slightest way with the fundamentally-totalitarian nature of The System is what has transformed him into a superstar. Defiance in the face of a corporate/media/entertainment empire that has managed to crush every single provocateur they fix their hateful gaze upon is very attractive in a leader. Couple this extreme level of defiance with charisma, comedic delivery, a naturally-articulate public speaking ability, a hot wife, the fact that he's a "winner," and people can't help but love The Donald. Take this recent speech in Michigan were the un-PC words "Merry Christmas" are written above his name...

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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I am just enjoying the Trump show - it's great political theater. What he is saying is resonating with so many Americans so it's obvious he has struck a collective nerve with the average citizen. If anything it gives me satisfaction that their are millions like us fed up with society and the government.

I think this article Pat Buchanan wrote about a month ago is a perfect summary of the Trump effect especially when it comes to the media. Pat's knowledge of history and application of it to modern day is one of his most effective methods of getting his point across. It's just a shame that most of the populace is to dumbed down to appreciate history and make the valid connections.


Jan 7, 2013
I am just enjoying the Trump show - it's great political theater. What he is saying is resonating with so many Americans so it's obvious he has struck a collective nerve with the average citizen. If anything it gives me satisfaction that their are millions like us fed up with society and the government.

I think this article Pat Buchanan wrote about a month ago is a perfect summary of the Trump effect especially when it comes to the media. Pat's knowledge of history and application of it to modern day is one of his most effective methods of getting his point across. It's just a shame that most of the populace is to dumbed down to appreciate history and make the valid connections.

I love Pat Buchanan. Still in all this foggy mess Pat Buchanan resides still making sense.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
As of Thursday you can now place your vote for a "convicted felon" to be President of the United States! All thanks to our fair and just judicial and legal system! Interestingly, here is an analysis of the case by CNN's(!) Senior Legal analyst:

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job

1. "The judge donated money... in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation."

2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.”

3. "Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process."

4. "The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever."

5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and "electroshocked them back to life" by alleging the falsification of business records was committed 'with intent to commit another crime.'

6. "Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial."

7. "In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else."

8. "The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator."

Link to full article
Last edited:
Dec 24, 2022
As of Thursday you can now place your vote for a "convicted felon" to be President of the United States! All thanks to our fair and just judicial and legal system! Interestingly, here is an analysis of the case by CNN's(!) Senior Legal analyst:

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job

1. "The judge donated money... in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation."

2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.”

3. "Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process."

4. "The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever."

5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and "electroshocked them back to life" by alleging the falsification of business records was committed 'with intent to commit another crime.'

6. "Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial."

7. "In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else."

8. "The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator."

Link to full article
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