Donald Trump for President

It's amazing how freely Trump is now being compared to Hitler. Even though Hitler has been the default bogeyman for 70 years, it's always been used by the media and left wing lunatics to attack those on the right who are outside of the narrow establishment mainstream. But now you have the system media repeatedly invoking Hitler and the Third Reich in its reporting on the leading GOP candidate. I mean, how can they top that between now and next November given the way the stakes keep being raised?

Grand wizard of the KKK.
Trump had a meeting with black pastors and apparently was told to "tone down" his words. Why would he even fight for the black vote? 99 percent of them are going to vote democratic anyway. It's a lose-lose situation.
Trump had a meeting with black pastors and apparently was told to "tone down" his words. Why would he even fight for the black vote? 99 percent of them are going to vote democratic anyway. It's a lose-lose situation.

Exactly. He needs to stop trying to pander to them & focus (solely) on his fellow Whites.
A couple of days ago the Republican establishment i.e. supporters of Jeb are conspiring on how to get rid of Trump. All they are doing is falling into Trump's hand. If they try to take him out unfairly, he will go 3rd party. Consequences: Hillbag the president. At this point, if they get away with it, the slide becomes faster into the sh**ter.
A couple of days ago the Republican establishment i.e. supporters of Jeb are conspiring on how to get rid of Trump. All they are doing is falling into Trump's hand. If they try to take him out unfairly, he will go 3rd party. Consequences: Hillbag the president. At this point, if they get away with it, the slide becomes faster into the sh**ter.

"Boosh" is a globalist neoCON puppet of the NWO (like his daddy, brother & grandad). Mugs like him & that putrid pansy "Pauline" Ryan are (also) traitors to the (olde) Republic (America 1.0).
In the undercard presidential debate last night from Las Vegas, Flimsy Graham gave one of the most disturbing performances I’ve witnessed in a debate. The man acted possessed. He practically begged for troops in Syria and Iraq as if it was the end of the world if none were deployed, his voice quivering most of the time. Bizarre. Check it out if you can. Also he took after Trump’s proposal of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the US with such theatrics that it would make a high schooler doing a Shakespeare play blush. This war mongering McCain Jr. is truly nauseating.

1) Except in the very odd/exceptional election year of 1964, the Dems haven’t cracked 50% of the whites in a Presidential election since 1932.

2) Once the ‘64 election was over, the Dems understood that they would never win another Presidential election again unless the Republicans REALLY screwed up...or unless they changed the electorate in a dramatic way.

3) The Dems, courtesy of Bobby Kennedy who wrote the law, and Teddy Kennedy who pushed it in the Senate, passed the 1965 Immigration Act. That law dramatically reduced immigration from our then-traditional large sources of immigrants - England, Ireland, Holland, Germany, etc. - and replaced them with vast numbers of Turd Worlders...whom everyone knows vote around 80% for Dems, and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives, as new immigrants have traditionally done.

4) As a result of the ‘65 Act, and due to the Dem’s outright lying in ‘86 regarding an effective (or any) fence, there are now probably 30 - 40 million illegals in this nation. Note that the (probably low-ball) figure in 2005 was 11 million...we have 2-3 million come in every year, so simple math says that the number is actually somewhere between 31 and 41 million). If any substantial portion of these people ever become citizens, then the Dems will have accomplished a complete shift of the electorate, and will be virtually invincible on the national level. Every state will become like California, both politically and economically - which is to say, overwhelming Dem and broke. But at least if you don’t like California now, you can leave for a better place without much trouble - where are you going to go if EVERY state is like that?

5) Every Republican, and every Conservative voter MUST UNDERSTAND that if such a state of affairs comes to be, NO OTHER ISSUE WILL MATTER AT ALL, because we will ALWAYS AND FOREVER lose on those issues. Immigration is THE issue of this election, and this election is as critical as the 1860 election was - and for the same reason, because it will determine whether this nation continues on as it has existed in the past, or becomes a new and unrecognizable entity that simply occupies the same geographic territory.

Please wake up, and help others to do so by sending them this post (or recommending “Adios America†to them). It really is THAT important.
Right on every point. I consider this a survival issue. Our
children and their children will curse our generation and those from the 60's duped idiots to now unless we stop the madness in all its' forms.

I think we're toast quite frankly, and the elections are rigged, but if by some chance a Trump or other renegade(s) can get in and tell politically-correct, anti-White, ******-promoting elites to go to hell and take action accordingly, we might revive some thing once known as America.
Right on every point. I consider this a survival issue. Our
children and their children will curse our generation and those from the 60's duped idiots to now unless we stop the madness in all its' forms.

I think we're toast quite frankly, and the elections are rigged, but if by some chance a Trump or other renegade(s) can get in and tell politically-correct, anti-White, ******-promoting elites to go to hell and take action accordingly, we might revive some thing once known as America.

These elections are all theater. The greater problem is that most not just act but believe these public servants are their "authorities". A man governs himself. Even if Trump got elected, he'd only be the chief servant -you would be his master. I live this; I know.
These elections are all theater. The greater problem is that most not just act but believe these public servants are their "authorities". A man governs himself. Even if Trump got elected, he'd only be the chief servant -you would be his master. I live this; I know.

Well I hear what your saying and I can appreciate the sentiment and a certain amount of idealism. However, I think there is a "certain group" that are the politicians' masters and it ain't you and I...

If I were their master things would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different and America would still exist.
It's being reported that Vladimir Putin has "endorsed" Trump by saying some nice things about him. The reaction by both sides of the media is that this is bad for Trump since Putin is "hated", being the leader of eeeeevil Russia. Most people I've talked to and heard are looking at this as a positive, since Putin is regarded as a strong leader.
This past week in the Patriots locker room, Tom Brady was "caught" with one of those red Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" hats on the shelf of his locker. Brady backing The Donlad makes perfect sense, as Brady and Trump have been friends for years, Trump fully supported Brady during the "Deflategate" fiasco, and Trump is close friends with Patriots owner, Robert Kraft. The "controversial" hat seen in the top right of the photo...


Brady was grilled about it during a press conference this week, but wouldn't answer any questions...


Upon seeing the "Hat of Hate" and how Brady handled the press conference, the obtusely-Marxist "Daily News" ran the following intolerant, sexist headline...


So much for "freedom of expression," right? How many black NFL players openly supported Obama in the midst of his two presidential runs? Despite Little Barry's many controversies (his close relationship with militant anti-white pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and Communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, is 100X more "bigoted" than anything Trump ever said), there was nothing but praise for their political choices.

As if we needed another reason to support the Pats and Trump!
This past week in the Patriots locker room, Tom Brady was "caught" with one of those red Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" hats on the shelf of his locker. Brady backing The Donlad makes perfect sense, as Brady and Trump have been friends for years, Trump fully supported Brady during the "Deflategate" fiasco, and Trump is close friends with Patriots owner, Robert Kraft. The "controversial" hat seen in the top right of the photo...


Brady was grilled about it during a press conference this week, but wouldn't answer any questions...


Upon seeing the "Hat of Hate" and how Brady handled the press conference, the obtusely-Marxist "Daily News" ran the following intolerant, sexist headline...


So much for "freedom of expression," right? How many black NFL players openly supported Obama in the midst of his two presidential runs? Despite Little Barry's many controversies (his close relationship with militant anti-white pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and Communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, is 100X more "bigoted" than anything Trump ever said), there was nothing but praise for their political choices.

As if we needed another reason to support the Pats and Trump!

AS the young kids say....."Haters gonna hate". Not to use street slang but they are all just jealous. Here is two guys that have succeeded in life more than most people can even dream about. Let them keep added fuel to the fire. Tom Brady & Trump can both handle it. The Super Bowl last year showed that. Tom B. had ice in his veins.:grin:
AS the young kids say....."Haters gonna hate". Not to use street slang but they are all just jealous. Here is two guys that have succeeded in life more than most people can even dream about. Let them keep added fuel to the fire. Tom Brady & Trump can both handle it. The Super Bowl last year showed that. Tom B. had ice in his veins.:grin:

WL, what I don't like is that Brady refuses to say he supports Trump publicly. Of course, he'd be labeled a racist.
He plays golf with Trump. They have been friends for years. He doesn't have to discuss it. Their friendship is a fact. Brady doesn't need all the negative publicity from the liberal media. You also have to remember that many of his teammates probably hate trump. You know even the Pats are still majority black.

Two things you can argue about. Religion or Politics. People will not change their minds despite what you say. Better to just not comment.
He plays golf with Trump. They have been friends for years. He doesn't have to discuss it. Their friendship is a fact. Brady doesn't need all the negative publicity from the liberal media. You also have to remember that many of his teammates probably hate trump. You know even the Pats are still majority black.

Two things you can argue about. Religion or Politics. People will not change their minds despite what you say. Better to just not comment.

WL you are 100% correct. I have went rounds with my brother who is a MD. He does not live his life like a lib, but year in and year out he votes DEM. No matter how much logic I pour over him he will not accept it. Once a year or so, we get into a raging text war. Of course I win all the time. LOL
WL you are 100% correct. I have went rounds with my brother who is a MD. He does not live his life like a lib, but year in and year out he votes DEM. No matter how much logic I pour over him he will not accept it. Once a year or so, we get into a raging text war. Of course I win all the time. LOL

I hear ya WestSide. I've been there and done that with "friends" and family members, even co-workers of course. There is no cure for wilful ignorance. Change comes if one decides to.
The media is blatantly digging their heels in against anyone that doesn't fit their NWO agenda.
I like the way Trump has disrupted the Republican's board of governors plans of succession, and I like how Trump is causing anxiety attacks to those that identify as "Democrats"; Trump's carefree brashness is refreshing and entertaining.

However, those that think somehow having the corporation commonly known as Republicans, also by acronym "GOP", administrate the leadership of the corporation registered to and in LONDON as UNITED STATES are being led down the garden path (deceived) -again.

There will be no substantial, structural, change regardless of who administrates the corporation. Do not be fooled. The common idea of what many call "government" is fanciful, immature. Stop. What you think of as "government" is a foreign corporation doing business of administrating a Private society on common land. Stop. Their corporate bonds are traded securities. Stop. The debts accured "inside" or "within" the company are "tendered" (not paid) by private issue debt paper called "Federal Reserve Notes". Stop. A citizenship is a possession, a character with duties and obligations in exchange for benefits; "you" are not a citizen, it is some thing "you" have.

An unqualified vote is deemed an acceptance of all that is at offer. You have no idea what you are voting for with a secret ballot vote. You all have so much to learn including how to simply be a man or woman.
This is old news. Trump said this a few days ago. Obviously he meant she got shafted or screwed, and the media is trying to throw mud and generate clicks by making a big deal about his comments. They would have done the same no matter what words he had used. Trumps style of plain talk always seems to disturb the genteel press that acts like politicians should behave with the manners of the 1950's, while they celebrate modern perversions like butt sex.

It was hysterical! "hillary got schlonged by BO". The true meaning of the word in yiddish means to get beat or lose. Trump used the correct word. Hell the MSM used the exact same word when referring to Mondale and Ferraro's loss back in 1984 against Reagan Bush. Trump is playing the MSM like a fiddle. They hate him for it and he throws it right back at one of the arms of the liberal alliance i.e., media, entertainment and academia.
Not sure if it belongs here but the Federal Government is allowing for more H1-B visas. Hiring foreigners to replace American workers in white collar industries (including Tech which I work in)

The verminous traitors are also facilitating the mass theft of American blue-collar jobs (via H-2B visas). This is outright treason & those complicit should be tried & convicted of such. >:-(
American Freedom News