Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

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Paleocon said:
f3dor said:
Luckily god will always make them prevail. Even if they are a bunch of self hating woody allans. They will still win. Im sticking with god on this one, "curse thee" that goes against israel. i warned you they cannot be beaten.

Yet the Jews were conquered or the territory of Israel has been ruled by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans (includes the Jewish Diaspora), Crusaders (briefly), Saracens, Turks, and British.

Hi paleocon.

You are quite right, the jews were conquered, but where are the romans, babylonians, persians, macedonians, turks, british empires, where are these empires now? No where to be seen. Just 14 million puny people, with a country of only 5.5 million people. 20 percent being muslim goat feeders. The whole world is against israel yet it always suceeds, just like the bible said.

Unlike you and the self hating jew parody, i believe in the bible. The jews are one of the many evidences that the bible is always right. if you want to go against it, fine. But very very bad things will happen to you. In 1967 just like the bible said, being outnumbwered 500-1 and the israelis won in just seven days.

Dont say i didnt warn you.
f3dor said:
<!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//-->

I swear paranoid is like that chess player bobby fisher, bobby fisher was a jew(mother jewish), and he became mentally disturbed, to the point where he hated everything jewish, he wanted them all wiped out, and wanted the holocaust to happen all over again. I reckon paraody is a self hating jew.
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<div>Any back to the topic, these boats are trying to smuggle bombs etc. If i were israeli primeminister ,all of them would have been dead. Not just ten. Trust me.</div>
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<div>The whole world wants israels destruction. Obama wants isreal to go to 6 mile borders in the holy land. The UN is against israel, the Eurupean union etc.</div>
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<div>Even tiny israels leadr has halted jewish construction in all the holy heartlands of israel. S hes a joke.</div>
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<div>Luckily god will always make them prevail. Even if they are a bunch of self hating woody allans. They will still win. Im sticking with god on this one, "curse thee" that goes against israel. i warned you they cannot be beaten.</div>
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Ho God! F3dor! Dont quit on us again!
f3dor said:
Unlike you and the self hating jew parody, i believe in the bible. The jews are one of the many evidences that the bible is always right. if you want to go against it, fine. But very very bad things will happen to you. In 1967 just like the bible said, being outnumbwered 500-1 and the israelis won in just seven days. Dont say i didnt warn you.
They actually won the 1967 war by destroying the Egyptian air force on the ground in a sneak attack.

The Israeli forces actually outnumbered the armed forces of other two countries, Syria and Jordan.

You like the old Jewish legends in the Old Testament?

I've always found them rather boring. I prefer Norse and Greek mythology.
Parody said:
f3dor said:
Unlike you and the self hating jew parody, i believe in the bible. The jews are one of the many evidences that the bible is always right. if you want to go against it, fine. But very very bad things will happen to you. In 1967 just like the bible said, being outnumbwered 500-1 and the israelis won in just seven days. Dont say i didnt warn you.
They actually won the 1967 war by destroying the Egyptian air force on the ground in a sneak attack.

The Israeli forces actually outnumbered the armed forces of other two countries, Syria and Jordan.

You like the old Jewish legends in the Old Testament?

I've always found them rather boring. I prefer Norse and Greek mythology.
Stop it Parody! You know that F3dor is of a "sensitive nature!" Do you want him to quit again? "F3dor!" pardoy didn't mean It! We love you and want you to stay!
lost said:
Stop it Parody! You know that F3dor is of a "sensitive nature!" Do you want him to quit again? "F3dor!" pardoy didn't mean It! We love you and want you to stay!

"The Jews will always win..."<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

A literal interpretation of the Bible is science AD 200, but a symbolic interpretation reads as poetry, and points to that transcendent energy consciousness...God archetype.

Bible stories have similar archetypal images to the myths of other world religions, esp. those manifesting at a time of transition in human societies from hunter gatherer to farmer. Moreover, those Jews that were addressed in the Holy Bible, the Sephardic, are notfrom the same gene pool as the European Jews, Zionist, Ashkenazi, or Khazar Jews. And it is the latter Jews, the Khazars, who are responsible for that radical ideology known as Zionism that so many here who uphold the integrity of human rights stand opposed to.

Maybe this is none of my business but what's with the name dropping? Do you posters know each other?
I also love the mythologies of the old Euopean religions: Greek, Roman, and Celtic, and Norse. When the medevial alcehmists blended the best of Christianity with the best of the Pagan mytholgies, Europeans were at their spirtitual health. In a time of no myth, it's best to return to those ancient stories that have stood the test of time.
jwhite96 said:
If I was Jewish I would be proud.

I thought you had already admitted to being a Jew on the 2010 NCAA tournament thread where you pointed out that Jon Scheyer has a Jewish father. Of course now that post and my replies are gone for some reason.
lost said:
guest301 said:
jaxvid said:
guest301 said:
The so called peace activists were the ones who started the violence by attacking the Israeli Soldiers with metal bars and knives and throwing one soldier overboard.

I get a kick out of this view.
A group of commando's lands on someone's ship out of the blue (in international waters) and the ones defending the ship are in the wrong.
I guess they should have knelt down and subjected themselves to the wishes of the all mighty zionists. Pro-zion Christians are a hoot. They're as silly in their double standards as caste supporters.

. International waters my rear end. If Israel had waited till they had gotten within twelve miles of the coastline then it would have been near impossible to board the ships with all the boats and fishing vessels in the area crowding the scene not to mention the small boats the people in Gaza were going to sent out to sort of form a human blockade to keep the ships from being boarded. You got a tiny nation of about 5 millions Jews surrounded by about a billion Muslims who want them driven into the Med and to disappear forever and so Israel does what it has to do to survive and the two other ships that are supposedly on their way from Turkey should be treated in the same fashion if not worse as these six ships were. I'm not going to do like a F3dor and fight these running post battles with everybody on the subject, I have said my peace and will move on.
I'm with the musliums on that! I want them driven into the med too!

I have had people tell me that they hope to see Israel destroyed. There seem to be people on this Forum who feel the same way. I always tell them that if they don't like the Israeli way of doing things, they better pray that Israel suceeds and survives. The reason?

If it ever looks like Israel will go under, the whole population of Israel will move lock, stock, and barrel to the United States of America. If you think Jewish people have a lot of influence in this country now, wait until all of the Israelis come here, which they will if things become too hot in Israel.
f3dor said:
Paleocon said:
f3dor said:
<div>Luckily god will always make them prevail. Even if they are a bunch of self hating woody allans. They will still win. Im sticking with god on this one, "curse thee" that goes against israel. i warned you they cannot be beaten.</div>

Yet the Jews were conquered or the territory of Israel has been ruled by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans (includes the Jewish Diaspora), Crusaders (briefly), Saracens, Turks, and British.

<div>Hi paleocon.</div>
<div>You are quite right, the jews were conquered, but where are the romans, babylonians, persians, macedonians, turks, british empires, where are these empires now? No where to be seen. Just 14 million puny people, with a country of only 5.5 million people. 20 percent being muslim goat feeders. The whole world is against israel yet it always suceeds, just like the bible said.</div>
<div>Unlike you and the self hating jew parody, i believe in the bible. The jews are one of the many evidences that the bible is always right. if you want to go against it, fine. But very very bad things will happen to you. In 1967 just like the bible said, being outnumbwered 500-1 and the israelis won in just seven days.</div>
<div>Dont say i didnt warn you. </div>

Christianity has nothing to do with Zionism. If you knew the Bible you would know that, in the times before Christ, God caused those early empires (and others) to rise up and conquer the Israelites for their habitual iniquity (if they were still God's chosen people would He not continue to chastise them for their iniquity as He did before?). However, the work of Christ has made Christians the chosen people of God (not some ethnic nation-state).

John 18:36

Jesus answered. "My kingdom is not of this world. If
my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting,
that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not
from the world."</span>

John 14:6

</span>Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through me.</span>

II Corinthians 6:14-18
not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has
righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with
darkness? 15</span>What accord
has Christ with Belial? </span></span>Or what portion does a believer
share with an unbeliever? 16</span>What
agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of
the living God; as God said,
"I will make my dwelling among
them and walk among them,

</span>and I will be their God,

</span>and they shall be my people.

17</span>Therefore go out
from their midst,

</span>and be separate from them, says the Lord,

and touch no unclean thing;

</span>then I will welcome you,

18</span>and I will be a
father to you,

</span>and you shall be sons and daughters to me,

says the Lord Almighty."Â￾

Edited by: Paleocon
Menelik said:
...with at least 10 kids between them buying $400+ worth of groceries with the peach, Ga food stamps, card.... With all due respect to everyone I could care less whats going on in the Middle East. I'm more concerned about whats going on here in south GA.

I, too, could give a rat's ass about left-wing scumbag "peace activists" or any of the warring Middle Eastern tribes. Whether the Israelis shoot the peaceniks and the Palenstinians, or the Palenstinians drive the Zionist ethno-colonizers off their land, should be on no consequence to the "federal" government of the united states. Let those with a rooting interest put up or shut up. I have no particular love for either side.
f3dor said:
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;
<div>Luckily god will always make them prevail... Im sticking with god on this one, "curse thee" that goes against israel. i warned you they cannot be beaten.<div> </div>

This is just plain nutty! Zionism as racial or ethno nationalism, I understand. Religious Zionism is as wacky as Muslim mythology!
Anak said:
jwhite96 said:
If I was Jewish I would be proud.

I thought you had already admitted to being a Jew on the 2010 NCAA tournament thread where you pointed out that Jon Scheyer has a Jewish father. Of course now that post and my replies are gone for some reason.

There is nothing wrong IMO with being Jewish. I just don't have any Jewish ancestors . You must be confusing me with someone else.
Parody said:
jwhite96 said:
You only post diatribes against your favorite straw man the "zionists" and "Jewish supremacists".

You don't care about the condition of the white athlete. You have an obsession with Jews. I suspect you were born and raised Jewish . But you pose as an obssessive jew hater in order to "identify with the aggressor" which is a psychological term .

You're lying again, Mr.Goldstein, and you've made your inability to be honest VERY obvious with that post! Everyone here can see what I post about.

My concern is for not only the condition of the white athlete, but the situation of the white race in general.

Don't you realize that everyone can see that with most of your posts at castefootball you're defending Jewish Supremacism?

I am attempting to ignore you since I find you weird. But since you have quite an obsession with believing I'm Jewish, I have a suggestion. If it makes you feel better , you have my permission to call me Mr Goldstein . You claim most of my posts are in response to your strange conspiracy theories. I checked your posts over the past 6 months. It seems the clear majority are not in the sports sections.

I wouldn't mind being one of those Jews with a very high IQ.
jwhite96 said:
I am attempting to ignore you since I find you weird. But since you have quite an obsession with believing I'm Jewish, I have a suggestion.
I have no such obsession. It's pretty obvious, since most of your posts here have been defending Zionism and Israel.

jwhite96 said:
You claim most of my posts are in response to your strange conspiracy theories.
A lie. I never said that, in fact I said I don't believe in any conspiracy theories, as such.

Why do you always resort to the "strawman" fallacy? I was taught in debating class in university many years ago to never use that, it's weak and makes you seem sneaky and deceptive.

jwhite96 said:
I checked your posts over the past 6 months. It seems the clear majority are not in the sports sections.
You're lying again, Mr.Goldstein.

Everybody here knows that 90% of my posts are in the boxing section.

jwhite96 said:
I wouldn't mind being one of those Jews with a very high IQ.

Back in the 1920s and 1930s, Jews generally scored lower than other whites on IQ tests, now they score higher on average. They do consciously try to develop their childrens' brains to the fullest. We definitely should try learn from that.

Instead of allowing our children to waste their brains on stupid distractions such as garbage TV programs and comic books, guide them to focus more on their studies and teach them how to excel in business.
The Israeli response is really laughable. Their soldiers were acting in self defence and the nasty passengers attacked them and threw one of them overboard.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
This is a bit like breaking into someone's house, going into their bedroom carrying a gun, and then complaining when the man of the house chucks you out of the window.
If you don't want to get thrown overboard then don't board an unarmed ship carrying aid in International waters.
The other lame excuse I heard for shooting ten people dead was they didn't have time to reach for their paintball guns!
I suppose their water pistols jammed as well. Oh well I suppose I'll have to use my automatic weapon. Yeah, they are working OK.
The truth is the Israelis believe they are untouchable (and they have been for the last forty years) and don't give a damn what anyone thinks with the exception of the <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">USA cos they stump up the cash.</st1:place></st1:country-region>
Alpha Male said:
I also love the mythologies of the old Euopean religions: Greek, Roman, and Celtic, and Norse. When the medevial alcehmists blended the best of Christianity with the best of the Pagan mytholgies, Europeans were at their spirtitual health. In a time of no myth, it's best to return to those ancient stories that have stood the test of time.

What a poor post.

christianity has no links with weird pagen mythologies. It has never been proven.

The bible is flawless, every archeological evidence dug up, ALWAYS proves it correct, not wrong. The prophesies of the jews and israel is incredible. In the book of daniel the prophesy of yeshua(jesus actual name) is so scarlily accurate, there is also a psalms that mentions the crucifixtion to an absolute tee. All written hundreds of years before the new testament.

Everyones failed dramatically to prove the bible wrong. Are there stories of symbolism, perhaps yes, noahs ark(although recently they may have found it), adam and eve, etc etc are obviously smbolic stories, as did jesus do alot of parables.

But you will never disprove the bible, it passes scientifically, historically, morally, and actually has eye wittnesses.

Edited by: f3dor
f3dor said:
Alpha Male said:
I also love the mythologies of the old Euopean religions: Greek, Roman, and Celtic, and Norse. When the medevial alcehmists blended the best of Christianity with the best of the Pagan mytholgies, Europeans were at their spirtitual health. In a time of no myth, it's best to return to those ancient stories that have stood the test of time.
<div>What a poor post. </div>
<div>christianity has no links with weird pagen mythologies. It has never been proven.</div>
<div>The bible is flawless, every archeological evidence dug up, ALWAYS proves it correct, not wrong. The prophesies of the jews and israel is incredible. In the book of daniel the prophesy of yeshua(jesus actual name) is so scarlily accurate, there is also a psalms that mentions the crucifixtion to an absolute tee. All written hundreds of years before the new testament.</div>
<div>Everyones failed dramatically to prove the bible wrong. Are there stories of symbolism, perhaps yes, noahs ark(although recently they may have found it), adam and eve, etc etc are obviously smbolic stories, as did jesus do alot of parables.</div>
<div>But you will never disprove the bible, it passes scientifically, historically, morally, and actually has eye wittnesses.</div>

Is your goal here to prove that jews are always right? It seems you are more interested in promoting your jewish supremacy theory here rather than contributing anything worthwhile.
whiteathlete33 said:
f3dor said:
Alpha Male said:
I also love the mythologies of the old Euopean religions:  Greek, Roman, and Celtic, and Norse.  When the medevial alcehmists blended the best of Christianity with the best of the Pagan mytholgies, Europeans were at their spirtitual health.  In a time of no myth, it's best to return to those ancient stories that have stood the test of time.
<div> </div>
<div>What a poor post.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>christianity has no links with weird pagen mythologies. It has never been proven.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The bible is flawless, every archeological evidence dug up, ALWAYS proves it correct, not wrong. The prophesies of the jews and israel is incredible. In the book of daniel the prophesy of yeshua(jesus actual name) is so scarlily accurate, there is also a psalms that mentions the crucifixtion to an absolute tee. All written hundreds of years before the new testament.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Everyones failed dramatically to prove the bible wrong. Are there stories of symbolism, perhaps yes, noahs ark(although recently they may have found it), adam and eve, etc etc are obviously smbolic stories, as did jesus do alot of parables.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>But you will never disprove the bible, it passes scientifically, historically, morally, and actually has eye wittnesses.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;
Is your goal here to prove that jews are always right?  It seems you are more interested in promoting your jewish supremacy theory here rather than contributing anything worthwhile.
Please some one explain this. How come Israel's Mossaud can orchestrate the spectacular 911 attacks, but their intelligence mistakens ships full of water filters, childrens books and cement rather than threats to their national security ie: terrorist, explosives and weapons? What was discovered in those ships? Did they investigate or beat feat back to their naval ships?

If the hornets nest allowed the Israeli commandos to peaceful board the ships and all they found was aid for starving/poor Arabs, who would have egg on their face? The Israelis would. My point, I think some put to much into the almightly mythical Mossaud/Israel and the never far behind conspiracies that Israel perpatrates. Its like everything that happens here, over there, in space? Is made possible by the Israeli puppet masters, which I don't believe.

I think war in that region is coming, sooner rather later. Israel is an Ally and should be treated as such. However, if war comes, the US should play a support role, and the Star of David does the "heavy lifting and dying" in defending themselves, just so that I am clear of our function and support to an ally in that powder keg region of the world.
I for one don't believe any of this Doomsday, WWIII mumbo-jumbo. War broke out in the Middle East so many times that it'll be nothing more than a localized scenario. It's just Israel against the Muslim world, with Zionist controlled USA and Europe providing support.

Other than the holy land issue, the biggest cause of tension between Muslims and the West is the black gold... OIL. Muslims own the land, and the West wants the black gold. As always, the creation of the Jewish state is the prime cause in the ever volatile state of the region.
guest301 said:
I find it ironic that a number of people here post alot about the United States needing to defend it's borders while Israel is not allowed to defend hers. I stand with Israel and I always will, so help me God. They should sink the ships next time, the world going is to hate them regardless. I expect my post to make no little difference with those of you who have made up your minds but I wanted to put my marker out there.

I find this logic to be "ironic."Â￾ So, in other words, you're suggesting that it's entirely reasonable for you to "make up your mind"Â￾ that you choose to "stand by Israel, so help you God"Â￾"¦but it's irrational for other posters to "make up their minds"Â￾ with concern to the same issue? Whatever, at least you're a nice and intelligent guy who is actually attempting to live his life by the Christian bible.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for the Kingpin of Hypocrites, F3dor, who claims vehemently that "the bible instructs me to support Israel."Â￾ Yet he spews arrogance ("my threads are the most popular"Â￾), hate ("rag-heads,"Â￾ "I would have killed them all"Â￾), condescension ("all Stormfronters are morons and idiots"Â￾), and admits to being a "man-whore."Â￾

God, the being who told him to support The Holy Land, must be so proud of his future angel. Funny, I thought he was "leaving the forum."Â￾ He should probably join the "Hooked on Phonics"Â￾ internet forum, and leave the race talk to the real men.Edited by: Thrashen
F3dor, I tried to be polite. Your constant attacks on Parody are getting to me however. He is a long standing member who contributes to this site. You my friend are nothing more than a troll!
whiteathlete33 said:
F3dor, I tried to be polite. Your constant attacks on Parody are getting to me however. He is a long standing member who contributes to this site. You my friend are nothing more than a troll!
I thought we had this discussion before, f3dor was going to stick to the sports items, such as the extremely underutilized soccer (futbol) forum, and other areas, and stay away from the volatile areas such as this one!
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