Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

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tobyisgod said:
Why would say that? Why would I be banned against posting on this thread? That is pretty weird Paradody. Maybe common sense is not your first sense, but why would banning an open forum post be of anyone's best interst.
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It seems that F3dor is using an alternate account...

The poor spelling gives it away.
Fire up the ovens? So you are suggesting going back to one of the most sickening times in history along with The Killing Fields and several genocides in Africa. This is your retort.

Your sick in the head. I should be banned? What kind of language is allowed here?
tobyisgod said:
Fire up the ovens? So you are suggesting going back to one of the most sickening times in history along with The Killing Fields and several genocides in Africa. This is your retort.
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<div>Your sick in the head. I should be banned? What kind of language is allowed here? </div>
Why do you think we call them the "Good old days"!
Well Sir, who ever monitors this site and bans people should be notified of you. That is sick, criminal and psychotic. Shame on you. I hope to God your not of Christian faith.
tobyisgod said:
Well Sir, who ever monitors this site and bans people should be notified of you. That is sick, criminal and psychotic. Shame on you. I hope to God your not of Christian faith.
You jews would like to make it crimal! but you can't! I'm happy hitler got your people and put them in gas ovens!
Once again, you falsely call me a Jew. Maybe you should try a KKK or a Neo Nazi website instead of this respectable one. It seems you support murder and genocide. I certainly hope that is not tolerated here at Caste Football.
tobyisgod said:
Once again, you falsely call me a Jew. Maybe you should try a KKK or a Neo Nazi website instead of this respectable one. It seems you support murder and genocide. I certainly hope that is not tolerated here at Caste Football.
If they ban me i will only be back with a new username! I'm happy hitler got your people! if only he could have got you all! and you along too! he burnt your people because the jews was sinful. and god let hitler burn them up!
I don't support what Hitler did to the Jews. But we should remember Adolph also caused the deaths of far more European Gentiles, over 30 million, by being too aggressive in his approach to war. Too many of the bravest and best young white men died on both sides.

Back to the current situation: I'm not against the Jewish people, I'm just against Jewish Supremacism. I'm not against the existance of Israel, but I am against the Zionist's using the Gentiles they despise so much to fight wars in places like Iraq.

If I criticize Israel it doesn't make me an anti-Semite.
Ok. Now a voice of reason. I am glad you do not support Lost's opinion. Hilter was a sick manwhokilled 6 million Jews and caused the deaths of many million American soilders. Good brave American white soilders.

Your right, being an antisemite is completely different. You came out punching calling me a Jewish Troll for reasons I have no idea. I dont agree of your assesment of Israel but as I read more post it seems you are not alone.

I have always believed the Israeli's to be our greatest ally in the fight against extreme Islam. I believe Israel has a right to defend itself and its borders against enemies on all sides hell bent on destroying her.

But, it seems there is an alternative mind set amongst the forum. I am just as passoniate about the apartheid treatment of the white althete as I hope you see and participate in my post.
tobyisgod said:
<div>I have always believed the Israeli's to be our greatest ally in the fight against extreme Islam. I believe Israel has a right to defend itself and its borders against enemies on all sides hell bent on destroying her. </div>

Israel has never been our ally. We do much for them; they do nothing but hand us their list of enemies. An alliance would imply mutual benefit, but our relationship with Israel is entirely one-sided. Extreme Islam is only our problem because of our biased relationship with Israel.

You mention a right to defend itself, but doesn't self-defense have moral limits? Is targeting civilians or acting with complete disregard for civilian casualties an acceptable way to wage war?
Edited by: Paleocon
lost said:
Deadlift said:
Fire up the ovens!!!
Good one!

I was referring to this site needing a cleansing!

Even going against all odds, White athletes are just doing too well, and that's why there's a growing number of trolls at CF.
Well I will probably be met with deaf ears anfter reading more posts, but I will try.

First of all take Israel out of the region and they still hate us. We are infidels for one. Two, they are hell bent on taking over the world. There are some very interesting articles about how they are taking over Europe. They are even trying to put a Mosque next to the 911 memorial. I not saying they don't hate Israel, but they also loath Christians as well.

Now on Israel and its wars. Israel can not afford to lose one war. If they do their existance is over. They are also dealing with fanatics hell bent on their destruction. Hamas their neighbor, in its charter vows in destroy Israel. Peaceful neighbors, the Palestains are not. They are also willing to be suicide bombers, which is a tactic very hard to defend. In WW 2, we dropped the Atom bomb twice to defend against these tactics.

Countries such as Egypt and Jordan gave up years ago trying to fight Israel and settled for peace. And, most importantly they kept their word. The Palestian leadership has not. The only way to fight an fanatical enemy is through a hammer fist. You protect your borders at all cost, if you are attacked you fight back 100 fold and you go after families of suicide bombers. You don't budge an inch because your enemy will take all you got. After Israel left the West Bank or Gaza Settlements a few years ago (I forget which ones) for peace, the Palestians immediately started firing rockets from the settlements.

I have probably lost you, but I truly wish the US would take some of these tactics. I believe and love the US and fear we will follow past great empires. All great empires have fallen. With Islamic fanatics, Illegals, race mixing, liberal media, Obama, 3 trillion in dept over the last year, we I fear are on our way.
Deadlift said:
lost said:
Deadlift said:
Fire up the ovens!!!
Good one!

I was referring to this site needing a cleansing!

Even going against all odds, White athletes are just doing too well, and that's why there's a growing number of trolls at CF.

I agree. I sent Don a PM requesting that he ban this latest troll, I'm hoping others will do the same.

People like jwhite96 and f3dor (along with his alternate account "TobyIsGod") who are here just to make trouble and support Zionism need to be banned.
Edited by: Parody
Parody. Maybe it you that needs banning. You are falsely accusing my religion, causing trouble and calling me names. I don't know what yor definition is about "making trouble" but posting on an open forun with respect is not. You say your not antisemitic but your words are proving otherwise.

I hope your boxing knowledge everyone raves about is more insightful than your name calling and trouble making. I don't think I have done either. I have a pro Israel opinion and you call me a Jew and a troll?? What is the love of God is wrong with you?
tobyisgod said:
You are falsely accusing my religion,<div></div>

When you have screen-name like "tobyisgod" and advocate killing non-combatants you will have to expect some confusion about what your religion might be.
Well I am Christian. I love Toby Gerhart due to my California roots. I don't advocate the killing of non combatants. I simply advocate fighting a war to the US used to do.

I am not sure where you were going with that but there seems to be pent up animosity on this site.
This thread is locked. It has brought out the worst in some of our long time posters, attracted new ones just for the controversy, and caused hard feeling amongst regular members.
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