Hall of Famer
Guest301, it doesn't matter that you are part Jewish. You are a very valued member of this site and even though I have never met you I can tell you are a good person as well.
Parody said:Our poster "guest301" has admitted he's a Jew, F3dor obviously is also Jewish but he denies it.
The ships were trying to bring much needed supplies to Gaza, where the children have been suffering in the worst imaginable poverty caused by the blockade. The situation of the Palestinians in Gaza is a lot like the situation of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.
Here's the latest from BBC, along with a map showing the flotilla was far offshore, well outside the 24 km Israeli waters.
Witnesses cast doubt on Israel's convoy raid account
No decent, sane person would try to justify what they are doing to the Palestinians, nor justify their centuries-old attempts to undermine, manipulate and degrade the European race.
They Jewish Supremacists have less regard for non-Jewish lives than we do for an insect beneath our feet.
Rachel Corrie:
Video 1
Video 2
lost said:I'm with the musliums on that! I want them driven into the med too!guest301 said:jaxvid said:guest301 said:The so called peace activists were the ones who started the violence by attacking the Israeli Soldiers with metal bars and knives and throwing one soldier overboard.
I get a kick out of this view.A group of commando's lands on someone's ship out of the blue (in international waters) and the ones defending the ship are in the wrong.
I guess they should have knelt down and subjected themselves to the wishes of the all mighty zionists. Pro-zion Christians are a hoot. They're as silly in their double standards as caste supporters.![]()
. International waters my rear end. If Israel had waited till they had gotten within twelve miles of the coastline then it would have been near impossible to board the ships with all the boats and fishing vessels in the area crowding the scene not to mention the small boats the people in Gaza were going to sent out to sort of form a human blockade to keep the ships from being boarded. You got a tiny nation of about 5 millions Jews surrounded by about a billion Muslims who want them driven into the Med and to disappear forever and so Israel does what it has to do to survive and the two other ships that are supposedly on their way from Turkey should be treated in the same fashion if not worse as these six ships were. I'm not going to do like a F3dor and fight these running post battles with everybody on the subject, I have said my peace and will move on.![]()
Are you an expert on the Warsaw ghetto? I don't think the population of the Warsaw ghetto quadrupled as the Palestinian population has under the evil zionists.
StarWars said:This whole event has left me very skeptical. For some reason, the media has endorsed the bashing of Israel, and many of the names of the authors I have read about on this issue are indeed Jewish. It seems fishy to me. Very fishy.
Parody said:As usual when anyone makes a thread about Israel, this thread has attracted the two Jewish posters, jwhite96 and guest301.
I expect the others such as F3dor to be here soon.
Are you an expert on the Warsaw ghetto? I don't think the population of the Warsaw ghetto quadrupled as the Palestinian population has under the evil zionists.
Be honest, Mr.Goldstein. The population of Gaza itself has actually declined during the three years of the blockade. A lot of children have died from malnutrition-related illnesses. Conditions are very similar to those described in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.
jwhite96 said:Mr Levine (aka Parody);
Do you have any proof the population of Gaza has declined?
Parody said:As usual when anyone makes a thread about Israel, this thread has attracted the two Jewish posters, jwhite96 and guest301.
I expect the others such as F3dor to be here soon.
Are you an expert on the Warsaw ghetto? I don't think the population of the Warsaw ghetto quadrupled as the Palestinian population has under the evil zionists.
Be honest, Mr.Goldstein. The population of Gaza itself has actually declined during the three years of the blockade. A lot of children have died from malnutrition-related illnesses. Conditions are very similar to those described in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.
Parody said:jwhite96 said:Mr Levine (aka Parody);
Do you have any proof the population of Gaza has declined?
Do you have any proof it has quadrupled in the past three years? Let's see your evidence first, then I'll post my source.
jwhite96 said:Mr Chaim Levine;
Is anyone who doesn't agree with your insane conspiracy theories Jewish by definition?
jwhite96 said:I would say you are Jewish since you keep mentioning the Warsaw Ghetto.
Too say there's no conspiracy is foolish. That's what caste football is all about! exposeing the conspiracy again't the white race in sports. how can you believe there is a conspiracy in sports, but thats all?jwhite96 said:Parody said:As usual when anyone makes a thread about Israel, this thread has attracted the two Jewish posters, jwhite96 and guest301.
I expect the others such as F3dor to be here soon.
Are you an expert on the Warsaw ghetto? I don't think the population of the Warsaw ghetto quadrupled as the Palestinian population has under the evil zionists.
Be honest, Mr.Goldstein. The population of Gaza itself has actually declined during the three years of the blockade. A lot of children have died from malnutrition-related illnesses. Conditions are very similar to those described in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.
Mr Chaim Levine;
Is anyone who doesn't agree with your insane conspiracy theories Jewish by definition? I would say you are Jewish since you keep mentioning the Warsaw Ghetto.
Parody said:jwhite96 said:Mr Chaim Levine;
Is anyone who doesn't agree with your insane conspiracy theories Jewish by definition? I would say you are Jewish since you keep mentioning the Warsaw Ghetto.
Typical Zionist response.![]()
You lose the argument, so now you resort to smearing with accusations of insanity.
I would say you are Jewish since you keep mentioning the Warsaw Ghetto.
I am not Jewish, nor are any of my ancestors as far as I know. I had mentioned the Warsaw Ghetto only once, and then with your angry reply you inadvertantly revealed who you really are.
You rarely post here, except to defend Israel and Zionism, jwhite96. I wonder why?
Israel is not really a friend of the US, Zionists only care about other Zionists:
Zionist attack on the USS Liberty
lost said:Too say there's no conspiracy is foolish. That's what caste football is all about! exposeing the conspiracy again't the white race in sports. how can you believe there is a conspiracy in sports, but thats all?jwhite96 said:Parody said:As usual when anyone makes a thread about Israel, this thread has attracted the two Jewish posters, jwhite96 and guest301.
I expect the others such as F3dor to be here soon.
Are you an expert on the Warsaw ghetto? I don't think the population of the Warsaw ghetto quadrupled as the Palestinian population has under the evil zionists.
Be honest, Mr.Goldstein. The population of Gaza itself has actually declined during the three years of the blockade. A lot of children have died from malnutrition-related illnesses. Conditions are very similar to those described in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.
Mr Chaim Levine;
Is anyone who doesn't agree with your insane conspiracy theories Jewish by definition? I would say you are Jewish since you keep mentioning the Warsaw Ghetto.
Parody said:The influence of the Jewish Supremacists in America has a great deal to do with what's happening in South Georgia.
Typical Zionist response, you always resort to lies and the "strawman".jwhite96 said:If I was Jewish I would be proud. I find your obsession with blaming everything including hurricanes and tornadoes on Jews silly and counterproductive to advancement of the cause of the white athlete.
They never, never will. They'll support Palestinian nationalism before they support white nationalism (Norm Finkelstein and a few others already do).jwhite96 said:I agree with Jared Taylor that singling out Jews as the cause of everything wrong with our country is counterproductive.
If the white race in the US is to regain our rights IMO we should not antagonize a powerful group which can be helpful. I am a Jared Taylor disciple. If Jews support white nationalism I gladly welcome their support.
jwhite96 said:What do you do to advance the cause of the white athlete?
jwhite96 said:I constantly talk to other whites to educate them on the caste system in peril of losing my job. I have been banned from several sports websites such as ESPN because I refuse to ignore anti-white athlete BS.
Parody said:Typical Zionist response, you always resort to lies and the "strawman".jwhite96 said:If I was Jewish I would be proud. I find your obsession with blaming everything including hurricanes and tornadoes on Jews silly and counterproductive to advancement of the cause of the white athlete.
No one has said Zionists are responsible for hurricanes and tornadoes. Why do Zionists always need to resort to lies like that?
With their control of the sports media, the Jewish Supremacists are the architects of the caste system in sports. Jewish sportswriters and commentators never give credit to top white athletes like the Klitschkos while continually hyping sh*tty black athletes like Kimbo Slice.
The Klitschkos' fights don't even get reported in most newspapers, but the recent Mayweather-Mosley and Jackson-Evans fights received a LOT of media attention.
They never, never will. They'll support Palestinian nationalism before they support white nationalism (Norm Finkelstein and a few others already do).jwhite96 said:I agree with Jared Taylor that singling out Jews as the cause of everything wrong with our country is counterproductive.
If the white race in the US is to regain our rights IMO we should not antagonize a powerful group which can be helpful. I am a Jared Taylor disciple. If Jews support white nationalism I gladly welcome their support.
Jewish Supremacists have always done everything they can to prevent and undermine white nationalism.
jwhite96 said:What do you do to advance the cause of the white athlete?
I post on the internet including this site far more often than you do. I've made many, many thousands of posts defending and supporting white athletes on a dozen different sites.
I've noticed most of YOUR posts here have been defending Zionists, not supporting white athletes!
jwhite96 said:I constantly talk to other whites to educate them on the caste system in peril of losing my job. I have been banned from several sports websites such as ESPN because I refuse to ignore anti-white athlete BS.
"Anti-white athlete BS" is mostly coming from Jewish Supremacists in the media and the stupid DWFs who are influenced by them.
jwhite96 said:You don't care about the condition of the white athlete. You have an obsession with Jews. I suspect you were born and raised Jewish . But you pose as an obssessive jew hater in order to "identify with the aggressor" which is a psychological term .
jwhite96 said:You only post diatribes against your favorite straw man the "zionists" and "Jewish supremacists".
You don't care about the condition of the white athlete. You have an obsession with Jews. I suspect you were born and raised Jewish . But you pose as an obssessive jew hater in order to "identify with the aggressor" which is a psychological term .
f3dor said:<div>Luckily god will always make them prevail. Even if they are a bunch of self hating woody allans. They will still win. Im sticking with god on this one, "curse thee" that goes against israel. i warned you they cannot be beaten.</div>
f3dor said:I swear paranoid is like that chess player bobby fisher, bobby fisher was a jew(mother jewish), and he became mentally disturbed, to the point where he hated everything jewish, he wanted them all wiped out, and wanted the holocaust to happen all over again. I reckon paraody is a self hating jew.
Any back to the topic, these boats are trying to smuggle bombs etc. If i were israeli primeminister ,all of them would have been dead. Not just ten. Trust me.
The whole world wants israels destruction. Obama wants isreal to go to 6 mile borders in the holy land. The UN is against israel, the Eurupean union etc.
Even tiny israels leadr has halted jewish construction in all the holy heartlands of israel. S hes a joke.
Luckily god will always make them prevail. Even if they are a bunch of self hating woody allans. They will still win. Im sticking with god on this one, "curse thee" that goes against israel. i warned you they cannot be beaten.