Deaths as Israelis attack unarmed relief boats

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FootballDad said:
whiteathlete33 said:
F3dor, I tried to be polite. Your constant attacks on Parody are getting to me however. He is a long standing member who contributes to this site. You my friend are nothing more than a troll!
<div></div>I thought we had this discussion before, f3dor was going to stick to the sports items, such as the extremely underutilized soccer (futbol) forum, and other areas, and stay away from the volatile areas such as this one!

Well he hasn't!! He wishes to push his propaganda further.
whiteathlete33 said:
F3dor, I tried to be polite.  Your constant attacks on Parody are getting to me however.  He is a long standing member who contributes to this site.  You my friend are nothing more than a troll!
f3dor said:
<div>Everyones failed dramatically to prove the bible wrong.

The issue isn't whether the Bible is true or literal or not. Symbolism or literalism is determined by examining the context of the passage, but making a broad generalization of that sort isn't relevant to the topic at hand. The issue is what does Christianity have to do with Zionism and what moral restraints govern the right of self-defense and the waging of war for a Christian.
Parody rules. Don't think nobody around here likes you man.
Parody said:
jwhite96 said:
Mr Chaim Levine;

Guest301 eventually admitted to being Jewish, but months before he "came out" I could tell he was.

What is your problem, Parody. What you posted here is easily disproven. I joined this site years before you did and within the first few days I mentioned my Jewish ethnicity(Irish and Greek as well) and I mentioned it at least a dozen times before you likely even heard of caste football much less joined it. So you discovered nothing and since you think everybody that supports Israel is a Jew anyway, it's no suprise that you thought I was one. There are plenty of posters here that will tell you I have never hid this fact such as Wassall, Jaxvid, White Lightning, Reb, Shogun, Whiteathlete33 and many others and so you are looking stupid on this charge of at any time that I have had a "hidden" agenda at Caste Football.
By the way, Parody, formerly went by the name of JD 1986 is the only poster in Caste Football history to privately reveal the content of a pm message out over a public thread. He has never confessed or expressed regret for doing so and therefore has little to no honor and cannot be trusted. Changing your name doesn't change who you are.Edited by: guest301
f3dor said:
Alpha Male said:
I also love the mythologies of the old Euopean religions:  Greek, Roman, and Celtic, and Norse.  When the medevial alcehmists blended the best of Christianity with the best of the Pagan mytholgies, Europeans were at their spirtitual health.  In a time of no myth, it's best to return to those ancient stories that have stood the test of time.
<div> </div>
<div>What a poor post.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>christianity has no links with weird pagen mythologies. It has never been proven.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The bible is flawless, every archeological evidence dug up, ALWAYS proves it correct, not wrong. The prophesies of the jews and israel is incredible. In the book of daniel the prophesy of yeshua(jesus actual name) is so scarlily accurate, there is also a psalms that mentions the crucifixtion to an absolute tee. All written hundreds of years before the new testament.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Everyones failed dramatically to prove the bible wrong. Are there stories of symbolism, perhaps yes, noahs ark(although recently they may have found it), adam and eve, etc etc are obviously smbolic stories, as did jesus do alot of parables.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>But you will never disprove the bible, it passes scientifically, historically, morally, and actually has eye wittnesses.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
&lt;!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img",1);//--&gt;

Nice post F3dor.

However, you should heed the advice of Thrashen and watch the over the top hateful rhetoric about killing all Muslims and comparisons to animals and other such things. When you do that it hurts your cause more than it helps you. I speak from experience because I once posted a few years back about nuking Iran and turning the whole country into a glass parking lot and I got some heat over it and have learned from it. Quite frankly as much as I agree with you and welcome your insights, you would have gained a measure of credibility if you had restrained yourself and stayed out of this kind of thread for a few months. You know alot about sports and so establish credibilty on that and then delve into this kind of thing when needed.

JWhite 96. You flipped the script on Parody, nice job.
lost said:
You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a jewish troll!
When do we start lighting the torchs?

Are you specifically calling me a troll?

If I am a troll, then I am the greatest troll in CF history with a full knowledge of most sports and the white athletes involved, my well over 4000 posts and my HOF status. I sure pulled the wool over alot of eyes around here.
I deserve some applause because I am greater than legendary trolls like Nevada, Brutal, McBride and all the rest. Just illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

The fact is I am not a troll. My purpose and any agenda(such as it is) has been clear from the start and even the people that most of all disagree with my political and religous opinions will attest to that fact. You may be a CF guru Lost, but you are still posting like a newbie, get a clue.Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
By the way, Parody, formerly went by the name of JD 1986 is the only poster in Caste Football history to privately reveal the content of a pm message out over a public thread.

In that PM you told me you are Jewish, and after that I "outed" you.


I thought it was important that people know it, it explains why you unconditionally support Zionism.

If we had a negro here hiding who he really is, and he sent me a PM telling me he is black, I would out him too, for the good of the site.
I could have held back, but why should i. Jwhite and guest301 are the only pro israel people here, along with me. If my maths is correct then that makes over 97 percent of the forum disagreeing with us. Had it not been for us 3 this would have been a pittiful thread.

As for paranoid, yes i have continually bullied him on this forum. I am no prophet but i bet you white athelete and parody are pming each other we speak about the "troll jews". If it were no for me, guest301 and jwhite96, this thread would be yet another parody flop, with 100 views and no replies. What gives him the right to call me "mr goldstein" etc. The fact that he mentioned me in this thread yet againshows his love affair with me, i have already accused him of being a man of jewish decent, i appear to be building evidence of something elseas he continues to stalk me like a love sick puppy.

As it stands you have now a decent thread thanks to us. This forum shoud be begging for posters like us, not attacking them for being "trolls".

You lot sound like those blacks that call racism everytime a white defends himself, or a black that calls someone a drug cheat because they got beaten by a white. Change the record, grow up,hulk up. if we all agreed how crap would this forum be.

Anyway ill take guest301 advice and leave this thread and thissection for a few months(although my threads always get the most replies and forum activity), but save your prediction "paranoid" aka bobby fischer, i will be back.

Edited by: f3dor
Parody said:
guest301 said:
By the way, Parody, formerly went by the name of JD 1986 is the only poster in Caste Football history to privately reveal the content of a pm message out over a public thread.

In that PM you told me you are Jewish, and after that I "outed" you.


I thought it was important that people know it, it explains why you unconditionally support Zionism.

If we had a negro here hiding who he really is, and he sent me a PM telling me he is black, I would out him too, for the good of the site.
Good job Parody
Parody said:
guest301 said:
By the way, Parody, formerly went by the name of JD 1986 is the only poster in Caste Football history to privately reveal the content of a pm message out over a public thread.

In that PM you told me you are Jewish, and after that I "outed" you.


I thought it was important that people know it, it explains why you unconditionally support Zionism.

If we had a negro here hiding who he really is, and he sent me a PM telling me he is black, I would out him too, for the good of the site.

O so you finally admit it JD1986(parody), finally after two years. You are still being deaf blind and stupid about it and you didn't "out" me as you stated. I outed myself within days of my first post on this site which was long before anybody knew who you were around Caste Football. What did you do that was so good for the site when everybody that "mattered" around here already knew that fact about myself. Are you capable of reasonable and logical thought processes? You still have little to no honor on the matter. Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, you should look long and hard inside yourself for such a gift because you are sorely lacking.
f3dor said:
Any back to the topic, these boats are trying to smuggle bombs etc. If i were israeli primeminister ,all of them would have been dead. Not just ten. Trust me

Is this really what Jesus would have wanted? What kind of Christian are you and guest301? Does the teaching of Jesus mean anything to you? or to the jews? Are jews supposed to honor the teachings of Jesus? They don't profess to. In fact most jews hate Jesus. How do you reconcile the jewish dislike of the New Testament with the whole idea of Christianity? Why do you value the Old Testament of the jews more then the word of the Son of God?

And as for the Christians taking from old Euro religions isn't it quite obvious that "Easter" which was the celebration of the vernal equinox by ancient Europeans was co-opted by the early Christians as was the celebration of the Winter Solstice. The early Christians arranged their two biggest celebrations to coincide with the two biggest existing celebrations.
f3dor said:
<div>Anyway ill take guest301 advice and leave this thread and this section for a few months(although my threads always get the most replies and forum activity), but save your prediction "paranoid" aka bobby fischer, i will be back.</div>

There's that trademark "Christian"Â￾ egotism. Perhaps you learned that concept in Sunday school? After all, The Good Book is the sole reason a British "white"Â￾ man such as you supports the vile Israeli's (your words, not mine), right? The Book of Proverbs says that "Arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected."Â￾

f3dor said:
<div>back to the topic, these boats are trying to smuggle bombs etc. If i were israeli primeminister ,all of them would have been dead. Not just ten. Trust me.</div>

Oh, and here's a pertinent model of that trademark "Christian"Â￾ love of yours. The second someone disagrees with you (or says anything remotely anti-Zionist); you usually say violent things such as this. I suppose you choose to ignore "Thou shalt not kill"Â￾ from Exodus? Those silly rules are only meant for sweet little white males to obey.

f3dor said:
<div>Also I would put myself under that category, i am known as a manwhore. its a evil habbitt i must get rid off as unlike your good self who has found a wonderful women, i will hit 40 and end up with nothing.</div>

Here is yet another exceptionally hypocritical comment regarding your pre-marital sex life from another thread. I think God found his new right hand man in you, F3dor.

In contrast to yourself, Mr. "ManWhore,"Â￾ I'm no longer a Christian"¦.and I've never smoked, drank, or done drugs a day in my life. I've only had sex with two women, one being my wife and another being a long relationship which started when I was 16. I got married at 22 (2 years ago), and my only concern in life is building a large, loving white family.

Zionist-related threads are only "popular"Â￾ because the things you say (when they are actually legible) are so hypocritical and so explicitly impolite. You were even self-centered enough to create an "I'm-Starved-For-Attention"Â￾ thread entitled "I am Leaving the Forum."Â￾ I guess we were all supposed to kiss your ass and beg for forgiveness? Edited by: Thrashen
jaxvid said:
f3dor said:
Any back to the topic, these boats are trying to smuggle bombs etc. If i were israeli primeminister ,all of them would have been dead. Not just ten. Trust me

Is this really what Jesus would have wanted? What kind of Christian are you and guest301? Does the teaching of Jesus mean anything to you? or to the jews? Are jews supposed to honor the teachings of Jesus? They don't profess to. In fact most jews hate Jesus. How do you reconcile the jewish dislike of the New Testament with the whole idea of Christianity? Why do you value the Old Testament of the jews more then the word of the Son of God?

And as for the Christians taking from old Euro religions isn't it quite obvious that "Easter" which was the celebration of the vernal equinox by ancient Europeans was co-opted by the early Christians as was the celebration of the Winter Solstice. The early Christians arranged their two biggest celebrations to coincide with the two biggest existing celebrations.

That's kind of a unique question coming from one such as yourself who has to some degree over the years I have been here putdown and insulted the Christian faith on a few occasions. What do you mean what kind of Christian am I? I am a normal Christian who believes in my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All my views on the Bible, end times prophecy, the Jewish people and Israel do not fall outside the norm of current evangelical and conservative Christianity. F3dor can speak for himself, I am answering the question for me.

As far as jews hating Jesus and the New Testament goes, that's very easy to reconcile. I am a Messianic completed Jew who believes in Jesus and according to prophecy one day the restored nation of Israel(1948) will fall on it's knees and accept their Saviour Jesus Christ and Jesus will rule and reign in Jerusalem for a thousand years and Israel will be fully restored as a nation in every way that matters. I also for years have been giving money to Jews for Jesus and other groups evangelizing Jews and so not hard at all for me to reconcile. Most jews don't consider me jewish despite my ethnicity because I believe in Jesus but the "times of the gentiles"have not been quite fulfilled yet and when Christians are raptured and the Tribulation starts, Israel and the Jewish people will have God's full attention. I know that sounds like whack job stuff and probably reduces my credibility on this thread but it's what I believe and I stand by it.
Westside said:
Please some one explain this. How come Israel's Mossaud can orchestrate the spectacular 911 attacks, but their intelligence mistakens ships full of water filters, childrens books and cement rather than threats to their national security ie: terrorist, explosives and weapons? What was discovered in those ships? Did they investigate or beat feat back to their naval ships?

Good question.
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<H2 itxt="1">'They were basically helping al-Qaida,' a former anti-terrorism judge says</H2>
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<DIV =textMedBlackBold itxt="1">By ALFRED de MONTESQUIOU

<DIV =textTimestamp itxt="1">updated 1 hour, 57 minutes ago

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PARIS - The Turkish Islamic charity behind a flotilla of aid ships that was raided by Israeli forces on its way to Gaza had ties to terrorism networks, including a 1999 al-Qaida plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport, France's former top anti-terrorism judge said Wednesday.
Interesting first post Toby.
lost said:
Ho my god! Now we got jewish trolls registering left and right! tobyisgod is up the media spin!

Sorry for the extra. I thought I cut and paste right. I will get it right next time. New to the site and kind of shocked at the blatent ignorance on this one. But what do I know. I am also shocked that JJ Redick does not start on most teams. Argue that one to idiots all the time as well. ;-)
lost said:
Ho my god! Now we got jewish trolls registering left and right! tobyisgod is up the media spin!
Maybe this will work!

We have an invasion of Zionist trolls!

We should PM Don Wassell and ask him to ban this newest one. I just reported that post to him. Edited by: Parody
Why would say that? Why would I be banned against posting on this thread? That ispretty weird Paradody. Maybe common sense is not your first sense, but why would banning an open forum post be of anyone's best interst.
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