Really guys we are listening to what is projected to happen now? I was projected to lose in fantasy football,I still won. People in the 60s projected we'd be flying around in space cars by now,they were wrong. Projections don't mean anything a lot can happen in a hundred years. For example populations that are growing in Africa and middle east will eventually even out. Famine,war, lack of water.
Well the projections aren't that far away any more. I agree with you that its difficult to forecast way into the future, say beyond 20 or so years. Wars, famines, diseases etc can all be contributing factors. However, the simple fact of life is that European whites are not reproducing at a level of 2.1 kids per woman and because of that, we are declining. Until white women are having more kids, and that problem is addressed, this decline will continue.
If I recall correctly, it was initially stated by US Government that Whites will become a minority in USA by 2050. However, in the past few years this estimate has been revised and the current projection is a lot sooner, sometime in the 2030's.
That's not that far away and it's almost a reality right now. Similar projections have also been made for the UK and France.
The forecasts are not that far away, only 15 to 20 years in the future. Even if all immigration suddenly stopped (which won't happen btw), based on birth rates whites would still become a minority.
In terms of whites becoming a minority in the West its pretty much a question of "when" not "if"...
Being a minority isn't necessarily all that bad though, in fact it may even turn out to be more favourable for white people in some ways. It may force people to become racially aware, and it's probably better to have a minority of racially aware whites than what you have today: a majority of white liberals, leftists, and feminists.
Another alternative (I know perhaps controversial to some on this site) is to expand the definition of who is white, and include groups which have previously been considered "borderline".
The definition of who is white is always expanding, and not that long ago, groups such as Italians, Russians, and even the Irish were not considered white in the traditional sense. Today, almost unanimously they are seen as white.