Crime Thread

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These are the cases the media should be covering all the racial angles on. White women are the stupidest on earth.
A beautiful White woman marries a negro and he murders her. What a waste.

When I see stories like this, I always do a "what if" in my head. Imagine if this woman had married a white man and they had 4 children. That was the norm in this country not long ago. Then, each of those children married within their race and 4 children of their own. The family tree is now at 20. The grandchildren do the same, and the family tree now stands at 84. You see where I'm going with this?

That's 84 white lives that will never be, while Latinos, Muslims, and negroes are ****ing and spawning like rabbits, all within their own race. That's why the white race is going extinct.
After reading this story I feel ill with anger. The crime was committed a short distance from where I live.

A young White woman with courage, but not much sense, told a group of 3 "youffs" to stop cussing as the crowded train was filled with young children. Well the do-gooder got beaten to the point of head trauma but the feral savages.

A quote from the young lady, "And they were relentless. Like they were just like trying — if they had had time, I really believe that they would’ve killed me."

Yes, they would have. I hope this woman now understands the reality that blacks hate Whites and will jump at the chance to inflict pain on whitey. Assuming she's a liberal, like 90% of the neighborhood, she got a harsh lesson from the scum she coddles, nurtures and protects. If by some miracle she was "enlightened" already, I feel bad for her, but it's foolish to "provoke" wild animals when they outnumber you.
The coal burner all week is being praised as a hero.

The guy killed her, then offed himself. There was 2 other kids in the house and he didn't kill them and he wasn't under pressure from police coming in.
When I see stories like this, I always do a "what if" in my head. Imagine if this woman had married a white man and they had 4 children. That was the norm in this country not long ago. Then, each of those children married within their race and 4 children of their own. The family tree is now at 20. The grandchildren do the same, and the family tree now stands at 84. You see where I'm going with this?

That's 84 white lives that will never be, while Latinos, Muslims, and negroes are ****ing and spawning like rabbits, all within their own race. That's why the white race is going extinct.
People of 100% European heritage will be extinct by the end of the next century or perhaps sooner. Nothing can stop it from happening now.

Our DNA and unique characteristics will never completely disappear though, because of people of mixed race.
People of 100% European heritage will be extinct by the end of the next century or perhaps sooner. Nothing can stop it from happening now.

Our DNA and unique characteristics will never completely disappear though, because of people of mixed race.

i highly doubt it, at the end of the day White ppl are still going to only want to sleep with other White people. At least most of them, no matter how hard they try to promote diversity. "im not racist, i just prefer to be with White partners.." is what I hear alot. We may become more of a minority but not extinct.
People of 100% European heritage will be extinct by the end of the next century or perhaps sooner. Nothing can stop it from happening now.

Our DNA and unique characteristics will never completely disappear though, because of people of mixed race.

My wife and I went to my cousin’s wedding this past Saturday and had an amazing time. He’s 29 years old and is doing very, very well for himself financially (he has a PhD in computer science and has a ridiculously high-paying job), so he threw a huge, outdoor wedding at his parents’ beautiful farm with 250+ guests. I was in the wedding party, so I greeted every single person who attended and spent tons of time “scanning the crowd” from the head table. Every single guest was white, including all spouses and every child. Aside from the dozens upon dozens of teenagers, little kids, toddlers, and infants, what really struck me was the sheer number of 20-something white women that were pregnant. There must have been 40 of them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many in one place. It was a beautiful sight, for sure.

The numbers don’t lie, but it’s difficult to know what the future will hold for our people. I feel like all we need is one charismatic, brash, fearless leader who won’t capitulate to their totalitarian racism. If someone like that could gain the slightest political foothold and “speak the truth” about our enemies (and not apologize under any circumstance), there’s no telling what could happen. I find that people secretly enjoy hearing controversial talk and gravitate towards those types of people for leadership.
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Thrashen, you made my night. Thanks for sharing that. In this depressing, but necessary thread, filled with negro violence, your post is by far the most hopeful and inspiring.
White people will not become extinct. It's all propaganda that the media is filling your heads with. As the poster about said, 95 percent of whites have kids with other whites.Sure our numbers have gone down, but I think we will get through this. It's just that Indians and Chinese populations have absolutely exploded in epic proportions as well as Hispanic populations.

Chargers' practice squad QB Markus Curry was arrested for domestic violence, the fifth Charger arrested since April, cutting into t****ngals'now tenuous lead in that departmentwith six players arrested since last season.
A Negro is raping young white women at the University of Virginia. One girl is missing and feared dead.

The man's description: a black man, about 32 years old, 6 feet, 2 inches tall and about 270 pounds with long dreadlocks wearing a white shirt and white knee-length shorts.
Follow-up: Looks like they caught the negro, but the girl is still missing.


On the topic of White population decline, regretfully, Carcharias is largely correct in his projections.

White population as a proportion to global population has been steadily declining since the 1960's or so (Which, by no coincidence whatsoever, also is the time when things like birth control, secularism, liberalism, and feminism began gaining acceptance in popular culture).

Currently, if we're talking strictly about *European* or European-origin whites, we probably number a bit less than 10% of the world's current population. If we include other "debatable" groups like some Arabs, Persians, Hispanics, Mediterraneans and so on that number can become a bit higher, but we're still a minority.

The problem is simply that white women are not having enough children due to extra freedoms they are afforded in Western civilization (the right to work, right to vote, right to abort, right to contraceptives, right to assemble, right to divorce, right to become a lesbian etc.).

These freedoms largely do not exist in the second and third worlds.

I believe in all of Europe, there isn't a single country that is actually experiencing a growing native population.

Even in North America, in Canada and USA the populations are increasing but that is only due to immigration, not the native population actually reproducing.

The only White populations in the entire world that are actually growing would be some Hispanic or Middle Eastern populations (and some people don't even consider the aforementioned to be white, in which case there are no white populations that are growing). And that is because in those countries the way of life is more simple, women are less independent, and people are religious. Muslim Arab women in the Middle East are known to have sometimes 7 or 8 kids. Same thing with Catholic Hispanics.

Somebody posted a typical White European family tree compared to an Arab Muslim woman and it basically goes like this:
- White woman: Married and likely divorced. 1 Child. 0 Grandchildren.
- Arab/Hispanic woman: Married and stays married. 4 Children. 12 Grandchildren.

Sorry to say but the above example is 100% fact in most cases.

It is entirely foreseeable that whites will make up less than 5% of the world in my lifetime. In say 100 years, it's hard to predict but we will be an extreme minority.

It's hard to say if whites will become "extinct" or not. Probably not I think. But we will certainly become an extreme minority in every single country in the world. In fact, USA and many European countries are expecting whites to become minorities within the next 20 or so years. I believe in the USA that date is forecasted at 2035 or so, and roughly the same for the UK.

You can thank all the liberals and feminists for the fact that white populations are declining...

Yes females have become "empowered", essentially at the expense of the entire race. And of course this just shows how feminism is unsustainable. It only works in the West because we have immigrants to fill the population gaps that white women are not creating.
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Really guys we are listening to what is projected to happen now? I was projected to lose in fantasy football,I still won. People in the 60s projected we'd be flying around in space cars by now,they were wrong. Projections don't mean anything a lot can happen in a hundred years. For example populations that are growing in Africa and middle east will eventually even out. Famine,war, lack of water.
Really guys we are listening to what is projected to happen now? I was projected to lose in fantasy football,I still won. People in the 60s projected we'd be flying around in space cars by now,they were wrong. Projections don't mean anything a lot can happen in a hundred years. For example populations that are growing in Africa and middle east will eventually even out. Famine,war, lack of water.

Well the projections aren't that far away any more. I agree with you that its difficult to forecast way into the future, say beyond 20 or so years. Wars, famines, diseases etc can all be contributing factors. However, the simple fact of life is that European whites are not reproducing at a level of 2.1 kids per woman and because of that, we are declining. Until white women are having more kids, and that problem is addressed, this decline will continue.

If I recall correctly, it was initially stated by US Government that Whites will become a minority in USA by 2050. However, in the past few years this estimate has been revised and the current projection is a lot sooner, sometime in the 2030's.

That's not that far away and it's almost a reality right now. Similar projections have also been made for the UK and France.

The forecasts are not that far away, only 15 to 20 years in the future. Even if all immigration suddenly stopped (which won't happen btw), based on birth rates whites would still become a minority.

In terms of whites becoming a minority in the West its pretty much a question of "when" not "if"...

Being a minority isn't necessarily all that bad though, in fact it may even turn out to be more favourable for white people in some ways. It may force people to become racially aware, and it's probably better to have a minority of racially aware whites than what you have today: a majority of white liberals, leftists, and feminists.

Another alternative (I know perhaps controversial to some on this site) is to expand the definition of who is white, and include groups which have previously been considered "borderline".

The definition of who is white is always expanding, and not that long ago, groups such as Italians, Russians, and even the Irish were not considered white in the traditional sense. Today, almost unanimously they are seen as white.
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Becoming a minority and becoming extinct are 2 different things. The first could happen but I doubt the latter ever will. Look at Jews for example. They are a small minority in the world that wield great power and currently have high birth rates. As things get more extreme for us Whites, we'll hopefully band together like the Jews and black in America do. Whites don't need to be a large percentage of the world. We are highly intelligent, strong, creative and wealthy. All we need to do to foster a comfortable world for Whites in the future is to nationalize and end non-White immigration.

I believe frederic38 said it best once. We don't need to try to out-breed the lesser races. Just keep them out of our nations. Europe is beautiful and wealthy because it is not overpopulated. Leave that for Asia and Africa. Europe (I believe the USSA might be too far non-White to save unless it Balkanized) would be fine with negative birth rates for a generation or two. They'd still have wealth and power. With nuclear weapons it doesn't matter how many billions of Chinese and Indians there are as they won't invade.

White people are the most dynamic humans to ever walk the Earth. I doubt 50 bad years are going to end us when our ancestors survived the Ice Age, Dark Ages and other times in history that were far worse.
This documentary covers through Don King's early career as a criminal.

A Negro is raping young white women at the University of Virginia. One girl is missing and feared dead.

The man's description: a black man, about 32 years old, 6 feet, 2 inches tall and about 270 pounds with long dreadlocks wearing a white shirt and white knee-length shorts.

I personally don't feel bad for this mud shark. The way I look at it maybe it will scare white women away from violent black men. I also have to ask what are an 18 year old girl and a 32 year old man doing together? I'm the same age as the negriod and I have a family and a mortgage. Hopefully the negriod gets the death penalty.


An Oklahoma man accused of beheaded his co-worker with a knife on Thursday is to be charged with murder. But it's still unclear whether the alleged attack was carried out in a wild fury, as a response to being fired, or whether it was an act of jihad.

On the highway outside the Vaughan Foods processing plant in the suburban town of Moore, on the edge of Oklahoma City, a small memorial of yellow flowers and American flags has appeared.

It marks the violence that took place here last week, when police say Alton Nolen took his work knife and used it to behead one woman and seriously injure another.
What first appeared to be a horrific example of an angry employee "going postal" took an unexpected turn when police said Nolen had been trying to convert his workmates to Islam in the weeks before the crime.

"We have a lot of problems with tornadoes, but we don't tend to have problems like this," says Phil Harris, a massage therapist, expressing the shock felt throughout Moore's 55,000-strong population.


An Oklahoma man accused of beheaded his co-worker with a knife on Thursday is to be charged with murder. But it's still unclear whether the alleged attack was carried out in a wild fury, as a response to being fired, or whether it was an act of jihad.

On the highway outside the Vaughan Foods processing plant in the suburban town of Moore, on the edge of Oklahoma City, a small memorial of yellow flowers and American flags has appeared.

It marks the violence that took place here last week, when police say Alton Nolen took his work knife and used it to behead one woman and seriously injure another.
What first appeared to be a horrific example of an angry employee "going postal" took an unexpected turn when police said Nolen had been trying to convert his workmates to Islam in the weeks before the crime.

"We have a lot of problems with tornadoes, but we don't tend to have problems like this," says Phil Harris, a massage therapist, expressing the shock felt throughout Moore's 55,000-strong population.

All the more proof (positive) that untermenschen (of ANY sort) do not belong on western soil. Their innate predisposition for violence, thievery, sloth & total lack of impulse control have NO place in civilized, advanced White culture.
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