Crime Thread

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Thats a really sad story and it really pisses me
off. Why don't all those race baiting limp wristed
media types cover this case the same way they are creating a false narrative in ferguson right down the road? Where is holder, where is Obama? Why aren't they chiming in on this? Once again it goes to show that black lives are more important and whites are expendable.

"We came to America to get away from crime because we were getting killed," says Zemir's sister, Denisa Begic, 23. "We were refugees. Our families were getting killed, their houses got destroyed and bombed. We came to America to escape from this, and what happens? My brother gets murdered in America."

Police Investigate Possible Hate Crime in Bevo Neighborhood

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – St. Louis police are investigating an alleged hate crime in the Bevo neighborhood early this morning that left a 26-year-old woman beaten.

According to a police report, at about 5:30 a.m., a Bosnian woman was driving on the 4600 block of Lansdowne when three black males in their late-teens to early-20s stepped in front of her vehicle.

When the woman tried to drive around them, the suspects reportedly pulled out a firearm, so she stopped the car.

After hitting her windshield with a crowbar, the suspects pulled the woman from her car, threw her on the ground and kicked her.

A suspect grabbed her purse, searched it, and told the others it was empty. All three suspects then fled the scene.

Police say the woman said she thought the crime was racially motivated because the suspects asked her if she was Bosnian.

Slay responds

“This has all the appearances of a hate crime based on the information that we have,” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay responds. “The fact that they did suggest that she was a Bosnian – she was a Bosnian lady. We’ve already turned this over to the FBI.”

Slay says he has been meeting with the Bosnian community already to discuss their concerns about safety – this after the hammer attack that killed a 32-year-old man in the Bosnian neighborhood earlier this week.

Bevo neighborhood

KMOX is speaking with residents of the Bevo neighborhood, following a week of shootings and murder, about what is causing all the violence.

Resident Michael Tallie says he thinks much of it is racially motivated.

“I would have to say so. I think it’s just blacks taking there aggression out on anybody that’s white,” he says. “It’s bad, it’s messed up, I hate it.”

When asked if white people should be scared, Tallie replied “everyone should be scared.”

25-year-old William Duvall was shot multiple times in the torso in the 4100 block of Enright in St Louis. Following the shooting, Duvall ran to a nearby house where he was able to contact help. Duvall was transported to an area hospital where he pronounced dead.

Authorities describe the suspect in Duvall’s murder as a black man, 5-foot-10 to 6-foot tall who was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and black pants at the time of the shooting.

And another White man is dead after being shot multiple times by Negroes in St Louis.

Investigators say he and another man, 36, were shot by three men, one of whom chased Baker along North Newstead and continued shooting.
Looks like some Negroes burned a teenaged white girl alive.

Some of her friends have posted on social media that she recently ended an “abusive” relationship.

“When the fire department got there, she was walking down the road on fire. Only part of her body that wasn’t burned was the bottom of her feet,” he said.

Her father also says, “They squirted lighter fluid down her throat and in her nose, and apparently they knocked her out. She had a big gash on top of her head.”


Looks like some Negroes burned a teenaged white girl alive.

Some of her friends have posted on social media that she recently ended an “abusiveâ€￾ relationship.

“When the fire department got there, she was walking down the road on fire. Only part of her body that wasn’t burned was the bottom of her feet,â€￾ he said.

Her father also says, “They squirted lighter fluid down her throat and in her nose, and apparently they knocked her out. She had a big gash on top of her head.â€￾



Thats what she gets for being a mud shark. No sympathy from me.
From what I've heard and witnessed, it seems that a majority of White women who go mudsharking eventually try to go back to Whites but are rejected (and rightfully so), and so they just become bitter old chainsmoking single-mom hags with mystery-meat kids who have no father figure.

Seriously, if ladies want to go the mudhsark route, they ought to at least go for a high-character Black, but NO. They tend to go for the thugs thinking they'll be "cool" like that skinny-jeans wearing, no-talent-having ****** Lil Wayne, and they end up getting treated like trash because they ARE trash and they're associating with trash.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
The whole story is very interesting...

First it was they arrested her black boyfriend. Then Eric Holder who was in Mississippi cancelled an event and now the police are saying they just interviewed him not as a suspect and the police are acting dumb about the whole thing saying they have no idea who did it and are acting like its a random street crime.
What I find strange about this whole case is for her last words she gave a description of the killer(s), but the police department is not willing to make the description public.
Blacks have an obsession with interracial dating.They even have pet sayings and nick names for it.You only have to peruse any black forum and the topic of interracial dating will more than likely be on the first page.They appear to have more racial resentment than any other group[certainly more likely to show it]yet are the group most likely to want to date out.
Sickening story, another mentalNY derranged white liberal:

I really hope the negro is released and then proceeds to culturally enrich this worthless, self-hating ****.

When I read stories like this I can't help but think "no wonder whites are dying out". We're killing ourselves with this sort of self loathing leftism.

What an absolute idiot. The Negro attempts to murder the white liberal unsuccessfully and years later said White liberal is now campaigning for said Negro ' s release from prison.

I'm not at all shocked. I read a story on this site where a Negro killed and raped an elderly white woman and then her white grandson campaigned for the Negro ' s release and claimed it wasn't his fault.
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