Crime Thread

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An Oklahoma man accused of beheaded his co-worker with a knife on Thursday is to be charged with murder. But it's still unclear whether the alleged attack was carried out in a wild fury, as a response to being fired, or whether it was an act of jihad.

On the highway outside the Vaughan Foods processing plant in the suburban town of Moore, on the edge of Oklahoma City, a small memorial of yellow flowers and American flags has appeared.

It marks the violence that took place here last week, when police say Alton Nolen took his work knife and used it to behead one woman and seriously injure another.
What first appeared to be a horrific example of an angry employee "going postal" took an unexpected turn when police said Nolen had been trying to convert his workmates to Islam in the weeks before the crime.

"We have a lot of problems with tornadoes, but we don't tend to have problems like this," says Phil Harris, a massage therapist, expressing the shock felt throughout Moore's 55,000-strong population.

The story is a hoax.
All the more proof (positive) that untermenschen (of ANY sort) do not belong on western soil. Their innate predisposition for violence, thievery, sloth & total lack of impulse control have NO place in civilized, advanced White culture.
This story is a fabrication. Red meat for Christians who want to feel superior to Muslim and black savages. A Homeland Security wet dream to expand their shock and awe terror campaign of fake shootings, stabbings, and acts of terror. There is no news. It is all lies and propaganda. Don't waste your energy or emotions about it.
This story is a fabrication. Red meat for Christians who want to feel superior to Muslim and black savages. A Homeland Security wet dream to expand their shock and awe terror campaign of fake shootings, stabbings, and acts of terror. There is no news. It is all lies and propaganda. Don't waste your energy or emotions about it.
Yeah, I guess that old white lady who had her head lopped off is in the WPP somewhere in North Dakota or Arizona living the the life of Reilly, with a promise to keep her yap shut and not tell anyone except to her husband(who gets to reside with her living large the middle-class lifestyle) who can not get a hard on anymore. Right that is it!
Yeah, I guess that old white lady who had her head lopped off is in the WPP somewhere in North Dakota or Arizona living the the life of Reilly, with a promise to keep her yap shut and not tell anyone except to her husband(who gets to reside with her living large the middle-class lifestyle) who can not get a hard on anymore. Right that is it!
What old white lady? Her head was lopped off? How do you know this? Do you believe anything or everything on the news? I know I'm nobody on this site. But, the most significant thing I can contribute to this site is to advise anybody who is open to the fact that the "news" is bull****. Please, do your own research on major hoax events such as 9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon Bombing. Once you realize that contrived, horrific events are staged and presented to the public as real for the purpose of mass trauma, mind control, and **** you out of your money and freedoms..., then you will be truly awake. Then, you will realize that not only the major events are hoaxes, but every day stupid stories are total fabrications, designed to keep you entertained, mind-****ed, and watching your local douchebag news readers. Corvette museum sinkhole swallows rare cars; homeless man finds bag of gold in goodwill couch; kids blow away in bouncy castle; ...never mind, it's all true. Watch out, ISIS is coming to get you!
What old white lady? Her head was lopped off? How do you know this? Do you believe anything or everything on the news? I know I'm nobody on this site. But, the most significant thing I can contribute to this site is to advise anybody who is open to the fact that the "news" is bull****. Please, do your own research on major hoax events such as 9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Marathon Bombing. Once you realize that contrived, horrific events are staged and presented to the public as real for the purpose of mass trauma, mind control, and **** you out of your money and freedoms..., then you will be truly awake. Then, you will realize that not only the major events are hoaxes, but every day stupid stories are total fabrications, designed to keep you entertained, mind-****ed, and watching your local douchebag news readers. Corvette museum sinkhole swallows rare cars; homeless man finds bag of gold in goodwill couch; kids blow away in bouncy castle; ...never mind, it's all true. Watch out, ISIS is coming to get you!
I am wide awake. Why should I believe you or media? Man, I am on the fence watching Amerika on the slow slide down the ****ter. A bystander watching the circus unfold. One thing I do know is certain is the f**ked up groups of people that infest the country. They, my CF comrade are a bunch of raving feral packs of miscreants who know no humanity. Thats all.
This story is a fabrication. Red meat for Christians who want to feel superior to Muslim and black savages. A Homeland Security wet dream to expand their shock and awe terror campaign of fake shootings, stabbings, and acts of terror. There is no news. It is all lies and propaganda. Don't waste your energy or emotions about it.
It was real.

If it were fake, they would have chosen a white Muslim convert to do it, or an Arab-American.

It's not difficult to believe a Negro would do something like than. In the past, Black Muslims have often called for whites to be killed.

The suspect didn't like white people: “It had more to do with race rather than trying to convert people"

The neocon media will, of course, downplay the racial angle whilst the leftist media, at least at the national level, completely ignore the atrocity.

icsept is exhibit A of why racialists and those who question Jewish Power are not taken seriously and are considered freaks and losers by most other white people. He's also an example of what happens to you when you allow your anger at Jewish Power to turn you into a Muslim apologist. First you start hating all white people to the point where you dehumanise your fellow whites for not seeing the world the same way, and then end up even denying a black on white crime because the perp might be one of your sainted Muslims.:crazy:
It was real.

If it were fake, they would have chosen a white Muslim convert to do it, or an Arab-American.

It's not difficult to believe a Negro would do something like than. In the past, Black Muslims have often called for whites to be killed.

If it were fake the media wouldn't have included the part about a white gun owner who saved the day either.
Becoming a minority and becoming extinct are 2 different things. The first could happen but I doubt the latter ever will. Look at Jews for example. They are a small minority in the world that wield great power and currently have high birth rates. As things get more extreme for us Whites, we'll hopefully band together like the Jews and black in America do. Whites don't need to be a large percentage of the world. We are highly intelligent, strong, creative and wealthy. All we need to do to foster a comfortable world for Whites in the future is to nationalize and end non-White immigration.

I believe frederic38 said it best once. We don't need to try to out-breed the lesser races. Just keep them out of our nations. Europe is beautiful and wealthy because it is not overpopulated. Leave that for Asia and Africa. Europe (I believe the USSA might be too far non-White to save unless it Balkanized) would be fine with negative birth rates for a generation or two. They'd still have wealth and power. With nuclear weapons it doesn't matter how many billions of Chinese and Indians there are as they won't invade.

White people are the most dynamic humans to ever walk the Earth. I doubt 50 bad years are going to end us when our ancestors survived the Ice Age, Dark Ages and other times in history that were far worse.

Well said.
It is sad to hear of what happened in Oklahoma, with a Black "Muslim" beheading a man at work because he was getting fired. I'm assuming the race of the victim is white? Not sure, I havent heard the victim's ID or what sort of relation he had to the killer. Was he the one who tried to fire the perp?

Thankfully, a White man shot the Black savage before more beheadings could occur (too bad he didn't just solve the whole issue and fire a couple more shots into the perp, would have been poetic justice).

As a white Muslim I often feel embarrassed by blacks who claim to be Muslim. Carcharias is correct that many Blacks seem to try and use Islam as a way to get back at whites or justify their hatred of whites. They feel its a "non white" religion. Of course, this is entirely incorrect. Islam is an Arabic religion, started by Arabs mainly for Arabs. Over time it has branched out and is now accepted by Arabs, Persians, Whites, Blacks, and even some East Asians.

Islam as a religion does not advocate hatred against any race. The problem is that Blacks twist it to try and justify their hatred of whites.

However it's also important to note that Christian Blacks are no better behaved and many Christians Blacks kill Whites as well. I remember when that Negro Muslim beheaded a man in London, the media were quick to broadcast it, but a similar attack by a Christian Negro in Italy where he went on a rampage and killed 4 White Italians was essentially censored.

Indeed, it seems the media is much more quick to show Black-on-White crime when the perp is a Black Muslim. I believe this is because it's a round about way of blaming the murder on Muslims, not the black community.

What's interesting is that in all of these heavily broadcast Negro Muslim crimes - the beheading in London, the beheading in Oklahoma, statistically speaking the race of the perp (Negro) is more statistically relevant as a cause of the crime than the religion. Islam is blamed for these murders but the racial discussion is entirely censored by the media.

It's another way of the media refusing to put any blame on the black community whatsoever. The media blames Muslims (the vast majority, 90%plus of who are not black), but puts no blame whatsoever on the black community and seems to censor the hundreds if not thousands examples of Christian Blacks killing whites.

Its just another example of the black community receiving no blame for their actions.
It is sad to hear of what happened in Oklahoma, with a Black "Muslim" beheading a man at work because he was getting fired. I'm assuming the race of the victim is white? Not sure, I havent heard the victim's ID or what sort of relation he had to the killer. Was he the one who tried to fire the perp?
The beheaded victim was a middle-aged white women.

Mashburn said the human resources department at the Vaughan Foods plant in Moore had suspended Nolen earlier Thursday after another co-worker, Traci Johnson, had complained she had had an altercation with Nolen “about him not liking white people.”

“It had more to do with race rather than trying to convert people,” Mashburn said. He said there was a “back and forth with Ms. Johnson and that led her to make a complaint to the HR department.”

A cousin, 29-year-old James Fulsom, told The Associated Press that as recently as February, Nolen did not mention his conversion to Islam in conversations.

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True freshman Florida quarterback Treon Harris is being investigated for sexual assault, the school announced in a press release Monday. The statement says Harris is accused of "sexually assaulting a female student" early Sunday morning in a campus residence hall. The quarterback has been suspended from all team activities.

Gators DWFs are very disappointed. They would tell you that Treon had just flashed dat upside.
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Ivan James Sanders, 28, 3533 County Road 17, Sebring, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse, besides other pending charges of burglary with battery, resisting an officer without violence and possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana. Sanders, who lived with Mercedes’ mother, remains in the Highlands County jail without bond on the first-degree murder charge.

Apparently the girl had multiple HEALING wounds. Coal burner deserves the needle too.

Oh look at what I found:

“It was preventable,” said Carolina Tucciarone. “When a child or grandchild tells you someone has hit (them), do not sit back and do nothing.”
But Tucciarone alleges that’s what happened when she confronted the child’s mother, 21-year-old Geisy Alvarez, with concerns based on bruises on Mercedes and the child’s stories about being beaten by him with a belt.
“The mother was warned. She didn’t take it seriously,” Tucciarone said.
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Apparently the girl had multiple HEALING wounds. Coal burner deserves the needle too.

Report: 4-year-old girl had many serious injuries


SEBRING — When 4-year-old Mercedes A. Blair arrived at a local hospital on Tuesday, it was quickly evident that she was severely injured, according to an arrest report released Friday.

Dr. Sally Smith, who is identified as being with a child protective team, determined that “Mercedes suffered from numerous bruises to her forehead, both ears, both shoulders, both arms, both legs, chest, back and abdomen.

Mercedes suffered damage to her liver and kidneys. The bruising and damage to the organs was caused by blunt force trauma.

“Mercedes also suffered from a skull fracture to the crown of her head. The cause of the skull fracture was the result of a high force impact to the head on a broad flat surface.

The impact to Mercedes’ head caused her to have brain bleeding and swelling. The entire right side of Mercedes’ brain was hemorrhaging, the report said.

And in addition to that, the report notes “the top of Mercedes’ right hand had a healing burn and the hand appeared to be fractured near the thumb.

The burn appeared to be inflicted by another person by pouring a hot liquid onto the top of Mercedes’ hand.”

The man accused of being responsible for all those injuries, Ivan James Sanders, 28, 3533 County Road 17, was arrested by the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office and charged with first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse. Sanders showed no emotion when he appeared in court during his first appearance.
Seeing as how you guys in the USA will be a minority in your own country pretty soon I thought I would post some training videos from a part of the world where they are facing this issue right now

Seeing the white man in the first video fight back and knock the negro out was great. Seeing the 2nd chicken **** negro ran away after his buddy was KO'ed was even better.

Sadly, white people in America have been beaten into submission by the PTB and the great majority would never fight back in a similar situation. And those who do run the risk of being "Wilsoned" or "Zimmermanned", therefore "youths", "teens" and older "youths/teens" are for the most part free to roam and attack whitey when they have the chance. I'm still waiting for that one event that will push whites over the edge and open some eyes, but so far, it looks hopeless.
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