Crime Thread

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Just when You thought that blacks can't get any lower... a Negro is busted for shagging corpses...



"Cultural enrichment" at its finest...
It is my belief that due to lower intelligence levels, and distorted hormonal levels Negroes are on average more likely to act impulsively and commit violent crimes. Having said that, it is surprising to see boxer Jermain Taylor arrested for shooting his cousin. Jermain always seemed polite, respectful, and well mannered (certainly not the gangster or thug type who usually commits crime). Jermain suffered some bad KO losses in his boxing career. I recall him being KO'd unconcious by white American Kelly Pavlik. Jermain was also brutally KO'd by Armenian Art Abraham and suffered a brain bleed. Maybe the brain damage made him more violent.
Age 73 Negro beaten and kicked by five young cowards, looks like one of them used a lead pipe or something like that.

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A 34-year-old felon charged in the shotgun slayings of three people on a quiet south Kansas City cul-de-sac Tuesday made his first appearance in court Thursday morning.
Jackson County deputies led Brandon B.

Howell into a small downtown courtroom. He wore a blue jail jumpsuit and was handcuffed to a fraud defendant from Nebraska, who was waiving his right to extradition to Omaha.

Howell faces three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Susan Choucroun, 69, Lorene Hurst, 88, and her son Darrel Hurst, 63.


Ali Muhammad Brown, suspect in Brendan Tevlin murder, accused in 2 Seattle murders

Audio of radio talk show about this is here:


"It never ceases to amaze me how the media has to play catch-up to something that many of us have already known.

"As we reported here in August per American Uncensored News (AUN), Ali Muhammad Brown, an armed jihadist serial killer, murdered at least four men as acts of ‘vengeance’ on behalf of aggrieved Muslims during the spring and summer.

"AUN said “the 29-year-old career thug admitted to killing Leroy Henderson in Seattle in April; Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young in Seattle on June 1; and college student Brendan Tevlin, 19, in Essex County, New Jersey, on June 25.

"Tevlin was gunned down in his family Jeep on his way home from a friend’s house. Ballistics and other evidence linked all the victims to Muhammad Brown. Police apprehended him in July hiding in an encampment near the Watchung Mountains of West Orange, New Jersey.”

"Yesterday, Todd Pettengill, host of New York’s PLJ 95.5 “The Todd Show,” began talking about it and finally the story is starting to gain attention Pettengill’s conclusion? Domestic terrorism is already here."
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