Crime Thread

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Deadlift said:
whiteathlete33 said:

Nice link.

The execution-style killings of the black couple was very cruel. In typical fashion, supposedly shooting the man in the back of the head with a shotgun and the woman with a pistol.

With cases like this, I think how easily it could have been a White couple. That's why cases like this are very relevant.

Jersey City, NJ is gang central. There are some good parts with decent sized Polish populations but the rest is crap. I used to hang out there a lot and had a Polish girlfriend who lived there. Never ventured into the negro area.
How can you "deface" a Highpoint rifle? Those have got to be the ugliest things ever.

If that black is convicted of murdering 5 people, he'll likely be punished to the fullest extent under New Jersey law. If he had slaughtered a bunch of Whites, he couldn't have been punished any further, and there are negro beasts that understand that. The "Zebra Killings" come to mind.

They would also have a "harder" rep in prison if they had capped Whites in the head.
I'm not sure if this was posted yet. So-called White "Supremacist" attorney was murdered by a ******* thug in MS. 10 to 1 says he's not charged under the (so-called) "hate crime" they're only applied to Whites.

MS Attorney Murdered by Verminous Thug

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
I'm not sure if this was posted yet. So-called White "Supremacist" attorney was murdered by a ******* thug in MS. 10 to 1 says he's not charged under the (so-called) "hate crime" they're only applied to Whites.

MS Attorney Murdered by Verminous Thug

This article contains the obligatory fact-diversions so common in modern media"¦it has successfully "twisted"Â￾ the victim into the villain. This is a common tactic when a white person is murdered by a non-white person. Thus, it was "successful"Â￾ in the sense that the buffoonish minds of simpleton masses were once again influenced against any sort of "White Supremacist"Â￾ tendencies"¦as if the media, government, or the absolute clowns in power have some sort of responsibility to regulate a person's thoughts and feelings towards their race, or other races. Their contrived race-buzz-words (Nazi, skinhead, white supremacist, etc) are getting quite banal.

Anyone on planet earth who is remotely pro-white (whatever that is "permitted"Â￾ to be) is appetizing fodder for race-baiters of every color and creed (mostly white and Jewish) who enjoy making pariahs out of any white man, woman, or child who has an ounce of pride in themselves, their family, or their race. It's interesting that this cute little Race Rule only applies to pride when felt by a human with white skin"¦and even more interesting that no one seems to take notice, or care if they were intelligent enough to notice.

A message to whatever "journalist"Â￾ wrote this article"¦you may have misled nearly all of my people"¦but you will never deceive me.
Thrashen said:
DixieDestroyer said:
I'm not sure if this was posted yet. So-called White "Supremacist" attorney was murdered by a ******* thug in MS. 10 to 1 says he's not charged under the (so-called) "hate crime" they're only applied to Whites.

MS Attorney Murdered by Verminous Thug

This article contains the obligatory fact-diversions so common in modern media"¦it has successfully "twisted"Â￾ the victim into the villain. This is a common tactic when a white person is murdered by a non-white person. Thus, it was "successful"Â￾ in the sense that the buffoonish minds of simpleton masses were once again influenced against any sort of "White Supremacist"Â￾ tendencies"¦as if the media, government, or the absolute clowns in power have some sort of responsibility to regulate a person's thoughts and feelings towards their race, or other races. Their contrived race-buzz-words (Nazi, skinhead, white supremacist, etc) are getting quite banal.

Anyone on planet earth who is remotely pro-white (whatever that is "permitted"Â￾ to be) is appetizing fodder for race-baiters of every color and creed (mostly white and Jewish) who enjoy making pariahs out of any white man, woman, or child who has an ounce of pride in themselves, their family, or their race. It's interesting that this cute little Race Rule only applies to pride when felt by a human with white skin"¦and even more interesting that no one seems to take notice, or care if they were intelligent enough to notice.

A message to whatever "journalist"Â￾ wrote this article"¦you may have misled nearly all of my people"¦but you will never deceive me.

Love your posts Trashen. You are always to the point.
There is a common belief that most serial killers are white males. That's because the caste media has paid a lot of attention to white serial killers like Dahmer, Gacy and Bundy, even making movies about them.

In reality, even though negroes comprise only about 12% or 13% of the population in the US, a disproportionately high number serial killers are negroes, about 25%. If you don't believe me, watch this video and then do some research on the names mentioned.

Coral Eugene Watts murdered over 80 people, mostly women, making him the most prolific serial killer in US history. Yet most people have never heard of him.

And what is never discussed in the media is that nearly all negro serial killers rape and murder women, sometimes exclusively white women. There are a few exceptions like the homosexual Wayne Williams who preyed on boys.

Download and save that video, I'm sure it will be removed from YouTube soon.
Parody said:
There is a common belief that most serial killers are white males. That's because the caste media has paid a lot of attention to white serial killers like Dahmer, Gacy and Bundy, even making movies about them.

In reality, even though negroes comprise only about 12% or 13% of the population in the US, a disproportionately high number serial killers are negroes, about 25%. If you don't believe me, watch this video and then do some research on the names mentioned.

Coral Eugene Watts murdered over 80 people, mostly women, making him the most prolific serial killer in US history. Yet most people have never heard of him.

And what is never discussed in the media is that nearly all negro serial killers rape and murder women, sometimes exclusively white women. There are a few exceptions like the homosexual Wayne Williams who preyed on boys.

Download and save that video, I'm sure it will be removed from YouTube soon.

That's one thing blacks always seem to point to: that whites are all the serial killers. Your numbers are correct Parody on the percentage of black serial killers. It is much higher percentage than their actual population percentage. I saw several of these numbers on the USDOJ website.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Coral Eugene Watts victims were mostly young white women (scroll down to see photos).

Why have so few people heard of the worst serial killer in US history? If they made a movie about Ted Bundy, why not this guy?
Parody said:
Coral Eugene Watts victims were mostly young white women (scroll down to see photos).

Why have so few people heard of the worst serial killer in US history? If they made a movie about Ted Bundy, why not this guy?

They actually had an episode of Cold Case Files on A & E.
whiteathlete33 said:
Parody said:
Coral Eugene Watts victims were mostly young white women (scroll down to see photos).

Why have so few people heard of the worst serial killer in US history? If they made a movie about Ted Bundy, why not this guy?
They actually had an episode of Cold Case Files on A & E. 

Yep. I've also seen a few other black serial killers spotlighted on A&E, but they were the one's that killed overwhelmingly black prostitutes in the inner-city. One of these cases was in St. Louis, Missouri.

Black serial killers are, indeed, very common.
Here are a couple of stories which cogently illustrate the "cultural enrichment"that non-White immigration brings to our boring, backward western societies. The first case involves doubtlessly misunderstoodrepresentatives of the "religion of peace and of respect for women":

<H1 has="2">Gang rape brother to be freed from jail</H1>
<DIV ="top_panel">
<DIV id=date>18:55 AEST Mon May 3 2010
<DIV id=article_update name="05/03/2010 06:55:37 PM" ="noprint">
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none" id=minifeed_ ="noprint">One of four Pakistani brothers jailed over the gang rapes of teenage girls in Sydney eight years ago has been granted parole and will be released from prison despite opposition from NSW's head of Corrective Services.
<DIV id='has="2"'>

The brothers - who cannot be identified because two were aged under 18 at the time of the sexual assaults - were each convicted over the attacks on two girls aged 16 and 17 in 2002.
Known as MRK, the second youngest brother was 17 when the girls were gang raped at the brothers' Ashfield home in Sydney's inner west on July 28, 2002.
A spokesman for the State Parole Authority on Monday confirmed that the man, now aged 25, was granted parole last Thursday and will be released from Long Bay jail between May 18 and May 25.
"I can confirm that a parole order was made last Thursday," the spokesman told AAP.
MRK was sentenced to serve at least six years and nine months in custody with an earliest possible date of release in July 2007.
The sentence came after a trial that attracted great public interest and in which MRK was convicted of nine counts of aggravated sexual assault in company.

"He has been refused bail in 2007, 2008 and 2009," the spokesman said, adding that in 2009 MRK was convicted of another historical criminal matter while in custody, which delayed his original non-parole period until April 30, 2009.

"In making its decision the authority would have had in mind that his full-time (sentence) expires in July 2012, so there is a need for supervision in the community right through until July 31, 2012."

MRK has been granted parole to live at an approved address, believed to be in Sydney.
NSW Corrective Services Commissioner Ron Woodham had opposed the decision.

"The commissioner opposed the release of (MRK) and made submissions to the State Parole Authority to that effect," a Corrective Services spokesman said on Monday.

The State Parole Authority said the decision came after consultation with the Serious Offenders Review Council, which had been partly responsible for MRK's progress while in custody.

"The parole order includes that he live at an approved address, continue to receive psychological counselling and comply with all conditions of the Child Protection Register," the parole authority spokesman said.

"That order prohibits him from being in the company of any person under the age of 16 unless accompanied by a responsible adult."

MRK is also prevented from contacting or approaching any of his victims or frequenting areas where they live or commonly visit.

After the brothers' sentencing, an investigating police detective described the offences as one of the most violent rapes he had ever investigated.

"No sentence, no matter how harsh, will ever compensate the victim(s)," he said.

MRK immigrated to Australia from Pakistan with his family. He is not expected to be subject to deportation upon release.

His three brothers, aged between one year younger and six years older than him, remain in custody.
NSW shadow attorney-general Greg Smith said he believed the brothers were all Australian citizens and had immigrated "years ago" with their family.
"I'm very concerned that the parole board has been so quick to grant parole in the face of opposition from the corrective services commissioner," Mr Smith told AAP.
He said MRK's involvement - which included detaining the girls and taking away a mobile phone which one of the victims tried to use to call for help - had been denied by the offender throughout his court trial.
"That lack of contrition makes it difficult for him to face any kind of guidance or counselling or rehabilitation," he said.
"He showed a lack of respect for Australian women which is totally unacceptable to the community."

<a href="/share/com/style/print.css" target="_blank"><a href="" target="_blank">&lt; =text/ =""&gt; &lt; =text/ =""&gt; &lt; =text/ =""&gt; &lt; = =text/&gt; var JS_OMNI_TOOLS= "ART~~1047648"; Man avoids jail for lying about 'attack'
<DIV id=article2046_div has="2">
<DIV ="top_panel" has="2">
<DIV id=date>15:21 AEST Mon May 3 2010
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none" id=minifeed_ ="noprint">An Indian man who stoked concerns about racist attacks by claiming he was set alight has been given a suspended jail term after admitting he lied to police.
<DIV id='has="2"'>

Jaspreet Singh, 28, told police he was doused with petrol and set alight by assailants after he parked his car near his Essendon home about 2.30am on January 9 this year.
But police later found he had suffered the burns while trying to torch his Ford sedan to claim $11,000 in insurance.
The incident happened days after the unsolved fatal stabbing of 21-year-old Indian national Nitin Garg in a west Melbourne park, which intensified concerns about attacks on Indian students in Melbourne.
Magistrate Felicity Broughton described Singh's actions as premeditated and serious but allowed him to walk free after sentencing him to a wholly suspended eight-month jail term.
Ms Broughton said he had cynically fed into concerns at the time about attacks on Indian nationals in Melbourne.
"It's a very serious and cynical decision you've made in the circumstances," she said.
Senior Constable Luke Devlin told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that Singh wanted to sell his car to fund a trip to India but didn't think he'd get a good price.

He told a friend he thought the car was worth only $8000 but it was insured for $11,000 and said he would "get rid" of it by torching it with petrol.

The day before the incident he bought a 15-litre plastic container and filled it with petrol.

He doused the car with petrol but when he ignited it with a gas stove lighter, it caused an explosion.

Singh suffered burns to 30 per cent of his body including his arms, feet, neck, face and head and spent a month in hospital.

He gave his friend a fictitious version of what happened, which his friend described to police in a phone call.

Later that month he lodged an insurance claim for damage to his car.
Defence counsel Paul McClure said Singh was in a desperate and dire financial situation following a failed business venture.
Singh, who was in Australia on a spousal visa to accompany his wife while she studied, was also sending money to his parents in India who were caring for their five-year-old son.
Mr McClure said Singh was sorry and ashamed about his actions and still bore the scars.
Singh pleaded guilty to criminal damage by arson, making a false report to police and attempting to obtain property by deception.
Ms Broughton said he had not only approached the task with "stupidity" and "superficiality", but could have put others at risk.
"It's a premeditated enterprise you've entered into ... to obtain the money," she said.
She noted his early guilty plea and said she was satisfied he would not reoffend.

EDIT: Sorry about the rubbish formatting of the second article
Edited by: Rebajlo
"After the brothers' sentencing, an investigating police detective described the offences as one of the most violent rapes he had ever investigated."

I'm sure the "men"Â￾ and "women"Â￾ who granted this model citizen his parole where white Aussies. What I wouldn't give for five minutes alone with all parties involved. Christ, white nations are repulsive.
Thrashen said:
"After the brothers' sentencing, an investigating police detective described the offences as one of the most violent rapes he had ever investigated."

I'm sure the "men"Â￾ and "women"Â￾ who granted this model citizen his parole where white Aussies. What I wouldn't give for five minutes alone with all parties involved. Christ, white nations are repulsive.

5 minutes alone indeed.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
This ought to move the ongoing persecution of Ben Roethlisberger for enjoying life too much off the front page of the sports section for a few minutes at least.
With his prior convictions, I hope Lawrence Taylor is found guilty and spends years behind bars. I doubt it will happen though with a super-lawyer on his side and too many sympathetic blacks and DWFs for the jury pool, but it's good to remain positive the pen will be his home in this case.
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