Crime Thread

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Shaun Rodgers is cementing his reputation as one of the stupidest players in a league of morons by being arrested with a gun at an airport. In this day and age when you can't even board with toothpaste how could someone possibly miss that they have a gun with them. And be assured Rodgers didn't have a license for it, nope, gun licenses are for white people. He just be coming back from da hood and needed him some heat in case he hadda cap a black. This is the type of clown that teams pay millions for and DWF's wear jerseys with their name on. Wow.
Second Arrest Made in 7-Eleven Murder

North Las Vegas sounds like an awful negro/mudville.

Neveah Jackson's death late Saturday was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner, making her the third tot beaten to death in the city in the past nine days.

On Saturday, Allen Shannon, 27, was arrested on second-degree murder charges in the beating death of his girlfriend's 19-month-old daughter, Anniyah Levant.

Ramel Green, 23, was charged March 21 with manslaughter in the beating death of 22-month-old Sanaa Brewington of the Bronx.

Seems like "big bad" bucks have something against baby girls. Pathetic.

Even more pathetic is... where's Nancy Grace, Greta Van Susteren and Jane Velez-Mitchell?? How much more "blatant" can MSM-practices be?!


Trenton, New Jersey or Afreaka??

Look at the sexist reporting, referring to the stepsister as a "troubled teen." But if a MAN had pimped out the little girl, the reporter surely would not have sympathetically referred to him as "troubled." The teen is a PIMP and a savage CRIMINAL. Period.

Very TRUE.
Did suspect live with dead children for weeks?

I heard about this story a couple days ago, but I didn't do further research. I figured that every murder/suicide (4 deceased in this case) couldn't be committed by a negro.... well...

I'm pretty much posting this because I doubt that Greta and Nancy (Grace) covered this..

Another diverse (White/Negro) "crime team" in Texas. There seems to be a trend. What's going on? Drugs? This certainly needs to be addressed.

The arrest warrant affidavit for Rockwell says the men stole $3200 from the Valero store. They all worked at an auto parts store next door to the store. Rockwell (negro) was the store's general manager, police say.

Investigators think the men might have thrown the murder weapon, clothing and a gasoline can into the Trinity River.

I can't wait for the Law & Order episode -- making ALL 4 perps White... My question is -- Was the the auto parts store failing?

With a negro at the helm, it probably was. There's enough rope for all of them.
It's possible that the 2 perps caught on the surveillance camera doing the killing were the negroes, but if the Whites were involved in the plot and not simply falsely accused by the negroes (which I doubt in this case), they should be punished for their crime and stupidity. I've just read far too many of these (White/Negro) cases from Texas, so I'm resigned to the idea that what's being presented is indeed true. Shame on me?

Only a true idiot would "team-up" with typical bipolar negroes. If Whites are to commit a crime, it should ONLY be with OTHER Whites. I just wanted to clarify my position. I'm for a trial, and then the requisite punishment if necessary.
Trenton is another example of the world's greatest people and athletes. It's crime ridden thanks to diversity and it's 50 % black and 25 % hispanic population.
whiteathlete33 said: TNB right here in NJ.  By the name you can tell he's a bruvah for 100 percent.  I'm pretty sure the victim was white.  

Why didn't they stomp that *****'s @$$ right then & there??!
I would have dunked his nappy noggin' into the deep fryer! Far too many White "men" have allowed themselves to become neutered by cultural marxism & mass anti-male propaganda (via the Hollyweird & Madison Avenue tribesmen).
Dixie, watching the video you can see TNB at it's finest. The white victim was obviously a coward as many white males are today. It's sad but so true.
whiteathlete33 said:
Dixie, that's pretty disgusting but I think this one is even worse.

WA33, you're right partner...that is worse. Those untermenschen deserve to be drawn & quartered with a rusty hacksaw.

My daughter will be 7 soon, and if anyone even attempted to touch her (in such a manner)...I'd make "Saw" & "Hostel" look like "Bambi"!
I'm a law-abiding citizen and a fairly easy going fella most the time, but when it comes to defending my family...the vicious Aryan warrior quickly (will) arise!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Dixie, that's pretty disgusting but I think this one is even worse.

WA33, you're right partner...that is worse. Those untermenschen deserve to be drawn & quartered with a rusty hacksaw.

My daughter will be 7 soon, and if anyone even attempted to touch her (in such a manner)...I'd make "Saw" & "Hostel" look like "Bambi"!
I'm a law-abiding citizen and a fairly easy going fella most the time, but when it comes to defending my family...the vicious Aryan warrior quickly (will) arise!

It's the biggest story in Jersey right now Dixie. It seems these bruvas went to a party and "pimped out" a 7 year old girl. It happened in Trenton of all places.
whiteathlete33 said:
DixieDestroyer said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Dixie, that's pretty disgusting but I think this one is even worse.

WA33, you're right partner...that is worse. Those untermenschen deserve to be drawn & quartered with a rusty hacksaw.

My daughter will be 7 soon, and if anyone even attempted to touch her (in such a manner)...I'd make "Saw" & "Hostel" look like "Bambi"!
I'm a law-abiding citizen and a fairly easy going fella most the time, but when it comes to defending my family...the vicious Aryan warrior quickly (will) arise!
It's the biggest story in Jersey right now Dixie.  It seems these bruvas went to a party and "pimped out" a 7 year old girl.  It happened in Trenton of all places.

50+ years ago, they'd have found a sturdy hickory or oak tree, gotten a good hemp rope...and take care of business!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
While not at the level of the previous posts. This low life knocked a grandfather silly literally...

Punk nabbed in beating that left 81-year-old Queens grandfather brain-damaged

BY Michael J. Feeney and Jonathan Lemire

Originally Published:Wednesday, April 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
Updated: Wednesday, April 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
Mayer Behmoiras, 81, was assaulted by a heartless goon at his Queens apartment and sometimes thinks he's back in 1947.
Pace for News
Mayer Behmoiras, 81, was assaulted by a heartless goon at his Queens apartment and sometimes thinks he's back in 1947.
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* Articles
* Family of grandpa left brain-damaged after beating demand justice

Cops collared a pitiless punk Tuesday who pounded an 81-year-old Queens grandfather so badly he suffered serious brain damage - and now thinks it's 1947.

"I don't remember anything," Mayer Behmoiras told the Daily News Tuesday night as he sat in a wheelchair, rubbing his fractured skull.

Behmoiras, still hospitalized a week after the savage attack, spoke shortly before cops nabbed the merciless thug who brutalized him and stole his keys in the hallway of the Astoria apartment building where he has lived for 60 years.

He then fled in the elderly man's 2001 Hyundai Elantra.

After the NYPD publicized the case Tuesday, an anonymous tipster called the Crime Stoppers hotline and dropped a dime on Jesus (Chu Chu) Fernandez, 23.

Once the tipster told cops Fernandez was their man, officers from the 114th Precinct knew exactly where to find the known troublemaker, police sources said.

Fernandez was quickly arrested at the Astoria Houses, where he lives, and where Behmoiras' Hyundai was recovered, police sources said.

The NYPD's collar pleased Behmoiras' family, but whatever relief they felt in Fernandez facing justice was tempered by a tragic reality.

Behmoiras' family didn't immediately tell him about the arrest last night because, with his mind drifting in and out of lucidity, they feared he might not understand.

"Sometimes he thinks Lyndon Johnson is President; other times he thinks it is 1947," said Behmoiras' son Albert, 38, who noted he will tell his father this morning.

"If he can understand - and I'm hoping that he will - he will be very happy," the anguished son said, his mind at a loss to comprehend why the car thief acted with such devastating violence.

"One of the hardest parts for us is understanding why someone would do this to an 81-year-old man? Why?" the younger Behmoiras said.

"He would have given you the keys. He would have given you the money in his pocket."

Police believe Fernandez followed Behmoiras out of a parking garage as he returned home from his biweekly bingo game last week.

As the octogenarian - who stands just 5-feet-2 - put his key in his apartment door, Fernandez grabbed him from behind and viciously threw him to the ground, police said.

Behmoiras' wife, Fran, 72, said she heard her husband fiddling with the door - and then heard the horrifying thud. She immediately thought the worst.

"I thought he was dead," Fran Behmoiras said. "All the neighbors came out."

Fernandez, who confessed, was slapped with charges of robbery, assault and other counts. He was expected to be arraigned today.

Albert Behmoiras said it was heartbreaking to think his father might have permanent brain damage.

"He worked at Macy's for 48 years," he said. "And when I see him now, he insists that I give him a receipt for merchandise I'm returning."

Mayer Behmoiras had quadruple bypass surgery four years ago, but was in robust health, doting on his ailing wife, who has severe rheumatoid arthritis.

"He used to do everything for her. Now he can't," Albert Behmoiras said.

"My father will never be able to do those things for her - and maybe even himself - again."

With John Lauinger

Read more:
Maybe this thread should return to the original intent, tracking the criminal activities of black athletes. To list other crimes that blacks commit is going to overtax the total bandwidth of the internet. Not that it's unimportant to know but really who here, (or anywhere) doesn't know that blacks are cruel, mean, savages that commit crimes of a type and number formerly unheard of in white society?

I could just link to the Detroit Free Press and you would see each day the same type of articles that are posted here. It's not really news.
whiteathlete33 said:

Nice link.

The execution-style killings of the black couple was very cruel. In typical fashion, supposedly shooting the man in the back of the head with a shotgun and the woman with a pistol.

With cases like this, I think how easily it could have been a White couple. That's why cases like this are very relevant.
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