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Look at the comments. Not every white is drunk apparently.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:

In regards to this lawsuit can blacks really consider something like this a legit lawsuit? Being asked to put a flag up on a rainy day and throw away a bottle of wine? Blacks have to be hired to meet a certain black quarterback and when they obtain these jobs through affirmative action they make baseless discrmination claims such as this one. The lawyer who took this case should be in jail.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Deadlift said:
(black-on-black in Ohio); This is another huge buck. I'm glad he's off the streets, at least for now..

Huge? McDavis looks like a typical pencil-necked little twerp, probably why he needed a gun to battle his equally-immature "homies"Â￾.

The term "Big Black Guy"Â￾ is rarely ever appropriate for the negro it describes"¦but has become strictly enforced casteon jargon among the white wimp MassMan, MassMedia, etc. Most blacks are either scrawny and weak, or obese. I see black "men"Â￾ at the gym lifting less than some women. I suppose the gift of inherent athleticism means they don't have to "waste"Â￾ their time working out. The nearly 100% black obesity rate among NFL players if evidence of that astonishing afro work ethic. However, the players with inferior DNA (high-motor, lunch-pail, blue-collar types) need to work out to keep up with their slackass peers.
I was being facetious. I posted the link because the White lawyer is a giant next to the black suspect. That kind of "contrast" is rare in advertising, media, etc.

I like the 'trend' of White linemen towering over midget black RBs in college football. I wonder how the PTB will put a stop to that..

Ohio State janitor's gunfire kills co-worker, self
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Apparently, he couldn't cut-it as a janitor in AA America. Just amazing.
In keeping with my study of the negro leagues, I found this in the book I'm reading, entitled, "Only the ball was White."

Sporting Life, of Philadelphia, 1884.

Ike Carter, the best second baseman in the country and a member of the celebrated Blacks Stockings of St. Louis (a colored team), recently received a ball that was too much for him. It was made of lead. He turned burglar and was shot dead by a St. Louis man into whose house he broke.

It seems, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Tom Iron...
Suspects Arrested in Shooting Death of Orangeburg, SC Man

Pics of 4 uber-primitives.

Police: Teen Jailed After Fatally Stabbing Father
Family Members Say Argument Over Pants Led To Stabbing

The case is not a big deal, being intra-African, but there's some good comments like:

Uh, I am not talking my posts off. The moderator is.

I would like my ignorant comments to stay, but it seems as though it is too much for some people (facts tend to really, really upset black people - especially if they involved math or words. I think that, like their reaction to most of the modern world, they tend to lash out at things they can't understand).

EDIT: Actually, it might be a negro trying to pose as WHITE!

Edited by: Deadlift
<h1>University of Minnesota student assaulted Thursday night</h1>

The suspects were described as three East African males between the ages
of 25 and 30 years old. Police said the first suspect had crooked teeth
and was wearing a red sweatshirt and blue jeans. The second suspect was
reported to be unshaven
, wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt, a brown belt
and black boots. The third suspect was wearing a blue t-shirt, dark
blue jeans and gray and white tennis shoes.

Obviously, these thugs are from Somalia. I wonder if the residents of Minneapolis still believe that "diversity is our strength". Not too long ago, Minneapolis (and Minnesota, in general) was a great place to live. Peaceful and prosperous...very similar to their cousins in Scandinavia. However, both Minnesota and Scandinavia, ironically, decided to import a bunch of Somali's, and now both areas are rife with crime and welfare-moochers. Somalia has been in a war for well over a decade. These Somali's should be fighting for their own country, in their own country, instead of helping ruin ours.
I went to UofM in the early ninties for two years. I remember a policy they had that if you were simply accused of racism by a black student you were automatically kicked out. I stayed at a place that was off-campus, but really it was right on campus for students only. At all times there were posters of rapists to watch out for at our facility. The posters were pencil drawings of what appeared to be colorless black people. No racial description ever came with the posters nor was color ever drawn in but the rapist were clearly black - always. Of course the U of M has always been run by the usually cultural Marxist suspects.

Too add to that nearly every week we had to walk through some sick gay pride parade just to get to class. At the time I couldn't believe that they would allow such events to disrupt the students who just wanted to go to class. Apparently the demonstrations were supported by the University. It was an eye-opener for simply country boy like myself.
Kaptain Poop said:
I went to UofM in the early ninties for two years. I remember a policy they had that if you were simply accused of racism by a black student you were automatically kicked out. I stayed at a place that was off-campus, but really it was right on campus for students only. At all times there were posters of rapists to watch out for at our facility. The posters were pencil drawings of what appeared to be colorless black people. No racial description ever came with the posters nor was color ever drawn in but the rapist were clearly black - always. Of course the U of M has always been run by the usually cultural Marxist suspects.

Too add to that nearly every week we had to walk through some sick gay pride parade just to get to class. At the time I couldn't believe that they would allow such events to disrupt the students who just wanted to go to class. Apparently the demonstrations were supported by the University. It was an eye-opener for simply country boy like myself.

KP, as you're probably aware, most public colleges/universities are ran by cultural marxists. Only rare colleges (usually private) like Bob Jones U lean towards the "right". I received my undergrad & MBA degrees from a state university, & they (even in the early-mid 90s), were leftist leaning (not as overt as now, but definitely left of center).
let's see ... White kids get attacked by hordes of blacks and little noise is heard. BUT if White kids group together to defend themselves from black aggression ... public outrage!

a group of White students in a Wisconsin high school are part of a "racist" gang that is "threatening" the "harmony" of a local community, despite apparently not breaking any laws. at least none are mentioned in the story.regardless,authorities are acting to shut down the "hate" by banning the wearingof "racist symbols"... camouflage hats with a fishhook clipped on the brim.

the story includes the requisite "outraged" negro mother whose child is "frightened" by the "racist" White kids who have indulged in "terrifying" behavior. of course, the negro's whelp is currently suspended from school for attacking a White student, but "dat wuzn' rasis" and "he be a gud kid."

it's nice to see some White folks have enough guts to stick up for themselves for a change.
JC, I was considered a redneck/jock in H.S., but (fortunately) that wasn't a damn "crime" back then. These government indoctrination centers are so full of horse squeeze....any Whites that stand for their race are made out like (real) gangs (ie - Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings). This Republic is shattered!
Deadlift said:
Dey beez da' wrong color...

They just get creepier and creepier don't they?

Sho' nuff!!

NOPD arrests man accused of raping, impregnating girlfriend's daughter

Some strong comments are here as well! This dark suspect is listed at 5-4 and 160. It looks more like 180+ pounds! No self-control, period...

Black "men"Â￾ raping / impregnating 12 year old girls is basically a national pastime on the Dark Continent. This is child's play compared to the daily horrors of an all-black nation.

The most ironic thing is"¦.white feminists abhor white men, who treat their women the best of any race of men on planet earth"¦.but they would basically lay down their lives to protect the civil rights of non-white men, who have been butchering, oppressing, torturing, beating, raping, molesting, and throwing acid on the women of their culture since the dawn of time. A feminist paradox, I suppose.
Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen, approaching the feminist with logic is a futile effort. their position has no logical basis, so how can reasoning with them change their mind?

only experience (and maybe examples of reality ... maybe) can likely overcome their religious-like dogma.
A case of finders keepers?
Mad dash as truck spills 100,000 dollars onto US street

Module body

Thu Mar 25, 6:15 PM

CHICAGO (AFP) - People fell onto a bag of cash like a pack of hungry piranhas after more than 100,000 dollars tumbled out the back of an armored truck onto an Ohio street, local media reported.

The bag split open after it fell off the back of the vehicle Wednesday and the driver drove away without noticing.

But a whole bunch of people spotted the cash blowing down the street in Whitehall, a Columbus suburb, and a mad dash for cash ensued.

"People were jumping out of their vehicles," one witness told NBC4 news.

"Like when you throw some fish in and you've got a school of piranhas and they haven't eaten for a long time. It was funny."

Another witness described a surreal atmosphere with people laughing, smiling and taking as much as they could carry.

Workers at a nearby flower shop helped police gather up the money in boxes. Several people ended up bringing some of the cash into the police station.

But only about 10,500 dollars had been recovered by the end of the day, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

"We're hoping that more people do the right thing," Whitehall Police Sergeant Randy Snider told the paper.

Police are examining surveillance camera video and photographs from cell phone cameras to try to track down the people who grabbed the money.

* Email Story
anytakers that don't think the"funny" people grabbing money and running off were black, whilst the "workers" who helped gather up the money in boxes were White?

i'm guessing no ...
Jimmy Chitwood said:
any takers that don't think the "funny" people grabbing money and running off were black, whilst the "workers" who helped gather up the money in boxes were White?
<div> </div>
<div>i'm guessing no ...</div>

My thoughts exactly!
Blacks face a threat from other blacks... not any "White Devil"... which is why quite A LOT of brutal black-on-black is "hushed" by the big media. Those crimes certainly "contradict" the White-guilt agenda (the picture) that the PTB aims to paint!

I only read a few comments, but I like the theme of this one:

The chickens have come home to rooooost. All of that anger and hatred in the community is coming back to bite the community in its arse. The children were being told that they wouldn't amount to anything due to racism and they should depend on the government. You liberals and race hustlers took away their hope and determination and this is what is left of your great welfare society.

People are waking!!

Second Man (both are Negroes) in Custody in Carjacking Killing (of 3-year-old mixed girl)

Are these LOVE CRIMES? Many Whites will read these stories and think, "That's pretty awful" - while many blacks will read it and say, "That's just a normal part of jungle-life, etc."

Until blacks come out and repent for all the race-hustling, until blacks come out and repent for all the slander (and gross distortions) tossed our way, I will find it very difficult to muster an ounce of sympathy. Sure, if those two ugly negroes murdered the girl, they should be HANGED forthwright. I'm for justice; that's something that doesn't change.

BUT, how many negroes are going to say that those 2 negroes BEEZ INNOCENT??....... they BEEZ GOOD BOYS........That's the DYNAMIC we are dealing WIFF.
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