Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Hey WW,

Haven't seen you 'round these parts lately. Hope you are well sir.
Not that I believe the official story concerning 9-11 but werewolf called it a hoax, which to me has a different meaning.

I know people who were killed in it so I assume you mean hoax in terms of the lies the government spun about who was responsible. Not hoax like it never happened at all.
Not that I believe the official story concerning 9-11 but werewolf called it a hoax, which to me has a different meaning.

I know people who were killed in it so I assume you mean hoax in terms of the lies the government spun about who was responsible. Not hoax like it never happened at all.

Not that I believe the official story concerning 9-11 but werewolf called it a hoax, which to me has a different meaning.

I know people who were killed in it so I assume you mean hoax in terms of the lies the government spun about who was responsible. Not hoax like it never happened at all.

Of course. Who in the world has ever said "it never happened at all"?

Thank u, Beyond and Hock.
Hey dude no offense just double checking

No problem, bro. By the way, I was still working in NYC the first time they tried to demolish the money losing red herring galvanically corroded badly designed WTC towers in 1993 so i was on the radio while it was going on and I heard them live discovering a few more unexploded bombs hidden in the stairwells. That never even made the news. Almost everyone involved in that one was on the FBI payroll anyway. A couple of years later they took down the OK City Fed'l Bldg. USA's top expert on explosives, General Parton, US Army Ret.: "There is no way in the world a so-called fertilizer bomb took down that bomb-proof building." I heard him say that in person. FBI and BATF had offices in that building but none of them showed up 4 work that day except one guy who nobody liked. Don't get me started or I'll go off on tangents. This thread is about the Coronavirus # 19 hoax.
Fair points all. I suspect we would agree on this stuff very closely but won’t take it further off topic. Covid still amazes me because if you could go back and tell your 2019 self that all that has happened since, I know I wouldn’t have believed it possible. Yet here we are.

the fear was deep and real. Particularly in Canada. I have some friends there who bought this thing hook line and sinker in a way I never thought they would until they all ended up getting the “dreaded” flu bug and then they grudgingly began admitting it wasn’t that big of a deal. I’m fact at this point I don’t think I know a single adult or child who hasn’t tested positive for this thing at one point.

if there is a silver lining in all of this it’s that we can only hope we don’t get fooled again. Most people I think will be duped but less will than the first time if they try this garbage again too soon.

Don’t know if you have ever read the Michael Rivero blog “what really happened”.

I suspect you would find a lot of the information in it very Interesting. I posted his piece on all wars being bankers wars but apparently no one had much to say about it.

In any case enjoy the balance of your weekend!
Fair points all. I suspect we would agree on this stuff very closely but won’t take it further off topic. Covid still amazes me because if you could go back and tell your 2019 self that all that has happened since, I know I wouldn’t have believed it possible. Yet here we are.

the fear was deep and real. Particularly in Canada. I have some friends there who bought this thing hook line and sinker in a way I never thought they would until they all ended up getting the “dreaded” flu bug and then they grudgingly began admitting it wasn’t that big of a deal. I’m fact at this point I don’t think I know a single adult or child who hasn’t tested positive for this thing at one point.

In California, the fear was deep and real too. Same as in New York and other libtarded locations. It really is amazing how society went from normal to complete panic mode to "man, we looked so stupid when we were panicking, but we don't have the balls to admit it, so we're just going to pretend we dindu nuffins." That's the real tragedy - even though most people do realize now that they wildly overreacted to this Covid-1984 thing, their goddamn egos just won't let them bring themselves to admit that (gasp) they were wrong about something. The lockdowns, curfews, masks, riot police everywhere, hour-long lines at the grocery store as if it was a Soviet bread line - everyone knows how stupid they all were now, but there's extreme reluctance on the part of normies to say it out loud because that would mean "oh noes, the conspiracy theorists were right all along."

if there is a silver lining in all of this it’s that we can only hope we don’t get fooled again. Most people I think will be duped but less will than the first time if they try this garbage again too soon.

(((They))) have already been trying to freak people out with monkeypox, but people aren't buying it. I think (((their))) next move will be to wait until 2024 and try something with smallpox to get the Presidential election canceled and have the Biden/Harris puppets locked in for life so (((they))) can be the real rulers permanently. Whether enough people will go along with it for it to succeed remains to be seen.

In the Wimbledon thread there was some talk about how no one really cares about the vaxx pass for restaurants anymore even in 'tarded NYC. In 'tarded LA there's a mask mandate at the airport, but it's unenforceable because too many people simply aren't wearing them anymore and they can't all be arrested. I was there a few days ago and there were "masks required" signs everywhere and announcements every few minutes about "you vill wear ze mask," but hardly anyone was wearing them and no one cared. The TSA, security guards - none of them said or did anything.
How can they still have a mask mandate? I thought that was shot down everywhere now? Even in nyc and New Jersey they don’t ask for masks anymore.

personally I think the next show to drop will be New York commercial real estate.
Vacancy levels from Corona stupidity are still quite high. If firms don’t renew as much office space (and I know that many that aren’t locked in are already going to), then they need to get butts back in seats quick.

15 percent vacancies I believe are more than sufficient to trigger default on some of the loans backing the commercial real estate. I have to think vacancy rates in New York now are a minimum of 30 percent.

be interesting watching them come hat in hand (ahem) looking to be bailed out.
How can they still have a mask mandate? I thought that was shot down everywhere now? Even in nyc and New Jersey they don’t ask for masks anymore.

The federal mask mandate was declared unconstitutional by a judge (a White lady appointed by The Donald), but L.A. County imposed its own mask mandate for "public transportation," which includes airports.

At any rate, they can't even enforce it, so they're just making themselves look pathetic with all the signs and announcements combined with mostly unmasked people everywhere. A few bitter-enders will ride this mask (and vaxx/booster) thing until they die, but the rest of the world has moved on.
How can they still have a mask mandate? I thought that was shot down everywhere now? Even in nyc and New Jersey they don’t ask for masks anymore.

personally I think the next show to drop will be New York commercial real estate.
Vacancy levels from Corona stupidity are still quite high. If firms don’t renew as much office space (and I know that many that aren’t locked in are already going to), then they need to get butts back in seats quick.

15 percent vacancies I believe are more than sufficient to trigger default on some of the loans backing the commercial real estate. I have to think vacancy rates in New York now are a minimum of 30 percent.

be interesting watching them come hat in hand (ahem) looking to be bailed out.
Sadly in NY they still ask for the masks but few listen and there are zero attempts at enforcement.

When I have to go into NYC for work, I take the Long Island Railroad. For those of you not familiar, it’s a commuter train. Everyday, and multiple times per hour, the hapless conductor has to mention “that masks are required for all passengers regardless of vaccination status”. Lol. Probably 75-80% of the train is unmasked and I’ve yet to witness anyone harassed to wear their mask. On the NYC subways they make similar requests. Since NYC is occupied by libtards and shitlibs, only 25-30% of the people are unmasked. I’ve also yet to see any “true believer” harass a maskless rider. I think they realize their short lived power trip is over and are scared of the reaction they might get if they try pull their “Karen” crap again.
I agree having the ridden the subway recently I observed the same.

The thing is, at this point everyone has had the dreaded virus and amazingly life has continued. So it’s a lot tougher to maintain the fear now then before. It really all started around December 21. People started getting it en made and it started to become obvious that -gasp- you can survive the Corona-doom.

The financial damage is far from done though. The bond market is a wreck while stocks seemingly are shaking things off.

here’s hoping the Democrats try to encourage normalcy in an effort to save their miserable jobs this fall.
Covid is a big enough “hoax” on its own.”Long Covid” is the newest spin on the hoax wheel - look for it to emerge as the leading explanation for deadly vaxx side effects. But while Covid is real (just like how the flu is real), “long Covid” is imaginary.

Do you identify as a made-up sexuality? Bisexuals are massively more likely to self-report “long Covid” symptoms. Oh, how they suffer!


Do you identify as disabled? Things must be hard for you. “Long Covid” is certainly no exception.


Psychosomatic conditions will continue to rise until we all grow hungry.
The WHO just declared a new worldwide health emergency. Please humanity wake up before it's too late. Monkeypox is not a danger to the non skittles. The Flamers are most in danger.
Yesterday, New Zealand ended "most" of its Lockdown measures, which were/are the most restrictive and draconian in the world:

India: 32-Year-Old Runner Dies Suddenly of a Heart Attack Near Finish Line (VIDEO)​

Nothing to see here. Athletes always die suddenly in the prime of life of heart attacks...
I hope we are all healthy with high functioning immune systems. That said on my replay of the Packers-Patriots game the announcers Romo and Nance sounded vaccinated, they were way off their game. Never mind the officiating which was plain not up to snuff. Sorry if you took the "vaccines" whose tech has not worked before, well anyway good luck to you.
Some Euro politician asked some idiot from Pfizer if the jab prevented transmission the idiot said no testing was ever done to check that. It would have been nice if that question had been asked in 2020 but here we are.

I just wish people would drop conservatism which basically changing the tires on a car after it is totaled in a fiery crash, is it so hard to ask questions?
Some Euro politician asked some idiot from Pfizer if the jab prevented transmission the idiot said no testing was ever done to check that. It would have been nice if that question had been asked in 2020 but here we are.

I just wish people would drop conservatism which basically changing the tires on a car after it is totaled in a fiery crash, is it so hard to ask questions?
I love that analogy and plan to use it!
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