Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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There are two kinds of people still wearing masks - the hardcore "true believer" mask Karen types, and the sheep-like DWF follower types. The latter are now only still masked in deep blue areas, as they simply follow the crowd and the crowd in most other places has stopped wearing masks. In California, even though the mask mandate has ended even here in far-left Woketurdia, about 75% of the people were still wearing masks at the grocery store. They're motivated by fear - not so much fear of the coof, but fear of being unpopular and seen as "unwoke." In contrast, in South Carolina, where I recently traveled for business, the only masks I saw were at the airport where it's still required under Biden's woketurd federal law.

The Karens will cling to their masks to the bitter end, long after the rest of the world has moved on, fighting their "war on coof" (their version of a Good War) like a crazed old knight hacking at windmills.
i look at mask wearing karens and DWFs as not human to me so its very easy to dismiss them as not being fit to be in society, especially women who still wear them as they disqualify themselves to me as a prospective lover, its a wonderful thing to narrow the dating pool and weed out the trash
Repeat after me sleeping brainwashed zombies of the world....... Can you say Plandemic or Scamdemic? Covid 19 The Great Reset. If only people would still read
we might have avoided having countless people getting sick and dieing from taking the poisons death shots. This is only the start of The Great Reset. They must
be stopped at all cost. I call it The Great Reject. Wake up people while we still have time to attempt to save our few freedoms we have left on earth.

Great posts WL. The truth is out there for people.

People who want truth, get truth. People who don't, won't.
British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, and other British airlines have ended their mask mandates, as has London Heathrow Airport. Who would have guessed that a nation as woke as Britain would be doing better than us? Of course, we're stuck with that stinking turd called Biden.

The Senate voted 57-40 to end the mask mandate on airplanes, although it won't change anything because (word that rhymes with bunt) Pelosi won't allow a vote in the House and Turd Biden would veto the bill anyway. Eight Democrats joined 49 Republicans in voting to end the mask mandate. One Republican senator voted to keep the mask mandate. One guess to who it was - that's all you'll need.

Yep, Mitt "Cuck" Romney.
British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, and other British airlines have ended their mask mandates, as has London Heathrow Airport. Who would have guessed that a nation as woke as Britain would be doing better than us? Of course, we're stuck with that stinking turd called Biden.

The Senate voted 57-40 to end the mask mandate on airplanes, although it won't change anything because (word that rhymes with bunt) Pelosi won't allow a vote in the House and Turd Biden would veto the bill anyway. Eight Democrats joined 49 Republicans in voting to end the mask mandate. One Republican senator voted to keep the mask mandate. One guess to who it was - that's all you'll need.

Yep, Mitt "Cuck" Romney.
You can count on Mittens to have the wrong opinion on literally every position. He might be the worst politician of the modern era.
The inmates are running the asylum. Yes these so called traitor leaders are out of control. Bring on the election in the fall. Hope they lose everything in a red wave. The
only problem is we have so many traitors in both parties and at every level of society. Still have to vote red but we need a way out of this crap. They openly mock us and
they have no respect for the people what so ever!
Nelly Korda, the second ranked women's golfer in the world and reigning Olympic gold medal winner, is being treated for a blood clot. Sounds highly unusual for a 23 year old. The article doesn't mention whether she's vaccinated, which is further indication you can feel safe wagering any amount that she indeed is "fully vaccinated," and likely in addition has had at least one "booster" shot.

Nelly Korda diagnosed with blood clot, receiving treatment at home in Florida
They are bringing back the masking and lockdowns worldwide. The People must not let this happen again. In Wash. DC. they are going door to door as of today and injecting
people. It's insane. I just watched another video of this madness.

Who is behing this worldwide genocide. Let's have a look.
The Truth isn't easy to swallow but the TRUTH shall set you free. Even the tests are laced with poisons as well as the store bought masks. Can you say GENOCIDE?
Covid test swabs are soaked in a cancer causing sterilization agent called Ethylene Oxide (see pic in comments); this itself is concerning! But what's more concerning and seriously disturbing is what appears to be Morgellons worm/parasitic like nanotech clearly seen on examination under a microscope which move in reaction to heat or static. Truly the stuff of nightmares! If this doesn't stop you from inserting the Nasopharyngeal test swab deep into the nasal cavity of yourself or your children, then nothing will!
I’ve been playing blackjack at the local casinos for 25 years. When Covid started, they put up a plexiglass barriers on the tables, required masks, closed cocktail service at 11 pm. I stayed away until I thought everything was back to normal. So, last week I sat down at the table and bought my chips. Before the dealer began the hand, she pulled out a big bottle of hand sanitizer and “offered” for me to hold out my hands like a kindergartner so she could pump on a glob of Purell. I politely declined, because I’m certainly old enough to ensure the cleanliness of my own hands. She refused to deal the cards, and I was informed by the pit boss “no squirt, no play.” So, I gathered up my chips, cashed out, and went to a different casino.
I’ve been playing blackjack at the local casinos for 25 years. When Covid started, they put up a plexiglass barriers on the tables, required masks, closed cocktail service at 11 pm. I stayed away until I thought everything was back to normal. So, last week I sat down at the table and bought my chips. Before the dealer began the hand, she pulled out a big bottle of hand sanitizer and “offered” for me to hold out my hands like a kindergartner so she could pump on a glob of Purell. I politely declined, because I’m certainly old enough to ensure the cleanliness of my own hands. She refused to deal the cards, and I was informed by the pit boss “no squirt, no play.” So, I gathered up my chips, cashed out, and went to a different casino.
Good on you for leaving that place. Control freaks are addicts. To hell with 'em. I like your analogy of being treated like a kindergartner. Most people have gone along like little children, not responsible and sensible adults. It's been the biggest pisser to me in this whole thing for two years and counting now. That people have not resisted nor thought for themselves with any sense of reason.
Did I call it or what? In the winter, I posted a prediction on this thread that in the spring, Fauci & Co. would announce a new variant of Covid-1984 that would be scarier, more dangerous, and more worthy of panic than Omicron. Well, here we are. They're calling this one "BA2" (guess their focus group testing showed that Greek letters weren't having the desired impact, although this name just makes me think of a British Airways flight number).

The good news is that aside from a few fanatical bitter-enders, most people don't seem to be buying it and just want to get back to normal, period. Every day, more and more people are coming to the realization that they've been had.
Follow the money and you know why they can't let go of their plandemic/scamdemic? It's like an intelligence test to see who will continue to believe their complete lies.
So sad that so many innocent people who just are too trusting have to get injuries or die because of these genocidal gloablists scum of the earth!
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