Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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While worldwide statistics clearly show that the Covid "vaccine" is useless or nearly so in preventing the disease it's supposed to prevent, I think the Israelis have been giving their entire population, or at the very least their active-duty soldiers, placebos. The Chosenites aren't going to risk their own people getting the nasty side effects of this dangerous gene therapy disguised as a vaccine.
Americans are no longer freaking out about da coof, causing Fauci & Co. to freak out ("wahhh! Nobuddie carez!")

Fauci is like a one-hit-wonder diva singer who can't accept that his 15 minutes of fame are over, people have gotten tired of him, and no one wants to buy his new single "The BA3 Variant." And like a typical diva, instead of bowing gracefully off the stage, he's resorting to clownish, pathetic, looks-at-me antics in a desperate attempt to stay in the spotlight.
There does not seem to be a relationship between virus spread and race, as the virus has proliferated in Asia, Europe, North America and is now even spreading into South America and Africa. Across races and nations, cases and deaths do seem largely consistent. What is not consistent, however, is Covid 19 spread and deaths relative to gender. Major media outlets such as the New York Times and CNN and Express have reported that the virus is harder on men than women ( and (

This article, referencing a Chinese study of its first 70,000 cases noted that men were far more likely to die of the virus than women (

Specifically, (2.8% death rate for males to 1.7% death rate for females). Anecdotally, it seems the disparity could be even greater than that.

For example if you look in Italy right now, the death rate is about 10% of all cases, but if you narrow that down to men or more specifically elderly men you could be talking 20 to 30 or even 40% based on age.

It is clear that a relationship exists between the virus death rate and gender but it is not clear why. Possible explanations could include a biological difference between men and women and women have an increased immune function, or that there are lifestyle differences between the two (men delaying treatment or not being as careful as women).

Another possible explanation is in fact a discrimination in the treatment of patients. Don't expect the mainstream media to ever bring this up because it is not politically correct and women are supposed to be perennial victims. The reality however is that in times of natural disasters (wars, famines, plagues) women's lives are often prioritized more so than men's. We've all heard stories of the Titanic where women and children were saved but men were not. It is almost exclusively men who have died in wars. With this crisis as well, it seems to be men who will bear the majority of the burden. We are supposed to be living in a gender equal time when this sort of thing shouldn't happen but the media and society at large will never acknowledge a discrimination towards men. The reality is as a sick man in a hospital, your treatment may be delayed for a woman who takes priority and the numbers would suggest that is possibly what is happening.

Stay safe gentlemen, and when you look at the death rate just understand as a man, your risk is at least double that,

Remember this CovidCrisis guy showed up in March 2020 and posted nothing but Covid propaganda. Never posted in any other thread, to my knowledge. I guess we were blessed with a paid troll who did his job and then moved on.
Remember this CovidCrisis guy showed up in March 2020 and posted nothing but Covid propaganda. Never posted in any other thread, to my knowledge. I guess we were blessed with a paid troll who did his job and then moved on.

I remember that after all his Covid fearmongering, he came back a few months later and started an "anti-mask" thread to try to make it look like he was "with us" all along (Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia). It didn't work and he got called out on it big time. One poster even suggested that "CovidCrisis" should have at least had the decency to change his name to "CHAZFORPEACE" or something. :meparto:
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City of Philadelphia reintroduces indoor mask mandate for all, jabbed or not.

"But just get the jab and you won't have to wear masks anymore!" LOL
City of Philadelphia reintroduces indoor mask mandate for all, jabbed or not.

"But just get the jab and you won't have to wear masks anymore!" LOL

Meanwhile it's a warzone. Better chance of getting robbed/murdered than catching Covaids.
City of Philadelphia reintroduces indoor mask mandate for all, jabbed or not.

"But just get the jab and you won't have to wear masks anymore!" LOL
Getting away with it in these big metropolitan areas because they know they can. It's more full on psy-op again. Not sure if they'll enforce it on the bruthas in South Philly. They don't enforce anything against shoplifting up to 900 dollars...and that's per day. Why should they enforce the faggotty mask mandates on these street hoods if cops don't even want to patrol certain areas? Clown world on steroids.
On Monday, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, who was appointed by President Trump, overturned Sleepy Joe's federal mask mandate, declaring it unconstitutional and a gross overstepping of the CDC's authority. As a result, passengers on commercial airliners in the U.S. are no longer required to wear masks...for now. The Biden administration will appeal the decision.

I travel frequently for business and I hope I can get at least one maskfrei trip in during this "thaw," which I fear will be temporary as I have little faith in the appeals courts.
Globohomo still isn't backing down from the Endless Covid-1984 Agenda. People all around the world have coof fatigue, mask fatigue, lockdown fatigue, panic fatigue, etc., but our Palpatine-like overlords are still pushing it. You'd think they'd at least back off for the election year (and then have a "new and super deadly" variant suddenly emerge in November right after the election, which they'll probably try to push anyway).

Get your 17th booster shot and obey Darth Fauci, goyim.
If they win this vote on May 22nd in less than 2 weeks the United Nations will have control to rule the United States in the next plandemic/scamdemic. They will have the
power to bring in troops and take over the country thought martial law. They also will have the power over 192 countries around the earth. Our countries governments are
freely and willingly giving away our freedoms to let the global one world governments take over. This is not a joke. It's happening. This vote must be overturned. If not get
ready guys because the movie "Gray State" where the director, his wife and kids where killed laid out the plan of the N.W.O.
I had the Virus twice now. A mild cough and like a common cold. Screw that vaccine
Amen to the max bro. Good on ya. Stay strong and resist the agenda.
I had the Virus twice now. A mild cough and like a common cold. Screw that vaccine

Screw the vaccine is right, but it's not actually possible to get Covid more than once. The percentage of false positive tests is very high and I'm guessing that's what happened at least once. Getting Covid and recovering from it provides immunity for life, just like with other infectious diseases such as smallpox and chicken pox.
Covid was the greatest worldwide fraud in history. With no evidence, fake videos, false models, and lying “experts”, they locked down, shut down, masked, and terrified billions of people worldwide. They promulgated a bogus test which gave 100% false positives for an alleged “virus” that was never isolated or proven to exist on any level. They made up the lie of “asymptomatic spreaders” to make everyone a suspect. They killed millions of old people with the flu and common cold by prohibiting physicians from providing any standard cold and flu treatments. The patients were forced to go to the hospital, where the mandatory protocol was to heavily dose the patient with Remdesivir, an experimental antiviral medication which shuts down the kidneys. Once the kidneys shut down, the lungs fill with fluid then put the patient on a ventilator until they died. To top it off, they released the experimental “vaccines” and boosters which admittedly did not prevent contraction or transmission of any virus. Only the unprovable claim that it reduced symptoms. Then they bribed, coerced, shamed, and forced the worthless “vaccine” on as many people worldwide as possible. Now, it appears that the vaccine has a myriad of serious short term and long term negative side effects. During the entire time, economies were devastated and currencies were debased, with the intent of ushering in a “great reset” and “build back better” worldwide tyranny on an epic scale. Before Covid, I was already aware of the global cabal attempting to enslave the world, and the gullibility of the masses. However, the unparalleled success of this Covid operation, which reached every nook and cranny of the world, has devastated my minuscule faith in humanity. The pure insanity, stupidity, and hypocrisy over a two year span has disgusted me beyond description. The omnipresent plexiglass, ridiculously evil face masks, the goddamn hand sanitizer, the social distancing stickers on the floor…I’m sorry, it’s an insane nightmare and has left me with no hope. For all who instituted the tyranny, enforced the rules, eagerly complied with the edicts, or just went along to get along: F u c k you and enjoy your slavery. This ******** ****** with me in every aspect of my life, and I knew from the first day that it was a scam. Anyway, this was just the beginning, Like Bill Gates said: just wait for the next one, lol.
Covid was the greatest worldwide fraud in history. With no evidence, fake videos, false models, and lying “experts”, they locked down, shut down, masked, and terrified billions of people worldwide. They promulgated a bogus test which gave 100% false positives for an alleged “virus” that was never isolated or proven to exist on any level. They made up the lie of “asymptomatic spreaders” to make everyone a suspect. They killed millions of old people with the flu and common cold by prohibiting physicians from providing any standard cold and flu treatments. The patients were forced to go to the hospital, where the mandatory protocol was to heavily dose the patient with Remdesivir, an experimental antiviral medication which shuts down the kidneys. Once the kidneys shut down, the lungs fill with fluid then put the patient on a ventilator until they died. To top it off, they released the experimental “vaccines” and boosters which admittedly did not prevent contraction or transmission of any virus. Only the unprovable claim that it reduced symptoms. Then they bribed, coerced, shamed, and forced the worthless “vaccine” on as many people worldwide as possible. Now, it appears that the vaccine has a myriad of serious short term and long term negative side effects. During the entire time, economies were devastated and currencies were debased, with the intent of ushering in a “great reset” and “build back better” worldwide tyranny on an epic scale. Before Covid, I was already aware of the global cabal attempting to enslave the world, and the gullibility of the masses. However, the unparalleled success of this Covid operation, which reached every nook and cranny of the world, has devastated my minuscule faith in humanity. The pure insanity, stupidity, and hypocrisy over a two year span has disgusted me beyond description. The omnipresent plexiglass, ridiculously evil face masks, the goddamn hand sanitizer, the social distancing stickers on the floor…I’m sorry, it’s an insane nightmare and has left me with no hope. For all who instituted the tyranny, enforced the rules, eagerly complied with the edicts, or just went along to get along: F u c k you and enjoy your slavery. This ******** ****** with me in every aspect of my life, and I knew from the first day that it was a scam. Anyway, this was just the beginning, Like Bill Gates said: just wait for the next one, lol.
Bravo! I wish there was a way to pin this post to the top of the thread. It’s a fantastic summary of countless other great posts across 76 pages.

I lost hope in a lot of folks too. You’d think after 2 plus years of this BS people would wake up or at least question some of it. Far too many still have their heads up their ass. I’m back to going into the city a few days a week now. On my commuter train in from the distant burbs, most people have ditched the mask, even though the conductors are still forced to make an occasional announcement saying they are “required regardless of vaccination status”. Then once I’m in the city, the subway is the opposite. Probably 90% still masked up. I haven’t worn any mask, other than at medical facilities which reject you otherwise, in such a long time I can’t imagine what goes through their heads. They’re the brainless, who vote dutifully for the democrat party and other lobotomy patients like Biden.
Bravo! I wish there was a way to pin this post to the top of the thread. It’s a fantastic summary of countless other great posts across 76 pages.

I lost hope in a lot of folks too. You’d think after 2 plus years of this BS people would wake up or at least question some of it. Far too many still have their heads up their ass. I’m back to going into the city a few days a week now. On my commuter train in from the distant burbs, most people have ditched the mask, even though the conductors are still forced to make an occasional announcement saying they are “required regardless of vaccination status”. Then once I’m in the city, the subway is the opposite. Probably 90% still masked up. I haven’t worn any mask, other than at medical facilities which reject you otherwise, in such a long time I can’t imagine what goes through their heads. They’re the brainless, who vote dutifully for the democrat party and other lobotomy patients like Biden.

In Los Angeles, about 70% of people are still wearing masks everywhere. In Phoenix, which is about evenly split between liberals and conservatives and therefore not a particularly right-wing place, it's only about 10%. The bitter-ender mask-clingers are concentrated in a few ultra-far-left areas. Most Americans have MovedOn.Org, at least when it comes to masks.
Covid was the greatest worldwide fraud in history. With no evidence, fake videos, false models, and lying “experts”, they locked down, shut down, masked, and terrified billions of people worldwide. They promulgated a bogus test which gave 100% false positives for an alleged “virus” that was never isolated or proven to exist on any level. They made up the lie of “asymptomatic spreaders” to make everyone a suspect. They killed millions of old people with the flu and common cold by prohibiting physicians from providing any standard cold and flu treatments. The patients were forced to go to the hospital, where the mandatory protocol was to heavily dose the patient with Remdesivir, an experimental antiviral medication which shuts down the kidneys. Once the kidneys shut down, the lungs fill with fluid then put the patient on a ventilator until they died. To top it off, they released the experimental “vaccines” and boosters which admittedly did not prevent contraction or transmission of any virus. Only the unprovable claim that it reduced symptoms. Then they bribed, coerced, shamed, and forced the worthless “vaccine” on as many people worldwide as possible. Now, it appears that the vaccine has a myriad of serious short term and long term negative side effects. During the entire time, economies were devastated and currencies were debased, with the intent of ushering in a “great reset” and “build back better” worldwide tyranny on an epic scale. Before Covid, I was already aware of the global cabal attempting to enslave the world, and the gullibility of the masses. However, the unparalleled success of this Covid operation, which reached every nook and cranny of the world, has devastated my minuscule faith in humanity. The pure insanity, stupidity, and hypocrisy over a two year span has disgusted me beyond description. The omnipresent plexiglass, ridiculously evil face masks, the goddamn hand sanitizer, the social distancing stickers on the floor…I’m sorry, it’s an insane nightmare and has left me with no hope. For all who instituted the tyranny, enforced the rules, eagerly complied with the edicts, or just went along to get along: F u c k you and enjoy your slavery. This ******** ****** with me in every aspect of my life, and I knew from the first day that it was a scam. Anyway, this was just the beginning, Like Bill Gates said: just wait for the next one, lol.

Remember at the very beginning, in order to instill panic in China and worldwide, they showed dudes in Wuhan merrily traipsing along and suddenly dropping dead in mid stride? Remember that gag? I can't find those videos online now. Looks like they've scoured them, just as they did the many videos revealing the Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon bombing, Las Vegas shooting, 911 etc etc hoaxes. I remember one vid of a man suddenly collapsing. He appeared to be wearing protective gear under his clothing and u can c him break his fall in the way an athletically experienced - not an unconscious - person does. I remember seeing at least two people fall like that in China. I have a bad habit of remembering things i'm not supposed to.

They took down the Georgia Guidelines monolith. Don't need it anymore. The operation is fully underway.

Dr. Fauci's Patented Death Vaccine in action:


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American Freedom News