Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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They want us to not own anything and getting rid of all cars is one of the UN Agenda 2030 Goals. You will own nothing and be happy.

The thing with having only electric cars is they can keep you from going very far by just not giving you any chargers to stop at. Simple... You can't drive out across wide swaths of lands because you'll have dead batteries and nowhere to charge them. Stay near the cities, stay controlled, stay in and near the herd. This is ALL about mass control. This is NOT about safety nor is it about "muh environment is in danger!!" Pffft!

White Lightning please double-check this quote. I know he's an evil scumbucket but this particular quote has been said to be false and/or not from Kissinger. As much as I can believe he thinks this way, I have read evidence to the contrary. Don't give our enemies anything to use against us because you know they can and will my friend. Please check into this. Thank you.
The thing with having only electric cars is they can keep you from going very far by just not giving you any chargers to stop at. Simple... You can't drive out across wide swaths of lands because you'll have dead batteries and nowhere to charge them. Stay near the cities, stay controlled, stay in and near the herd. This is ALL about mass control. This is NOT about safety nor is it about "muh environment is in danger!!" Pffft!

White Lightning please double-check this quote. I know he's an evil scumbucket but this particular quote has been said to be false and/or not from Kissinger. As much as I can believe he thinks this way, I have read evidence to the contrary. Don't give our enemies anything to use against us because you know they can and will my friend. Please check into this. Thank you.

"There are a great many false quotes on the internet" - President Abraham Lincoln
Our leaders are all Eugenicists. Don't believe me. Follow the World Eugenics Conference held every year. Read the books. They want us gone in every way possible from
poisons in the water, foods, air, and now vaccines. So the fact checkers are paid off by the big boys. People may believe what they want. We are all useless eaters according
to our rulers. The world is overpopulated. All complete lies.
And like 53 deaths occurred and a vaccine was pulled off the market before all this (can't remember which vaccine it was...and that was an actual real vaccine).

They are on a mission and there are no red lights, no stop signs, not even any yield signs. They are pulling out all the stops and going for broke. Prepare, my friends, and be with your loved ones. That is why I am going to live in the region of my daughter. These are times headed to likely peril. I hope and pray I'm wrong.
I love to see this is happening in the not so Red counties and states. It's a wonderful thing. We all need to keep it up and push back and push back again, and again, and again.
I think some of the more “worried” posters concerning vaccine mandates should look at the bigger picture. In nearly all cases attempts to ratchet up requirements for vaccines are met with strong resistance. More importantly even those who voluntarily get the vaccine are not happy with forced mandates.

In the US courts have repeatedly struck down Biden employer mandates, and other govt mandates requirements for essential personnel have been dropped.

Significantly, ultra pussified countries like Sweden and Austria have seen large scale protests against vaccine mandates and lock downs.

This whole mess may turn out to be the biggest boost to freedom and a good jump start to get White people active against their government then anything else.
I think some of the more “worried” posters concerning vaccine mandates should look at the bigger picture. In nearly all cases attempts to ratchet up requirements for vaccines are met with strong resistance. More importantly even those who voluntarily get the vaccine are not happy with forced mandates.

In the US courts have repeatedly struck down Biden employer mandates, and other govt mandates requirements for essential personnel have been dropped.

Significantly, ultra pussified countries like Sweden and Austria have seen large scale protests against vaccine mandates and lock downs.

This whole mess may turn out to be the biggest boost to freedom and a good jump start to get White people active against their government then anything else.
Yes, the pushback and protests and waking up are a good thing. The bad thing is the leaders and string-pullers of ALL the countries involved don't give a effing rat's ass what the people think or do. They are rubbing our faces in it. The only choice left after their resistance to our resistance is not pretty. They are NOT going to stop. No person who is awake at all thinks they will back down. They will only double and triple down.
They "re-imposed" indoor mask mandates here in Kalifornia for thirty days and most businesses, other than a few Karen owned or managed, are ignoring them.
They "re-imposed" indoor mask mandates here in Kalifornia for thirty days and most businesses, other than a few Karen owned or managed, are ignoring them.

Wow it's rare that Commie Cali does anything right. Glad some businesses are getting sick of Dictator Newsome and the Demoncrats. I also like how some of the cities in
California are declaring that they are sanctuary cities to try and avoid most of the covid nonsense!

I noticed this about a month into the virus scare, and as I told my wife soon after why get tested they do nothing for you, even your own doctors are absolute eff ups when it comes to anything besides prescribing safe and effective pills of death from your friendly civic minded pharma corp, yes sarcasm.

As for California watching the Rams highlights from LA I noticed the cheerleader/dance troupe/ instagram models were masked up while showing enough skin to qualify as halfway thru a number at Howard Stern's favorite strip club Scores. IMO of those girls those not mentally or emotionally unstable ought to find a man and go have a lot babies and do something worthwhile with their lives.
Can you say predictive programming? I could spend hours posting music, tv shows, cartoons and movies showing their evil plans. Here is an
anime cartoon from 2007 showing the plan we are now currently living in. Look at the 1992 Olympic Games Opening Ceromny with the covid
also and of course the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony too. So many examples. Her is a preview of the cartoon that we now live in!
Can you say predictive programming? I could spend hours posting music, tv shows, cartoons and movies showing their evil plans. Here is an
anime cartoon from 2007 showing the plan we are now currently living in. Look at the 1992 Olympic Games Opening Ceromny with the covid
also and of course the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony too. So many examples. Her is a preview of the cartoon that we now live in!

Good example. There are plenty of others too. While some will never learn while they are alive, they will learn after their death; either way, all will know the truth.
These MRNA Vaccines are met to change your DNA. It even says it if you go to the Moderna Website for example. We are all created in Gods Image. They
are trying to ruin something that is perfect as our rulers believe that they themselves are Gods and they can decide who lives and who dies. Do not take
these vaccines, boosters and stop being tested for this plandemic.
Now Taysom Hill is in Covid protocol and will miss this week's crucial game. You couldn't have pick a more important White athlete and more important game to his career and this season. Is this a little too coincidental? Like Trump getting Covid right before the election.
LOL. The only thing dumber than sending an invitation with a Covid test mandate attached is accepting one.

On the general subject of family members who are woketurds - I simply don't deal with them. I do not accept invitations to their houses, nor do I extend to them any invitations to mine. I won't waste time or energy getting into pointless fights with them. The "blood is thicker" argument is an illogical one. We can't choose our relatives, and there's nothing "wrong" with avoiding the ones who bring nothing but discord and negativity.
An increasing number of people are catching on to the Greek alphabet letter variant fearmongering and are calling it out, but as usual Globohomo is responding by doubling down. I'm going to make a prediction here and now about the next Greek letter that supposedly will doom us all. I believe the announcement will be made in May or June of 2022, after the traditional spring decline in influenza-type diseases and at the beginning of the summer travel season, at the moment when the urge to get back to normal amongst the general population will be stronger than ever. We will be told that a new variant of Covid-1984 has broken out, it will be assigned its requisite Greek letter, and we will be told that this is the deadliest, most contagious version yet, worse than Omicron, which was worse than Delta, which in turn was worse than the Original. All nice and neat and perfectly arranged in sequence, despite the fact that viruses do not mutate this way in reality. Real viral mutations are random and tend towards less deadly versions, since dead hosts do not spread disease. Of course calls for lockdowns, quarantines, even more anal enforcement of mask mandates, and mandates for more frequent booster shots will accompany the announcement.

Now I can only guess as to which Greek letter will be picked (I'm hoping for pi, but doubt it - too easy to meme), but I'm fairly certain of the timing of late spring/early summer 2022. And I'm extremely certain that this will happen and Omicron will not be the last in the fearmongering line.

Remember this post, remember that this is going to be one of those "you heard it here first" moments.
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