Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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From Dennis Prager's column today. I edited the title. His title said :
As of This Moment, America Is Still a Beacon of Liberty
I would strongly counter that "only a few parts of America are the only beacon of liberty". Any of you notice anything in common with all these countries?

As of This Moment...

Under the pretext of public health, the soul of what is known as the Free West has left most Western countries. Looking at the government overreach and abuses of power in virtually every other Western nation, one can only conclude that America truly is the last free man standing.

Here is a rundown of the suppression of liberty in major Western countries.


Let’s start with our neighbor to the north.

Canada is one of the least free countries in the Western world. In some ways it is the least free. In every area of life, including freedom of speech, Canada severely restricts its citizens’ rights. Canada is one of the only countries in the world that bans the unvaccinated from all public transportation — airplanes, trains and buses. And no Canadian home can entertain more than three non-household visitors — a ban that prevented families and friends from getting together for Christmas.

Canada is a moral embarrassment. But apparently most Canadians are perfectly content to live in a country moving toward dictatorship.

They should replace the maple leaf on the Canadian flag with a sheep.


In the summer of 2021, most European countries introduced the so-called health pass or “European COVID-19 Pass.” This digital pass, in the form of a QR code, is a prerequisite to access cafes, bars, restaurants, theaters and even long-distance transport. Only the naive can now deny that the real goal of the EU has long been a digital identity system for all European citizens.


The Netherlands is among the least free countries in the West.

From Dec. 19 “until at least” Jan. 14, 2022, the Dutch must:

Stay at home as much as possible; receive no more than two visitors per day; be with no more than one other person outdoors; and work from home.

In addition, restaurants, cafes and bars and nonessential shops are all closed.

Nor do the Dutch have the right to protest these draconian restrictions. Two days ago, an anti-lockdown protest was banned by the leftist mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, because people would “not be adhering to social distancing rules.” Thousands of people nevertheless showed up. They were met with drones, water cannons and huge numbers of police. Footage capturing a police dog biting down on a peaceful protester’s arm has gone viral.


Starting next week, working from home will become compulsory for those who can.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex said, “Even if we do not yet see hospitals as overloaded by omicron, the contagiousness of the variant and the speed at which it is spreading require us to go further.”

And the country has had a “health pass” since last summer, which only allows the vaccinated, those who have a negative COVID-19 test result from within 24 hours, or who had COVID-19 to enter cafes, restaurants, museums, cinemas and other public places. So, too, wearing a mask is compulsory throughout the country for everyone aged 11 and over in enclosed spaces and on public transport, on pain of a fine. Accordingly, consumption of food and drink is banned on public transport — including long-distance trains.

In schools, wearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6, including in outdoor areas of the school.

Austria competes with the Netherlands for the title of Western Europe’s least free country.

From Nov. 22 to Dec. 12 no one was allowed to leave their home except for specific reasons such as buying groceries, going to the doctor or exercising. The lockdown has continued for the more than 30% of Austrians who remain unvaccinated.

In other words, nearly a third of all Austrians have not been allowed to leave their homes since Nov. 22 and will not be allowed to do so for the foreseeable future.

It is about to get much worse. Austria is about to become the first country in the world that will make the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory. It will be illegal to be unvaccinated. Beginning Feb. 1, unvaccinated Austrians will be fined 200 euros every month, and the fine will be increased every time they are caught in any activity outside of their house. Germany has already stated it wants to follow suit.


Australia placed most of its citizens under house arrest for much of 2021. Sydney, Australia’s most populous city, was locked down for 106 days, ending only on Nov. 15. And Melbourne, the country’s second largest city, described by the Voice of America on Oct. 21 as “officially the world’s most locked down city,” was locked down 260 days. Residents were prohibited from traveling more than five kilometers from their homes, visiting family or friends, entering supermarkets except for pickup, and attending funerals. Schools were, and remain, still closed, and international travel was, and remains, prohibited. Needless to say, all shops, bars, and restaurants were closed. Essentially, people were prohibited from leaving their homes for a third of a year.


The lockdowns in New Zealand rendered that formerly free country essentially a totalitarian state in 2021. Befitting a totalitarian state, New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, actually said at one point regarding COVID-19 information, “Unless you hear it from the government, it is not true.” The woman, a bona fide fanatic, locked down her entire country because one person had the delta variant. Even pro-lockdown CNN seemed to find this a bit over-the-top. It headlined on Aug. 17: “New Zealand announces it’s locking down the entire country … over one Covid case”.


At the beginning of December, Germany announced a lockdown on the unvaccinated. They were banned from restaurants and bars, movie theaters, gyms, nonessential shops, and Christmas markets. About a quarter of all Germans are unvaccinated.


Scotland has banned spectators, even if vaccinated, from attending sporting events. Masks must be worn indoors at public venues such as nightclubs, and one must show a health pass to enter nightclubs and other venues.

Wales went even further, allowing a maximum of six people to meet in pubs, cinemas and restaurants. Nightclubs were simply closed as of Dec. 27. Mandatory six-feet social distancing came into effect in offices from the same date. People must work from home unless it is impossible to do so.

While England does not yet have the same lockdown rules as Wales and Scotland, throughout the U.K. one must show a health pass certifying vaccination — or had a negative COVID-19 test within the past 72 hours or had COVID-19 under six months earlier — in order to enter most public locations.


And then there is the United States of America. With states like Florida and most other Republican-governed states, we have the freest places in the Western world. Going from Canada or Western Europe to Florida is like going from Romania or Poland to Western Europe during the Cold War. Indeed, going from most Democrat-run cities to most Republican-run cities is also like passing through the Iron Curtain.

Thanks to its conservative half and thanks to the Founders’ genius of defanging the national government by giving states great power, America remains the beacon of liberty it was when Lincoln said, “America is the last best hope of Earth” and when France gave us the Statue of Liberty. If it were up to the Left, America would be as unfree as Canada or Austria. That’s why fighting the Left is the most important thing any American who cherishes liberty can do.
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From Dennis Prager's column today. I edited the title. His title said :
As of This Moment, America Is Still a Beacon of Liberty
I would strongly counter that "only a few parts of America are the only beacon of liberty". Any of you notice anything in common with all these countries?

As of This Moment...

Under the pretext of public health, the soul of what is known as the Free West has left most Western countries. Looking at the government overreach and abuses of power in virtually every other Western nation, one can only conclude that America truly is the last free man standing.

Here is a rundown of the suppression of liberty in major Western countries.


Let’s start with our neighbor to the north.

Canada is one of the least free countries in the Western world. In some ways it is the least free. In every area of life, including freedom of speech, Canada severely restricts its citizens’ rights. Canada is one of the only countries in the world that bans the unvaccinated from all public transportation — airplanes, trains and buses. And no Canadian home can entertain more than three non-household visitors — a ban that prevented families and friends from getting together for Christmas.

Canada is a moral embarrassment. But apparently most Canadians are perfectly content to live in a country moving toward dictatorship.

They should replace the maple leaf on the Canadian flag with a sheep.


In the summer of 2021, most European countries introduced the so-called health pass or “European COVID-19 Pass.” This digital pass, in the form of a QR code, is a prerequisite to access cafes, bars, restaurants, theaters and even long-distance transport. Only the naive can now deny that the real goal of the EU has long been a digital identity system for all European citizens.


The Netherlands is among the least free countries in the West.

From Dec. 19 “until at least” Jan. 14, 2022, the Dutch must:

Stay at home as much as possible; receive no more than two visitors per day; be with no more than one other person outdoors; and work from home.

In addition, restaurants, cafes and bars and nonessential shops are all closed.

Nor do the Dutch have the right to protest these draconian restrictions. Two days ago, an anti-lockdown protest was banned by the leftist mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, because people would “not be adhering to social distancing rules.” Thousands of people nevertheless showed up. They were met with drones, water cannons and huge numbers of police. Footage capturing a police dog biting down on a peaceful protester’s arm has gone viral.


Starting next week, working from home will become compulsory for those who can.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex said, “Even if we do not yet see hospitals as overloaded by omicron, the contagiousness of the variant and the speed at which it is spreading require us to go further.”

And the country has had a “health pass” since last summer, which only allows the vaccinated, those who have a negative COVID-19 test result from within 24 hours, or who had COVID-19 to enter cafes, restaurants, museums, cinemas and other public places. So, too, wearing a mask is compulsory throughout the country for everyone aged 11 and over in enclosed spaces and on public transport, on pain of a fine. Accordingly, consumption of food and drink is banned on public transport — including long-distance trains.

In schools, wearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6, including in outdoor areas of the school.

Austria competes with the Netherlands for the title of Western Europe’s least free country.

From Nov. 22 to Dec. 12 no one was allowed to leave their home except for specific reasons such as buying groceries, going to the doctor or exercising. The lockdown has continued for the more than 30% of Austrians who remain unvaccinated.

In other words, nearly a third of all Austrians have not been allowed to leave their homes since Nov. 22 and will not be allowed to do so for the foreseeable future.

It is about to get much worse. Austria is about to become the first country in the world that will make the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory. It will be illegal to be unvaccinated. Beginning Feb. 1, unvaccinated Austrians will be fined 200 euros every month, and the fine will be increased every time they are caught in any activity outside of their house. Germany has already stated it wants to follow suit.


Australia placed most of its citizens under house arrest for much of 2021. Sydney, Australia’s most populous city, was locked down for 106 days, ending only on Nov. 15. And Melbourne, the country’s second largest city, described by the Voice of America on Oct. 21 as “officially the world’s most locked down city,” was locked down 260 days. Residents were prohibited from traveling more than five kilometers from their homes, visiting family or friends, entering supermarkets except for pickup, and attending funerals. Schools were, and remain, still closed, and international travel was, and remains, prohibited. Needless to say, all shops, bars, and restaurants were closed. Essentially, people were prohibited from leaving their homes for a third of a year.


The lockdowns in New Zealand rendered that formerly free country essentially a totalitarian state in 2021. Befitting a totalitarian state, New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, actually said at one point regarding COVID-19 information, “Unless you hear it from the government, it is not true.” The woman, a bona fide fanatic, locked down her entire country because one person had the delta variant. Even pro-lockdown CNN seemed to find this a bit over-the-top. It headlined on Aug. 17: “New Zealand announces it’s locking down the entire country … over one Covid case”.


At the beginning of December, Germany announced a lockdown on the unvaccinated. They were banned from restaurants and bars, movie theaters, gyms, nonessential shops, and Christmas markets. About a quarter of all Germans are unvaccinated.


Scotland has banned spectators, even if vaccinated, from attending sporting events. Masks must be worn indoors at public venues such as nightclubs, and one must show a health pass to enter nightclubs and other venues.

Wales went even further, allowing a maximum of six people to meet in pubs, cinemas and restaurants. Nightclubs were simply closed as of Dec. 27. Mandatory six-feet social distancing came into effect in offices from the same date. People must work from home unless it is impossible to do so.

While England does not yet have the same lockdown rules as Wales and Scotland, throughout the U.K. one must show a health pass certifying vaccination — or had a negative COVID-19 test within the past 72 hours or had COVID-19 under six months earlier — in order to enter most public locations.


And then there is the United States of America. With states like Florida and most other Republican-governed states, we have the freest places in the Western world. Going from Canada or Western Europe to Florida is like going from Romania or Poland to Western Europe during the Cold War. Indeed, going from most Democrat-run cities to most Republican-run cities is also like passing through the Iron Curtain.

Thanks to its conservative half and thanks to the Founders’ genius of defanging the national government by giving states great power, America remains the beacon of liberty it was when Lincoln said, “America is the last best hope of Earth” and when France gave us the Statue of Liberty. If it were up to the Left, America would be as unfree as Canada or Austria. That’s why fighting the Left is the most important thing any American who cherishes liberty can do.

Prager sure is right about only some parts of this country being free, but those of us on the free lands and of the free mind and living by their free will are still the beacon of light to those city dwellers in the prison cities of those dark deep blue states. No reason for a man and his wife and kin to be tormented and deprived by those commercial companies that call themselves governments when you can still pack your mules and wagons and head on over to the Red lands and be taken in with welcome. We aren't singing "Look away look away look away USA" and the Communists aren't driving us down either.
The scariest part is how quickly it's went from 2 weeks to stop the spread lie to worldwide communism. We are losing any right to freedoms to do anything. Again
this is the hill we have to die on. They will forcibly impose their will more and more until your backed into a corner forever. No where to run if America falls. If I had
to leave I would go to Mexico even though it's dangerous. The rollout will be alot slower and the people are pushing back more than the soy boy Americans. We have
women that act more like men than the men I see on a daily basis. Not that I like that. I hate it. Grow some balls boys and let's dig into a trench and fight.
The scariest part is how quickly it's went from 2 weeks to stop the spread lie to worldwide communism. We are losing any right to freedoms to do anything. Again
this is the hill we have to die on. They will forcibly impose their will more and more until your backed into a corner forever. No where to run if America falls. If I had
to leave I would go to Mexico even though it's dangerous. The rollout will be alot slower and the people are pushing back more than the soy boy Americans. We have
women that act more like men than the men I see on a daily basis. Not that I like that. I hate it. Grow some balls boys and let's dig into a trench and fight.

Millions of men will stand up and flip the tables but right now men are waiting and hoping and trying for a peaceful solution first. No one wants to start until it's absolutely necessessary. Sometimes peace can be pushed by giving a shove here and there but so far we're not doing it that way. Sometimes when a push is given the other side is looking just for that and comes back with a hurricane when the first pusher is off guard ...

The lockdowns in New Zealand rendered that formerly free country essentially a totalitarian state in 2021. Befitting a totalitarian state, New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, actually said at one point regarding COVID-19 information, “Unless you hear it from the government, it is not true.” The woman, a bona fide fanatic, locked down her entire country because one person had the delta variant. Even pro-lockdown CNN seemed to find this a bit over-the-top. It headlined on Aug. 17: “New Zealand announces it’s locking down the entire country … over one Covid case”.

This isn't surprising at all, and fits in perfectly with what I mentioned earlier about Air New Zealand banning food and drinks...New Zealand has become a far-left totalitarian state. A guy I used to work with fled New Zealand to come to the United States, and after listening to some of the things he told me, I consider him more of a legitimate refugee than any Syrian.
i just read this article on sub stack:

to summarize, it discusses the latest numbers on vaccinated individuals and the increased death rate due to myocarditis. the numbers increase with each vaccination (ie., booster). below i have posted a couple of excerpts, but i’ll leave out the lion’s share of the info for brevity, as the link obviously provides it all.

[begin quote]:A huge new study has found the risk of serious heart problems called myocarditis in men under 40 soars with each dose of a Covid mRNA vaccine - and is sharply higher than the risk from a coronavirus infection itself ...

The study, which British researchers released in late December, showed that the risk of myocarditis almost doubled after the first Pfizer shot in men under 40. Then it doubled again after the second and doubled again after the third - to almost eight times the baseline risk.

For the Moderna vaccine, the risks were even higher, reaching 16-fold after the second shot. (The risk of a third Moderna shot could not be calculated because too few people received it.)

Because each Moderna shot contains 100 micrograms of mRNA, while each Pfizer shot contains 30, the findings suggest strongly that the heart risks are dose-related and likely to continue to rise with each additional shot.

The study also contained some evidence that post-vaccine myocarditis might be more dangerous than other forms of myocarditis. It showed a trend towards higher death rates in people hospitalized for myocarditis after vaccination compared to other myocarditis cases. [end quote]

this info comes into stark contrast with the increasing mandates for people, especially college students, who are being pressured into taking the jabs.

this also should cause pause when you consider that Paul Craig Roberts recently reported that the chief executive officer of life insurance company OneAmerica has stated, based on policy claims, there has been a 40% increase in death rate over normal for vaccinated individuals.

the numbers appear to defy the current narrative.
i just read this article on sub stack:

to summarize, it discusses the latest numbers on vaccinated individuals and the increased death rate due to myocarditis. the numbers increase with each vaccination (ie., booster). below i have posted a couple of excerpts, but i’ll leave out the lion’s share of the info for brevity, as the link obviously provides it all.

[begin quote]:A huge new study has found the risk of serious heart problems called myocarditis in men under 40 soars with each dose of a Covid mRNA vaccine - and is sharply higher than the risk from a coronavirus infection itself ...

The study, which British researchers released in late December, showed that the risk of myocarditis almost doubled after the first Pfizer shot in men under 40. Then it doubled again after the second and doubled again after the third - to almost eight times the baseline risk.

For the Moderna vaccine, the risks were even higher, reaching 16-fold after the second shot. (The risk of a third Moderna shot could not be calculated because too few people received it.)

Because each Moderna shot contains 100 micrograms of mRNA, while each Pfizer shot contains 30, the findings suggest strongly that the heart risks are dose-related and likely to continue to rise with each additional shot.

The study also contained some evidence that post-vaccine myocarditis might be more dangerous than other forms of myocarditis. It showed a trend towards higher death rates in people hospitalized for myocarditis after vaccination compared to other myocarditis cases. [end quote]

this info comes into stark contrast with the increasing mandates for people, especially college students, who are being pressured into taking the jabs.

this also should cause pause when you consider that Paul Craig Roberts recently reported that the chief executive officer of life insurance company OneAmerica has stated, based on policy claims, there has been a 40% increase in death rate over normal for vaccinated individuals.

the numbers appear to defy the current narrative.

Thanks for posting that. This is exactly the kind of science-based vaccine skepticism that lurkers and people who are on the fence need to read.

This kind of resistance is what the Right truly stands for. Lurkers take notice, and do not believe the leftist propaganda campaign to turn us into straw villains. Science is on our side and against the far left.
Something of note that should be mentioned, especially now. It was part of a list from one of the links posted here a while back, but I think this fact deserves a more prominent mention: It's very common during flu season (just a normal flu season, no pandemic) for hospitals to be at capacity or even over capacity. CNN scaremongering headlines about "full hospitals" obviously don't mention this inconvenient fact.
Something of note that should be mentioned, especially now. It was part of a list from one of the links posted here a while back, but I think this fact deserves a more prominent mention: It's very common during flu season (just a normal flu season, no pandemic) for hospitals to be at capacity or even over capacity. CNN scaremongering headlines about "full hospitals" obviously don't mention this inconvenient fact.

Google (and other search engines) let you query within a date range. You can easily go back and search for articles from the past decade about "hospitals overrun," "flu deaths," "nursing home deaths," and the whole symptom profile, including "flu loss of smell" (which I did not know about).
Not only that but thousands of doctors and nurses have quit due to the vaccine mandates. So when they say they are short staffed and can't handle the patients, it's
because they have a staffing shortage. According to regulations, they need to have so many staff per patients. It's all a plandemic/scamdemic. How long can it
keep going on? So many people are waking up but these dictators don't care. So evil.
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Stern is one broken Hebrew, waddling about his mansion no doubt causing his shiksa much embarrassment or she is a loon herself. I knew this would happen once he dumped his first wife for the blonde shiksa that old Stern would revert to nature and be just another crazy Hebrew counting shekels afraid of the end and just plain paranoid. Too bad I once had a grudging respect for his game, oh and many like him rule us, enjoy that.
This screwed over mountie knows what's up and puts it in terms only Covidian true believers won't be able to comprehend:

Very clear thinking from an RCMP officer who is now on unpaid leave

World's biggest and best funded psyop to date, you cannot reason with a Coofer you can only blame them to give them some small measure of psychological pain for their own good of course. Everyone wants to spew the narrative no one and I mean absolutely no one wants to bear responsibility for the narrative and its effects.

Sanders another crazy old Hebrew giving us another data point on old shekel grubbers going paranoid as death walks a step behind. So IMO or guess is that old Bernie and his cohort have stock in 3M and combine that with their fears of well everything this type of mandate is just the easy button in life.

FTR the 3M plant near me was running 7 days a week and even lately a few cars pile in on Sunday for some mask making, And F them with a chainsaw they have a vax mandate.
Kavanaugh gave the health care workers the business end, but then again he is the usual CivNat man of principles and personal virtue and give a CivNat a chance to prove to his "liberal friends" his personal virtues they would practically practice child sacrifice for that tiny, tiny bit of respect that their liberal friends begrudge them.

The three Hebrews I suspect are at the tail end of life and the Hebrew who has the biggest net worth and most scalps of the hated enemy of the day wins, or basically they all own a boat load of stock in the big pharma racketeer corps. If someone were to politely inquire into their holding of such I suspect the wails of "anti semitism" would ring thru out the media world including FOX of course.
3 out of 10 sheeple still trust Fauci lmao, laugh of the day there.

Overall those numbers are encouraging though.
American Freedom News