Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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I was recently in Alabama for three days on business and it was so refreshing (literally and figuratively) not to have to wear the face diaper. Only place I wore it was at the airport and on the plane. Polar opposite of MOC (Marxist/Mexican Occupied California).

This is a harsh flex on these dopes but they took the ticket and stepping back they are obvious easy targets for a conformance test by the higher ups in the social strata. It's the social game now, you can wave a million essays in their faces and it would matter not, the feminine mind deals not in logic but in status.

Bold prediction time, going forward it will become social status for the higher ups in what passes for America's elite to not have to conform to boosters or even to have had jab to begin with for reasons. And of course the conservatives will scream hypocrisy as they line up for the booster number whatever.
California just outlawed BREATHING:
America is great because She
is good.

If America ceases to be good,
America will cease
to be great --
Alexis de Tocqueville
Covid cult on display:
Went to jtube to comment. Of course the comments are turned off. I watched until the puppet Premier Doug Ford gave his puppet line of, "Nothing matters more than getting these third shots into arms". You can't make this stuff up in the new bizarro world we've been thrown into.
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist, internist, epidemiologist, and researcher (in addition to many other qualifications) and one of the world’s most widely recognized experts (and most published!) on Covid-19, was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast. Rogan did an excellent job of asking questions and letting McCullough answer completely and with details, frequently citing much of the up-to-date literature and research findings.

the usual suspects have done all they could to ban/silence/ostracize McCullough, but his refusal to submit or relent and to insist on reporting on the facts is encouraging.

i listen to Rogan’s podcast frequently, though i’m not a big fan of his, because Rogan frequently has on interesting guests with whom he doesn’t always agree AND he gives them plenty of time to share their viewpoints. (it’d be AWESOME if he had on someone like Jared Taylor, but that is outside the Overton Window.) I think this episode is one of his best.

i highly encourage anyone who is interested in hearing from an ACTUAL leading researcher to check out this episode. it’s #1747.
They had an International Preparation Excercise for this back in July with most of the world leaders participating. Be ready just in case of the worst case scenario.

Blackouts and food shortages for weeks to months are possible. Do not doubt that the powers that be are capable of anything.
It's getting hard to keep up with all this. I don't reply to the majority of posts in this thread simply because I don't know what to say anymore. I really don't. The posts are factual and keeping us up to date on things but I am at a point of, "What else is going to be thrown at us from our enemies?" It's overwhelming daily and unending what they are doing.
It's getting hard to keep up with all this. I don't reply to the majority of posts in this thread simply because I don't know what to say anymore. I really don't. The posts are factual and keeping us up to date on things but I am at a point of, "What else is going to be thrown at us from our enemies?" It's overwhelming daily and unending what they are doing.

Yeah they don't care. They just keep doubling, tripling down on their lies.
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist, internist, epidemiologist, and researcher (in addition to many other qualifications) and one of the world’s most widely recognized experts (and most published!) on Covid-19, was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast. Rogan did an excellent job of asking questions and letting McCullough answer completely and with details, frequently citing much of the up-to-date literature and research findings.

the usual suspects have done all they could to ban/silence/ostracize McCullough, but his refusal to submit or relent and to insist on reporting on the facts is encouraging.

i listen to Rogan’s podcast frequently, though i’m not a big fan of his, because Rogan frequently has on interesting guests with whom he doesn’t always agree AND he gives them plenty of time to share their viewpoints. (it’d be AWESOME if he had on someone like Jared Taylor, but that is outside the Overton Window.) I think this episode is one of his best.

i highly encourage anyone who is interested in hearing from an ACTUAL leading researcher to check out this episode. it’s #1747.
Thank you for the recommendation. I was able to find it and listen while working today. What a great and informative interview. I thought I was pretty well versed on everything regarding this “pandemic” but I learned a lot. If every normie heard McCullough’s views on Covid, then the pandemic would be over tomorrow, as he’s that convincing of what’s going on from a medical perspective.
It's getting hard to keep up with all this. I don't reply to the majority of posts in this thread simply because I don't know what to say anymore. I really don't. The posts are factual and keeping us up to date on things but I am at a point of, "What else is going to be thrown at us from our enemies?" It's overwhelming daily and unending what they are doing.

I know the feeling, brother. I deal with it by not investing energy in the extreme apocalyptic/doom and gloom type posts, which are a distraction and really do nothing but pointlessly agitate those who read them.

The good news is that there's a lot of material available that's actually interesting and informative. If you haven't yet, you should definitely listen to Dr. Peter McCullough's interview on Joe Rogan's podcast from the post that @Jimmy Chitwood mentioned.
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